VATICAN CITY, OCT 10, 2003 (VIS) - We conclude our overview of Pope John Paul's pontificate with a review of the highlights from 1999 through October 15, 2003:
- Friday, 8: Audience for Massimo D'Alema, president of Italy's Council of Ministers.
- Friday, 15: Audience for Pandeli Majko, president of Council of Ministers of Albania.
- Monday, 18: Visit by President Leonel Fernandez Reyna of the Dominican Republic. Start of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
- Friday, 22: John Paul II leaves on 85th foreign pastoral visit: Mexico City, Mexico and St. Louis, U.S.A. to close Synod for America. Pope signs and dates Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation "Ecclesia in America." Presents it to bishops the following day.
- Tuesday, 26: Pope John Paul and U.S. President Bill Clinton meet upon Pope's arrival in St. Louis, U.S.A. Presentation of new rite of exorcism of the Roman Book of Rites (from Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of Sacraments).
- Thursday, 4: Holy See and Israel sign "Legal Personality Agreement."
- Monday, 8: New Hungarian Ambassador, Pal Tar, presents Letters of Credence. Holy See Press Office issues final report on 1998 Swiss Guard deaths.
- Thursday, 11: 70th anniversary of founding of Vatican City State.
- Friday, 12: Pope and bishops of Laos, Cambodia meet together for first time. Bishops are in Rome for "ad limina" visit.
- Friday, 19: Audience to Yasser Arafat, president of the Palestinian Authority.
- Saturday, 20: Pope receives Jason C. Hu, foreign affairs minister of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
- Monday, 1: Announcement that Pope has given permission to start the cause of beatification for Mother Teresa of Calcutta, dispensing from norm which states that five years must pass between person's death and start of cause.
- Thursday, 11: Audience for Seyyed Mohammad Khatami: first visit by a president of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Pope John Paul.
- Saturday, 20: Visit by president of Colombia, Andres Pastrana-Arango.
- Thursday, 25: Pope receives President Robert Kotcharian of Armenia, and Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong of Singapore in separate audiences. Holy See statement on NATO bombings of Yugoslavia, which began last evening.
- Monday, 29: Pope and Italian President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro meet.
- Tuesday, 30: High level Vatican meeting studies Kosovo crisis: includes ambassadors to Holy See from NATO member countries and permanent members of the U.N. Security Council.
- Thursday, 1: Statement on today's mission to Belgrade by Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, secretary for Relations with States.
- Sunday, 4: Easter. Pope writes Letter to Artists: published on April 23 in eight languages.
- Sunday, 18: Papal Letter to His Holiness Alexis II, Patriarch of Moscow and all the Russias, on the occasion of the latter's trip to Belgrade to find peaceful solution to Kosovo conflict.
- Thursday, 22: Pope welcomes President Alvaro Arzu Irigoyen of Guatemala.
- Monday, 26: Visit by Israeli Foreign Minister Ariel Sharon.
- Tuesday, 27: Pope writes U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan on eve of Annan's departure for Europe to seek peace in Yugoslavia.
- Thursday, 29: Holy See and Cook Islands establish diplomatic ties.
- Sunday, 2: Capuchin Padre Pio of Pietrelcina is beatified.
- Friday, 7: Pope departs for three-day trip to Romania: 86th foreign apostolic trip. Includes meeting with Orthodox Patriarch Teoctist. Pope participates in Orthodox liturgy, and Patriarch in Catholic liturgy.
- Monday, 10: Pope welcomes Kosovo Albanian leader Ibrahim Rugova. Rugova holds press conference in Holy See Press Office.
- Tuesday, 18: John Paul II turns 79. He welcomes German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.
- Sunday, 23: Pentecost. Three priests ordained in Russia, the first in 82 years.
- Sunday, 30: Pope travels to Ancona, 135th trip within Italy.
- Thursday, 3: John Paul II receives U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan.
- Saturday, 5: Pope leaves for Poland, his 87th foreign pastoral trip. Until June 17.
- Friday, 11: Warsaw, Poland: Pope's first ever address to a national parliament.
- Wednesday, 30: Holy Father's Letter on "Pilgrimages to the Places Linked to the History of Salvation."
- Thursday, 8: Note is published by Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts on the authentic interpretation of canons dealing with care of Eucharist.
