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Monday, February 15, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 13, 1999 (VIS) - Members of the Alcide De Gasperi Foundation for Peace and International Cooperation were welcomed this morning by the Holy Father who highlighted their commitment for over 25 years "of promoting peace ... through the study of problems of international society, and through ties with similar institutions in Europe and in the world."

"In your praiseworthy initiative," he pointed out, "you have chosen as the basic point of reference the perennial values of the Christian faith."

"In fact," affirmed John Paul II, "building peace is not the result of compromise, but it comes from a very profound and systematic awareness of both remote and close-at-hand causes, from sensitizing the leaders of nations to the deep desires of poor people and from forming an authentic culture of peace in young generations." He said that support must be given to those who "are tempted to renounce efforts of dialogue and of respect for the basic rights of each and every person."

In closing remarks. the Pope cited his 1999 Message for the World Day of Peace: "No human right is safe if we fail to commit ourselves to safeguarding them all. ... Only when a culture of human rights which respects different traditions becomes an integral part of humanity's moral patrimony shall we be able to look at the future with serene confidence."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 13, 1999 (VIS) - The Pope today received 7,000 teachers and pupils from Roman schools in the Paul VI Hall, to whom he "symbolically" gave a letter last December 8 for the Citizens' Mission which is dedicated this year to places of study and work.

In his speech, the Holy Father said that "the future of humanity and the social development of a nation depend greatly on the quality of schools and the commitment with which they are put forward as educative communities for all their members."

"Educational and cultural projects suited to the requirements of a full development of the person, which is the main concern of schools, should be encouraged. ... In practical terms, all members of Rome's civic and ecclesial communities should be concerned by the problems of schools and promote suitable action so as to support the complete training of all young people, with special attention to those who undergo difficult situations or abandonment, sustaining their expectations, hopes and plans for their insertion in society and the world of work."

John Paul II emphasized that, "to successfully face up to these situations, close collaboration between state and non-state schools, families, parishes and social and cultural entities is required."

Addressing particularly the pupils, he said: "Be active protagonists in your intellectual and spiritual growth, making an effort in your studies, loving your schools and bringing the joy and generosity of your hearts to it."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 14, 1998 (VIS) - Pope John Paul, at the noon angelus, spoke of today's feast of the brother saints Cyril and Methodius who, together with St. Benedict, are the co-patrons of Europe. He also spoke of the start of Lent this coming Ash Wednesday.

He observed that Cyril and Methodius were "the great evangelizers of the Slav world which ... brought to the Church and to humanity a priceless patrimony of spirituality and culture."

"In this light," the Pope went on, "how can we not think about the mission horizons which are opening in Europe on the threshold of the new millennium? The Holy Door of the Year 2000 will open on a society which needs to be illuminated by the light of Christ. The 'old Europe' has received the gift of the Gospel, but it now calls for a renewed Christian proclamation which will help persons and nations to wed freedom and truth, and will assure spiritual and ethical foundations for the economic and political unification of the continent."

Then, remarking that Lent begins this coming Wednesday with the giving of ashes, he stated, quoting in part "Tertio Millennio Adveniente": "This year, the last before the year 2000, Lent is seen more than ever as a propitious time for a 'return to the house of the Father," a "journey of authentic conversion. This includes both a 'negative' aspect, that of liberation from sin, and a 'positive' aspect, that of choosing good. Isn't this the most suitable context for the rediscovery of the sacrament of Penance in its deepest meaning?"

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 14, 1999 (VIS) - John Paul II this morning celebrated Mass in the Roman parish of St. Fulgentius and, in his homily, encouraged the faithful to continue their efforts so that the parish might be "dynamic and open, to respond to the spiritual challenges of the area."

"Courageously continue along this path, prioritizing the aspects of evangelization which are oriented to a mature Christian formation for all. Firstly, be mindful of the inner growth of people, with doctrinal teaching well rooted in the tradition of the Church. The zealous passing on of the heritage of the faith requires attention and suitable methods adapted for the different age groups, without excluding anyone: from children to young people, from families to elderly people."

