City, 12 March 2013
(VIS) – This evening at 7:42pm, black smoke rose from the chimney
installed on the roof of the Sistine Chapel signalling that the
Cardinal electors have not elected a new Pope in the first ballot of
the Conclave.
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Tuesday, March 12, 2013
City, 12 March 2013
(VIS) – The 115 cardinals who will elect the Pope entered the
Pauline Chapel at 4:15pm. There Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, dean
of the assembly, making the sign of the Cross, pronounced: “May the
Lord, who guides our hearts in the love and patience of Christ, be
with you all.” After this brief prayer, he invited those gathered
to begin the procession towards the Sistine Chapel, where the
Conclave will be held, saying: “Venerable Brothers, after having
celebrated the divine mystery, we now enter into Conclave to elect
the Roman Pontiff. The entire Church, joined with us in prayer,
constantly calls upon the grace of the Holy Spirit, to elect from
among us a worthy Pastor of all of Christ's flock. May the Lord
direct our steps along the path of truth, so that, through the
intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Apostles Peter and Paul,
and all the saints, we may always do that which is pleasing to him.”
the Litany of Saints, those gathered, preceded by the Cross, moved
through the Sala Regia toward the Sistine Chapel. The procession
included: non-elector Cardinal Prospero Grech, O.S.A., who will give
the meditation; the General Auditor of the Apostolic Camera, Msgr.
Giuseppe Sciacca; the Master of Ceremonies of Papal Liturgical
Celebrations, Msgr. Guido Marini; two members each of the Colleges of
Protonotaries Apostolic de Numero Participantium, of the Prelate
Auditors of the Roman Rota, and of the Prelate Clerics of the
Apostolic Camera; the secretary of the cardinal who will preside over
the the Conclave; the pontifical masters of ceremonies; and members
of the Pontifical Sistine Chapel choir.
the entrance of the Sistine Chapel they were welcomed by: Archbishop
Giovanni Angelo Becciu, substitute of the Secretariat of State;
Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, secretary for Relations with States;
Archbishop Georg Ganswein, Prefect of the Prefecture of the Papal
Household; religious who supervise the pontifical sacristy; religious
charged with hearing confessions; Colonel Daniel Rudolf Anrig,
commander of the Swiss Guard; and authorized auxiliary personnel.
Members of the Pontifical Swiss Guard guarded the Chapel's doors.
of the cardinals took their cherry-wood seats, which are arranged in
the order of hierarchical precedence: first those of the
Cardinal-bishops, then the Cardinal-priests, and finally the
Cardinal-deacons. Together they chanted the “Veni Creator
Spiritus”. On concluding, Cardinal Re invited them to take the oath
of secrecy, pronouncing in Latin the following common form in front
of all present, the others reading along with him:
the Cardinal electors present in this election of the Supreme Pontiff
promise, pledge and swear, as individuals and as a group, to observe
faithfully and scrupulously the prescriptions contained in the
Apostolic Constitution of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II, 'Universi
Dominici Gregis', published on 22 February 1996. We likewise promise,
pledge and swear that whichever of us by divine disposition is
elected Roman Pontiff will commit himself faithfully to carrying out
the 'munus Petrinum' of Pastor of the Universal Church and will not
fail to affirm and defend strenuously the spiritual and temporal
rights and the liberty of the Holy See. In a particular way, we
promise and swear to observe with the greatest fidelity and with all
persons, clerical or lay, secrecy regarding everything that in any
way relates to the election of the Roman Pontiff and regarding what
occurs in the place of the election, directly or indirectly related
to the results of the voting; we promise and swear not to break this
secret in any way, either during or after the election of the new
Pontiff, unless explicit authorization is granted by the same
Pontiff; and never to lend support or favour to any interference,
opposition or any other form of intervention, whereby secular
authorities of whatever order and degree or any group of people or
individuals might wish to intervene in the election of the Roman
Cardinal elector then, still following the hierarchical order of
precedence, individually swore this shorter form of the oath, again
in Latin, placing their right hand on the Book of Gospels opened in
the centre of the Sistine Chapel:
I, [first name] Cardinal [last name], do so promise, pledge and
swear. So help me God and these Holy Gospels which I touch with my
Cardinal James Michael Harvey, the last of the Cardinal electors to
take the oath, finished, the Master of Ceremonies, Msgr. Guido Marini
spoke the phrase “Extra omnes” and all those not directly
participating in the Conclave left the Sistine Chapel. The doors of
the Chapel were shut at 5:35pm.