- Monday, 19: Diplomatic Relations with the Lesser Antilles.
- Saturday and Sunday, 7, 8: Cardinal Angelo Sodano represents Pope John Paul at the closing celebrations of the European Youth Meeting, being held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain from August 4-8.
- Saturday, 4: One-day apostolic trip to Salerno, Italy: Pope John Paul's 136th such trip within Italy.
- Sunday, 5: Audience at Castelgandolfo with Yasser Arafat, president of the Palestinian National Authority.
- Monday, 13: Audiences to Bishop Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, apostolic administrator of Dili, East Timor, and Prime Minister Pakalitha Bethuel Mosisili of Lesotho.
- Thursday, 16: Pope receives President Guido de Marco of the Republic of Malta.
- Saturday, 18: Pope receives King Abdullah Bin Hussein of Jordan.
- Sunday, 19: One-day apostolic trip to Slovenia: the Pope's 88th foreign pastoral trip.
- Thursday, 30: Audience for Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias, president of Venezuela. Holy Father blesses newly restored facade of St. Peter's Basilica in an early evening ceremony, accompanied by fireworks, in St. Peter's Square.
- Friday, 1: A concelebrated Mass in St. Peter's Basilica opens the Second Special Assembly for Europe of the Synod of Bishops. During the Mass, Pope John Paul proclaims St. Edith Stein (Benedicta of the Cross), St. Bridget of Sweden and St. Catherine of Siena co-patronesses of Europe.
- Friday, 15: Holy Father's annual Message for World Food Day, on the theme "Young People Against Hunger."
- Saturday, 16: John Paul II marks the 21st anniversary of his election as Pope. His pontificate is the 10th longest in history (St. Peter's is considered the longest).
- Tuesday, 19: Official visit by Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi. Also, an announcement that a joint team of Catholic and Jewish scholars will be formed to review published volumes of Church archival material covering the World War II period.
- Friday, 22: Final message of European Synod of Bishops.
- Saturday, 23: Closing Mass for Second Special Assembly for Europe of the Synod of Bishops.
- Tuesday, 26: Publication of "The Letter of His Holiness John Paul II to the Elderly."
- Thursday, 28: Pope receives Franjo Tudjman, president of Croatia, and Croatia's foreign affairs minister, Mate Granic.
- Friday, 29: Pope grants audience to President Rudolf Schuster of Slovakia, and Slovakia's foreign affairs minister, Eduard Kukan. Holy Father and world's religious leaders gather in St. Peter's Square at conclusion of Inter-religious assembly in the Vatican.
- Sunday, 31: Joint Declaration on the Doctrine Justification signed in Augsburg, Germany by Catholic Church and World Lutheran Federation.
- Thursday, 4: Cardinal Cassidy attends enthronement of new Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, Karekin II.
- Friday, 5: Pope leaves for five-day trip to India and Republic of Georgia on his 89th foreign pastoral visit. The Latin, Greek-Orthodox and Armenian patriarchs of Jerusalem announce that Holy Land shrines will be closed November 22 and 23 to express disapproval of the building of a mosque near the basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth.
- Saturday, 6: John Paul II signs Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation "Ecclesia in Asia" in New Delhi.
- Saturday, 13: Audience to King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden.
- Monday, 15: Visit by President Abdelaziz Bouteflika of the Republic of Algeria.
- Friday, 19: Pope receives Fernando Henrique Cardoso, president of Brazil.
- Monday, 22: Audiences to Carlos Saul Menem, president of Argentina, and Sheikh Hamad Bin Essa Al-Khalifa, emir of Bahrain.
- Tuesday, 23: Audiences to Martti Ahtisaari, president of Finland, and Jordan Sokolov, president of the Bulgarian parliament.
- Friday, 10: Publication of papal Message to Catholics in China for the Jubilee Year.
- Saturday, 11: John Paul II inaugurates completely restored Sistine Chapel.
- Monday, 13: Audiences to president of Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki, and to His Beatitude Nerses Bedros XIX, patriarch of Cilicia of the Armenians.
- Saturday, 18: Audience to Vaclav Havel, president of the Czech Republic.
- Monday, 20: Promulgation of decrees by Congregation for the Causes of Saints: includes Popes Pius IX and John XXIII among those who will be beatified.
