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Wednesday, July 3, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 3, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father wrote a message to Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, major archbishop of Luiv of the Ukrainians, on the occasion of the assembly of the Greek Ukrainian Catholic Church which takes place from June 30 to July 6. The letter is dated June 30.

The Pope, referring to the theme of the gathering "Christ source of the renaissance of the Ukrainian people," urges the ecclesiastical community that the work of the assembly "help to instill in the faithful a renewed value to bear testimony to the message of salvation."

"The Christian community," writes John Paul II, "grows and renews itself, in the first place, by listening to the word of Christ." He then recalls "the long years of atheism when Christian values, which marked the history of the Ukrainian people and left a sign in their spirit and behavior, were suppressed."

The Pope recalls that "in this context the Greek Ukrainian Catholic Church wants to intensify the work of re-evangelization undertaken in these years" and, underlining "the unforgettable example of the Ukrainian martyrs and confessors of the faith," he invites them to learn from this "spiritual patrimony to accomplish the apostolic and missionary task."

"In modern society," he continues, "every ecclesiastical community is called to proclaim and bear witness to the dignity of man ... to the exercise of power, not as a dominion but as a service." The Holy Father urges them to give priority to the family, to the pastoral care of the youth, "the hope and future of the Church. Help them to discover the religious roots of their culture."

Afterward, speaking about the "misunderstanding and divisions" that have marked the history of the Church in the Ukraine, he affirms: "Now is it necessary to intensify the efforts of understanding and communion above all among Catholics of both rites. It will also be important to increase the effort of reconciliation with other Christians, in particular with our Orthodox brothers and sisters."

At the end, the Pope exclaims: "Greek Ukrainian Catholic Church, a rich future of hope is before you. ... Do not be afraid!"

Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of State, also wrote a message to Cardinal Lubomyr Husar on the occasion of the inauguration of a university of the Greek Ukrainian Church in the Ukraine. The Pope blessed its first stone on June 26, 2001 during a visit to the country. "Enriched by traditions, both Eastern and Western," writes the cardinal, "the new university will become the scene of fruitful collaboration among the two great schools that have shaped the thought and approach of Ukrainian Catholics for the benefit of the ecclesiastical community and civil society."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 3, 2002 (VIS) - Psalm 92, "Exaltation of the power of God the Creator," was the theme of the catechesis of the Pope during the general audience celebrated this Wednesday in the Paul VI Hall.

John Paul II affirmed that Psalm 92 "exalts the kingdom of God, source of peace, truth and love, that we invoke in the 'Our Father' when we say: 'Thy kingdom come'.

"The psalmist," he said, "celebrates the royalty of God, his efficacious and saving action, creator of the world and redeemer of humanity. The Lord is not a distant ruler, who reigns from afar. On the contrary, he is present in the midst of his people, as a powerful saviour, great in love."

After emphasizing that the psalmist makes reference "to the 'voice' of the rivers, that is, to the turbulence of its waters", the Holy Father said: "In the face of the force of nature, man feels insignicant", which is a reason to "exalt the much greater power of the Lord."

"The Fathers of the Church," he continued, "like to comment on this psalm, applying it to Christ 'Lord and Saviour'. ... However, God, sovereign of all things, omnipotent and invincible is always close to his people."

The Pope concluded by indicating that the psalm "is a prayer that instills faith and hope in the faithful who often feel distressed, fearing that they will be consumed by the tempests of history and the blows by the dark forces at work."

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 3, 2002 (VIS) - Archbishop Diarmuid Martin spoke yesterday as head of the delegation of the Holy See at the First Session of the Preparatory Committee for the World Summit on the Information Society which takes place from July 1 to 5.

Archbishop Martin, who is the permanent observer of the Holy See to the Office of the United Nations in Geneva, underlined that this summit must accomplish concrete results "for ensuring sustainable access to knowledge for the poorer countries, and for ensuring that such knowledge is effectively managed in the interests of the common good."

"Free and open communication and access to knowledge are, of course, in themselves powerful instruments for enhancing integration and strengthening personal capacity. Open communication fosters freedom within the global society. ... Honest and open communication is an essential pillar for the functioning of democracy."

The head of the delegation of the Holy See affirmed that "the Summit should examine those factors that impede or distort honest and open communication ... The distortion of communication ... undermines the trust of citizens in institutions."

"The Summit must however be careful not to create new antagonisms between government, the private sector and civil society. ... Good governance is not a magic formula imposed from above. It must not be allowed to become an idealogy. Good governance in the communications sector must also be a results-oriented process."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 3, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II will make an apostolic trip to Poland from August 16 to 19 on the occasion of the dedication of the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Cracovia-Lagiewniki. It will be the eight visit by the Pope to his home land.

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 3, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father

- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the archdiocese of Maceio, Brazil, presented by Archbishop Edvaldo Goncalves Amaral, S.D.B., upon having reached the age limit. He is succeeded by Archbishop Jose Carlos Melo, coadjutor of the same archdiocese.

- Appointed Msgr. Valery Vienneau, vicar general of the archdiocese of Moncton, Canada, as bishop of Bathurst (area 18,770, population 120,563, Catholics 110,563, priests 60, permanent deacons 1, religious 232), Canada. The bishop-elect was born in 1947 in Cap-Pele, Canada and was ordained a priest in 1982.

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