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Monday, June 5, 2000


VATICAN CITY, JUN 3, 2000 (VIS) - In the Clementine Hall at midday today, John Paul II received a group of pilgrims from various parts of Italy who have come to Rome to celebrate the Jubilee.

The Pope addressed participants of the 12th "in tandem" cycle race, organized by the Italian Union for the Blind. He highlighted that this association had wished to celebrate its 80th anniversary with this sporting event which is "inspired by the great jubilee values of fraternity, solidarity and human promotion."

Speaking of the Solemnity of the Ascension, the Holy Father affirmed that from the moment the Lord ascended to heaven "the time began of our witness as believers, animated by the strength of the Holy Spirit. ... We Christians of the third millennium must also be witnesses and messangers of Christ, called to (show) generous missionary enthusiasm and to construct a new humanity, enlivened by the law of Love."

Just as she accompanied the Apostles while they waited, "the Virgin accompanies us too, especially in this Jubilee Year, to keep vigil and pray in the hope of a new Pentecost. Today, the first Saturday of June, we entrust our intentions of evangelical commitment to her. From her we invoke the help necessary to bring to fruition the mission that has been entrusted to each of us."

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VATICAN CITY, JUN 3, 2000 (VIS) - Two press conferences are scheduled for next week in the Holy See Press for the presentation of Jubilee year events. On June 8, there will be a presentation of the Expo Missio 2000, which will be inaugurated in Rome two days later. On June 9 there will be a conference to present the 47th International Eucharistic Congress, which will take place in Rome from June 18 to 25.

Among those scheduled to speak at the June 8 Expo Missio 2000 conference are: Cardinals Roger Etchegaray, president of the Jubilee committee and Jozef Tomko, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Archbishop Marcello Zago, secretary of this congregation and Bishop Cesare Nosiglia, vicegerent of the diocese of Rome.

Cardinals Eduoard Gagnon, president of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses, Camillo Ruini, vicar for the diocese of Rome, and Roger Etchegaray, president of the Jubilee committee, will preside at the June 9 conference on the Eucharistic congress.

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VATICAN CITY, JUN 3, 2000 (VIS) - This morning in the Basilica of St. Paul's Outside-the-Walls, Cardinal Edward I. Cassidy, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, presided at an ecumenical celebration of the Word for participants in the Jubilee of Journalists.

Before the celebration, those present passed through the basilica's Holy Door. The liturgy of the Word then took place, followed by a profession of faith by three representatives of other Churches and ecclesial communities.

In his homily, Cardinal Cassidy requested that all those who write on themes that concern religion and religious events be "specifically trained for this delicate and important task. No editor worth the name would ask a journalist to report a political or sporting event if that person were not competent and able to discuss and write on the subject. Why is it then, that journalists who completely lack the necessary background are charged with informing us on religious matters?"

After highlighting that one task of journalists is to "show the public the divisions and violence that exist between members of a family, of rival groups and of nations," he added that journalists' work must also contribute to reconciliation. He concluded: "Make of this Jubilee 2000 a moment of reconciliation, becoming once again instruments of reconciliation in your work and in your homes! Be a true gift for the society in which you live and for the world!"



VATICAN CITY, JUN 3, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Cardinal Vinko Puljic, archbishop of Vrhbosna Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, as his special envoy to the celebrations for the occasion of the international Ukrainian pilgimage to the Marian Shrine of Zarvanycia, Ukraine on July 22-23.

- Elevated the territorial prelature of Nuevo Casas Grandes (area 36,320, population 125,683, Catholics 100,546, priests 32, religious 36), Mexico, to the status of diocese. It keeps the same name and territorial configuration and becomes a suffragan of the metroplitain church of Chihuahua, Mexico. He appointed Bishop Hilario Chavez Joya M.N.M., prelate of Nuevo Casas Grandes, as bishop of the new diocese.

