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Monday, February 8, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 6, 1999 (VIS) - Pope John Paul received the mayor and city officials of Rome this morning and, in his talk to them, highlighted the spiritual and material preparations for the forthcoming Jubilee year 2000, as well as the challenges the city faces with regards to the family, young people and immigrants.

The Pope recalled that the Church in Rome has been preparing spiritually for the Jubilee Year celebrations, in particular through the Citizen's Mission, which he entrusted to the people of Rome on December 8, 1995, and his Letter on the Gospel of Work to Roman workers, promulgated on the same day last year.

He recognized that Rome is also preparing for the new millennium "on a practical and organizational level." Saying that "renewed structures would provide Rome with lasting benefits," he thanked everyone involved in the preparations. He expressed the hope that projects would be completed on time in order "to prepare an atmosphere which favors a worthy celebration of the Holy Year, both for pilgrims and for the city's residents."

Pope John Paul then spoke of three "concerns which I have especially taken to heart," naming families, young people and immigrants.

He asked the officials, "you, who have direct responsibilities for running the city, to commit yourselves to assuring ... concrete conditions for a healthy family life, starting with the availability of housing and with initiatives to support the family and the education of children."

On the subject of youth, "the future of society," he asked them "to encourage all those initiatives in the city which aim at offering young people sufficient places to express that great treasure of inventiveness, hope and good which they have within them." And he stressed that Rome would have to mobilize all of its forces for "one of the great events scheduled for the Jubilee, that is, World Youth Day, ... this extraordinary appointment of young people with Christian Rome, with Rome, teacher of civilization."

Lastly, the Pope spoke of another aspect of the city's future which can be seen "in the growing presence of immigrants. ... Immigration is a serious challenge but can, however, also constitute a great opportunity. ... The Church is making efforts to help those in need, without distinction of culture and religion ... and she renews her availability for a constructive collaboration with civil institutions."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 7, 1999 (VIS) - Pope John Paul, before praying the angelus from his study window with the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square, recalled that "today Italy is observing the Day for Life, whose theme this year is: 'Fatherhood and Motherhood. Gift and Commitment'."

"The invitation to reflect on the greatness of the mission entrusted by the Lord to parents, that of transmitting the gift of life, is clear," he continued. "Looking at the loftiness of this duty, one instinctively thinks about the obstacles that often interfere with having children: the lack of a dignified job, of adequate housing or a healthy and safe environment. And What can one say about those parents who, pursuing an egotistical and hedonistic vision of life, willingly renounce the gift and joy of being fathers and mothers?"

The Holy Father then pointed out that he had received "the declaration against human cloning signed by many faculty members of Rome's universities. In expressing my pleasure for this firm condemnation of human cloning, I wish to encourage university teachers to pursue the path of preparing a new culture of human rights, defending the human person, right from conception, from every form of violation of their dignity. A declaration such as this one becomes even more meaningful in the light of today's Day for Life."
Following the angelus, the Pope had brief greetings in French, Spanish, Slovenian and Croatian for the pilgrims in St. Peter's Square.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 6, 1999 (VIS) - At 7:30 p.m. in the Paul VI Hall, the Second Feast of the Family was held, an event organized by the diocese of Rome in preparation for the 21st Day of Life which will be celebrated tomorrow in Italy.

Following a time of festivity and reflection, the Rosary was prayed, after which Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general for the diocese of Rome, read a message from the Holy Father addressed to families.

"With the prayer of the Rosary," writes John Paul II, "you wish to entrust all families of our city to our Heavenly Mother, so that she will listen to all of their desires and hopes, and they, faithful to the plan of God, will answer fully to their special vocation in the Church and in society."

Having evoked the theme of the Day for Life, "Motherhood and Fatherhood. Gift and Commitment," the Pope states: "Nobody can reject the gift of fatherhood and motherhood, neither for themselves nor for others. Each and every person has the specific task of living this gift according to their own vocation."

"Fatherhood and motherhood exist even without procreation, but procreation cannot be separated from fatherhood and motherhood. Nobody can separate it from the love of a man and woman who in marriage give themselves to each other forming 'one flesh'. Moreover, there is the risk of treating man and woman not as persons but as objects."

Finally, the Pope highlighted that "love of parents is the factor which qualifies their task of education. It is an original, primary, irreplaceable and unalienable right and duty."

