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Thursday, March 25, 1999


VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - Last evening, Wednesday, March 24, shortly after the start of the bombings by NATO forces against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls made the following declaration:

"Recourse to the use of force is always a defeat for humanity. One cannot help but think of the eventual victims and the feelings of hatred that will inevitably arise. It makes one think of Pius XII's words on August 24, 1939: 'Nothing is lost with peace. All can be lost with war'."

Also last night, relative to the postponement of the visit of a delegation from the Patriarchate of Moscow, which was to have taken place in coming days in the Vatican, Dr. Navarro-Valls thus answered journalists' questions:

"The decision taken by the Patriarchate of Moscow, due to the situation which has been created in the Balkans, and for reasons extraneous to both the Holy See and the Patriarchate, is understandable.

"As was previously announced in Moscow, it is only a question of changing dates, agreed to by both parties."



VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - Yesterday afternoon in the Sala Regia, Pope John Paul inaugurated the Rome-Armenia Exhibition in the presence of Armenia's President Kocharian, His Holiness Karekin I, Catholicos of All the Armenians, and His Beatitude Jean Pierre XVIII Kasparian, patriarch of Armenian Catholics.

Karekin I was accompanied by His Beatitude Patriarch Torkom, archbishop of Jerusalem. Prelates, priests and lay people from these Churches also attended the opening.

"You have wished to honor the Church of Rome in the most beautiful manner accorded to Christians, by the witness of charity and the holy kiss of communion," the Holy Father told Catholicos Karekin I. "I deeply appreciate this delicate gesture, which constitutes a new and important chapter in the history of the common quest for full unity between Christ's followers."

John Paul II remarked that "communion does not mean the absorption and loss of one's own identity. Rather, it is a shared pilgrimage to the one Lord, preserving what is specific and gaining the strength and richness that comes from universality."

He then addressed "warm greetings" to Patriarch Kasparian, accompanied by bishops of his Church, and noted that "full communion with the See of Peter, while making this Church an integral part of the Catholic family, does not separate it from the marvelous heritage of spiritual life and culture which brings so much honor to the Armenian people."

Turning to the history of the Armenian people, the Pope said that, "despite opposition and even open persecution, Armenians did not close in upon themselves, but considered it vital ... to engage in an open and intelligent exchange with other peoples. ... They have always shown initiative and courage, ever sustained by the power of the Gospel which shaped their history and provided a solid foundation for their life."

"The relationship between Armenia and Rome preceded the coming of Christianity, but Christianity soon became the very reason for that relationship," affirmed the Pope. He added that communion between the Armenian Church in the Cilicia region and the Church of Rome "reached an intensity perhaps never attained in other cases."

If the cultural exchange "failed to yield more lasting fruit, it was in part due to the intransigence of some who perhaps were not able to appreciate fully the value of so providential an opportunity. On the Roman side, some of this lack of understanding was the result of tragic internal conflicts in the Western Church and the emergence of new canonical and theological concepts which made it more difficult to understand the ancient spiritual heritage of the East. For us today all of this is a motive of profound regret."
Pope John Paul then turned to the exhibition itself, commenting that "the objects on display in the Sala Regia - from the fragment of Noah's Ark from Echmiadzin to the archeological finds from ancient Cilicia ... are signs of the great things which God has done for the Armenian people. They are an invitation to ever deeper self-knowledge and ever greater self-esteem."



VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos and Archbishop Csaba Terniak, respectively prefect and secretary of the Congregation for Clergy, presented the Holy Father John Paul II's Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday 1999 this morning at the Holy See Press Office.

Archbishop Terniak said that the reason for the Pope's letter is for the celebration of Holy Thursday, "because this is the day on which the ordained priesthood was born, the priesthood which partakes in that original and intransferable priesthood of Jesus Christ, of which the priest is gift and sign of love for His Church."

He announced that the next international meeting of clergy will be held in the Holy Land from June 22-27, and said that like the three previous such meetings, this one "responds to that deep desire of staying a while with the Lord, in a heart to heart (encounter), in the palpable reality of priestly communion."

For his part, Cardinal Castrillon explained that the Letter is focussed on the theme of divine fatherhood. It begins with the invocation "Abba Father", a term used by Jesus in the Garden of Olives and which "indicates an intimacy for which there are no examples before Christ."

"Priests are invited to be permeated by this fatherhood, but they are also called to give it to the whole world, which is in such urgent need of it! ... Spiritual fatherhood involves bringing the light of the Gospel, the light of the Word of God to others."