with the Cardinal electors within the Sistine Chapel remain the
Master of Ceremonies and Cardinal Prosper Grech, O.S.A., who will
give the meditation concerning the grave duty incumbent on them and
thus on the need to act with right intention for the good of the
Universal Church prescribed in No. 52 of the Apostolic Constitution
“Universi Dominici Gregis”.
that exhortation, Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re will propose to the
electors to begin with, if they so desire, the first ballot of the
Conclave, which is optional in the first session.
City, 12 March 2013
(VIS) – This morning started a little later than usual in the
Vatican. At 7:00am the first faithful starting arriving at St.
Peter's on foot. The 115 Cardinal electors were already within the
City State's walls. Each one carried his small suitcase and took the
functional but austere room that had been assigned to, not chosen by,
them at the Domus Sanctae Marthae. The
largest one remains vacant. The one they choose as Pope, the 266th
successor of Peter, will live and work there until the papal
apartments are made ready for him.
St. Peter's Square, in front of the Basilica's facade, an enormous
platform has been erected for the world's major broadcasters.
Permanently accredited correspondents work from their desks within
the Holy See's Press Office in Via della Conciliazione. Nearby,
another building has been wired for all the media that is arriving
for the occasion: the Media Centre, which currently occupies the
spacious lobby of the Paul VI Hall. So far, more than 5,600
journalists have been accredited for the occasion. The terrace on the
Charlemagne Wing of Bernini's colonnade around St. Peter's Square has
also been taken over by journalists. On the ground and in the most
varied places you will find many who are connected through social
networks, the “digital continent”, linking the entire world. They
are all focused on the spot that Vatican Television has aimed a fixed
camera at: the chimney atop the Sistine Chapel where a black or
white puff of smoke will emerge.
at 10:00am, with St. Peter's Basilica beautifully lit, the “pro
eligendo Romano Pontifice” Mass began. Presided by the Italian
Cardinal Angelo Sodano, dean of the College of Cardinals, the over
one hundred cardinals gathered concelebrated, Cardinal electors as
well as those over 80, representing all of the populated continents
of the globe. The celebration was open to all the faithful who wished
to attend as well as members of the diplomatic corps of the 179
countries with which the Holy See maintains ties. Each held the Mass
booklet, either collected at the entrance or downloaded from the
Vatican website.
the readings, the first was given in English and the second in
Spanish, Cardinal Sodano delivered his homily. It was interrupted
with a long applause when the cardinal referred to Pope Emeritus
Benedict XVI, thanking him for his eight years of fruitful service to
the Church. Cardinal Sodano asked the cardinals to work together to
contribute to the unity of the Church. Together with unity he spoke
of charity, asking them to “ceaselessly work to promote Justice and
multilingual Mass also included Mass parts in Latin, and Prayers of
the Faithful in French, Swahili, Portuguese, Malay, and German.
During the offertory procession the choir sang a motet by Italian
Renaissance composer Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.
ceremony concluded after an hour and a half. Outside the sun shone,
it rained, loud thunder was heard, none of which discouraged the
hundreds of persons who were following the Mass inside on the six
jumbo screens installed around the square.
1:30pm, the Cardinal electors ate lunch at the Domus Sanctae
Marthae. Already beginning now, the only people who they will have
contact with are those who will ensure their safety, domestic staff,
and the minibus drivers who will ferry them back and forth from the
Sistine Chapel to the Domus.
3:45pm, the cardinals will return to the Apostolic Palace. They will
begin their procession to the Sistine Chapel from the Pauline Chapel
singing “Veni Creator Spiritus”, invoking the assistance of the
Holy Spirit. They will take the oath in which they promise to
maintain the secrecy of the proceedings. When the Master of
Ceremonies pronounces the phrase “Extra omnes” all those not
taking part will leave the chapel, its doors will be shut, and the
Conclave will begin.
City, 12 March 2013
(VIS) – Following is the text of the homily delivered this morning
by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, dean of the College of Cardinals, during
the “pro eligendo Romano Pontifice” Mass that was celebrated this
morning at 10:00am in St. Peter's Basilica.