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ARCHBISHOP CORDES VISITS COLOMBIA VATICAN CITY, FEB 8, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy See Press Office announced this morning that Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes

VATICAN CITY, FEB 8, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy See Press Office announced this morning that Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes, president of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum," will arrive in Colombia today from the United States and Brazil, and will give a donation from the Holy Father to the bishops of Armenia and Pereira whose dioceses were affected by the recent earthquake.



VATICAN CITY, FEB 8, 1999 (VIS) - The Pope today received the Letters of Credence from the new ambassador of the Republic of Hungary, Pal Tar. In his speech, he asked that the millennium of the founding of the Hungarian State, which will be celebrated in the year 2000, "be an occasion for all to affirm their unity and look to the future with trust."

The Pope expressed his gratitude for the efforts which the country's authorities are making to "give the Catholic Church the means to assure its spiritual mission," and to return "the goods which were unjustly taken from her."

"Your compatriots," he continued, "know that thanks to their religious, cultural and human roots, they can come through times of trial. ... In their faith in God and in their adherence to Christian values, Hungarians have the means to build the society of the future together."

Referring to religious freedom which has been regained, the Holy Father said that this "cannot but favor the renewal of the nation; ... at the same time, it is the foundation of respect of the other person and their dignity. An essential role belongs to the family. ... Thus, it is fitting to recall ... the fundamental value of all human life, especially of the unborn."

Having affirmed that "the Hungarian people are making an effort to find justice and peace within their borders and in their relations with neighboring countries," John Paul II said that "minorities also should be respected so that their special characteristics be recognized by the national and international communities."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 7, 1999 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls this morning made the following declaration upon learning the news of the death of King Hussein of Jordan:

"The Holy See shares in the grief of this noble country, recalling also the many contacts which King Hussein had with the Holy Father.

"Given the diplomatic links which unite the Kingdom of Jordan to the Holy See and the personal links which unite the Royal Household with the Apostolic See, the Holy Father has sent Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, as his personal representative to the funeral of the King of Jordan."



VATICAN CITY, FEB 8, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today appointed Domenico Giani as deputy vice-inspector of the Security Corps of Vatican City State and Raoul Bonarelli as vice-inspector.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 8, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Eight prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Laos and Cambodia on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Yves-Georges-Rene Ramousse M.E.P., apostolic vicar of Phnom-Penh, Cambodia; apostolic administrator "ad nutum Sanctae Sedis" of Battambang; responsible for the office of apostolic work among Cambodians; accompanied by his coadjutor, Bishop Emile Destombes, M.E.P.
- Bishop Thomas Khamphan, apostolic vicar of Pakse, Laos.
- Bishop Jean Khamse Vithavong O.M.I., apostolic vicar of Vientiane, Laos; apostolic administrator "ad nutum Sanctae Sedis" of the apostolic vicariate of Luang Prabang, Laos.
- Bishop Jean Sommeng Vorachak, apostolic vicar of Savannakhet, Laos.
- Bishop Pierre Bach, former apostolic vicar of Savannakhet, responsible for the office of promotion of apostolic work among Laotians, Thailand.
- Bishop Alessandro Staccioli, former auxiliary bishop of Siena-Colle of Val d'Elsa-Montalcino, Italy; assistant to the head of the office of promotion of apostolic work among Laotians.
- Fr. Antonysamy Susairaj, M.E.P., apostolic administrator "ad nutum Sanctae Sedis" of the apostolic prefecture of Kompong-Cham, Cambodia.
- Fifteen prelates from the Italian Episcopal Conference whom he received together:
- Cardinal Camillo Ruini, the Holy Father's vicar general for the diocese of Rome.
- Archbishop Cesare Nosiglia, vice-gerent of Rome.
- Bishop Girolamo Grillo of Civitavecchia-Tarquinia.
- Bishop Lorenzo Chiarinelli of Viterbo.
- Bishop Pietro Garlato of Tivoli.
- Bishop Salvatore Boccacio of Sabina-Poggio Mirteto.
- Bishop Divo Zadi of Civita Castellana.
- Bishop Antonio Buoncristiani of Porto-Santa Rufina.
- Bishop Delio Lucarelli of Rieti.
- Bishop Enzo Dieci, auxiliary of Rome.
- Bishop Armando Brambilla, auxiliary of Rome.
- Bishop Vincenzo Apicella, auxiliary of Rome.
- Bishop Salvatore Fisichella, auxiliary of Rome.
- Bishop Luigi Moretti, auxiliary of Rome.
- Fr. Paolo Lunardon, abbot of St. Paul's Outside-the-Walls.