The prefect of the Congregation for Clergy ended by stating that "the Eucharist is the inexhaustible mystery of Christ and from his prayer is the summit and source of all good. ... The Holy Sacrifice is the absolute center of the life and day of the priest. Priesthood and the Eucharist are indissolubly united."



VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - Pope John Paul II this morning welcomed His Holiness Karekin I, Catholicos of All the Armenians, and in his speech in French, highlighted the nearly two millennia-old history of Christianity in Armenia. "Thanks to their fidelity to their roots and their tenacity in adversity," he said, "the Armenian people have known how to turn their many sufferings into a source of creativity and dynamism."

The Pope then observed that "soon Christians ... will sing and celebrate the mystery of our redemption. Our faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of our life, our mission and the links of fraternal communion among our Churches. I welcome with satisfaction the progress made in our common search for unity in Christ. ... The regrettable divisions of the past must not continue to bear negatively on the life and witness of our Churches."

"The Catholic Church and the Armenian Church have developed a deep relationship, especially since Vatican Council II," Pope John Paul pointed out. "I wish to especially thank Your Holiness," he added, "for what you have accomplished and are still accomplishing to realize unity among Christians."

The Holy Father then referred to the invitation to visit Armenia, extended to him by both Karekin I and the country's president. "I pray the Lord that he will allow me to make this visit."

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VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received the bishops of the Ukrainian Catholic communities of the Latin rite on their first "ad limina" visit.

At the beginning of his speech, the Pope recalled the "witness of so many heroes of the faith who suffered persecution, and the courage of uncountable numbers of parents who continually passed on the love for the Gospel to their children."

Having encouraged the bishops to maintain "a deep apostolic missionary zeal," he urged their communities to be "full of life and fervor, that they might be united to their pastors and directed at evangelization. You can thus look towards the future with trust and undertake in an ever better way your mission in the beloved land of Ukraine."

The Pope said that, having overcome difficulties of recent years, the bishops now must concern themselves with providing their communities with sacred buildings. "Many parish churches and chapels have been reopened for worship, and there are now three seminaries."
"In your country, you show the richness of the Catholic Church through the variety of her ritual expressions: the Byzantine tradition, the Latin one, with the numerically limited contribution of Armenia. ... The Church can be proud of this plurality in unity."

"May the specific difficult religious situation in your country," exhorted the Pope, "not discourage you in the constant search for paths of dialogue, reciprocal understanding and, as far as is possible and fitting, concrete means of cooperation. An attentive and courageous missionary zeal will be useful for you so that the barriers raised by the desolating oppression of 70 years of militant atheism will fall."

Lastly, referring to ecumenism, he emphasized the importance of "the preaching and witness of followers of Christ in Ukrainian society. Families, fragile in unity and in the respect for life, need it, the weakest need it, particularly children, who are often abandoned; society needs it; ... young people seek it, who desire new hope and concrete ideals for which they can commit their lives."

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VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - Following are excerpts from Pope John Paul's Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday 1999, dated March 14 and made public this morning in Italian, English, Spanish and French:

"'Abba, Father!'

"Dear Brothers in the priesthood, my Holy Thursday appointment with you in this year which immediately precedes the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 focuses on this invocation ... which encloses the unfathomable mystery of the Word made flesh, sent by the Father into the world for the salvation of humanity."

"God the Father sends the Son to make us, in him, his adopted children. ... The Father then sends the Spirit of the Son to enlighten us with regard to this extraordinary privilege: 'Because you are sons and daughters, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, Abba, Father!"
"How can we fail to give thanks to God as we think of the hosts of priests who, in this vast span of time, have spent their lives in the service of the Gospel, sometimes to the point of the supreme sacrifice of life itself? In the spirit of the coming Jubilee, while confessing the limitations and shortcomings of past Christian generations, and therefore also of the priests of those times, we recognize with joy that a very significant part of the Church's inestimable service to human progress is due to the humble and faithful work of countless ministers of Christ who, in the course of the millennium, have been generous builders of the civilization of love.

"The immensity of time! If time is always a movement away from the beginning, it is also, when we think of it, a return to the beginning. And this is of fundamental importance: if time did no more than take us ever further from the beginning, and if its final orientation ' the recovery of the origin ' were not clear, then our whole existence in time would lack a definite direction. It would have no meaning.