The Pope said that "it is important to reserve an important place for the pastoral care of families and the preparation of young people and engaged couples for marriage." Likewise, "it is essential to give witness in practical ways to solidarity with the poor and those who suffer."

"If you carefully and enthusiastically pass on to each resident of the area the invitation to share the liberating experience of meeting Christ though the parish, you will help them to grow in reciprocal trust and sharing of faith. Is this not the aim of the Citizens' Mission?"

Lastly, having referred to World Youth Day 2000, he said: "Let us entrust the youth of Rome and particularly the youth of this parish to the motherly heart of Mary, so that they might know how to generously answer the call to holiness, realizing that which the Lord asks of each one of them."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 13, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father paid his traditional annual visit this afternoon to the Major Seminary of Rome for the feast of its patroness, Our Lady of Trust.

Having listened to music dedicated to Peter the Apostle, the Pope said that this oratorio had "made us meditate on the vocation to the priesthood as a call to become 'fishers of men'."

"In the seminary, thanks to the diligent and discreet work of your teachers, under the action of the Holy Spirit, the secret of the miraculous catch of fish is learned. Most Holy Mary is the expert guide in this. She is the Mother of Trust for all Christians, and especially for the apostles."

John Paul II said that "in this Major Seminary of Rome which I value so much, you learn from Mary how to cast out your nets, she Our Lady of Trust, who teaches every seminarian the secret of the miraculous catch of fish. Mary is also a teacher for you young people of this seminary who find here a precious place for your apostolic training."

Later, in off-the-cuff remarks, the Pope spoke of the conclave in which he was elected: "What the Pope wants to say is linked with the seminary, with vocations, with my last seminary, which lasted a few days, the conclave. At the end, when everything was clear, Cardinal Wyszynski said to me: 'It would be good if you took the name John Paul'. I told him: 'I was thinking of doing precisely that'. That was the last vocation for me. From the Roman seminary or from the clandestine seminary, as I did, right up to the 'seminary' of the conclave. My vocation: 'you must call yourself Peter'. My vocation: 'you must call yourself John Paul'."

AC;...;...;MAJOR SEMINARY ROME;VIS;19990215;Word: 280;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 15, 1999 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls, in a statement made this afternoon, said that "the Holy Father would vist Maribor, Slovenia, on Sunday, September 19, where he will preside at the beatification ceremony for Venerable Servant of God Anton Martin Slomsek."

Last Saturday, February 13, Navarro-Valls had announced that "the Holy Father John Paul II received an official invitation from His Beatitude Teocist, patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, to visit Romania. The Holy Father has accepted the invitation. The date and agenda of the trip have not yet been defined."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 15, 1999 (VIS) - The Pope this morning welcomed an ecumenical delegation from Chicago led by Cardinal Francis George, archbishop of Chicago, and by His Eminence Iakovos, metropolitan of Chicago of the Greek Orthodox archdiocese of the United States.

"You are making a pilgrimage of faith," he told them, speaking English, "first to Constantinople, sacred to the memory of the Apostle Andrew, and now to Rome, the city sacred to the memory of the Apostles Peter and Paul. ... The regular exchanges between our two Churches and the work of theological dialogue have been important in this process; and joint initiatives such as your pilgrimage help in another way to strengthen the bonds of 'koinonia'."

"Overcoming the misunderstandings of the past," concluded the Pope, "we look in hope to a future when love will be perfect among us and the world will therefore know that we are Christ's disciples."



VATICAN CITY, FEB 15, 1999 (VIS) - Made public today was a message from the Holy Father to Bishop Fiorino Tagliaferri, emeritus of Viterbo, Italy, president of the Italian Spiritual Exercises Federation (FIES), which held its national assembly from February 13 to 15.

In his message dated 11 February, the Pope writes that the aim of this meeting was "to ask questions about the 'times of the Spirit for a strong experience of the Father's mercy'."

"The experience of spiritual exercises, thanks to an appropriate time of prayer and reflection and though a type of moderation, self-discipline and sacrifice, strengthens personal attachment to Christ."

