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Monday, April 10, 2000


VATICAN CITY, APR 8, 2000 (VIS) - Archbishop Giuseppe Bertello, Holy See permanent observer to the Offices of the United Nations and Specialized Institutions in Geneva, Switzerland, spoke on April 6 at the 56th session of the Human Rights Commission on Point 11, "Religious Intolerance."

In his speech in French, made public today, the archbishop highlighted "the Holy See's commitment to guaranteeing the legitimate freedom of believers, Christians and non-Christians, to be able to follow the path of their conscience, adhere to the religion of their choice and to publicly profess their faith, without discrimination or segregation, by freely belonging to an organized religious community. On many occasions Pope John Paul II has recalled that religious freedom is the most intimate of rights, indeed the heart of human rights, which makes other personal freedoms possible."

He said that "the Catholic Church does not ask for privileges, but rather claims the freedom necessary, which every citizen should enjoy, to live her religious life and contribute to the development of society."

"If a concern exists," said Archbishop Bertello, "it is seeing the discrepancy between the theoretical acceptance of these principles ... and respecting them in practice."

Highlighting the Catholic Church's activities in the field of inter-religious dialogue, the Holy See observer noted that "respecting each other's convictions is an irreplaceable value in favoring meetings between persons of different beliefs." He recalled the Holy Father's "forceful" words during a March 23 inter-religious meeting in Jerusalem: "Religion is not and must not be an excuse for violence, in particular when religious identity coincides with cultural or ethnic identity. Religion and peace go together!"



VATICAN CITY, APR 8, 2000 (VIS) - Msgr. Piero Monni, Holy See permanent observer to the World Tourism Organization, will represent the Holy See at the fourth meeting of the Committee for Promoting Quality in Tourism to be held in Madrid, Spain on April 12 and 13.

According to a communique from Msgr. Monni's office, the primary interest of this meeting "is to promote a tourism which respects human values and the dignity of the person, and which always represents a real occasion for encounter, knowledge and dialogue." Msgr. Monni, scheduled to speak on Thursday, April 13, will focus on "the need for a continual 'ethical attention' in the sphere of tourism activity."
Some of the themes which will be discussed by the participants include: the impact of tourism on society and the discussion of possible ways to apply the World Code of Ethics for Tourism; preventing sex tourism involving exploitation of minors; security and protection in tourism; norms and quality certifications.

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VATICAN CITY, APR 8, 2000 (VIS) - At midday today in St. Peter's Square, John Paul II received a large group of pilgrims from the Italian dioceses of Aversa, Gorizia, Cesena, Ischia and Molfetta, as well as members of the Capitolino Camper Club and of the Cooperative Credit Bank of Cascia and Regello which is based at Florence, Italy.

The Pope encouraged the faithful from Aversa to remain faithful to the Gospel and added, "I know of your intense pastoral activity in all areas of evangelization. I am also aware of your praiseworthy efforts to be close to the weakest and most forgotten elements of society, especially unemployed youth and poorer families. Be witnesses of solidarity."

"Give special attention to the young. May your common commitment be to 'a Church for the young and with the young'. This is a wise pastoral strategy that looks to the future."

The Pope then greeted pilgrims from the dioceses of Gorizia, Cesena and Ischia to whom he said: "May your constant concern be to give witness to your love for Christ and to announce His Gospel through words and example. In this way, you will always be ready to impart the hope that is within you."

John Paul then turned to the superiors and seminarians from the regional Pontifical Seminary of Molfetta; faithful from parishes of the diaconate of Val d'Elsa in the diocese of Siena and members of the fraternity of the Holy Trinity in Naples. He said he hoped that, on passing through the Jubilee Holy Door, they may obtain from Christ "the strength necessary to be His faithful disciples."

Finally, John Paul II had words for members of the Capitolino Camper Club and of the Cooperative Credit Bank of Cascia and Regello: "May you always be filled with sentiments inspired by charity, which is the fullness of Christian law. Moved by solidarity, put into act effective initiatives for alleviating the many forms of poverty present in today's society."