- Appointed Msgr. Orazio Soricelli, of the clergy of the archdiocese of Benevento, Italy, vicar forane, pastor of the parish "SS.ma Addolorata" and regional director of the Pontifical Missionary Works, as archbishop of Amalfi-Cava de' Tirreni (area 150, population 103,351, Catholics 102,700, priests 108, permanent deacons 12, religious 175), Italy. The archbishop-elect was born in Calvi, Italy, in 1952 and ordained a priest in 1976.

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VATICAN CITY, JUN 4, 2000 (VIS) - Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, president of the Vatican's central committee for the Jubilee, presided at Mass this morning in the Paul VI Hall on the concluding day of the Jubilee of Journalists, a four-day event which brought together 7,000 journalists from more than 50 countries throughout the world.

In his homily, he recalled the principal duties of journalists, especially in today's fast-paced world of ever-changing technology "which eliminates time and distance" and "prefigures a new media - a new type of journalist." Journalists must continue, he stressed, to have "a social mission," that of a "tireless mediator between the reporting of the story and the meaning they are charged to give it."

In particular, stated Cardinal Etchegaray, "we must pay attention to the deontological questions. ... The ethical demands which you call for are all the more pressing since they express the anguish of the very society of which you are the reflection.

"Yes, renounce all 'political agendas' which base the order of the day in a newsroom exclusively on the major themes which emerge from survey polls. Yes, react to conformity in a media which plagiarizes, repeating itself, agreeing with each other to the point of nourishing only one source of information. Yes, struggle against the dictatorship of urgency, of instant news, by no means a guarantee of truth. ... Give a hierarchy to your messages instead of cluttering them up in bulk. Think of all those who today are only capable of 'zapping' before the onslaught of news, or of 'surfing' on the crest of waves of images."

He then asked: "When media makers move on the world map according to political or commercial opportunities, is not some buried misery left in the shadows, or some forgotten war, or some lost solidarity? Do not hesitate to break ... the circles of collective shortsightedness, ... helping us to see far enough to see that there is also man."

Cardinal Etchegaray described his words as "an examination of conscience ... in keeping with the Jubilee season." He concluded by rendering "homage to those journalists who with courage have obtained great victories against fear, injustice, violence, hunger, and illiteracy."



VATICAN CITY, JUN 4, 2000 (VIS) - After praying the Regina Coeli, the Pope moved to the Paul VI Hall where he received in audience the 7,000 participants in the Jubilee of Journalists, which concludes today.

At the beginning of his talk, John Paul II said that one of the purposes of the meeting was to pay a debt of gratitude he felt towards the many journalists who, throughout his pontificate, "have striven to make the words and acts of my ministry known. I am deeply grateful for all this commitment, for the objectivity and courtesy that have marked a large part of this service, and I ask the Lord to give each their adequate reward."

The Holy Father affirmed that the question of ethics cannot be separated from journalistic work. "With its immense and direct influence on public opinion, journalism cannot only be guided by economic forces, by profits and partisan interests." He recalled that "the powerful communications media" are entrusted to journalists "for the good of all and especially for the good of the weakest groups, from children to the poor, from the sick to people who are marginalized and discriminated against."

"One cannot write or broadcast," he continued, "solely on the basis of audience ratings and to the detriment of a truly informative service. Nor can one appeal indiscriminately to the right to know, without taking into account the other rights of the person. No freedom, including freedom of expression, is absolute; indeed, its limits lie in the duty to respect the dignity and legitimate freedom of others. Nothing, however fascinating it may be, can be written, produced or transmitted if it damages truth, I am thinking here not just of the truth of the events you report but also of the 'truth of man', of the dignity of the human person in all its dimensions."
After his address, the Pope greeted those present in French, English, Spanish, German, Portuguese and Polish.

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VATICAN CITY, JUN 4, 2000 (VIS) - Pope John Paul, before reciting the Regina Coeli, reminded the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square that "today in many parts of the world the Ascension of Jesus into heaven is celebrated. ... Thus, the public life of Jesus concludes and the missionary expansion of the Church starts," when "Christ's disciples began to spread everywhere the word of salvation."

