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Wednesday, May 16, 2001


VATICAN CITY, MAY 16, 2001 (VIS) - During today's general audience, held in St. Peter's Square, the Pope spoke about his recent Jubilee pilgrimage to Greece, Syria, and Malta, where, he said, he testified to "the affection and esteem of the Catholic Church" for the Orthodox Church, and reaffirmed "the sincere openness with which the Church views the believers of Islam."

"On the Areopagus of Athens," he remarked, "resounded the words of St. Paul's celebrated discourse recorded in the Acts of the Apostles." This discourse "constitutes a model of inculturation and as such is always contemporary."

John Paul II recalled that after Greece he travelled to Syria, where, "on the way to Damascus, the Risen Christ appeared to Saul of Tarsus. ... It was a return to the origins - as it was for Abraham - a return to the call, to vocation. This is what I thought of in visiting the Memorial of St. Paul."

After recalling that Syria today is a predominantly Muslim country, the Holy Father said: "Interreligious dialogue with Islam becomes always more important and necessary, at the beginning of the Third Millennium." He also referred to the "very warm welcome" given to him by the civil authorities and the Great Mufti, who accompanied the Pope in his visit to the Great Mosque of the Omayyads.

The Pope noted that on the Golan Heights in Syria he "could not but make a special supplication to God for peace in the Middle East. ... In a certain sense, my spirit remained there, and my prayer continues and will not cease until vendetta gives way to reconciliation and the recognition of reciprocal rights."

"The last stage of my pilgrimage in the footsteps of Paul was the island of Malta, where the Apostle spent three months, after the boat carrying him to Rome as a prisoner was shipwrecked." The Holy Father went on to affirm that in Malta he "had the joy to beatify two sons of their people," Fr. Giorgio Preca and Ignazio Falzon, together with Sr. Maria Adeodata Pisani. "Once again I wished to indicate the way of sanctity as the main way for the believers of the Third Millennium."

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VATICAN CITY, MAY 16, 2001 (VIS) - The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith yesterday afternoon published a Notification Regarding Certain Writings of Fr. Marciano Vidal, C.Ss.R. It was dated February 22, 2001 and was signed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B., respectively prefect and secretary of the congregation.

Released in English, Spanish, Italian, French, German and Portuguese, the Notification is divided into three parts: Preface, Doctrinal Note and Some Comments on the Notification of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Regarding Certain Writings of Father Marciano Vidal, C.Ss.R. Several pages of footnotes conclude the document.

Following are excerpts from the Preface:

"One of the responsibilities of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is to watch over and protect the doctrine of the faith, so that the People of God may remain faithful to the teaching which has been received. At times, the Congregation must proceed to a doctrinal examination and point out, even by means of a public notification, the ambiguities and errors contained in widely-distributed works that may be harmful to the faith of the People of God, in order to make the necessary corrections. On some occasions, such a notification is necessary even when the author is disposed to correct his writings or when the corrections have already been made.

"An initial study of certain works by Father Marciano Vidal, C.Ss.R., namely, 'Diccionario de Etica Teologica,' 'La Propuesta moral de Juan Pablo II: Comentario Teologico-Moral de la Enciclica 'Veritatis Splendor'' and the volumes of 'Moral de Actitudes' (in both the Spanish original and the most recent Italian edition), revealed errors and ambiguities. For this reason, and because of the wide circulation of these books and their influence above all in theological formation, the Congregation decided to proceed to an examination of the texts by means of its Ordinary Procedure, according to the norms established by the Regulations for Doctrinal Examination.

"On December 13, 1997, the Congregation sent the text of the official Contestatio to the author, through Father Joseph William Tobin, Superior General of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. It was composed of an introduction, which dealt with the christological foundation of theological ethics, and two parts, the first on epistemological questions (the relationship of Scripture ' Tradition ' Magisterium, and theologians ' Magisterium), and the second on particular errors (person ' sexuality ' bioethics; social morality; eschatology ' utopia)."

The Preface then details the various meetings and correspondence that took place between the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Fr. Vidal, an advisor chosen by him, and his superior general, starting in 1997. Of a meeting on June 2, 2000, the Preface says:

"Informed of the positive outcome of the meeting, the Cardinal and Bishop Members of the Congregation in the Ordinary Sessions of June 14, 2000, and February 7, 2001, noted with satisfaction Father Vidal's assent and confirmed the agreed-upon procedure, that is, the publication of the present Notification. They also decided that the editions of 'Moral de Actitudes' (including the volume on social morality), the 'Diccionario de Etica Teologica,' and 'La propuesta moral de Juan Pablo II,' as well as any translations of these published prior to the Notification, cannot be used for theological formation. Furthermore, they decided that Father Vidal would revise 'Moral de Actitudes,' under the supervision of the Doctrinal Commission of the Spanish Episcopal Conference. The text of the present Notification, including these conditions, was sent through the Superior General to Father Vidal, who manifested his acceptance by affixing his signature.

"This resolution is not meant as a judgment on the person of the author, on his intentions, on the totality of his work, or on his ministry as a theologian, but solely on the works examined. It is intended for the good of the Christian faithful, especially pastors of souls, teachers of moral theology, and those who have received their formation according to the author's theological perspective or who themselves share such views, in order that they may dissociate themselves from these errors and deficiencies, and avoid their practical consequences in pastoral ministry."

In the section entitled Doctrinal Note, the Notification gives a General Evaluation of the content of Fr. Vidal's writings, followed by Specific Questions.

Doctrinal Note concludes:

"The Congregation notes with satisfaction the steps already taken by the author and his willingness to follow the documents of the Magisterium, and trusts that his collaboration with the Doctrinal Commission of the Spanish Episcopal Conference will result in a text suitable for the formation of students in moral theology.

"With this Notification, the Congregation also wishes to encourage moral theologians to pursue the task of renewing moral theology, in particular through deeper study of fundamental moral theology and through precise use of the theological-moral methodology, in keeping with the teaching of the Encyclical 'Veritatis Splendor' and with a true sense of their responsibility to the Church.

"The Sovereign Pontiff John Paul II, at the Audience granted to the undersigned Cardinal Prefect on February 9, 2001, in light of the further developments, confirmed his approval of the present Notification, adopted in the Ordinary Session of this Congregation, and ordered its publication."

At the end of the Doctrinal Notes, there are Some Comments on the Notification of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Regarding Certain Writings of Father Marciano Vidal, C.Ss.R.



VATICAN CITY, MAY 16, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in audience Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general for the diocese of Rome and president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, with Archbishop Cesare Nosiglia, vice-regent of Rome, Fr. Stefano Ranfi, pastor of St. Edith Stein Parish, and a parish vicar.

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VATICAN CITY, MAY 16, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Jabalpur (area 52,980, population 8,115,000, Catholics 25,867, priests 110, religious 359), India, of Bishop Theophane Mathew Thannickunnel, O.Praem, in conformity with canon 401, para. 2, of the Code of Canon Law. He is succeeded by Coadjutor Bishop Gerald Almeida.

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