The Pope says that "the Father's merciful embrace takes on a particular connotation in the Sacrament which concretely expresses conversion and, with the grace of forgiveness, brings the penitent back to life as a child of God."

"The importance of this FIES meeting is great for all pastoral ministry in Italy. I truly hope that, faithful to its vocation, it might contribute to increasing in the Christian people the desire for the universal call to holiness."



VATICAN CITY, FEB 15, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Five prelates from the Ghana Bishops' Conference on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop Dominic Kodwo Andoh of Accra.
- Archbishop Gregory Ebo Kpiebaya of Tamale.
- Archbishop Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson of Cape Coast.
- Bishop Peter Kwasi-Sarpong of Kumasi.
- Bishop James Kwadwo Owusu of Sunyani.
- Bishop Serafim de Sousa Ferreira e Silva of Leiria-Fatima, Portugal.

On Saturday, February 13, he received in separate audiences:

- Rev. Dr. George Leonard Carey, archbishop of Canterbury and his entourage.
- Fourteen prelates from the Italian Episcopal Conference on their "ad limina" visit:
- Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general of the diocese of Rome.
- Archbishop Pier Luigi Mazzoni of Gaeta.
- Bishop Dante Bernini of Albano with his auxiliary Bishop Paolo Gillet.
- Bishop Angelo Cella of Frosinone.
- Bishop Luca Brandolini of Sora-Aquino-Pontecorvo.
- Bishop Luigi Belloli of Anagni-Alatri.
- Bishop Andrea Maria Erba of Velletri-Segni.
- Bishop Giuseppe Matarrese of Frascati.
- Bishop Eduardo Davino of Palestrina.
- Bishop Giuseppe Petrocchi of Latina-Terracina-Priverno-Sezze.
- Dom Bernardo Fabio D'Onorio, S.D.B., abbot of Montecassino.
- Archimandrite Marco Petta, O.S.B.I., abbot of Santa Maria di Grottaferrata.
- Dom Mauro Meacci, O.S.B., abbot of Subiaco.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 15, 1999 (VIS) - A press release was issued today by the participants in the February 9-12 meeting in California, U.S.A., between a delegation from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and chairmen and members of doctrinal commissions and episcopal conference presidents.

The communique points out that the "productive meeting centered on various doctrinal questions related to the proclamation of the truth of Jesus Christ in the very diverse cultural circumstances represented by the participating bishops." This is the sixth in a series of such regional meetings.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, congregation prefect, spoke on "Subjectivity, Christology and the Church." "In referring to the question of the unity of Catholic teaching in the multiplicity of cultures," says the release, "the cardinal stated that because the Word of God is 'prior to human speech', all cultures can receive the truth about the person of Christ and every human language 'can become the bearer of God's Word'."

Congregation secretary Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone "stressed that obedience to the truth of Jesus Christ represents 'not a suppression of the intellect' but a progressive harmonization of one's mind and heart with the mind and heart of God'."

The communique states: "Extended discussion centered on topics such as the authority of the Church's Magisterium, the importance of the Profession of Faith, the ecclesial role of the theologian, and dialogue between bishops and theologians. Other issues receiving attention at the meeting were the implications of feminism for Catholic thought and the pastoral care of homosexual persons."

"In addressing the implications of feminism for Catholic thought, Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic (archbishop of Toronto) asserted that 'women could not find an ally more clearly determined than the Church to recognize and defend their dignity'. The universal call to holiness is addressed to women and men equally, and has primary 'over every structure and every distinction in the Church of God'."

"Archbishop Eric D'Arcy (of Hobart, Australia), in his presentation on homosexuality, stressed the holistic way in which the Church approaches the biblical teaching on human sexuality and on homosexuality. ... (He) reiterated the Catholic rejection of the moral relativism that denies the objectivity of moral truth and moral reality. On the basis of Scripture and sound moral reasoning, the Church teaches that homosexual acts cannot contribute to the authentic good of the human person, and consistently condemns any violence against homosexual persons."

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