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Monday, June 3, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 3, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father's general intention for the month of June is: "That the leaders and members of different religions may cooperate in their search for world peace, based on conversion of hearts and brotherly dialogue."

The Holy Father's mission intention for the month of June is: "That the lay faithful, in virtue of their Baptism, may strive with all their strength to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world in their own environments."

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VATICAN CITY, JUN 1, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father this morning received the Letters of Credence of Mihail Dobre, Romania's new ambassador to the Holy See. The Pope recalled his May 1999 visit to that nation, as well as the late Cardinal Alexandru Todea, the Romanian cardinal who suffered persecution and imprisonment during the years of communism.

The Pope praised Romania for the progress made on the path to democracy in the years since the fall of communism, and said he hoped "that such a path might constantly continue so that Romania will be able to make its voice be heard in an ever more authoritative manner in Europe and in the world." He noted that "the reforms in democratic, economic and social fields ... are bringing positive fruits for the good of everyone."

The Holy Father pointed to the Church's "convinced contribution ... to the path of renewal, especially through her structures in the social, educational and health sectors," in addition to "the evangelization and the care of souls."

During his trip to Romania, the Pope said, he saw "the good will that animates relations between the majority Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church" and, in Patriarch Teoctist, he saw "the deep awareness of the duty to work together to announce the one Gospel in Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life."

Remarking that difficulties do still exist, John Paul II said: "It is my fervent desire, for example, that, in matters regarding ecclesial structures, the agreements reached up to now between the leaders of the Orthodox Church, the Catholic Church and the Holy See, be enacted. ... Even with all the necessary prudence, the special mixed commission must take into account the real urgency, for the Catholic Church, to be able to use sacred buildings.

"Respect and collaboration would certainly be strengthened if the civil authorities would assume the duty of not only helping to find opportune solutions but also of returning, according to a criteria of justice, the confiscated ecclesiastical patrimony, which would thus allow the Catholic Church to use these goods to fulfill her mission."

In concluding, the Pope said that the Church "desires to encounter man in the various moments of his life: in the family and the worlds of work and culture, in hospitals and in every sphere in which he lives.... Also for this reason, I hope that the State will allow the Church to undertake a constant dialogue with public authorities, with the aim of reaching accords of cooperation in the diverse sectors of social life."



VATICAN CITY, JUN 3, 2002 (VIS) - Made public today was a Message from Pope John Paul to Archbishop Francesco Marinelli of Urbino-Urbania-Sant'Angelo in Vado, Italy, on the occasion of the re-opening of the archdiocesan basilica-cathedral after, as the Pope writes, "a period of painful and forced closing because of the earthquake that, five years ago, struck Urbino and a broad area of the Marche region."

The Pope thanked "all who contributed to restoring the architectural beauty and original splendor to this sacred building" and recalled Pope Paul VI's words: "A cathedral, in the majesty of its architectural structure, represents the spiritual temple that is built within each soul, in the splendor of grace, according to the apostle's words: 'You are in fact the temple of the living God'."

"In the cathedral," he went on, "we find the bishop's 'cathedra' (seat), the sign of the magisterium and ecclesial power, as well as the symbol of unity of those who share the faith that the bishop, as pastor of the flock of believers, guards, proclaims and shares with the universal Church. For this reason the cathedral must be considered as the center of the life of the archdiocese."

The Holy Father said he also wanted to take this occasion "to express my appreciation and encouragement for several recent pastoral initiatives." He mentioned the re-opening of the diocesan seminary and also the work done by the university in Urbino, recalling that it was born "of the Church's concern for a deeper analysis of studies of a theological and juridical nature, the Urbino University always lives and works in close symbiosis with the local community."

He also spoke of past initiatives, lauding the work of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences and noting that, "for 24 years (it) has had the duty of preparing religion teachers in schools and of starting young people in the study and research of religious sciences."

The Pope closed by encouraging the diocese's commitment to "forming a qualified Catholic laity" and he expressed his pleasure at "the commitment undertaken by the diocese to form ... educators for groups of very young people and young adults."



VATICAN CITY, JUN 3, 2002 (VIS) - "Today in Italy and in other countries we celebrate the solemnity of Corpus Christi," said the Pope today at noon before praying the Angelus with the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square.

"The Christian community gathers around the Eucharist and, in it, adores the most precious treasure: Christ truly present under the species of consecrated bread and wine. Everyone comes out of the churches and carries the Blessed Sacrament in the streets and squares of cities."

John Paul II emphasized that "in order to get to know the fascinating depths of this presence of Christ in the 'signs' of bread and wine, faith is necessary, or rather faith enlivened by love. Only those who believe and love can understand this indescribable mystery, as a result of which God shares in our smallness."

"Precisely for this reason, the Eucharist is the center of the community. Ever since the beginning of time, from the first community of Jerusalem, Christians used to gather on the day of the Lord to renew at Holy Mass the memorial of Christ's death and resurrection. Sunday is a day of rest and praise, but without the Eucharist it loses its true meaning. For this reason, in the Apostolic Letter "Novo millenio ineunte," I proposed once again the importance of Sunday as a serious pastoral commitment and on it the Eucharistic celebration."

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VATICAN CITY, JUN 1, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez, archbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, as his special envoy for the celebrations of the fifth centenary of the first Mass in Honduras which will take place in Tegucigalpa on August 14, 2002.

- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Port Victoria, Seychelles, presented by Bishop Xavier Baronnet, S.J., upon having reached the age limit. He is succeeded by Coadjutor Bishop Denis Wiehe, C.S.Sp.

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VATICAN CITY, JUN 3, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Jorge Quiroga Ramirez, president of the Republic of Bolivia, accompanied by his wife and an entourage.
- Five prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Venezuela on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop Jorge Liberato Urosa Savino of Valencia.
- Archbishop Ramon Ovidio Perez Morales of Los Teques.
- Bishop Eduardo Herrera Riera of Carora.
- Bishop Mariano Jose Parra Sandoval of Cuidad Guayana. - Bishop Rafael Ramon Conde Alfonzo of Margarita.
- Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

On Saturday June 1, the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Seven prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Venezuela on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop Baltazar Enrique Porras Cardozo of Merida, accompanied by his auxiliary, Bishop Luis Alfonso Marquez Molina.
- Archbishop Ubaldo Ramon Santana Sequera of Maracaibo.
- Bishop Vicente Ramon Hernandez Pena of Trujillo.
- Bishop Cesar Ramon Ortega Herrera of Barcelona.
- Bishop Freddy Jesus Fuenmayor Suarez.
- Bishop Jose Hernan Sanchez Porras, military ordinate.
- Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general for the diocese of Rome and president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, and Bishop Guiseppe Betori, secretary general of the same conference.

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