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Monday, October 14, 2002


VATICAN CITY, OCT 12, 2002 (VIS) - Late this morning in the Holy Father's private library, Pope John Paul II and His Beatitude Teoctist, patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Romania, exchanged speeches, after which they signed a joint Declaration. Following are excerpts of that text, the official version of which is in French:

"Today's encounter can be considered as the continuation of the embrace that we exchanged in Bucharest in the month of May 1999, while our hearts heard the echo of the heartfelt appeal: 'Be united! Be united! Unity! Unity!' that arose spontaneously before us, on that occasion, from the great crowd of faithful."

"Today's circumstance reinforces our commitment to pray and work in order to reach full visible unity among all the disciples of Christ. Our aim and our ardent desire is full communion, which is not absorption, but communion in truth and love. It is an irreversible path, which has no alternatives: it is the way of the Church.

"Still marked by the sad historical period during which the Name and Lordship of the Redeemer were denied, the Christian community in Romania often finds difficulties in overcoming the negative effects that those years produced on the exercise of fraternity and sharing and on the search for communion. ... We must overcome, through sincere dialogue, the conflicts, misunderstandings and suspicions that have arisen from the past, so that Christians in Romania, in this decisive period of their history, may be witnesses of peace and reconciliation.

"Our relationship must reflect the true and deep communion in Christ that already exists among us, even if it is not yet full. We recognize, in fact, with joy that we share the tradition of the undivided Church, centered on the mystery of Christ."

"To nourish the search for full communion, even in the doctrinal differences that still remain, we must find concrete instruments, setting up regular consultations. ... We must strengthen this progress so that the full truth of faith becomes a common patrimony."

"We well know how to regulate ourselves in setting up the orientations that should guide the work of evangelization, so very necessary after the dark period of State atheism. ... Evangelization cannot be based on a spirit of competition, but on reciprocal respect and cooperation, that recognizes for each person the freedom to live according to one's own convictions, within the respect of one's own religious beliefs."

"In developing our contacts, we have been witnesses of a promising rapprochement between East and West. ... For this reason we note with some concern the difficulties that the Mixed International Commission of Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church is going through and, on the occasion of this meeting of ours, we wish to express the hope that no initiative is ignored in re-activating the theological dialogue and starting anew the activity of the commission."

"The new possibilities that are being created in an already united Europe ... constitute a challenge that Christians of both East and West must accept together. The more united they are in their witness to the One and Only Lord, the more they will contribute to giving a voice, consistency and space to the Christian soul of Europe; to the sanctity of life, the dignity and basic rights of the human person, to justice and solidarity, peace, reconciliation, family values and care for all of creation. All of Europe needs the rich culture forged by Christianity."



VATICAN CITY, OCT 12, 2002 (VIS) - This morning in his private library John Paul II met with His Beatitude Teoctist, the Orthodox patriarch of Romania, who has been on a visit to the Church of Rome and to the Pope since last Monday. During the meeting, they exchanged speeches and signed a joint declaration.

The Holy Father recalled the celebration of Vatican Council II, noting that the 40th anniversary of its opening was commemorated yesterday. During this event, he said, "it was inevitable to note with sorrow the division that has lasted for almost a millennium between the venerable Churches of the East and Rome." However, at the conclusion of the Council, "the reciprocal condemnations of 1054 were canceled from the Church's memory."

"Since then," he continued, "our communion, and I think I can say our friendship, has deepened thanks to a reciprocal exchange of views and of messages." In 1980, he affirmed, began "the work of an International Mixed Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church." In the documents which were later published, "our communion of faith in the mystery of the Eucharist, the Sacraments and the priesthood and episcopal ministry in apostolic succession" is demonstrated "in its amplitude."

The Pope noted that despite everything, "we cannot deny that some difficulties have arisen on our common way. ... Peace in the Church is such an important good, that everyone must be ready to make sacrifices in order to achieve it. We have full faith that you, your Beatitude, will know how to defend the cause of peace with intelligence, wisdom and love."

The Pope then asked: "What will be the next steps to finally achieve full communion?" He affirmed that "the goal is to achieve ... a unity that does not involve absorption or fusion, but one that respects the legitimate differences between the diverse traditions that make up an integral part of the Church's richness."

