VATICAN CITY, JAN 25, 1999 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls, today made the following declaration in Mexico City, concerning the new military attacks in Iraq:
"This new incident confirms that which was already said by the Holy Father: Military means do not resolve problems, rather they make them worse."
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Tuesday, January 26, 1999
VATICAN CITY, JAN 25, 1999 (VIS) - The Pope this morning celebrated a private Mass at the nunciature in Mexico City and then at noon met and ate lunch with the cardinals and presidents of the 24 American episcopal conferences, and with his entourage.
At 4:30 p.m. he went by popemobile to Azteca Stadium, one of the largest in the world, with a capacity of 114,000 people. There he held a "meeting with generations." The Pope, surrounded by 13 cardinals from Latin America, was on a podium on a 360-degree rotating platform in the center of the stadium, thus allowing all present to have a frontal view of the papal stage.
The Pontiff gave a homily in two parts, alternating it with live link-ups from Honduras, the Dominican Republic, the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Peru.
In the first part of his homily, "The End of a Century and a Millennium in the Light of the Second Vatican Council," the Pope referred to the theme of this pastoral visit: "A Millennium is Approaching, Let's Reaffirm the Faith." He said: "The new era which is close at hand should lead to a strengthening of America's faith in Jesus Christ. ... Only faith in Christ brings about a culture opposed to selfishness and death."
"To you parents and grandparents here present, it is your duty to pass on well-rooted convictions of faith, Christian practices and healthy moral traditions to the new generations. In this way, the teachings of the last Council will help you."
The Pope said that our century "shows itself to be powerless in the face of millions of starving human beings; ... forsakes the promotion of moral values; ... passively contemplates the growing abyss between poor countries in debt and others which are strong and wealthy; it continues to ignore the intrinsic perversion and the terrible consequences of the 'culture of death'; it promotes ecology but ignores that the deep roots of all threats to nature are moral disorder and man's contempt for man."
"America, the land of Christ and Mary! You have the important role of building the new world that the Second Vatican Council wished to promote. You must commit yourselves so that truth prevails over all forms of lies, so that good overcomes evil, justice overcomes injustice and that honesty overcomes corruption."
In the second part of his speech, entitled "The 21st Century, Century of the New Evangelization and the Great Challenge of Young Christians," the Pontiff stated that "the person who has the Gospel as their guide and norm of life cannot remain passive, but must share and spread the light of Christ, even with their own sacrifices."
"You," he added, "have the mission of working so that new generations receive a solid Christian formation during their intellectual and cultural preparation (for life), in order to avoid that forceful progress closes them to the transcendent."
In this era of information technology and "powerful means of communication," the Pope presented especially to young people the challenge of "opening the minds and heart of humanity to the newness of Christ and the gratuity of God. It is only in this way that the risk of a world and a history without a soul will be distanced."
"In the Lord's name," he ended, "may you go decisively to evangelize your own surrondings so that they are more human and fraternal, in solidarity (with others) and more respectful of nature which has been entrusted to us. May the faith and ideals of life spread to all peoples of this continent, not with useless confrontation, but rather with the witness of your own lives."
Before concluding the meeting, the Pope said: "I learned today that an earthquake has caused many victims and numerous injured in Colombia. Let us show our love in solidarity with these brothers and sisters who suffer at this time. From here I wish to encourage all who are helping the victims. We are praying as well for the repose of the souls of those who lost ther lives."
At 4:30 p.m. he went by popemobile to Azteca Stadium, one of the largest in the world, with a capacity of 114,000 people. There he held a "meeting with generations." The Pope, surrounded by 13 cardinals from Latin America, was on a podium on a 360-degree rotating platform in the center of the stadium, thus allowing all present to have a frontal view of the papal stage.
The Pontiff gave a homily in two parts, alternating it with live link-ups from Honduras, the Dominican Republic, the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Peru.
In the first part of his homily, "The End of a Century and a Millennium in the Light of the Second Vatican Council," the Pope referred to the theme of this pastoral visit: "A Millennium is Approaching, Let's Reaffirm the Faith." He said: "The new era which is close at hand should lead to a strengthening of America's faith in Jesus Christ. ... Only faith in Christ brings about a culture opposed to selfishness and death."
"To you parents and grandparents here present, it is your duty to pass on well-rooted convictions of faith, Christian practices and healthy moral traditions to the new generations. In this way, the teachings of the last Council will help you."
The Pope said that our century "shows itself to be powerless in the face of millions of starving human beings; ... forsakes the promotion of moral values; ... passively contemplates the growing abyss between poor countries in debt and others which are strong and wealthy; it continues to ignore the intrinsic perversion and the terrible consequences of the 'culture of death'; it promotes ecology but ignores that the deep roots of all threats to nature are moral disorder and man's contempt for man."
"America, the land of Christ and Mary! You have the important role of building the new world that the Second Vatican Council wished to promote. You must commit yourselves so that truth prevails over all forms of lies, so that good overcomes evil, justice overcomes injustice and that honesty overcomes corruption."
In the second part of his speech, entitled "The 21st Century, Century of the New Evangelization and the Great Challenge of Young Christians," the Pontiff stated that "the person who has the Gospel as their guide and norm of life cannot remain passive, but must share and spread the light of Christ, even with their own sacrifices."
"You," he added, "have the mission of working so that new generations receive a solid Christian formation during their intellectual and cultural preparation (for life), in order to avoid that forceful progress closes them to the transcendent."
