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Monday, April 12, 1999


VATICAN CITY, APR 10, 1999 (VIS) - Following is the text of the telegram sent today by Pope John Paul II to Archbishop Francisco Javier Errazuriz Ossa of Santiago de Chile, upon the death of Cardinal Raul Silva Henriquez, S.D.B., archbishop emeritus of this same archdiocese, at the age of 91:

"Having learned the sad news concerning the death of the beloved Cardinal Raul Silva Henriquez S.D.B., archbishop emeritus of Santiago de Chile, following a long and difficult illness, I express my condolences to you, the auxiliary bishops, the clergy, religious communities and lay people of this archdiocese, to which he generously and selflessly dedicated many years of his episcopal ministry, encouraging many pastoral initiatives according to the teachings of the Second Vatican Council, in which he was an active participant.

"I join with all the bishops and faithful in Chile in entrusting this zealous pastor to the heavenly Father's mercy, he who with so much prudence and evangelical charity served his people and the Church. Recalling his ardent ministry, first of all as a Salesian religious, priest and teacher, and later as bishop of Valparaiso and Santiago, I pray to the Good Shepherd to grant him eternal rest, whilst I affectionately impart to all the comfort of my apostolic blessing as a sign of Christian hope in the victory of the Risen Lord."



VATICAN CITY, APR 11, 1999 (VIS) - The Pope made a new call for peace in Kosovo and the Balkans during the Mass celebrated this morning in the Roman parish of Our Lady of Loreto in Castelverde. "Christ," he recalled, "by his death and resurrection, has reconciled us with the Father, and has offered the precious gift of peace to all those who welcome him."

"These days, our minds are full of images of violence and death coming from Kosovo and the Balkans, where there is a conflict with tragic consequences. In spite of all, we do not want to lose the hope of peace."

John Paul II expressed to parishioners his hope that today's parish encounter "would be a fitting occasion to travel further on the path to God, thanks to a more solid Christian life, nourished by constant attention to the Word of God, strengthened by the frequent practice of the sacraments, and characterized by a genuine witness to the Gospel in all environments and situations."

Having referred to Rome's Citizens' Mission, the Holy Father said he trusted that this "would not end with the celebration of the final stage in the solemn Vigil of Pentecost. ... Many have the desire to live a more authentic Christian life, and this desire should be encouraged and sustained with suitable spiritual missionary initiatives. It is up to you to prolong this extraordinary apostolic experience, taking into account the expectations and challenges of your neighborhood."

"The Risen Lord calls all of us to a renewed apostolic effort. Go, he tells each of us. Go out, proclaim the Gospel and do not be afraid! He is with us always until the end of time."

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VATICAN CITY, APR 10, 1999 (VIS) - Made public today was a communique which stated that "the news published today in an Italian daily newspaper, according to which 'the Vatican's objective' would be for Ibrahim Rugova, (representative of the Albanian Kosovars) to meet with the Pope in the Vatican, is untrue."

"Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia of the St. Egidio Community is in Belgrade on behalf of the Italian authorities. He has received no mandate from the Secretariat of State which, obviously, has been informed of his trip."

"With regard to the situation in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Secretariat of State, headed by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, continues to keep in contact with the chancelleries of countries involved in the crisis. The Pontifical Council 'Cor Unum' is working to coordinate aid from Catholic organizations. And lastly, the apostolic nunciature in Belgrade is active."

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VATICAN CITY, APR 10, 1999 (VIS) - Made public this afternoon by the Holy See Press Office was a communique from the Islamic-Catholic Liaison Committee expressing concern over the situation in Kosovo and the Balkans. This committee was established in 1995 between the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and international Islamic organizations.

The text of the English-language communique, dated Rome, April 10, 1999 and Jeddah 24 Dhu Al-Hajjah 1420, follows:

"The Islamic-Catholic Liaison committee expresses its grave concern about current situations in the world where there is violence, destruction and war. This concern is particularly great in regard to the situation in Kosovo and the Balkan region. The Committee strongly condemns the harm done to innocent civilians, particularly women, children and the elderly, and all violations of human dignity and human rights. The Committee appeals to all sides and to the international society to do their utmost to bring and end to the hostilities. Appreciating every positive step to resolve the conflict, it urges all people who believe in the one God, and in particular religious leaders, to use their influence to bring about a permanent and just solution to the underlying problems, encourage urgent humanitarian aid, and so restore peace for all the inhabitants of the region."

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VATICAN CITY, APR 12, 1999 (VIS) - Made public today was a Letter from Pope John Paul to Bishop Rene Sejourne of Saint-Flour, France, on the occasion of the millennium of the election of Pope Sylvester II on April 2, 999.