In this context, John Paul II then referred to "the principles of behavior that have been formulated in common texts and that, for the Catholic Church, are still valid."

Broaching the topic of proselytization and of new communities and religious movements, the Holy Father expressed his "concern" about these groups, "not historically rooted, that invade countries and regions where Church traditions are present and where the Gospel has been proclaimed for centuries."

"The Catholic Church," he continued, "recognizes the mission which the Orthodox Churches are called to fulfill in countries where they have been for centuries." As proof of that recognition he affirmed that "the Catholic Church has always tried to sustain and help the mission of the Orthodox Churches in their countries of origin as well as the pastoral activity of many communities that live in the diaspora alongside Catholic communities."
In order to continue dialogue among Catholics and Orthodox the Pope invited all "to promote exchange and personal contact among bishops, priests and lay people, among monastic centers and students of theology." He emphasized that it is necessary "to encourage all gatherings of young people" and also to "relinquish old prejudices" in order to "prepare a new future according to the teaching of reciprocal peace."

In concluding, the Pope asked if "relations are sound enough ... to give them a solid international structure to find stable forms of communication and regular and reciprocal exchanges of information" and he proposed that this question be "the object of serious reflection in the course of future dialogue" in order to "suggest constructive solutions in this way."

For his part, Patriarch Teoctist noted that, since the fall of atheistic totalitarianism, "one of the main worries of our Church is rediscovering and putting into practice in society today the Christian mission," especially vis-a-vis religious indifference, relativism and the "emergence of pseudo-values." He stressed that mission does not involve or regard "only one Christian denomination or Church, but all Christians in an equal fashion. ... If Churches were capable on more than one occasion of uniting their efforts to survive the communist period, today unity in witnessing to the Gospel of Christ becomes even more necessary."

The patriarch stated that "the contemporary spirit, marked by globalization and competition, is also seen in relations among Christians." He affirmed that "groups of self-styled evangelizers have besieged our faithful, considering these territories as spiritually 'void' or as 'mission lands' where the Gospel has not yet been proclaimed. Naturally such behavior caused us much frustration and suffering. The hope of receiving help from Churches in free countries ... was rapidly transformed into delusion, confusion, mistrust and sporadically anti-ecumenical behavior."

"However," he remarked, "we remain faithful to the ecumenical opening because common witness of Christians is not only a necessity at the current time, ... (but) it is the vocation of all Christians, a commandment that expresses the will of Christ, Head of the Church."



VATICAN CITY, OCT 13, 2002 (VIS) - Following Mass this morning in St. Peter's Basilica on the occasion of the visit to Rome by His Beatitude Teoctist, Orthodox patriarch of Romania, the Holy Father addressed the faithful in St. Peter's Square from the window of his study, with whom he then prayed the Angelus.

Recalling not only this visit with Patriarch Teoctist, but his apostolic trip to Bucharest as well where the two met in 1999, the Pope stated: "From these meetings emerged a sincere desire for unity. 'Become united', I heard the young people proclaim in Bucharest; 'Unity' I heard again in St. Peter's Square last Monday in my first meeting with His Beatitude."

John Paul II recalled that "full communion among Christians received a notable impulse from Vatican Council II, which dedicated precisely to ecumenism one of its most significant documents, the decree 'Unitatis redintegratio'." He noted that October 11 marked the 40th anniversary of the opening of this council by Pope - now Blessed - John XXIII.

"In his opening speech," said the Holy Father, "Pope John, filled with faith and hope, exhorted the Council Fathers to, on the one hand, remain faithful to Catholic tradition and, on the other, to repropose it in a manner adapted to new times."

The Pope then prayed the Angelus with the faithful, adding afterwards: "I spiritually join my fellow countrymen in Poland who today are celebrating the so-called 'Day of the Pope'. I hope this will be an occasion for the common rediscovery of all the religious and cultural values which are the spiritual legacy of our nation. May it also be a day of solidarity, especially with young people who need help so that they can have the education suitable to their talents and their youthly aspirations."

John Paul II concluded by thanking everyone who, "on the occasion of the anniversary of my pontificate, in different ways, but especially with prayer, express their goodwill for me."



