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Monday, February 26, 2001


VATICAN CITY, FEB 24, 2001 (VIS) - Made public today was a letter that Pope John Paul wrote to His Beatitude Ignace Pierre VIII, the newly elected patriarch of Antioch of the Syrians. The letter is in French and bears the date of February 20. The former patriarch, now Cardinal Ignace Moussa I Daoud, was named prefect of the Congregation for Oriental Churches by the Holy Father.

"The message, marked by deep confidence in the Lord, by which Your Beatitude informs me of your election to the patriarchal see of Antioch of the Syrians, has just arrived and fills me with joy," writes the Holy Father.

He continues: "I welcome with all my heart, beloved Brother in Christ, your request for ecclesiastical communion, in conformity with the custom and the wish of the entire Catholic Church. I am happy on this occasion to send you my warmest congratulations, assuring you of my fraternal charity."

"May the Lord, Master of history and Pastor of the Church, fill you with His graces throughout your new ministry, for the glory of God, the consolation of the souls entrusted to your paternal care and the good of the universal Church!"



VATICAN CITY, FEB 25, 2001 (VIS) - This morning John Paul II made a pastoral visit to the Roman parish of the Nativity of Mary, where he celebrated Mass and exhorted the parishioners to open their hearts to Jesus, in order that "we thus enter into the mystery of His love, which enlightens all of existence."

In his homily, the Pope made reference to the Message he sent to the dioceses of Rome last week, and told those present: "Make it an object of attentive reflection and translate its indications into concrete apostolic choices. The Lenten period, which begins in three days, offers a useful occasion for this revision of life."

"Ask yourselves," the Pontiff continued, "both as individuals and as a community: what contribution can I give to the growth of full communion in the Church? How can I offer my specific gift, in order for her to become ever more a home and school of communion? It is necessary to walk in unity to witness to the Gospel together. This is the charge I leave you, dear Brothers and Sisters of the Parish of the Nativity of Mary."

After recalling the apostolic initiatives undertaken in the area "for young boys and girls, engaged couples, families, the poor and the elderly," the Holy Father said: "Continue forth on this road, giving priority to the care of families, who often are often unable to ensure an adequate Christian formation of their children. There are children and adolescents who need those who will help them grow in the faith; Christians who await guides able to support them in evangelical witness, directing them in the various areas of study, activity, and service."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 24, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Fr. Giuseppe Bausardo, S.D.B., counsellor inspector of the Salesians in Egypt, as apostolic vicar of Alexandria of the Latins (Catholics 9,570, priests 161, religious 1,045), Egypt. The bishop-elect was born in Cairo, Egypt in 1951. He entered the Salesian novitiate in Lebanon in 1965, made his perpetual vows in 1974, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1978.

- Granted the ecclesiastical communion requested by His Beatitude Ignace Pierre VIII, canonically elected patriarch of Antioch of the Syro-Catholics in the Synod of Bishops of the Syro-Catholic Church, held in Charfet, Lebanon, on February 16, 2001. He succeeds His Beatitude Ignace Moussa I Daoud. His Beatitude Ignace Pierre VIII was born in Aleppo, Syria, in 1930, and ordained to the priesthood in 1954. In 1979, he was ordained chorbishop and appointed exarch of Jerusalem by His Beatitude Ignace Antoine II Hayek, patriarch of Antioch of the Syrians. In 1996, he was elected bishop in the Synod of Syrian Bishops.

- Appointed the following as members of the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei": Cardinals Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Jorge Arturo Medina Estevez, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of Sacraments and Louis-Marie Bille, archbishop of Lyon; and Archbishop Julian Herranz, president of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 24, 2001 (VIS) - As is his yearly custom, the Holy Father visited the Major Roman Seminary this afternoon for the feast of Our Lady of Trust, the seminary's patroness.

After listening to a piece of music inspired by the life of former seminary student Servant of God Bruno Marchesini, who died at age 23, "longing for the priesthood," the Holy Father said: "His life was a constant and courageous journey towards sanctity."

John Paul II affirmed that "to be a saint, this is the blueprint for every Christian." He added: "I hope that this plan also directs your life, dear young friends. ... Rome needs saints! A fruitful season of new evangelization is opening before us, which, to bear good results, needs the courage of sanctity. Dear seminarians, bring this yearning into daily prayer."

After recalling "the sincere devotion to the Most Holy Virgin" of Servant of God Bruno Marchesini, the Holy Father said: "Let us look again to Her, the Mother of Christ, and ask Her to teach us as well to 'remain' with the Lord," as did the Apostles, in response to Jesus' invitation.

"Let us ask Her," the Pope concluded, "for the community of the Roman Seminary to be ever more consciously a 'genuine 'school' of prayer, where the meeting with Christ is expressed not just in imploring help but also in thanksgiving, praise, adoration, contemplation, listening, and ardent devotion, until the heart truly 'falls in love'.' May all of this become your daily experience!"