I will sing the mercies of the Lord' is the hymn that resounds once
again near the tomb of the Apostle Peter in this important hour of
the history of the Holy Church of Christ. These are the words of
Psalm 89 that have flowed from our lips to adore, give thanks, and
beg the Father who is in heaven. 'Misericordias Domini in aeternum
cantabo' is the beautiful Latin text that has introduced us into
contemplation of the One who always watches over his Church with
love, sustaining her on her journey down through the ages, and giving
her life through his Holy Spirit.
an interior attitude is ours today as we wish to offer ourselves with
Christ to the Father who is in heaven, to thank him for the loving
assistance that he always reserves for the Holy Church, and in
particular for the brilliant Pontificate that he granted to us
through the life and work of the 265th Successor of Peter, the
beloved and venerable Pontiff Benedict XVI, to whom we renew in this
moment all of our gratitude.
the same time today, we implore the Lord, that through the pastoral
solicitude of the Cardinal Fathers, He may soon grant another Good
Shepherd to his Holy Church. In this hour, faith in the promise of
Christ sustains us in the indefectible character of the Church.
Indeed Jesus said to Peter: 'You are Peter and on this rock I will
build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against
her.' (Mt. 16:18).
brothers, the readings of the World of God that we have just heard
can help us better understand the mission that Christ has entrusted
to Peter and to his successors.
Message of Love
first reading has offered us once again a well-known messianic oracle
from the second part of the book of Isaiah that is known as “the
book of consolation” (Isaiah 40-66). It is a prophecy addressed to
the people of Israel who are in exile in Babylon. Through this
prophecy, God announces that he will send a Messiah full of mercy, a
Messiah who would say: 'The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, … he
has sent me to bring good news to the poor, to bind up the wounds of
broken hearts, to proclaim liberty to captives, freedom to prisoners,
and to announce a year of mercy of the Lord' (Isaiah 61:1-3).
fulfilment of such a prophecy is fully realized in Jesus, who came
into the world to make present the love of the Father for all people.
It is a love which is especially felt in contact with suffering,
injustice, poverty and all human frailty, both physical and moral.
It is especially found in the well known encyclical of Pope John Paul
II, 'Dives in Misericordia' where we read: 'It is precisely the mode
and sphere in which love manifests itself that in biblical language
is called “mercy” (No. 3).'
mission of mercy has been entrusted by Christ to the pastors of his
Church. It is a mission that must be embraced by every priest and
bishop, but is especially entrusted to the Bishop of Rome, Shepherd
of the universal Church. It is in fact to Peter that Jesus said:
“Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?... Feed my
lambs (John 21:15). In his commentary on these words, St. Augustine
wrote: 'May it be therefore the task of love to feed the flock of the
Lord' (In Iohannis Evangelium, 123, 5; PL 35, 1967).
is indeed this love that urges the Pastors of the Church to undertake
their mission of service of the people of every age, from immediate
charitable work even to the highest form of service, that of offering
to every person the light of the Gospel and the strength of grace.
is what Benedict XVI wrote in his Lenten Message for this year (No.
3). “Sometimes we tend, in fact, to reduce the term “charity”
to solidarity or simply humanitarian aid. It is important, however,
to remember that the greatest work of charity is evangelization,
which is the “ministry of the word”. There is no action more
beneficial – and therefore more charitable – towards one’s
neighbour than to break the bread of the word of God, to share with
him the Good News of the Gospel, to introduce him to a relationship
with God: evangelization is the highest and the most integral
promotion of the human person. As the Servant of God Pope Paul VI
wrote in the Encyclical 'Populorum Progressio', the proclamation of
Christ is the first and principal contributor to development (cf. No.
Message of Unity
second reading is taken from the letter to the Ephesians., written by
the Apostle Paul in this very city of Rome during his first
imprisonment (62-63 AD) It is a sublime letter in which Paul
presents the mystery of Christ and his Church. While the first part
is doctrinal (ch.1-3), the second part, from which today’s reading
is taken, has a much more pastoral tone (ch. 4-6). In this part Paul
teaches the practical consequences of the doctrine that was
previously presented and begins with a strong appeal for church
unity: 'As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life
worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and
gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every
effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.'
(Eph 4,1-3).