VATICAN CITY, OCT 13, 2002 (VIS) - At 9:30 a.m. in the Vatican Basilica, John Paul II presided at Mass in which His Beatitude Teoctist, Orthodox patriarch of Romania, and his entourage participated. The Pope and the patriarch both took part in the Liturgy of the Word, and prayed the Creed together, separating at the moment of the Eucharistic prayer.

After the proclamation of the Gospel in Latin and Romanian, Patriarch Teoctist read his homily. Referring to the spiritual crisis in the world, he affirmed that it is necessary "to discover once again the link between penitence and conversion, and a return to Christ, gentle and full of compassion, and also the rebuilding of communion between the Churches."

"Contemporary secularization is accompanied by a breach and impoverishment of man's interior spiritual life. In this way, secularization weakens even more the spiritual communion among Christians. Thus, today we must unite the search for sanctity in Christian life with the realization of Christian unity."

Later, in his homily, the Holy Father spoke about the Lord's call to "be part of His Church, one, holy, catholic and apostolic," asking: "Unfortunately, haven't we rejected His invitation? Haven't we torn Christ's seamless cloak, distancing ourselves from others? Yes! This reciprocal division is contrary to His will." And he added: "One day we will be asked what we have done for the unity of Christians."

"True ecumenism cannot exist," he emphasized, "without interior conversion and renovation of the mind, without overcoming prejudices, suspicions; without eliminating words, judgements, actions that do not reflect the condition of our separated brothers with justice and truth; without the will to learn to esteem others, to establish a reciprocal friendship, to nourish a fraternal love."

"We must cultivate the spirituality of communion," concluded the Pope. "We must incessantly feed the passion for unity."



VATICAN CITY, OCT 12, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:

- Fr. Lucas Kim Un-hoe of the archdiocese of Seoul, Korea, as auxiliary of the same archdiocese (area 3,768, population 12,497,135, Catholics 1,341,528, priests 807, religious 2,692). The bishop-elect was born in 1944 in Seoul and was ordained a priest in 1973.

- Archbishop Alfio Rapisarda, apostolic nuncio in Brazil, as apostolic nuncio in Portugal.

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VATICAN CITY, OCT 14, 2002 (VIS) - The following declaration was made today by Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls regarding an attempt to discredit some Franciscans in Moscow:

"The Holy See has received worrisome news concerning a dishonorable operation aimed at discrediting the community of Franciscan Friars Minor Conventual in Moscow and, through them, the Catholic Church.

"Unbeknownst to them, the Religious saw an apartment that they owned - which they had rented to a private person who stated that he wished it for a work of charity - turned into a house to be used for prostitution.

"Recently, a noted daily paper in the capital, as well as the first and third television channels, spread a subtly false news story, including images of persons attired in religious dress and portrayed in immoral behavior, with the evident intention of harming the reputation of the Catholic community.

"The pontifical representative in Moscow has energetically protested to the competent authorities. At the same time the local superiors of the Franciscan Order distributed a press release in which they rejected every accusation and denied the false information being spread in Moscow.

"The Holy See joins these legitimate protests and hopes that justice runs its course, as is becoming to a State of law."



VATICAN CITY, OCT 14, 2002 (VIS) - Following is the telegram sent by Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano, in the Holy Father's name, to Archbishop Lorenzo Fratini, apostolic nuncio in Indonesia, upon the attack Saturday, October 12, in Bali:

"His Holiness Pope John Paul II has been deeply shocked by news of the terrible attack in Bali which has caused many deaths and injuries and he asks you to convey to the civil and religious authorities the assurance of his prayers for the victims, commending them to Almighty God and invoking divine strength and comfort on the injured and on all affected by this tragic event. Such cruel and misguided violence cannot be the path to a more just and civil society, and it must be condemned by all who aspire to a world of peace built on respect for the inviolable dignity of every human life."



VATICAN CITY, OCT 14, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Jacques Diouf, general director of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).
- Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, major archbishop of Lviv of the Ukrainians, Ukraine.
- Archbishop Luigi Pezzuto, apostolic nuncio in Tanzania.
- Archbishop Guiseppe Pinto, apostolic nuncio in Senegal, Mali, Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde and apostolic delegate in Mauritania.
- Cardinal Eduardo Martinez Somalo, prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic life.

On Saturday October 12, the Holy Father received Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

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