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Friday, May 31, 2002


VATICAN CITY, MAY 30, 2002 (VIS) - At 7 p.m.today, Solemnity of Corpus Christi, the Pope presided at the Mass celebrated by Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general for the diocese of Rome, on the square in front of St. John Lateran Basilica. The Holy Father gave the homily during the Mass.

"Today is a solemn feast," said John Paul II, "a feast in which we relive the first sacred supper. Through a public and solemn act, we glorify and adore the Bread and the Wine that were transformed into the true Body and true Blood of the Redeemer."

"The Eucharist," he continued, "is our memory alive! ... From the Eucharist, 'font and culmination of all evangelization', our Church in Rome must also acquire daily strength and motivation for missionary activity and for all forms of Christian testimony in the city of man."

"The Pope emphasized that the people of God "need the Eucharist and it is the Eucharist in fact which makes them a missionary Church. But is this possible without priests that renew the Eucharistic mystery?"

"For this reason," he concluded, "on this solemn day, I invite you to pray for the success of the Diocesan Ecclesial Congress that will begin next Monday in St. John Lateran Basilica and will dedicate special attention to the subject of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life."

After the mass, the Pope presided over the Eucharistic procession along Via Merulana to St. Mary Major Basilica. Along the way, thousands of faithful prayed and sang, accompanying the Blessed Sacrament. A canopied vehicle carried the Blessed Sacrament in a monstrance before which the Pope knelt in prayer.

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VATICAN CITY, MAY 31, 2002 (VIS) - Made public today was the Holy Father's Message to the participants in the Eighth National Assembly of the Ecclesial Movement of Cultural Commitment (MEIC) as it meets in Rome to reflect on the ten-year project of the Italian Church entitled "Communicating the Gospel in a Changing World."

The Pope noted that MEIC is part of Italian Catholic Action and is the "'missionary avant garde' for the world of culture and of professions." He also remarked on their proposal "to study more deeply and renew missionary awareness, that must always distinguish you. ... This renewed missionary conscience calls you, today more than ever, to be credible witnesses of Christian humanism."

"Without ever reducing faith to culture," underscored John Paul II, "the Church makes an effort to give cultural consistency to the life of faith, and to make it inspire everyone in private and public life, (as well as) the national and international realities. In this regard, you know with what great interest the Holy See is following the work of the European Convention. I was able personally to express my disappointment for the omission of any reference to Christian and religious values in the editing of the Charter of basic rights.

"I greatly hope," he added, "that MEIC will be able to work so that the religious component, which over the centuries has permeated the formation of European institutions, is not ignored. The Christian patrimony of civilization, which has contributed so greatly to the defense of the values of democracy, freedom, and solidarity among the peoples of Europe, must neither vanish nor be disregarded."

The Pope lauded MEIC for their "marked sensitivity for the Church's ecumenical commitment" and their dedication to interreligious dialogue. "Continue on this precious path of formation in the ecumenical sector and in awareness of religions."

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VATICAN CITY, MAY 31, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II received at midday today participants in a meeting organized by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples with the superiors of the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life involved in the "ad gentes" mission.

The Pope emphasized that "throughout the centuries consecrated persons have always been in the forefront of missionary activity ad gentes. Many of them have left their homes, families and countries of origin. ... They have frequently faced difficulties and obstacles, rejection and sacrifices," and some have even suffered martyrdom.

"The mission," he continued, "is of course demanding and in light of problems, difficulties and misunderstandings, the decrease of 'ad vitam' missionary vocations, the temptation to discouragement and fatigue can sometimes manifest itself. This could spread among you due to the monotony of the daily routine or spiritual dryness. Resist these temptations, gaining the strength to overcome all obstacles from deep union with God."

The Holy Father underlined that the new evangelization "is necessary to continue cultivating a fruitful communion among the missionary institutes, bishops and individual Churches, maintaining constant dialogue animated by charity, as much on the diocesan level as on the national level, with the Unions of female and male superiors, respecting diverse charisms, duties and ministries."

"The spirit of communion which is born from the 'cum ecclesia' feeling is exercised in a significant way in the collaboration with the Apostolic See and the organizations in charge of missionary activity, in the first place the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples."

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VATICAN CITY, MAY 31, 2002 (VIS) - Made public today was a message by the Pope to Abbot Primate Notker Wolf, O.S.B., grand chancellor of the Pontifical Athenaeum of St. Anselm in Rome, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its foundation.

In the message, dated May 27, John Paul II writes: "At a distance of 50 years, we give thanks to God for this institution, so providential for different Benedictine monasteries. It has developed a significant role in establishing a fruitful relationship between spiritual life and study, and has become a valid point of reference, as well as a privileged place of formation for today's monastic world."



VATICAN CITY, MAY 31, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Karl Auguste Offman, president of the Republic of Mauritius and an entourage.
- Four prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Venezuela on their "ad limina" visit:
- Cardinal Ignacio Antonio Velasco Garcia, archbishop of Caracas.
- Archbishop Tulio Manuel Chirivella Varela of Barquisimeto, accompanied by Auxiliary Bishop Jose Luis Azuaje Ayala.
- Archbishop Ivo Scapolo, apostolic nuncio in Bolivia, with relatives.

This evening he is scheduled to receive Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

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VATICAN CITY, MAY 31, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Fr. Robert Daniel Conlon, of the clergy of the archdiocese of Cincinnati, as bishop of Steubenville (area 15,309, population 522,253, Catholics 40,541, priests 120, permanent deacons 7, religious 109), U.S.A. The bishop-elect was born in 1948 in Cincinnati and was ordained a priest in 1977. He succeeds Bishop Gilbert Ignatius Sheldon, whose resignation the Holy Father accepted upon having reached the age limit.

- Appointed Msgr. Roger J. Foys of the clergy of the diocese of Steubenville, as bishop of Covington (area 8,696, population 401,127, Catholics 88,896, priests 96, permanent deacons 22, religious 426), U.S.A. Bishop-elect Foys was born in Chicago in 1945 and was ordained a priest in 1973.

- Appointed Fr. Ignacio Ducasse Medina, rector of the Pontifical Major Seminary of the archdiocese of Santiago, Chile, as bishop of Valdivia (area 13,679, population 197,500, Catholics 180,000, priests 63, permanent deacons 1, religious 212), Chile. The bishop-elect was born in Santiago in 1956 and was ordained a priest in 1984.

Yesterday it was made public that the Holy Father appointed Fr. Lewis Zeigler, administrator of the diocese of Gbarnga, as bishop of Gbarnga (area 34,100, population 880,000, Catholics 9,600, priests 5, religious 17), Liberia. The bishop-elect was born in Harrisbourg, Libera in 1944 and was ordained a priest in 1974.

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