"Announcing and witnessing to Christ! This is the mission of every baptized person. And today's celebration of World Communications Day makes direct reference to that mission with its theme: 'Announcing Christ in the Means of Communication at the Dawn of the New Millennium'. ... Precisely to underline the importance of the media, which represents a pastoral priority for the Church, it was decided to celebrate on this occasion the Jubilee of Journalists whom I personally will have the joy of meeting in a short time."

The Holy Father observed that "journalists and professionals in social communications and everyone who, in any way, works in this sector, is asked to discharge their mission in a responsible way, aware that when one works while respecting the truth, one renders a precious service to the truth itself, and thus to mankind."

After reciting the noon prayer, the Pope greeted the numerous groups present in the square, including pilgrims who came on horseback from Viterbo, Italy, oarsmen who had participated in a regata on the Tiber, a theater group, and musical bands from throughout Italy.

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VATICAN CITY, JUN 5, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Natsagiin Bagabandi, president of Mongolia, accompanied by his wife and entourage.
- Theophilos V. Theophilou, ambassador of Cyprus, on a farewell visit.

This evening at 6:30 he is scheduled to receive Vladimir V. Putin, president of the Russian Federation, accompanied by his entourage.

On Saturday, June 3, he received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Silvano M. Tomasi C.S., apostolic nuncio in Ethiopia and Eritrea and apostolic delegate in Djibouti.
- Msgr. Adolfo Tito Yllana, charge d'affaires at the apostolic nunciature in Taipei.
- Archbishop Frane Franic, emeritus of Split-Makarska, accompanied by his entourage.
- Bishop Lubomyr Husar M.S.U., auxiliary of the major archbishop of Lviv of the Ukrainians, Ukraine.
- Cardinal Virgilio Noe, vicar general of Vatican City, accompanied by his entourage.
- Cardinal James Francis Stafford, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, accompanied by Bishop Stanislaw Rylko, secretary of the same council.
- Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves O.P., prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

On Friday, Jun 2, he received Cardinal Jozef Tomko, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

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VATICAN CITY, JUN 5, 2000 (VIS) - Following is the text of the telegram of condolences sent by the Pope to Archbishop Jean-Marie Untaani Campaore of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, upon hearing of the death of Cardinal Paul Zoungrana, M.Afr., archbishop emeritus of this archdiocese, at the age of 82:

"Having learned with emotion of the death of Cardinal Paul Zoungrana, I wish to tell you of my deep union in prayer with the archdiocese of Ouagadougou, with the family of the deceased and with all persons touched by this mourning. I pray to All Merciful God to receive in the light and peace of His Kingdom this zealous and faithful servant of the Church. I give thanks to God for the long and fruitful years of the episcopal ministry of this eminent son of Burkina Faso and of Africa, who tirelessly spent himself to proclaim the Good News of salvation to everyone, for his fraternal service and for promoting the least advantaged peoples, especially in the Sahel region. To you, to the other bishops of Burkina Faso, to the family of the deceased, to the priests, religious, catechists and all the faithful of the archdiocese, as well as to those who will take part in the funeral liturgy, I send, as a sign of comfort, my apostolic blessing."



VATICAN CITY, JUN 5, 2000 (VIS) - At midday today, the Pope received the presidency and members of the Circle of St. Peter which dedicates itself to works of charity and assistance. This year, the organization has been entrusted with the distribution of meals in the canteens for the poor which have been set up near the patriarchal basilicas.

John Paul II thanked them for their voluntary work in the canteens as well as for their activities in parishes, hospitals and welcome centers, "never tiring of standing alongside those who suffer in body and in spirit, in order to bring them the consoling certainty that Christ is the Savior of all."

"Peter's Pence which, as every year, you consign to me personally, constitutes a further sign of your silent but substantial participation in the concerns of the Holy See, which is called to intervene ever more incisively in response to the growing appeal of the poorest people in so many parts of the world. Your praiseworthy willingness to collect funds for the Pope's charity represents a much appreciated sign of communion with the universal ministry of Peter's Successor."

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