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VATICAN CITY, APR 9, 2000 (VIS) - This morning, during the celebration of Mass in St. Peter's Square, John Paul II proclaimed as Blesseds the following Servants of God: Mariano de Jesus Euse Hoyos (1845-1926), Franz Xavier Seelos (1819-1867), Anna Rosa Gattorno (1831-1900), Maria Elisabeth Hesselblad (1870-1957) and Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan (1876-1926).

In his homily, the Pope reminded the 40,000 faithful present that the Colombian, Fr. Mariano, known as Marianito, "tirelessly committed himself in the evangelization of children and adults, especially among peasant farmers." The Holy Father said he hoped that "his radiant witness of charity, understanding, service, solidarity and forgiveness may be an example for Colombia and a beneficial aid to continue working for peace and total reconciliation in that beloved country."

He said that the Redemptorist, Fr. Seelos. "left his native Bavaria and committed himself generously and joyfully to the missionary apostolate among immigrant communities in the United States." The new Blessed "invites the members of the Church to deepen their union with Christ in the Sacraments of penance and the Eucharist."

"Entrusting herself entirely to Providence and animated by a courageous impulse of charity, Blessed Anna Rosa Gattorno (foundress of the Institute of the Daughters of St. Anne), had one intention: to serve Jesus in the painful and wounded body of her neighbor, with sensitivity and maternal attention for all human misery."

John Paul II affirmed that Blessed Hesselblad, a Swedish Lutheran who concerted to Catholicism, was a "pioneer of ecumenism. ... From the very beginning her foundation, (the Order of the Most Holy Savior of St. Bridget), characterized by its Eucharistic and Marian spirituality, committed itself to the cause of Christian unity by means of prayer and evangelical witness."

The Indian Blessed Chiramel Mankidiyan, foundress of the Congregation of the Holy Family, committed herself "to a life of prayer and penance." Her union with the Cross of Christ "enabled her to remain steadfast in the face of frequent misunderstandings and severe spiritual trials."

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VATICAN CITY, APR 8, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:

- Fr. Michael A. Blume S.V.D., official of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples, as under-secretary of the same council.

- Msgr. Miklos Beer, rector of the major seminary of Esztergom, as auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Esztergom-Budapest (area 1,543, population 2,094,000, Catholics 1,258,000, priests 461, permanent deacons 13, religious 994), Hungary. The bishop-elect was born in Budapest in 1943 and ordained a priest in 1966.

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VATICAN CITY, APR 10, 2000 (VIS) - At midday today in the Paul VI Hall, the Pope received pilgrims who had come to Rome for yesterday's beatifications.

The Holy Father expressed the desire that, for Colombia, Blessed Mariano de Jesus Euse Hoyos become "a 'gift of peace' in this Jubilee Year. Colombia will achieve peace if, in all times and places, it respects the sacred and inviolable right to life. Peace, the gift of God, is also the task of man. Consequently, all Colombians, without exception, must collaborate in building that peace, rejecting all forms of violence, fighting against poverty, hunger, unemployment, armed conflict, kidnapping, drug trafficking and the destruction of the natural environment."

John Paul II requested that the example of Blessed Franz Xavier Seelos "inspire more young people to respond with generosity to Christ's call to take on the task of evangelization in the priesthood and religious life."

"The new Blessed Anna Rosa Gattorno," the Pope continued, "addresses to all of us, a strong call to love, defend and promote life, showing us the depth and tenderness of divine love towards all creatures."

He said that Maria Elisabeth Hesselblad's "ecumenical commitment, practical charity and deep spirituality are a model for all Christ's followers, especially for those living the consecrated life."

Through the intercession of Blessed Miriam Thresia Mankidiyan, concluded the Holy Father, "may the Church in India be blessed with an increase of vocations to the religious life, imbued with her spirit of prayer and charity."

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VATICAN CITY, APR 9, 2000 (VIS) - Following today's Mass, and before reciting the angelus with an estimated 40,000 faithful in St. Peter's Square, Pope John Paul, speaking Italian, English, German and Spanish, briefly greeted those who had come for the beatification ceremony of two priests and three nuns.
"As we give thanks to the Lord for these generous witnesses to the Gospel," he said, "I would like to add a word in favor of two initiatives of solidarity.

"The first is the world campaign for primary education. Unfortunately millions of children are still deprived of this good. I hope that the commitment of the international community will soon reach the objective of assuring all children of a basic education.