After this interlude, the Holy Father dined with the rector, teachers and seminarians.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 25, 2001 (VIS) - Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of State, celebrated Mass this morning in the Chapel of Our Lady of Humility at the Casa Santa Maria, part of the Pontifical North American College and the residence for graduate priests from the United States, on the occasion of its 400th anniversary.

Blessed Pope Pius IX gave this building, built in 1601 as a convent for Dominican Sisters, to the American bishops in 1859 for the training of seminarians. When the new seminary, the Pontifical North American College, was opened in 1953 on Janiculum Hill, the Casa Santa Maria became the residence for American diocesan priests studying in Rome. It is the largest residence of American diocesan priests anywhere in the world and currently house over 80 priests. The building also houses the U.S. Bishops' Office for Visitors to the Vatican.

After Mass, Cardinal Sodano blessed the new library and the St. Katherine Drexel/Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Eucharistic Chapel. Guests included American cardinals, archbishops and bishops living in or visiting Rome as well as outgoing U.S Ambassador to the Vatican, Corinne Boggs. Alumni of the Casa Santa Maria include one third of U.S. bishops and six of the thirteen American cardinals.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 25, 2001 (VIS) - Upon his return from a pastoral visit to the Roman parish of the Nativity of Mary, Pope John Paul appeared at his study window at noon today to recite the angelus with the faithful who were in St. Peter's Square for this traditional Sunday appointment.

In reflections preceding the angelus, the Pope remarked that "the recent consistory for the creation of 44 new cardinals ... will surely have a memorable place in the annals of the Church." He said he wished "to pause and reflect again on this event and its meaning" for the entire Church.

"A breath of renewed hope has touched the Christian people. ... The Church is looking to the future, and wishes 'to put out into the deep', animated by the spiritual dynamism sparked within her by the Jubilee experience. This dynamism can only consolidate and enrich the elements which belong, so to speak, to the genetic code of the ecclesial community: oneness, holiness, catholicity and apostolicity. The increase in the College of Cardinals, while showing the unity of the ecclesial Body around the Successor of Peter, also underlines the catholic dimension, mirrored in the fact that the cardinals come from every part of the world."

"We might ask ourselves: How can the Church remain faithful to her vocation at a time when the dominant culture seems often to go against the demanding logic of the Gospel? An answer to this question, in symbolic terms, comes from the red color of a cardinal's apparel. As is well known, this color recalls the blood of martyrs, witnesses of Christ up to the supreme sacrifice. Cardinals must make visible with their lives a love of Christ which does not stop in the face of any sacrifice."

The necessary conditions to meet this commitment, concluded John Paul II, are listening to the Word of Christ, prayer and inner contact with the Lord.

Following the angelus prayer, the Pope greeted pilgrims present in several languages.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 26, 2001 (VIS) - The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith today published a Notification on the book by Fr. Jacques Dupuis, S.J., "Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism," which was published in 1997.

The Notification is dated January 24, 2001, and bears the signatures of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B, respectively prefect and secretary of the congregation. Following are excerpts from the Notification:


"After a preliminary study of the book 'Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism' by Father Jacques Dupuis, S.J., the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith decided to proceed to a comprehensive examination of the text."

"It must be emphasized that this text is an introductory reflection on a Christian theology of religious pluralism. It is not simply a theology of religions, but a theology of religious pluralism, which seeks to investigate, in the light of Christian faith, the significance of the plurality of religious traditions in God's plan for humanity. Aware of the potential problems in this approach, the author does not conceal the possibility that his hypothesis may raise as many questions as it seeks to answer.

"Following the doctrinal examination of the book and the outcome of the dialogue with the author, the Bishop and Cardinal Members of the Congregation, in the Ordinary Session of June 30, 1999, evaluated the analysis and the opinions of the Congregation's Consultors regarding the author's 'Responses'. The Members of the Congregation recognized the author's attempt to remain within the limits of orthodoxy in his study of questions hitherto largely unexplored. At the same time, while noting the author's willingness to provide the necessary clarifications, as evident in his 'Responses', as well as his desire to remain faithful to the doctrine of the Church and the teaching of the Magisterium, they found that his book contained notable ambiguities and difficulties on important doctrinal points, which could lead a reader to erroneous or harmful opinions. These points concerned the interpretation of the sole and universal salvific mediation of Christ, the unicity and completeness of Christ's revelation, the universal salvific action of the Holy Spirit, the orientation of all people to the Church, and the value and significance of the salvific function of other religions.

"At the conclusion of the ordinary procedure of examination, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith decided to draft a 'Notification', intended to safeguard the doctrine of the Catholic faith from errors, ambiguities or harmful interpretations. This 'Notification', approved by the Holy Father in the Audience of November 24, 2000, was presented to Father Jacques Dupuis and was accepted by him. By signing the text, the author committed himself to assent to the stated theses and, in his future theological activity and publications, to hold the doctrinal contents indicated in the 'Notification', the text of which must be included in any reprinting or further editions of his book, as well as in all translations."