On Saturday Feb 6, he received:
- Francesco Rutelli, mayor of Rome.
- Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 8, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy See Press Office today issued an extensive and final report on the findings of the investigation into the deaths on the evening of May 4, 1998 of newly-named Swiss Guard Commander Alois Estermann and his wife Gladys, and the apparent suicide of Vice Corporal Cedric Tornay, accused of shooting the Estermann couple.

The report stated that "with a decree dated February 5, 1999, Investigating Magistrate Gianluigi Marrone of the Vatican Tribunal has ordered the acts relative to the deaths" of the Estermanns and Cedric Tornay "to be archived."

Magistrate Marrone accepted the proposition made by Public Prosecutor Nicola Picardi that "there was no need to proceed with penal action."

The final report, says the press office communique, is the result of 10 different types of examinations such as anatomical-histological, toxicological and ballistic analyses, 5 police and judicial reports, 38 interviews and "numerous requests for information and reports from public officials of Vatican City State, the Swiss Episcopal Conference and diverse photographic services."

The conclusions reached, and supported by considerable and substantial documentation, are the following:

1. No evidence and no witnesses could be found to support the theory put forth last May regarding the presence of a fourth person in the Estermann apartment at the time of the double murder-suicide. There never were, for example, as had been suggested, four drinking glasses on a table in the Estermann apartment.

2. Paraffin tests, which showed "the presence of gunpowder residue on the right hand" of Tornay, proved beyond a doubt that Vice Corporal Tornay fired the fatal shots, including the one with which he took his own life. The weapon used was his Swiss-made and Swiss Guard-issued 9 mm caliber SIG 75, identifiable by its serial number. This gun holds six bullets. Five were fired: The first two at Alois Estermann, a third went wild, the fourth struck Gladys Estermann and the fifth was used by Tornay to kill himself. One bullet remained in the weapon, unfired.

3. The autopsy performed on Cedric Tornay revealed three important facts, which were developed at length in this report: a. the presence of a subarachnoid cyst in his cranium; b. the presence of cannabis in his urine and the discovery in his room of 24 stubs of handmade cigarettes in which were found traces of cannabis, leading authorities to state that, "even if complete proof in this regard as not yet been reached, this office believes it cannot exclude (the possibility) that Tornay was a chronic drug user"; c. there was a case of bronchopneumonia underway.

Regarding the cyst, the report stated: "In the first place the autopsy revealed the presence in Tornay's cranium of a subarachnoid cyst the size of a pigeon egg which had compromised and deformed the anterior part of the left frontal brain lobe and had partially eroded the cranium." The report states that "authoritative neurological literature, on the one hand underlines the importance of this part of the brain, traditionally called 'the organ of civilization'; on the other, it analytically describes the clinical effects and the syndrome of lesions on the frontal lobe, indicating, with regard to this area, above all the impairment of cognitive function and the disinhibition of behavior."

It adds: "Two contrasting aspects of the personality of Vice Corporal Tornay emerged from these investigations: While, on the one hand he was considered a courteous and kind person who knew how to maintain relationships with friends, ... on the other hand, there were numerous incidences reported of his disinhibited behavior, which could be considered as outright irreverent and irresponsible." The report went on to give several examples of Tornay's changeable behavior.

Regarding "the presence of traces of a metabolite of cannabis in the urine and not the blood" of Cedric Tornay, this induced investigators to believe that "in the three hours preceding death, Tornay did not take such substances and that therefore he did not present acute symptoms linked to them at the moment of the fact. In any case, 'behavior and psychic alterations could be suspected .... in the event it could be ascertained that he was an habitual user (of cannabis)."

The report, "in describing some of the psycho-toxic effects induced by cannabis, underlined 'hallucinations, delusion and paranoid feelings', adding that 'thoughts become confused and disorganized, the feeling of depersonalization is accentuated and there is disorientation with regard to time." Tornay's "psychic state" in the period of months, days and hours preceding the killings, was reconstructed.

Nearing its conclusion the report stated that "a third co-cause ... is represented by the (case) of bronchopneumonia underway," as certified by the autopsy results. Notwithstanding this, said the report, Tornay had a very active day. "Thus," it affirmed that "Tornay certainly found himself in a situation of stress."

Adding to the above factors, said the report, were two other probable factors: the "bad news" for Cedric Tornay of the nomination that same day (May 4) of Estermann as Swiss Guard commander, and the news that he, Tornay, would be denied some medals he had expected to receive.

The report concluded: "The above-described co-causes, this office believes, interacted among each other and altered the psychic state of Tornay who, in every probability, was already not in full possession of a total and adequate psychic maturity."

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