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Wednesday, September 8, 1999


VATICAN CITY, SEP 8, 1999 (VIS) - In this morning's general audience held in St. Peter's Square, the Holy Father, continuing his reflections on the meaning of conversion, spoke of the significance of the remission of sins which is offered through sacramental meditation.

If, said the Pope, forgiveness of sin in the Old Testament "does not attenuate man's responsibility and the need for his commitment to conversion," in the New Testament "God's forgiveness is manifested through the words and deeds of Jesus. In forgiving sin, Jesus reveals to us the merciful face of the Father."

John Paul II confirmed that the "pinnacle of this revelation may be considered as being the parable which is known as the 'prodigal son' but which should be called the 'merciful father.'"

"The decision of the younger son to liberate himself (from his father) ... is a blatant rejection of family communion. The distancing from the paternal home well expresses the meaning of sin and its character of ungrateful rebellion." Human logic, expressed in the elder brother's protest, would suggest "adequate punishment." Nonetheless, the Pope continued, the father goes out to meet the prodigal son and shows him his love. "Pure legality is overcome by generous and unconditional parental love, which goes beyond human justice and summons both brothers to sit once more at the father's table."

"The merciful father of the parable both contains within himself and transcends all the attributes of paternity and maternity. ... The mystery of the 'return home' admirably expresses the meeting between the Father and humanity, between mercy and misery, in a circle of love that does not only concern the lost son but extends to all."

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 8, 1999 (VIS) - Made public this afternoon was the Holy Father's annual message to the director general of UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) on the occasion of today's Thirty-Third International Day for Literacy. The French-language message, dated August 28 from Castelgandolfo, is addressed to Federico Mayor Zaragoza.

In the message, the Pope praises all those "men and women who, throughout the ages," have led the campaign against "the serious situation of illiteracy in the world." He also lauds the efforts made by UNESCO in this regard.

"At the dawn of the third millennium," he writes, "I invite all peoples to join together in fighting illiteracy, which is a heavy handicap for an important part of mankind, especially women and girls. In fact, up to recently, two-thirds of illiterate people were women and 70 percent of those children not attending schools were girls."

"The Church, for her part," John Paul II concludes, "pursuing the mission that Christ entrusted to her, hopes to continue to participate in educating young people and adults, side by side with men and women of good will."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 8, 1999 (VIS) - At the end of the general audience catechesis, Pope John Paul spoke of today's feast of the nativity of Mary, addressing special words in this regard to the young people, the sick and the newlyweds present at the audience.

He told the young people that this feast "reminds us that youth is not only a stage of growth, but a state of mind to cultivate in purity of intentions and actions.

"To you, the sick and suffering, this feast is an invitation to hope: Mary, in her humility, is close to you and supports you with the gentleness of a sister and the concern of a mother.

"And to you, dear newlyweds, who are beginning the extraordinary adventure of a new family, look to Mary; this marvelous woman wishes to enter your homes, to fill them with joy during festive times and with comfort in moments of trial."

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 8, 1999 (VIS) - The following prelates died in recent weeks:

- Archbishop Leo Arkfeld S.V.D., emeritus of Madang, New Guinea, on August 21, aged 87.
- Archbishop Helder Pessoa Camara, emeritus of Olinda and Recife, Brazil, on August 27, aged 90.
- Bishop Rino Carlesi M.C.C.I., emeritus of Balsas, Brazil, on August 25, aged 77.
- Bishop John Baptist Gobbato P.I.M.E., emeritus of Taunggyi, Myanmar, on August 6, aged 87.
- Archbishop Juan Jose Iriarte, emeritus of Resistencia, Brazil, on August 16, aged 85.
- Bishop Petro Arikata Kobayashi, emeritus of Sendai, Japan, on July 31, aged 89.
- Archbishop Alair Vilar Fernandes de Melo, emeritus of Natal, Brazil, on August 20, aged 83.
- Bishop Donal Jospeh Murray C.S.Sp., emeritus of Makurdi, Nigeria, on August 14, aged 81.
- Archbishop Fortunato Antonio Rossi, emeritus of Corrientes, Argentina, on August 21, aged 80.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 8, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father, following the indications made by the Synod of Bishops of the Armenian Catholic Church, accepted the resignation from the office of patriarch presented by His Beatitude Jean-Pierre XVIII Kasparian, patriarch of Cilicia of the Armenians, in conformity with canon 126, para. 2 of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 8, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo, apostolic nuncio in the U.S.A. and permanent observer at the O.A.S. (Organization of American States).

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