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Friday, December 28, 2001


VATICAN CITY, DEC 22, 2001 (VIS) - The Second World Congress Against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children was held in Yokohama, Japan, from December 17 to 20. Below are extracts of the speech given by Janne Haaland Matlary, representative of the Holy See Delegation.

"Sexual exploitation of children is a heinous crime. ... Both trafficking in women and children, sex tourism, and child pornography on the internet have increased enormously since the first conference on the commercial exploitation of children in Stockholm in 1996."

"The combination of poverty and weak family relations often explains why children are involved in 'sex tourism' or become the victims of trafficking. Poverty must and can be combatted through more development aid. Here both international organizations and local communities must have a say. The shameful sex tourism in many developing countries must be combatted on the supply side as well as on the demand side. The poor family in the developing world can and must be helped, and the clients-exploiters can and must be detected and punished effectively through international legal cooperation. Here, promising developments involving extra-territorial legality are important. Both sex tourism and internet child pornography are global phenomena, and must be combatted with truly global political weapons."

"The Holy See will do its part, according to its specific nature and competence, to combat the evil of commercial sexual abuse of children. ... We must look deeply in our own societies, confronting the lack of sound sexual behavior, the dominance of a consumerist culture that sees human beings as objects, and the licentiousness of some media which speculate in violence and sexual perversions."



VATICAN CITY, DEC 22, 2001 (VIS) - This morning the Holy Father received cardinals, members of the pontifical family and the Roman Curia for the traditional exchange of Christmas greetings. The Holy Father thanked them for their generous assistance to the Apostolic See and spoke of some of the events of the last 12 months.

John Paul II began by recalling, "first of all and with great emotion, the morning of Epiphany" when he signed the Apostolic Letter, "Novo millennio ineunte." Moreover, he said, "the Lord allowed me to complete the 'Jubilee pilgrimage' to the places linked to the history of Salvation:" Athens, Damascus and Malta. During the visit to Kazakhstan in September, "I again invited the followers of all religions to repudiate violence so as to contribute towards making humankind lovers of life and seekers after justice and solidarity." In Armenia, "I was deeply moved by the exquisite courtesy of His Holiness Catholicos Karekin II."

The Pope referred to "the beloved Chinese people ... in the recent commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the arrival in Beijing of Fr. Matteo Ricci, the famous son of the Company of Jesus.

"Without overlooking the difficulties and suffering that at times mark the journey, I here reaffirm my profound conviction that the path of mutual understanding and, where possible, of common prayer is the privileged way to agreement, solidarity and peace."

The Holy Father emphasized the fact that "the shadow of the tragic terrorist attack on New York, of the war in Afghanistan and of the increased tension in the Holy Land has darkened the last months of the year. Faced with this situation, the disciples of Christ, Prince of Peace, are called to constantly proclaim that all forms of terrorist violence dishonor the sanctity of God and the dignity of man, and that religion can never be a reason for bellicose aggression, hate and abuse. I renew my urgent invitation to all men and women of good will to spare no efforts in seeking equitable solutions to the many conflicts that torment the world and in guaranteeing a peaceful present and future for everyone."

After recalling that on January 24 2001, representatives of the world's religions will meet in Assisi, Italy, in order to pray "that difficulties be overcome and authentic peace promoted," he exclaimed: "I thank all those who, in the various regions of the earth, will join in this penitential exercise. The fruit of their sacrifice will serve to alleviate the suffering of so many innocent brothers and sisters, tried by pain!"

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 25, 2001 (VIS) - The Pope celebrated midnight Mass in the Vatican Basilica for the solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord.

In his homily the Pope affirmed: "Christmas is an event of light, it is the feast of light: in the Child of Bethlehem the primordial light once more shines in humanity's heaven and dissipates the clouds of sin. The radiance of God's definitive triumph appears on the horizon of history in order to offer a new future of hope to a pilgrim people."

"Our hearts this Christmas," he went on, "are anxious and distressed because of the continuation in various parts of the world of war, social tensions, and the painful hardships which so many people suffer. We are all seeking an answer that will reassure us. ... He brings with Him the answer which can calm our fears and reinvigorate our hope.