In this era of information technology and "powerful means of communication," the Pope presented especially to young people the challenge of "opening the minds and heart of humanity to the newness of Christ and the gratuity of God. It is only in this way that the risk of a world and a history without a soul will be distanced."
"In the Lord's name," he ended, "may you go decisively to evangelize your own surrondings so that they are more human and fraternal, in solidarity (with others) and more respectful of nature which has been entrusted to us. May the faith and ideals of life spread to all peoples of this continent, not with useless confrontation, but rather with the witness of your own lives."
Before concluding the meeting, the Pope said: "I learned today that an earthquake has caused many victims and numerous injured in Colombia. Let us show our love in solidarity with these brothers and sisters who suffer at this time. From here I wish to encourage all who are helping the victims. We are praying as well for the repose of the souls of those who lost ther lives."
VATICAN CITY, JAN 26, 1999 (VIS) - Cardinal Jorge Arturo Medina Estevez, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, this morning presented at the Holy See Press Office the new rite of exorcism of the Roman Book of Rites.
Cardinal Medina began by stating that the person's capacity to welcome God is "blurred by sin, and at times evil occupies the place where God wishes to dwell. For this reason, Jesus Christ came to liberate the person from the dominion of evil and sin. ... Jesus Christ drove out demons and liberated people who were possessed with evil spirits to make space for him in that person."
"Exorcism is an old and particular form of prayer which the Church uses against the power of the devil." The Catechism of the Catholic Church (number 1673) explains that exorcism is directed at "the expulsion of demons or to the liberation from demonic possession through the spiritual authority which Jesus entrusted to his Church."
According to the rite of exorcism, continued the cardinal prefect, there are various criteria to know if we are dealing with demonic possession: "Speaking with a great number of words from unknown languages, or understanding them, making known things either distant or hidden, showing strength beyond one's situation, together with vehement aversion towards God, Our Lady, the Cross and holy pictures."
"To perform an exorcism," he stressed, "authorization from the diocesan bishop is required, which can be given for a specific case, or rather in a general and permanent way to the priest who has the ministry of exorcist in the diocese."
Cardinal Medina said the Roman Book of Rites contained in the last chapter the indications and liturgical text of the exorcisms, but "it had not been revised since Vatican Council II." After 10 years of work, the current text was approved by the Pontiff. Once the translations of the ritual are completed in different languages, they will be submitted "for the 'recognitio' of the Congregation for Divine Worship."
In the current book of rites there is "the rite of exorcism itself" and "the prayers which must be publicly recited ... when it is prudently deemed that there is an influence of Satan over places, objects or people, without having arrived at the phase of possession itself. In addition, there is a series of prayers which the faithful must pray privately when they believe that they are subject to demonic influences."
"Exorcism has its departure point in the faith of the Church, according to which Satan and other evil spirits exist. ... Catholic doctrine teaches us that demons are fallen angels as a result of their sin, and that they are spiritual beings with great intelligence and power."
The prefect of the congregation, recalling with the Catechism of the Catholic Church that "the power of Satan is not infinite," said however that God's allowing us to be tempted "is a great mystery."
In conclusion, he emphasized that "the harmful influence of the devil and his evil spirits is normally exercised through deception, falsehoods, lies and confusion. As Jesus is the Truth, the devil is the liar par excellence. Lies have always been, right from the beginning, his preferred strategy."
In answer to a question, Cardinal Medina explained that "there is great continuity between the old and the new rites, that there are no radical changes. The language is more somber and fewer adjectives are used; however, the expression of faith in the power of God to expel the devil is the same in both cases."
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CELEBRATION OF THIRD WORLD DAY OF CONSECRATED LIFE VATICAN CITY, JAN 26, 1999 (VIS) - According to a communique issued today by the Office of the Lit
VATICAN CITY, JAN 26, 1999 (VIS) - According to a communique issued today by the Office of the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, the Third World Day of Consecrated Life will be celebrated on February 2, feast of the Presentation of Our Lord, with a Eucharistic celebration at 5:30 p.m. in St. Peter's Basilica.
Pope John Paul will give the homily, lead the thanksgiving prayer to God for the gift of consecrated life and impart the final blessing. Cardinal Eduardo Martinez Somalo, prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, will preside at the Mass, which will be preceded by the blessing of candles and a procession.
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Pope John Paul will give the homily, lead the thanksgiving prayer to God for the gift of consecrated life and impart the final blessing. Cardinal Eduardo Martinez Somalo, prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, will preside at the Mass, which will be preceded by the blessing of candles and a procession.
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VATICAN CITY, JAN 26, 1999 (VIS) - Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano sent a telegram on behalf of the Holy Father to Bishop Istvan Konkoly of Szombathely, Hungary, following the road accident yesterday in the Austrian region of Styria, in which 18 young Hungarians who were on a trip lost their lives.
In the telegram, the Pontiff expresses his sympathies to Bishop Konkoly, and to the parents and families of the deceased. "In praying for the eternal rest of the beloved deceased, he prays to the Lord for Christian hope and strength, and in faith in the resurrection of Christ, sends his comforting apostolic blessing."
In the telegram, the Pontiff expresses his sympathies to Bishop Konkoly, and to the parents and families of the deceased. "In praying for the eternal rest of the beloved deceased, he prays to the Lord for Christian hope and strength, and in faith in the resurrection of Christ, sends his comforting apostolic blessing."
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