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Thursday, December 20, 2007


VATICAN CITY, DEC 20, 2007 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:

 - Fr. Eugene Cyrille Houndekon of the clergy of Contonou, Benin, secretary general of the Episcopal Conference of Benin, as bishop of Abomey (area 5,243, population 625,000, Catholics 100,000, priests 73, religious 135), Benin. The bishop-elect was born in Contonou in 1960 and ordained a priest in 1986.

 - Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Muller of Regensburg, Germany, as a member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

 - Fr. Aimable Musoni S.D.B., professor at Rome's Pontifical Salesian University, as a consultor of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
NER:NA/.../HOUNDEKON:MULLER:MUSONI            VIS 20071220 (110)


VATICAN CITY, DEC 20, 2007 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

 - Cardinal Luigi Poggi, archivist and librarian emeritus of Holy Roman Church.

 - Darko Tanaskovic, ambassador of Serbia, on his farewell visit.

 - Mohammad Javad Faridzadeh, ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, on his farewell visit.
AP/.../...                                VIS 20071220 (60)


VATICAN CITY, DEC 20, 2007 (VIS) - Today in the Vatican, Benedict XVI received a group of young people from Italian Catholic Action (ACI), for a traditional exchange of Christmas good wishes.

  The Pope greeted Luigi Alici, national president of ACI, and Bishop Domenico Sigalini of Palestrina, Italy, recently appointed as the group's general ecclesiastical assistant, then began his remarks by mentioning the Italian child Antonia Meo, whose heroic virtues were promulgated recently by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

  Antonia, known as Nennolina, died of bone cancer in 1937 shortly before her seventh birthday. The Holy Father recalled how during her brief life she "showed special faith, hope and charity" and, presenting her as a model for the young people of ACI (of which she was a member), he affirmed that "her existence, so simple and yet so important, shows that sanctity is for all ages: for babies and for young people, for adults and for the elderly."

  "She travelled quickly," said the Pope, "down the 'highway' that leads to Jesus ... Who is, in fact, the true 'path' that leads to the Father, and to His and our definitive home which is heaven."

  "Jesus is the way that leads to the true life, the life that never ends. It is often a steep and narrow way but, if one allows oneself to be attracted by Him, it is always stupendous, like a mountain path: the higher one climbs the easier it becomes to gaze down upon new panoramas, ever more beautiful and vast. The journey is tiring but we are not alone. ... What is important is not to lose our way, not to miss the path, otherwise we risk falling into an abyss or getting lost in the woods.

  "Dear friends," the Holy Father added, "God made Himself man to show us the way. Indeed, by becoming a child He made Himself the 'way,' also for young people like you: He was like you, He was your age."

  Finally, Pope Benedict expressed the hope that Italian Catholic Action as a whole may "walk jointly and briskly along the path of Christ, bearing witness, in the Church and in society, to the fact that this is a beautiful path. It is true that it requires commitment, but it leads to true joy."
AC/.../CATHOLIC ACTION                        VIS 20071220 (400)


VATICAN CITY, DEC 20, 2007 (VIS) - The Holy See Press Office released the following communique at midday today:

  "This morning the Holy Father Benedict XVI received in audience Nicolas Sarkozy, president of the French Republic.

  "The president subsequently went on to meet Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone S.D.B., and Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, secretary for Relations with States.

  "The cordial discussions provided an opportunity to examine a number of questions of mutual interest concerning the current situation of France. Mention was made of the good relations that exist between the Catholic Church and the French Republic, and of the role of religions, especially the Catholic Church, in the world.

  "Particular attention was given to the international situation with reference to the future of Europe, the conflicts in the Middle East, the social and political problems of certain African countries, and the drama of hostages.

  "At the end of the conversation, best wishes were exchanged for the forthcoming Feasts of Christmas and the New Year."
OP/AUDIENCE/SARKOZY                        VIS 20071220 (180)

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