Sylvester II, who reigned until May 12, 1003, was a monk named Gerbert in the Benedictine monastery of Aurillac at the time of his election to the papacy. The Pope recalls that it was the monastery's founder, St. Geraud, "who welcomed the young Gerbert and formed the man and the Christian in him.

"A remarkable man, the monk Gerbert singularly dominated his century. The breadth of his knowledge, his pedagogical qualities, his matchless erudition, his moral uprightness and his spiritual sense made him a true master. Emperors and Popes turned to him. Gerbert, the humanist scholar and the wise philosopher, true promoter of culture, placed his intelligence at the service of man."

The Holy Father highlights throughout the Letter how Pope Sylvester placed "his knowledge and moral and spiritual qualities at the service of man and the Church." He writes that "it was as an authentic pastor that (Gerbert) defended the Church's interests, that he fought simony, that he protected monasteries against diverse encroachments."

Pope Sylvester II was also a "man of unity and peace, ... a Pope with a missionary spirit" who brought the Church to Hungary and Poland. "On the threshold of the third millennium, as violence and wars succeed each other, and Christians are still not united, the figure of Gerbert invites us to tirelessly seek peace and unity, through the path of dialogue, and concerned with truth and forgiveness."



VATICAN CITY, APR 11, 1999 (VIS) - Following the Regina Coeli prayer, the Holy Father spoke to the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square and recalled that "today, as I said a short while ago, the Orthodox Churches celebrate Easter. With joy I join our Orthodox brothers in prayer, sending them my very best wishes.

"May the peace which Christ announced to the disciples in the day of His Resurrection reign always among believers. At this moment, my thoughts turn in a special way to those who are suffering because of the war. May the hope of peace sustain them in this difficult trial and make them ever greater builders of a coexistence respectful of the rights of each one and marked by a fraternal solidarity."

John Paul II then extended "a special greeting to the Marthoma Christians from the Syro-Malabar and Syro-Malankara Churches, who today celebrate the appearance of the Risen Lord to the Apostle St. Thomas. I pray that Almighty God will continue to bless your communities with vigorous faith and generosity in works of charity."

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VATICAN CITY, APR 11, 1999 (VIS) - Prior to reciting the Regina Coeli, Pope John Paul, recalling that today is the octave day of Easter, expressed "a special thought for our Orthodox brothers who precisely today celebrate the solemnity of Easter."

He pointed out that today is also known as "Divine Mercy Sunday: It constitutes ... a precious occasion to enter into, as individuals and as the Church, the authentic Jubilee spirit, according to the very of words of Jesus: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; He has sent me ... to preach a year of the grace of the Lord'."

"I am very happy," the Holy Father then remarked, "that many priests and faithful have gathered this morning in St. Peter's Square for a solemn Mass, presided over by Cardinal Fiorenzo Angelini, whom I cordially greet, as well as all those present, while I express my delight for your devotion to the merciful Jesus."

"How can we not feel," John Paul II asked, "the strident contrast between the invitation to mercy and pardon, which echoes throughout today's liturgy, and the violence of the tragic conflict which bloodies the Balkan region? May peace finally prevail! Here I wish to renew my appeal, dictated not only by faith, but above all by reason: May the populations coexist in harmony in their lands, may arms be silenced, may dialogue be resumed!"

ANG;MERCY; PEACE; BALKANS;...;...;VIS;19990412;Word: 240;


VATICAN CITY, APR 12, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father accepted the resignation as auxiliary of the archdiocese of Cuzco, Peru, presented by Bishop Severo Aparicio Quispe, O.de M., upon having reached the age limit.

On Saturday April 10, it was made public that the Holy Father appointed:

- Fr. Abelardo Lobato, O.P., as president of the Pontifical Academy St. Thomas Aquinas, and Msgr. Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo as prelate secretary of the same pontifical academy.

- Msgr. Marcello Bordoni as president of the Pontifical Academy of Theology, and Don Angelo Amato, S.D.B., as prelate secretary of the same pontifical academy.

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VATICAN CITY, APR 12, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Eleven bishops from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops on their "ad limina" visit:
- Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte, archbishop of Montreal, accompanied by his auxiliaries, Bishops Jude Saint-Antoine, Andre Rivest, Anthony Mancini and Louis Dicaire.
- Archbishop Bertrand Blanchet of Rimouski.
- Archbishop Roger Ebacher of Gatineau-Hull.
- Archbishop Andre Gaumond of Sherbrooke.
- Bishop Jean-Guy Hamelin of Rouyn-Noranda.
- Bishop Jean-Guy Couture of Chicoutimi, accompanied by his auxiliary, Bishop Roch Pedneault.
- Archbishop Edmond Farhat, apostolic nuncio in Slovenia and in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

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