"Yes, in this night filled with sacred memories, our trust in the redemptive power of the Word made flesh is confirmed. When darkness and evil seem to prevail, Christ tells us once more: Fear not! By His coming into the world He has vanquished the power of evil, freed us from the slavery of death and brought us back to the banquet of life."

"You," he concluded,"'Wonder-Counsellor', sure promise of peace; You, powerful presence of the 'God-Hero'; You, our one God, who lie poor and humble in the dim light of the stable, welcome us around Your crib. Come, peoples of the earth, open the doors of your history to Him! Come to worship the Son of the Virgin Mary, who descended among us, on this night prepared for down the centuries. Night of joy and peace. 'Venite, adoremus!'"

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 24, 2001 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls today made the following declaration:

"The Holy Father, in announcing the day of fasting, prayer and charity of December 14, made it known that the offerings gathered on that occasion would be given, on Christmas Day, to the victims of terrorism and war. He has now entrusted the Pontifical Council 'Cor Unum' (where thus far the sum of 750,000,000 Italian Lire has been collected, while various contributions amounting to 685,000,000 Italian Lire have been made directly to the Secretariat of State) with the task of ensuring that these offerings reach their destination; giving priority to children, the elderly, the sick, the homeless and those most exposed to the dangers of cold and hunger in these winter months.

"His Holiness thanks all those people who generously responded to his appeal and trusts that international solidarity may continue to support people in difficulty even after an emergency has passed. May the celebration of the Nativity of the Lord inspire all believers to make a choral invocation to God for the gift of peace and a renewed commitment to build that peace, every day and in all corners of the earth."



VATICAN CITY, DEC 23, 2001 (VIS) - At midday today John Paul II appeared at the window of his private study overlooking St. Peter's Square in order to pray the angelus.

The Pope affirmed that "in order to grasp the significance and the gift of grace of the Christmas celebrations that are almost upon us, we must learn from the Virgin and her husband Joseph whom we see in the nativity scene in rapt contemplation of the newborn Messiah."

Today's Gospel text, he emphasized, "highlights the role of Joseph who is described as a 'just' man. ... He is a man open to listening to God in prayer. From the angel he learned that 'that which is conceived (in Mary) is of the Holy Spirit."

"In conclusion," said the Holy Father, "Joseph may be defined as a true man of faith, like his wife Mary. Faith unites justice and prayer, and this is the most appropriate manner in which to meet the Emmanuel, the God-with-us. Belief means living in history while remaining open to God's initiative, to the creative power of His Word that was made flesh in Christ, uniting itself forever to our humanity. May the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph thus help us to celebrate the birth of the Redeemer fruitfully."
After the angelus, the Pope made an appeal for the release of kidnap victims, "especially those who have been kidnapped because of their faith, in particular the Dehonian priest, Fr. Giuseppe Pierantoni, captured in the Philippines more than two months ago."

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 28, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience Cardinal Edmund Casimir Szoka, president of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State and for the Governorate of Vatican City State.

On Saturday, December 22, he received in separate audiences:

- Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
- Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 26, 2001 (VIS) - At midday today, the feast of St. Stephen protomartyr, John Paul II appeared at the window of his study in order to pray the angelus with pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square.

"The gentle atmosphere of light and joy typical of Christmas," said the Pope, "extends into today's liturgical feast. ... We continue to meditate on the mystery of Christmas and upon the demanding requirements that arise therefrom."

He went on: "The words pronounced by the angels in Bethlehem ... also resound in our own time. They invite us not to fear because the Messiah is born for us. ... His birth constitutes a priceless gift that, if fully understood and accepted, changes peoples lives and renders them capable of the evangelical heroism of saints.

"This message also comes to us from the protomartyr, St. Stephen," concluded John Paul II. "This young deacon was outstanding for his courage and the constancy with which he announced the Gospel to his countrymen and rendered loving service to the poor. His martyrdom reminds us that the Baby Jesus, from the stable where He lay defenseless ... called us to follow him step by step ... to the cross, so as to share with Him the triumphant victory over death."

