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Friday, December 17, 1999


VATICAN CITY, DEC 17, 1999 (VIS) - This morning the Pope received the Letters of Credence of Blanca Elida Zuccolillo de Rodriguez Alcala, the new ambassadress of the Republic of Paraguay.

In his talk, the Holy Father encouraged the political leaders of that country to respond "to the most noble aspirations of all citizens." In order to do so, it is necessary to "improve the living conditions of the most unprotected, put a halt to corruption among the powerful which harms the weak, and prevent the slow impoverishment of large sectors of the population. Moreover, in this way it will also be possible to combat the lack of confidence in democratic institutions," and citizens will "have the opportunity to elect and control their own political leaders."

John Paul II emphasized that "the pastors of the Church in Paraguay ... have not ceased to make their voices heard, even in moments of difficulty, of anxiety, of breakdown of values and of moral confusion. Without doubt, this has contributed towards the Church's being considered as one of the institutions that is most credible and deserving of the general trust of citizens."

The Pope concluded by saying that the contribution of the Church "to the good of the community as a whole cannot be underestimated or relegated to the sphere of the merely private, as is maintained by various presently fashionable trends of thought. ... In fact, the proclamation of the Gospel would not be completely faithful if it excluded certain essential human aspects, such as social life and the need to construct together a more just, fraternal and cohesive society."



VATICAN CITY, DEC 17, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Alwi Shihab, Indonesian foreign minister. - Msgr. Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 17, 1999 (VIS) - In the Holy See Press Office today, Archbishops Jose Saraiva Martins and Edward Nowak, respectively prefect and secretary of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, presented the "Index ac status causarum" (Index and Status of Causes).

Archbishop Saraiva explained that the "Index," prepared by his dicastery, is the "list of the causes for beatification and canonization, including those that have just started and are still in the diocesan phase, those that are more or less advanced and being examined by the congregation and, finally, those that have completed their 'iter' with the canonization of the Servants of God concerned." The book presented today is the 15th edition. The first was published in 1890 and the most recent in 1988; it comprises all the work undertaken by the dicastery from 1588 up to and including 1999.

Speaking of the selection of candidates for sainthood, the prefect affirmed that this "reflects the sensitivity and the spiritual and pastoral needs of the Church, who is the promoter the causes." Whenever there is a serious and spontaneous rising of "a popular movement, not only of respect but also of admiration and of veneration" towards a Christian, then we must confirm whether, behind this, there truly lies "the finger of God. Verification consists in checking whether the fame of sanctity truly exists and whether it is founded on the heroic exercise of virtue (or) on popular emotion and credulity."

Archbishop Nowak pointed out that the preface of the "Index" gives information on the history and procedure of the causes of saints. In the first part, which is 402 pages long, mention is made of 1921 causes, "most of which are following their 'iter' at a speed in keeping with their complexity."

The second part, he continued, contains the list of "early 'blesseds' or 'saints', whose cults have been confirmed by the Holy See given that they pre-date 1534, in keeping with the provisions of Urban VIII (1634). ... The official recognition of their cult places them at the same level as formally declared blesseds. ... In order for them to be canonized, the heroic nature of their virtues and a miracle attributed to their intercession must be recognized. At the present time, the number of these blesseds is 1430."

Archbishop Nowak added that the third part comprises the "list of blesseds, which at present numbers 1742, going from the year 1609 to 1999." On this matter he recalled that up until now John Paul II has proclaimed 940 blesseds and 295 saints. The fourth section, concluded the archbishop, comprises "the catalogue of saints canonized from the congregation's foundation (1588) up until today, a total of 591."

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 17, 1999 (VIS) - Participants in the international symposium on Jan Hus - priest, preacher, theologian, reformer and Bohemian national hero - were welcomed this morning by the Holy Father who, in his speech to them, highlighted Hus' "moral courage in facing adversity and death, that has made him a figure of special significance to the Czech people."

Speaking in Czech and Italian, the Pope noted that this symposium will publish its results "so that as many people as possible will have an insight into not only a remarkable man but also an important and complex period of Christian and European history. Today, on the eve of the Great Jubilee, I feel the need to express deep regret for the cruel death inflicted on Jan Hus and for the consequent wound of conflict and division which was thus imposed on the minds and hearts of the Bohemian people."

"The writing of history," continued John Paul II, "is sometimes beset by ideological, political and economic pressures, so that the truth is obscured and history itself becomes a prisoner of the powerful. Genuinely scientific study is our best defense against such pressures and the distortions they can bring. It is true that it is very difficult to attain an absolute objective account of history. ... Yet this does not mean that we cannot offer an account of history which is in a very real sense impartial and therefore true and liberating. ... The truth which sets us free from error is also the truth which sets us free for love."

Concluding, the Pope pointed out that "at a time when many are working to create a new kind of unity in Europe, studies such as yours can help to inspire people to go beyond narrow ethnic and national confines to genuine openness and solidarity. ... It is clear then that your work is an important service not only to the historical figure of Jan Hus, but also to Christians and European society more generally. This is because, in the end, it is a service to the truth about man."

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