VATICAN CITY, 1 JAN 2010 (VIS) - At midday today, shortly after celebrating Mass in the Vatican Basilica, Benedict XVI appeared at the window of his private study to pray the Angelus with thousands of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square.
Recalling the theme of his Message for the forty-third World Day of Peace - "If You Want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation" - the Pope pointed out that "we are all responsible for the protection and care of creation. Hence education is vital in this field too: in order to respect nature we 'must increasingly begin with far-reaching decisions on the part of individuals, families, communities and States'.
"And if we must care for the creatures that surround us", he added, "how much more consideration must we have for people, for our brothers and sisters! how much respect for human life!"
On this first day of the year Benedict XVI also launched "an appeal to the consciences of members of armed groups of whatever kind. To all of you I say: stop, reflect and abandon the way of violence. In the immediate, this step may seem impossible but, if you have the courage to take it, God will help you and you will feel the joy of peace return to your hearts, a joy you may perhaps have long forgotten. I entrust this appeal to the intercession of Mary Mother of God".
After recalling how Jesus' name means "God saves", the Holy Father affirmed that "Jesus is the face of God, He is a blessing for all individuals and all peoples, He is the peace of the world. Thank you, Most Holy Mother, for having given birth to the Saviour, the Prince of peace".
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