- Friday, 24: Pope John Paul II opens Holy Door at St. Peter's Basilica, to start the Jubilee Year 2000. Presides at the celebration of Christmas Midnight Mass.
- Saturday, 25: Christmas Day "Urbi et Orbi" Message and Blessing. Pope opens the Holy Door at the patriarchal basilica of St. John Lateran.
- Friday, 31: Vespers and traditional end-of-the-year "Te deum" of thanksgiving in St. Peter's Basilica. At midnight Pope appears at his window and wishes the crowd gathered in St. Peter's Square a Happy New Year, new millennium and Jubilee year. He imparts his "Urbi et Orbi" blessing.
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The Vatican Information Service is a news service, founded in the Holy See Press Office, that provides information about the Magisterium and the pastoral activities of the Holy Father and the Roman Curia...[+]
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Monday, October 13, 2003
VATICAN CITY, OCT 11, 2003 (VIS) - This morning in the Paul VI Hall John Paul II received 2,000 pilgrims from the diocese of Ozieri, Italy who are in Rome on the occasion of the second centenary of the establishment of the diocese.
The Pope said that "in order to confront the challenges that this age of vast and swift social changes places before the Christian community, it is necessary to remain faithful to the perennial values of the faith and to represent them with language that is appropriate for today's world. Only a coherent proclamation of the Gospel can motivate men and women of the third millennium, who are ever more tired of words and often tempted to get discouraged."
"It is necessary," he continued, "to begin again with Christ Who died and rose for us. He is the font we must draw from in order to confront the problems and aspirations of young people, the concerns of families and the suffering of the sick and elderly, who find themselves alone. Christ gives us the courage to fight against the sad phenomena of criminality and homicidal violence. With your help, it is possible to build up a unified society that respects the dignity of all persons."
The Holy Father assured pilgrims from the diocese of Ozieri that "Jesus needs you so that His gospel may be better known and heard. ... May no effort be spared, no initiative be overlooked, no energy neglected for the purpose of making the Lord known to the men and women of Sardinia."
AC;...;...;DIOCESE OZIERI;VIS;20031013;Word: 270;
The Pope said that "in order to confront the challenges that this age of vast and swift social changes places before the Christian community, it is necessary to remain faithful to the perennial values of the faith and to represent them with language that is appropriate for today's world. Only a coherent proclamation of the Gospel can motivate men and women of the third millennium, who are ever more tired of words and often tempted to get discouraged."
"It is necessary," he continued, "to begin again with Christ Who died and rose for us. He is the font we must draw from in order to confront the problems and aspirations of young people, the concerns of families and the suffering of the sick and elderly, who find themselves alone. Christ gives us the courage to fight against the sad phenomena of criminality and homicidal violence. With your help, it is possible to build up a unified society that respects the dignity of all persons."
The Holy Father assured pilgrims from the diocese of Ozieri that "Jesus needs you so that His gospel may be better known and heard. ... May no effort be spared, no initiative be overlooked, no energy neglected for the purpose of making the Lord known to the men and women of Sardinia."
AC;...;...;DIOCESE OZIERI;VIS;20031013;Word: 270;
VATICAN CITY, OCT 13, 2003 (VIS) - The Holy Father's Message to Bishop Sergio Goretti of Assisi and to the participants in the October 12 Peace March from Perugia to Assisi was published today. Tens of thousands of people marched for seven hours yesterday from Perugia to the birthplace of St. Francis where, the Pope recalled, he had convened the first prayer meeting of leaders of world religions in 1986.
"We must recognize," he writes in the Message, "that in recent years we have not invested much to defend peace, rather preferring at times to commit enormous resources to acquiring arms. It is as if peace has been 'wasted'. Many hopes have been dashed. Daily news reminds us that wars continue to poison the lives of people, above all in the poorest countries. And how can we not think of the persistent violence which causes blood to be shed in the Middle East, for example and, in particular, the Holy Land? How can we remain indifferent before a panorama of conflicts that continues to widen and to involve more regions of the earth?
"What can we do?" the Holy Father asks. "Despite the difficulties we must not lose faith. It is our duty to continue to work for peace and to be artisans of peace. Peace is a good for everyone. And each person is called to be a builder of peace in truth and love."