Paul then explains that in the unity of the Church, there is a
diversity of gifts, according to the manifold grace of Christ, but
this diversity is in function of the building up of the one body of
Christ. “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the
evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works
of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up (Eph 4:11-12).
our text, St. Paul teaches that each of us must work to build up the
unity of the Church, so that “From him the whole body, joined and
held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself
up in love, as each part does its work (Eph 4:16). Each of us is
therefore called to cooperate with the Successor of Peter, the
visible foundation of such an ecclesial unity.
Mission of the Pope
and sisters in Christ today’s Gospel takes us back to the Last
Supper, when the Lord said to his Apostles: 'This is my commandment:
that you love one another as I have loved you' (John 15:12). The
text is linked to the first reading from the Messiah’s actions in
the first reading from the prophet Isaiah, reminding us that the
fundamental attitude of the Pastors of the Church is love. It is
this love that urges us to offer our own lives for our brothers and
sisters. Jesus himself tells us: 'There is no greater love than to
lay down one’s life for one’s friends' (John 15:12).
basic attitude of every Shepherd is therefore to lay down one’s
life for his sheep (John 10:15). This also applies to the Successor
of Peter, Pastor of the Universal Church. As high and universal the
pastoral office, so much greater must be the charity of the Shepherd.
In the heart of every Successor of Peter, the words spoken one day
by the Divine Master to the humble fisherman of Galilee have
resounded: 'Diligis me plus his? Pasce agnos meos ... pasce oves
meas'; (Do you love me more than these? Feed my lambs ... feed my
sheep!) (John 21:15-17)
the wake of this service of love toward the Church and towards all of
humanity, the last popes have been builders of so many good
initiatives for people and for the international community,
tirelessly promoting justice and peace. Let us pray that the future
Pope may continue this unceasing work on the world level.
this service of charity is part of the intimate nature of the Church.
Pope Benedict XVI reminded us of this fact when he said: 'The
service of charity is also a constitutive element of the Church’s
mission and an indispensable expression of her very being';
(Apostolic Letter in the form of a Motu Proprio Intima Ecclesiae
natura, November 11, 2012, introduction; cf. Deus caritas est, n.
is a mission of charity that is proper to the Church, and in a
particular way is proper to the Church of Rome, that in the beautiful
expression of St. Ignatius of Antioch, is the Church that 'presides
in charity' (praesidet caritati) (cf. Ad Romanos (preface).; Lumen
Gentium, n. 13).
brothers, let us pray that the Lord will grant us a Pontiff who will
embrace this noble mission with a generous heart. We ask this of the
Lord, through the intercession of Mary most holy, Queen of the
Apostles and of all the Martyrs and Saints, who through the course of
history, made this Church of Rome glorious through the ages. Amen.
City, 12 March 2013
(VIS) – This afternoon, 115 cardinals will enter the Conclave to
elect Pope emeritus Benedict XVI's successor. The two Cardinal
electors who are not participating are Cardinal Julius Riyadi
Darmaatmadja, S.J., archbishop emeritus of Jakarta, Indonesia, for
health reasons and Cardinal Keith O’Brien, ex-archbishop of
Edinburgh, Scotland, for personal reasons.
the cardinals from area of origin, the 60 European cardinals come
from: Italy: 28. Germany: 6. Spain: 5. Poland: 4. France: 4. Austria:
1. Belgium: 1. Switzerland: 1. Portugal: 2. Netherlands: 1. Ireland:
1. Czech Republic: 1. Bosnia-Herzegovina: 1. Hungary: 1. Lithuania:
1. Croatia:1. and Slovenia: 1.
14 Northern American cardinals come from: the United States: 11. and
Canada: 3.
19 Latin American cardinals are from: Brazil: 5. Mexico: 3.
Argentina: 2. Colombia: 1. Chile: 1. Venezuela: 1. the Dominican
Republic: 1. Cuba: 1. Honduras: 1. Peru: 1. Bolivia: 1. and Ecuador:
11 African cardinals come from: Nigeria: 2. Tanzania: 1. South
Africa: 1. Ghana: 1. Sudan: 1. Kenya: 1. Senegal: 1. Egypt: 1.
Guinea: 1. and the Democratic Republic of the Congo: 1
10 Asian cardenales are from: India: 4. the Philippines: 1. Vietnam:
1. Indonesia: 1. Lebanon: 1. China: 1. and Sri Lanka: 1.
sole cardinal from Oceania hails from Australia.
is the list of Cardinal electors and the roles that they currently
serve in, following the Church's hierarchical order of precedence.