"It is with Christ that we pass through time, going in the same direction that he has taken: towards the Father."

"The Gospel is a continuous revelation of the Father. When the twelve-year-old Jesus is found by Joseph and Mary among the teachers in the Temple, he replies to his Mother's words, 'My son, why have you done this to us?', by referring to the Father: 'Did you not know that I must be about the things of my Father?' Even at the age of twelve he already has a clear awareness of the meaning of his own life, of his mission, which, from the first moment to the last, is wholly dedicated to 'the things of the Father'."

"The Gospel relates that the Apostles, marvelling at the Master's inner recollection in his dialogue with the Father, asked him: 'Lord, teach us to pray'. Then, for the first time, he spoke the words which would become the principal and most frequently used prayer of the Church and of individual Christians: the 'Our Father'.

"In the Eucharist the priest personally draws near to the inexhaustible mystery of Christ and of his prayer to the Father. He can immerse himself daily in this mystery of redemption and grace by celebrating Holy Mass, which retains its meaning and value even when, for a just reason, it is offered without the participation of the faithful, yet always for the faithful and for the whole world."

"The Eucharistic liturgy is a pre-eminent school of Christian prayer for the community."

"It is precisely in this context that I exhort all priests to carry out with confidence and courage their duty of guiding the community to authentic Christian prayer. This is a duty which no priest may ever forsake, even though the difficulties caused by today's secularized mentality can at times make it extremely demanding for him."

JPII-LETTER PRIESTS;HOLY THURSDAY;...;... ;VIS;19990325;Word: 650;


VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - The following declaration was made early this afternoon by Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls on the Pope's audiences this morning with the president of Armenia and the prime minister of Singapore:

"The president of the Republic of Armenia, Mr. Robert Kotcharian, was received in audience this morning by the Holy Father John Paul II. The Armenian head of state then met with Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of state.

"During the discussions, the historical relations established 1700 years ago between the Holy See and Christian Armenia were mentioned, as well as the current religious situation in that country. Special attention was then given to relations between Armenia and other countries of the Caucasus and with European organizations.

"President Kotcharian invited the Holy Father to visit Armenia. John Paul II thanked the Armenian president, saying that he hoped that providence would allow him to go on this apostolic trip soon."

"Also this morning, the Pope received in audience the prime minister of Singapore, Mr. Goh Chok Tong, who subsequently met with the Cardinal Secretary of State. The meeting allowed for a useful exchange of information on the current situation in that young republic, and in the Far East in general."

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VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - The following is a declaration made today by Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls: "The Holy Father is deeply concerned about the suffering of peoples struck by the painful situation in which they presently find themselves. It is a solidarity which is extended to all Albanians and Serbs, Muslims and Christians, Orthodox and Catholics, because all are children of the same Father in heaven.

"At the same time, the Holy See remains in contact with the parties involved, inviting them to accept the path of dialogue once again, and to find honorable solutions for all. Such an invitation was made by the Holy See to the government in Belgrade, so that it may seek the cooperation of other European countries. Belonging to a common European culture will certainly provide a basis of dialogue for all parties."



VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:

- Archbishop Luigi Bressan, apostolic nuncio in Thailand, Singapore and Cambodia, and apostolic delegate in Laos, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalem and Myanmar, as metropolitan archbishop of Trent (area 6,212, population 464,398, Catholics 461,000, priests 855, religious 1,249), Italy.

- Archbishop Luigi Ventura, apostolic nuncio in the Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, and Niger, as apostolic nuncio in Chile.

- Bishop Umberto Tramma of Nola, Italy, as deputy secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts.

- Fr. Giuseppe Sciacca as prelate auditor of the Roman Rota.

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VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Robert Kocharian, president of the Republic of Armenia, and his entourage.
- His Holiness Karekin I, supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of all Armenians, and his entourage.
- Goh Chok Tong, prime minister of the Republic of Singapore, and his entourage.

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VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - The fifth and final pre-synodal council for the Second Special Assembly for Europe of the Synod of Bishops was held in the Vatican March 16-18 under the presidency of Cardinal Jan P. Schotte, C.I.C.M., and in the presence of four cardinals, four archbishops, two bishops and staff members of the secretariat general of the Synod of Bishops.

According to the communique published today on the meeting, the council "introduced the presentation of the final draft of the ''Instrumentum laboris'" and dedicated time to a survey of possible points to suggest for the "Relatio ante disceptationem."

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