"I. On the sole and universal salvific mediation of Jesus Christ

"1. It must be firmly believed that Jesus Christ, the Son of God made man, crucified and risen, is the sole and universal mediator of salvation for all humanity."

"2. ... It is therefore contrary to the Catholic faith not only to posit a separation between the Word and Jesus, or between the Word's salvific activity and that of Jesus, but also to maintain that there is a salvific activity of the Word as such in his divinity, independent of the humanity of the Incarnate Word.

"II. On the unicity and completeness of revelation of Jesus Christ

"3. It must be firmly believed that Jesus Christ is the mediator, the fulfillment and the completeness of revelation. It is therefore contrary to the Catholic faith to maintain that revelation in Jesus Christ (or the revelation of Jesus Christ) is limited, incomplete or imperfect."

"4. It is consistent with Catholic doctrine to hold that the seeds of truth and goodness that exist in other religions are a certain participation in truths contained in the revelation of or in Jesus Christ. However, it is erroneous to hold that such elements of truth and goodness, or some of them, do not derive ultimately from the source-mediation of Jesus Christ.

"III. On the universal salvific action of the Holy Spirit

"5. The Church's faith teaches that the Holy Spirit, working after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, is always the Spirit of Christ sent by the Father, who works in a salvific way in Christians as well as non-Christians. It is therefore contrary to the Catholic faith to hold that the salvific action of the Holy Spirit extends beyond the one universal salvific economy of the Incarnate Word.
"IV. On the orientation of all human beings to the Church

"6. It must be firmly believed that the Church is sign and instrument of salvation for all people. It is contrary to the Catholic faith to consider the different religions of the world as ways of salvation complementary to the Church.

"7. According to Catholic doctrine, the followers of other religions are oriented to the Church and are all called to become part of her.

"V. On the value and salvific function of the religious traditions

"8. ... It is therefore legitimate to maintain that the Holy Spirit accomplishes salvation in non-Christians also through those elements of truth and goodness present in the various religions; however, to hold that these religions, considered as such, are ways of salvation, has no foundation in Catholic theology, also because they contain omissions, insufficiencies and errors regarding fundamental truths about God, man and the world.

"Furthermore, the fact that the elements of truth and goodness present in the various world religions may prepare peoples and cultures to receive the salvific event of Jesus Christ does not imply that the sacred texts of these religions can be considered as complementary to the Old Testament, which is the immediate preparation for the Christ event."



VATICAN CITY, FEB 26, 2001 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls released the following declaration this afternoon:

"John Paul II has convoked an Extraordinary Consistory which will take place in the Vatican this coming May 21-24.

"The main theme of this sixth plenary meeting of the College of Cardinals is the study of the Church's prospects for the Third Millennium, in the light of the Holy Father's recent Apostolic Letter 'Novo Millennio Ineunte'.

"Naturally the entire College of Cardinals is called to participate in this Consistory."



VATICAN CITY, FEB 26, 2001 (VIS) - Two-hundred Carabinieri from the Lazio region of Italy were welcomed today in the Vatican's Sala Clementina by the Holy Father, who expressed his appreciation for the service they performed for the many pilgrims and tourists during the Jubilee Year, especially in the city of Rome.

Observing that the Carabinieri are part of the Italian Armed Forces, the Pope recalled the November 19 Jubilee of the Military and Police Forces in St. Peter's Square. "On that occasion," he said, "I exhorted everyone to be 'ministers of the security and freedom of peoples,' and to be 'men of peace'.

"Today I repeat those words to you, as you undertake your mission in Rome. This city has a singular function in the sphere of Christianity, and it is important that everyone in it, from residents to pilgrims, from migrants to tourists, can live in a climate of respect for the human person and for the values regarding them. A climate, that is, which is fundamentally human and also Christian."

Highlighting every believer's call to holiness, Pope John Paul said that "the history of the Carabinieri shows one can reach the heights of sanctity." He referred to "your colleague, vice brigadier Salvo D'Aquisto, medal of valor recipient, whose beatification cause is underway."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 26, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in separate audiences:

- Mikhail Mikhailovich Kasianov, president of the Council of the Russian Federation, accompanied by his entourage.
- Wladislaw Bartoszewski, minister of foreign affairs of the Republic of Poland, accompanied by his entourage.
- Bishop Elio Sgreccia, vice president of the Pontifical Academy for Life.

On Saturday, February 24, the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Cardinal Ricardo J. Vidal, archbishop of Cebu, the Philippines.
- Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo, apostolic nuncio in the Federal Republic of Germany.
- Corinne Boggs, U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See, on a farewell visit.
- Marco Cesar Meira Naslausky, amabassador of Brazil, on a farewell visit.
- Archbishop Diego Caudero, apostolic nuncio in the Arab Republic of Syria.

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