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 25, 2001 (VIS) - At midday today, the Pope appeared at the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica in order to deliver the traditional Christmas message and to impart the "Urbi et Orbi" blessing.

Some extracts of the message are given below:

"'Christus est pax nostra', 'Christ is our peace; he has made the two into one people.' At the dawn of the new millennium, which began with so much hope but is now threatened by dark clouds of violence and war, the words of the Apostle Paul which we listen to this Christmas are a powerful ray of light, a cry of trust and optimism. The Divine Child born in Bethlehem brings in His little hands as a gift the key to peace for mankind. He is the Prince of Peace!"

"Yes, we can repeat with certainty: Today, in the Incarnate Word, peace is born! Peace to be implored, for God alone is its source and guarantee. Peace to be forged in a world in which peoples and nations, burdened with so many and such varied difficulties, hope for a new humanity united not just by economic interests but by the unceasing effort to bring about a society that is more just and supportive."

"In (the newborn Redeemer) we can recognize the face of every little child who is born, of whatever race or nation: the little Palestinian and the little Israeli; the little American and the little Afghan; the child of the Hutu and the child of the Tutsi... whoever the child is, to Christ each one is special. Today my thoughts go to all the children of the world: so many, too many, are the children condemned from birth to suffer through no fault of their own the effects of cruel conflicts. Let us save the children, in order to save the hope of humanity! This is what we are urgently called to do by that Child born in Bethlehem, the God who became man, to give us back the right to hope.

"Let us beg from Christ the gift of peace for all who are suffering as a result of conflicts old and new. Day after day, I bear in my heart the tragic problems of the Holy Land; every day I think with anxiety of all those who are dying of cold and hunger; every day there reaches me the desperate cry of those who, in so many parts of the world, call for a fairer distribution of resources and for gainful employment for all. Let no-one lose hope in the power of God's love! May Christ be the light and support of those who believe and work - sometimes in the face of opposition - for encounter, dialogue and cooperation between cultures and religions. May Christ guide in peace the steps of those who tirelessly devote themselves to the progress of science and technology. May these great gifts of God never be used contrary to the respect and promotion of human dignity! May God's holy name never be used as a justification for hatred! Let it never be used as an excuse for intolerance and violence! May the gentle face of the Child of Bethlehem remind everyone that we all have one Father."

Following the message, the Pope extended Christmas greetings in 60 languages.

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 28, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Msgr. Kevin J. Farrell of the clergy of Washington, U.S.A., vicar general for administration and pastor of the parish of the Annunciation, and Fr. Francisco Gonzalez Valer S.F., episcopal vicar for the pastoral care of Hispanic peoples in Washington, as auxiliaries of the archdiocese of Washington (area 5,447, population 2,419,324, Catholics 515,000, priests 1,092, permanent deacons 229, religious 1,737). Bishop-elect Farrell was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1947 and ordained a priest in 1978. Bishop-elect Gonzalez Valer was born in Arcos de Jalon, Spain, in 1939 and ordained a priest in 1964.

On Thursday, December 27, it was made public that he appointed Bishop Antonio Jose Lopez Castillo of Barinas, Venezuela, as archbishop of Calabozo (area 27,000, population 360,203, Catholics 283,500, priests 18, permanent deacons 3, religious 37), Venezuela. The archbishop-elect was born in San Rafael de Mara, Venezuela, in 1945, ordained a priest in 1970 and consecrated a bishop in 1988. He succeeds Archbishop Helimenas de Jesus Rojo Paredes C.I.M. whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same archdiocese the Holy Father accepted, upon having reached the age limit.

On Saturday, December 22, it was made public that he appointed Fr. Gilberto Gomez Gonzalez, rector of the major seminary of Abancay (area 12,950, population 317,000, Catholics 295,000, priests 44, religious 112), Peru, as auxiliary of the same diocese. The bishop-elect was born in Albeos, Spain, in 1952 and ordained a priest in 1975.

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