Please note that the cardinals who serve in the Roman Curia
(secretary of State, heads of the Church's congregations and
councils, etc.) are listed with their role before the beginning of
the period of the Sede Vacante, but at that moment they were
automatically relieved of their offices. The two exceptions to this
norm are the Cardinal Camerlengo and the Major Penitentiary who
continue to perform their previous functions.
Battista RE, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Bishops
BERTONE, Camerlengo of the Apostolic Chamber
Rite Cardinal Patriarchs
NAGUIB, Patriarch Emeritus of Alexandria of the Copts, Egypt
Boutros RAÏ, Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites, Lebanon
DANNEELS, Archbishop Emeritus of Brussels, Belgium
MEISNER, Archbishop of Cologne, Germany
de Jesús LÓPEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican
Michael MAHONY, Archbishop Emeritus of Los Angeles, California, USA
Lucas ORTEGA Y ALAMINO, Archbishop of San Cristobal de la Habana,
TURCOTTE, Archbishop Emeritus of Montreal, Quebec, Canada
PULJIĆ, Archbishop of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
SANDOVAL ÍÑIGUEZ, Archbishop Emeritus of Guadalajara, Jalisco,
María ROUCO VARELA, Archbishop of Madrid, Spain
TETTAMANZI, Archbishop Emeritus of Milan, Italy
PENGO, Archbishop of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
SCHÖNBORN, Archbishop of Vienna, Austria
RIVERA CARRERA, Archbishop of Mexico City, Mexico
Eugene GEORGE, Archbishop of Chicago, Illinois, USA
GROCHOLEWSKI, Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education
SEPE, Archbishop of Naples, Italy.
KASPER, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian
DIAS, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples
Majella AGNELO, Archbishop Emeritus of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
Juozas BAČKIS, Archbishop of Vilnius, Lithuania
Javier ERRÁZURIZ OSSA, Archbishop Emeritus of Santiago de Chile,
TERRAZAS SANDOVAL, Archbishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
Fox NAPIER, Archbishop of Durban, South Africa
Andrés RODRÍGUEZ MARADIAGA, Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Luis CIPRIANI THORNE, Archbishop of Lima, Peru
HUMMES, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy
Mario BERGOGLIO, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina
da Cruz POLICARPO, Patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal
POLETTO, Archbishop Emeritus of Turin, Italy
LEHMANN, Bishop of Mainz, Germany
SCOLA, Archbishop of Milan, Italy
Olubunmi OKOGIE, Archbishop Emeritus of Lagos, Nigeria
ZUBEIR WAKO, Archbishop of Khartoum, Sudan
AMIGO VALLEJO, Archbishop Emeritus of Seville, Spain
Francis RIGALI, Archbishop Emeritus of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
ANTONELLI, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family
Kodwo Appiah TURKSON, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice
and Peace
Placidus TOPPO, Archbishop of Ranchi, India
PELL, Archbishop of Sydney, Australia
BOZANIĆ, Archbishop of Zagreb, Croatia
PHAM MINH MÂN, Archbishop of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
BARBARIN, Archbishop of Lyon, France
ERDŐ, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, Hungary
OUELLET, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Bishops
VALLINI, Vicar General of His Holiness for Rome, Italy
Liberato UROSA SAVINO, Archbishop of Caracas, Santiago de Venezuela
RICARD, Archbishop of Bordeaux, France
CAÑIZARES LLOVERA, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship
and the Discipline of the Sacraments
Patrick O'MALLEY, Archbishop of Boston, Massachusetts, USA
DZIWISZ, Archbishop of Krakow, Poland
CAFFARRA, Archbishop of Bologna, Italy
Baptist BRADY, Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland
MARTÍNEZ SISTACH, Archbishop of Barcelona, Spain
VINGT-TROIS, Archbishop of Paris, France
BAGNASCO, Archbishop of Genoa, Italy
SARR, Archbishop of Dakar, Senegal
GRACIAS, Archbishop of Bombay, India
ROBLES ORTEGA, Archbishop of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
N. DiNARDO, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, Texas, USA
Pedro SCHERER, Archbishop of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
NJUE, Archbishop of Nairobi, Kenya
Eduardo VELA CHIRIBOGA, Archbishop Emeritus of Quito, Ecuador
MONSENGWO PASINYA, Archbishop of Kinshasa, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
ROMEO, Archbishop of Palermo, Italy
William WUERL, Archbishop of Washington, D.C., USA
DAMASCENO ASSIS, Archbishop of Aparecida, Sao Paulo, Brazil
NYCZ, Archbishop of Warsaw, Poland