"Secondly," the Holy Father concluded, "I join the appeal by Italian health authorities for blood donations, and I hope that the commitment of the population to this very human and evangelical form of helping one's needy neighbor will be ever more generous."

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VATICAN CITY, APR 10, 2000 (VIS) - A press conference was held this morning in the Holy See Press Office to present the 15th World Youth Day, which will take place in Rome from August 14 to 20. With over one million young people expected in Rome during that period, World Youth Day is considered the premier event of the Jubilee Year 2000.

Cardinal James Francis Stafford, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, which organizes these celebrations, reviewed the history of World Youth Days. He underlined that this year is "the Jubilee anniversary" of World Youth Days because this initiative of Pope John Paul's was born during the Holy Year of the Redemption in 1984 and culminates now in another Jubilee Year.

He recalled that the participation of young people in the first such day was "massive and enthusiastic. ... World Youth Days, an expression of the special charism that John Paul II has in communicating with young people, soon revealed themselves to be one of the 'prophetic choices' of his pontificate."

Cardinal Stafford then underlined the "traditional meanings" of World Youth Days: "strong moments of evangelization for young people, the Church and the world; ... an efficacious sign of ecclesial communion between young people, between them and their bishop and among diverse groups, movements and associations; ... a great challenge of renewal for young people ."

He also stressed the fact that youth "will be crossing the threshold of the Holy Door. They will thus renew their Baptism experience, because Baptism is a 'limina' experience of initiation; it is precisely like crossing a threshold, leaving behind the old and entering into a new communion."

Cardinal Camillo Ruini, the Pope's vicar for the diocese of Rome, focussed on two factors in his presentation: the number of young people expected for World Youth Day 2000 and where and how they will be lodged. He said that between one million and one-and-a-half million young people are expected: approximately 200,000 for the celebrations in local Italian dioceses from August 10 to 14 and upwards of one million for youth day in Rome from August 14 to 20.

The youth will be lodged in public buildings, public and private schools, parishes, universities, religious institutes, welcome centers and with private families. An estimated 15,000 will sleep in tents. Twenty-five thousand will act as volunteers. The cardinal added that 1.5 million letters were sent to families in the diocese of Rome, asking them to welcome young people into their homes in August.

Archbishop Crescenzio Sepe, secretary general of the Central Committee for the Great Jubilee 2000, highlighted the "special harmony" that exists between the Holy Father and young people throughout the world. He recalled that the Pope's meeting with youth during his jubilee pilgrimage, in Korazim on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, was "a foretaste of the meaning of the Jubilee and of World Youth Day 2000."
"Just as the extraordinary meeting at Korazim was the largest and most highly attended liturgical assembly ever to take place in the land of Jesus, so we feel that World Youth Day 2000 will remain in everyone's memory, and in the chronicles of the Great Jubilee, as a historic event."

Bishop Cesare Nosiglia, president of the Italian Committee for World Youth Day, outlined the program for those days. The Youth Day will begin on August 15, Solemnity of the Assumption of the Virgin, when the young people will be welcomed in all the parish communities of Rome. During the evenings of August 16, 17 and 18, experiences of faith and fraternity are scheduled to be exchanged between the young people present.

On the afternoon of Friday 18, the young people will take part in a 'Via Crucis' (Way of the Cross), which will finish in the Colosseum. At the same time, other 'Via Crucis' will take place, organized by the young people in the areas of Rome in which they are staying.

Bishop Nosiglia highlighted that "the Youth Day's central message as well as the special themes of the Jubilee will also characterize the prayer vigil, due to take place on the night of Saturday, August 19 at Rome's Torvergata University. The young people will begin arriving at the university in the morning, undertaking the last part of the journey on foot. They will be welcomed with songs, prayers and testimonies from groups of young people from all over the world.

He added that, in the Mass of August 20, the Pope "will deliver a missionary mandate, asking the young people to be valiant and generous witnesses of Christ and of faith in Him in their countries throughout the world."

Finally he said that the Italian Committee for World Youth Day "has decided to give the proceeds of their solidarity fund as a contribution towards allowing large number of young people from countries at war to participate in the event."

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