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Friday, September 14, 2001


VATICAN CITY, SEP 14, 2001 (VIS) - The Pope received in audience this morning at Castelgandolfo the members of the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood who are celebrating their 17th general assembly on the theme "The Future Face of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood."

John Paul II recalled that when St. Gaspar del Bufalo founded the Congregation in 1815, Pope Pius VII asked him to "go where no one else would go and to undertake missions which seemed unpromising," such as "evangelizing the bandits who so troubled the area between Rome and Naples at that time. ... Your Founder did not hesitate to obey. ... Casting his nets into deep and dangerous waters, he made an astonishing catch."

"Two centuries later," he continued, "another Pope summons the sons of St. Gaspar to be no less bold in their decisions and actions - to go where others cannot or will not go and to undertake missions. ... I ask you to continue your efforts to build a civilization of life, seeking the protection of all human life, from the life of the unborn to the life of the aged and infirm, and promoting the dignity of every human person, especially of the weak and of those deprived of their rightful share of the earth's abundance. I urge you to pursue a mission of reconciliation, as you work to rebuild societies torn by civil strife, even bringing together victims and perpetrators of violence in a spirit of forgiveness, so that they may come to know that 'it is (the blood of Christ) that is the most powerful source of hope; indeed it is the foundation of the absolute certitude that in God's plan life will be victorious'."

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 14, 2001 (VIS) - Bishops from Haiti were welcomed by the Holy Father this morning in Castelgandolfo as they conclude their quinquennial "ad limina" visit to the See of Peter.

Addressing them in French, the Pope focussed on the "dramatic political and economic situation in Haiti," citing the bishops' own five-year reports. "The important growth in population and the precarious nature of the agricultural and industrial conjunction have produced endemic unemployment, causing many inhabitants to go from the country to the city. This exodus further deteriorates ecological balance and renders families, the vital cell of society, fragile."

He said that Catholics are called to play a role in political development and urged the international community "to show solidarity in this area." The Holy Father also stressed the need to continually evangelize the population, saying that Haiti's extreme poverty and "the syncretism and the ignorance of Christians creates a favorable terrain for the proliferation of sectarian groups tempted to exploit the credulity of the poor."

"In the difficult context that the country is living," he went on, "the seeds for division are numerous. That is why it is essential to make communion ever stronger and more visible." He then stressed some of the bishops' priorities, including promoting a laity with "solid spiritual, intellectual and ecclesial formation," and "developing a vigorous family pastoral ministry to respond to the news challenges facing the Church in Haiti." This ministry, he stated, must be centered "on the basic values of the family and Christian marriage. He urged the prelates to "awaken people to the irreplaceable witness of the family, the basic school of society!"

John Paul II also exhorted the bishops to make young people "the object of your permanent solicitude. They are often tempted to respond with violence, marginalization, exile or resignation to the crying inequalities which deprive them of future perspectives and deny them hope. I hope the legitimate questions of the new generations will be taken ever more under consideration."

The Pope observed that "education constitutes an irreplaceable terrain for the healthy growth of the young generations, contributing to make (others) respect their basic human rights. ... To fight the scourge of illiteracy and assure youth of a human, spiritual and moral formation, Catholic schools, in the rich diversity of their charisms and their educational projects, render an essential service to the life of the Church and the nation. ... I encourage (the educational communities) to pursue their noble mission."

He thanked Haiti's priests, religious and lay faithful for their commitments to education, the family, health and welfare, and social promotion, stressing that he "knows the difficult conditions in which they must proclaim the Gospel." He urged priests to give "renewed attention" to ecclesial grassroots communities. "I ask pastors to remain vigilant so that these communities are truly missionary."

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 14, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in audience Archbishop Thomas Yeh Sheng-nan, apostolic nuncio in Sri Lanka.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 14, 2001 (VIS) - All offices of the Roman Curia prayed the Angelus at noon today and dedicated special prayers for the repose of the souls of the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States, as well as prayers for peace.

The Vatican joined the countries of the European Union which had proposed dedicating a period of prayer and recollection at 12 noon today in memory of last Tuesday's victims.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 14, 2001 (VIS) - Made public today was a Message from the Pope to Bishop Paolo Rabitti of San Marino-Montefeltro, Italy, on the occasion of the 1700th anniversary of the foundation of the Republic of San Marino, which takes its name from its holy founder.

The citizens of San Marino, writes the Holy Father in the Message dated August 29, "honor their Saint as the promoter of authentic freedom, because he introduced in them such a great sense of religious, political, civil, and psychological freedom to the point of making the terms 'San Marinian' and 'free' almost synonymous. ... I add now that freedom must be preserved immune from every attack."

John Paul II recalled that "clothed in the diaconal ministry, St. Marino worked intensely for the spread of the Gospel. ... He strengthened the people with the word of God, sanctified the place of his residence with the virtues typical of men of God: charity, humility, chastity, prayer, the battle against the Evil One, and penance."

"I know the commitment of every member of this particular Church, beginning with the clergy and religious, in promoting the Christian life in its various aspects. In San Marino, as elsewhere, difficulties and obstacles are unfortunately not lacking." He then exclaimed, "Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro do not get discouraged! I say to you as well: 'Duc in altum'!"

The Pope concluded by asking the diocese to remain "'united' around the bishop, thanks to the faithful communion of the priests, men and women religious, deacons, and laity of every parish and apostolic group."

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