Malcolm Ranjith PATABENDIGE DON, Archbishop of Colombo, Sri Lanka
MARX, Archbishop of Munich, Germany
ALENCHERRY, Major Archbishop of Ernakulam Angamaly of the
Syro-Malabars, India
Christopher COLLINS, Archbishop of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
DUKA, Archbishop of Prague, Czech Republic
Jacobus EIJK, Archbishop of Utrecht, Netherlands
BETORI, Archbishop of Florence, Italy
Michael DOLAN, Archbishop of New York, New York, USA
Maria WOELKI, Archbishop of Berlin, Germany
TONG HON, Bishop of Hong Kong, China
Cleemis THOTTUNKAL, Major Archbishop of Trivandrum of the
Syro-Malabars, India
Olorunfemi ONAIYEKAN, Archbishop of Abuja, Nigeria
SALAZAR GÓMEZ, Archbishop of Bogota, Colombia
Antonio TAGLE, Archbishop of Manila, Philippines
TAURAN, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious
NICORA, President of the Administration of the Patrimony of the
Apostolic See
Joseph LEVADA, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine
of the Faith
RODÉ, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Institutes of
Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
SANDRI, Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches
LAJOLO, President Emeritus of the Governatorate of Vatican City State
Josef CORDES, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council “Cor
COMASTRI, Archpriest of the Basilica of St. Peter
RYŁKO, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity
FARINA, Archivist Emeritus of the Vatican Secret Archives
AMATO, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints
SARAH, President of the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum”
MONTERISI, Archpriest Emeritus of Saint Paul Outside-the-Walls
Leo BURKE, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura
KOCH, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian
SARDI, Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
PIACENZA, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy
DE PAOLIS, President Emeritus of the Prefecture for the Economic
Affairs of the Holy See
RAVASI, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture
FILONI, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples
MONTEIRO de CASTRO, Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary
ABRIL y CASTELLÓ, Archpriest of Saint Mary Major Basilica
Maria VEGLIÒ, President of the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Care
of Migrants and Itinerant People
BERTELLO, President of the Governatorate of Vatican City State
COCCOPALMERIO, President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative
BRAZ de AVIZ, Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of
Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
Frederick O'BRIEN, Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy
Sepulchre of Jerusalem
CALCAGNO, President of the Administration of the Patrimony of the
Apostolic See
VERSALDI, President of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the
Holy See
Michael HARVEY, Archpriest of Saint Paul Outside-the-Walls Basilica
City, 12 March 2013
(VIS) – Beginning with the Conclave in 2005, in order to better
distinguish the colour of the “fumate” (smoke signalling the
election or non-election of a pontiff), a secondary apparatus is used
to generate the smoke in addition to the traditional stove in which
the Cardinal electors' ballots are burned. This device stands next to
the ballot-burning stove and has a compartment where, according to
the results of the vote, different coloured-smoke generating
compounds can be mixed. The result is requested by means of an
electronic control panel and lasts for several minutes while the
ballots are burning in the other stove.
a black “fumata” the chemical compound is made of potassium
perchlorate, anthracene, and sulphur. The white “fumata” is a
mixture of potassium chlorate, lactose, and rosin. The rosin is a
natural amber resin obtained from conifers. Prior to 2005 the black
smoke was obtained by using smoke black or pitch and the white smoke
by using wet straw.
stove-pipes of the stove and the smoke-producing device join up and
exit the roof of the Sistine Chapel as one pipe leading to the
chimney installed on the ridge of the roof, which is visible from St.
Peter's Square. To improve the airflow the pipe is pre-heated by
electrical resistance and it also has a backup fan.
City, 12 March 2013
(VIS) – We inform our readers that, on the occasion of the opening
of the Conclave, we will transmit two bulletins today. The second
will be sent if or when there is a “fumata”.
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