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Friday, April 12, 2002


VATICAN CITY, APR 12, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father received this morning the participants in the twenty-fifth General Chapter of the Salesians, including the new rector, Fr. Pascual Chavez Villanueva, and the general council of the congregation.

When recalling the previous rector, Fr. Juan Edmundo Vecchi, who died several months ago, the Pope said: "May his testimony serve as a stimulus so that each Salesian makes his own life a complete offering of love to God and his brothers."

"In this season of Easter," he continued, "the Church, after the days of the passion and crucifixion of the Son of God, invites believers to contemplate the resplendent face of the divine Teacher, resurrected. ... Only in Christ can we find the answer to the intimate hopes of our heart."

"Dear Salesians, if you are constantly faithful to this commitment," assured John Paul II, "if you make every effort to stamp your work with a constant energy of evangelical love, you will be able to carry out your mission until the end with joy and efficacy. Be saints! Holiness is, as you well know, your main duty, as it is for all Christians."

After recalling that next Sunday three Salesians will be beatified - Luigi Variara, Artemide Zatti and Maria Romero Meneses - he said: "Sanctity constitutes the major guarantee of an effective evangelization, because in it the most important testimony is found which we must offer to young people, participants in your diverse activities."

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VATICAN CITY, APR 12, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Msgr. Michele Pennisi, rector of the Almo College Capranica in Rome, as bishop of Piazza Armerina (area 2,003, population 226,000, Catholics 220,000, priests 130, permanent deacons 5, religious 226), Italy. The bishop-elect was born in Licodia Eubea, Italy in 1946 and ordained a priest in 1972.

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VATICAN CITY, APR 12, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Edmond Farhat, apostolic nuncio in Turkey and Turkmenistan.
- Archbishop Marco Dino Brogi, apostolic nuncio in Egypt.
- Five prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Bolivia on their "ad limina" visit:
- Msgr. Adalberto Arturo Rosat O.F.M., prelate of Aiquile.
- Bishop Julio Maria Elias Montoya, apostolic vicar of El Beni, accompanied by his auxiliary Bishop Manuel Eguiguren Galarraga.
- Bishop Luis Morgan Casey, apostolic vicar of Pando.
- Bishop Leonardo Bernacchi, apostolic vicar of Cuevo.

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