The Pope notes the theme chosen for the Peace March: "Let us build together a Europe for peace." He remarked that, "as a young man I was able to see firsthand the drama of a Europe without peace. That made me work even more tirelessly so that Europe would rediscover solidarity in peace and become ... an artisan of peace, within and outside its confines." He closed by saying that Europe "must dedicate generously, in favor of all of mankind, its rich cultural patrimony that matured in the light of the Gospel of Christ."
MESS;PEACE MARCH;...;GORETTI;VIS;20031013;Word: 330;
"We must recognize," he writes in the Message, "that in recent years we have not invested much to defend peace, rather preferring at times to commit enormous resources to acquiring arms. It is as if peace has been 'wasted'. Many hopes have been dashed. Daily news reminds us that wars continue to poison the lives of people, above all in the poorest countries. And how can we not think of the persistent violence which causes blood to be shed in the Middle East, for example and, in particular, the Holy Land? How can we remain indifferent before a panorama of conflicts that continues to widen and to involve more regions of the earth?
"What can we do?" the Holy Father asks. "Despite the difficulties we must not lose faith. It is our duty to continue to work for peace and to be artisans of peace. Peace is a good for everyone. And each person is called to be a builder of peace in truth and love."
The Pope notes the theme chosen for the Peace March: "Let us build together a Europe for peace." He remarked that, "as a young man I was able to see firsthand the drama of a Europe without peace. That made me work even more tirelessly so that Europe would rediscover solidarity in peace and become ... an artisan of peace, within and outside its confines." He closed by saying that Europe "must dedicate generously, in favor of all of mankind, its rich cultural patrimony that matured in the light of the Gospel of Christ."
MESS;PEACE MARCH;...;GORETTI;VIS;20031013;Word: 330;
VATICAN CITY, OCT 12, 2003 (VIS) - Pope John Paul, addressing an estimated 30,000 pilgrims in a sun-drenched St. Peter's Square this morning, referred to the 25th anniversary of his pontificate this coming Thursday and had special words for the young of the world with whom he has had, he said, "a preferential dialogue."
In remarks made before praying the Angelus with the faithful, the Holy Father noted that "next Thursday, October 16, marks the 25th year of my pontificate. At 6 p.m. in St. Peter's Square, I will celebrate a Mass of thanksgiving. As of now I would like to thank everyone who joins me through prayer, giving thanks to God for His continual and provident assistance."
"I remember well the days of October 1978," he went on. "In a special way I recall today the first Angelus that I prayed from this window on October 22. In the mystery of the Incarnation, that this prayer helps us contemplate, I sought then to 'embrace the entire future of my pontificate, of the People of God and the entire human family because - as I said - the family gets its start from the will of the Father, but is always conceived in the heart of the Mother'."
"Now, while I think with gratitude of the past, my thoughts turn to young people, with whom I established, right from the start of my petrine ministry a preferential dialogue. I remember that, at the end of that first Angelus, I added a special greeting for them, saying: 'You are the future of the world, you are the hope of the Church, you are my hope."
"I must recognize," John Paul II said in conclusion, "that the response by young people has been truly encouraging. Today I wish to thank them for always having been close to me during these years and I would like them to know that I continue to count on them."
ANG;PONTIFICATE; YOUNG PEOPLE;...;...;VIS;20031013;Word: 320;
In remarks made before praying the Angelus with the faithful, the Holy Father noted that "next Thursday, October 16, marks the 25th year of my pontificate. At 6 p.m. in St. Peter's Square, I will celebrate a Mass of thanksgiving. As of now I would like to thank everyone who joins me through prayer, giving thanks to God for His continual and provident assistance."
"I remember well the days of October 1978," he went on. "In a special way I recall today the first Angelus that I prayed from this window on October 22. In the mystery of the Incarnation, that this prayer helps us contemplate, I sought then to 'embrace the entire future of my pontificate, of the People of God and the entire human family because - as I said - the family gets its start from the will of the Father, but is always conceived in the heart of the Mother'."
"Now, while I think with gratitude of the past, my thoughts turn to young people, with whom I established, right from the start of my petrine ministry a preferential dialogue. I remember that, at the end of that first Angelus, I added a special greeting for them, saying: 'You are the future of the world, you are the hope of the Church, you are my hope."
"I must recognize," John Paul II said in conclusion, "that the response by young people has been truly encouraging. Today I wish to thank them for always having been close to me during these years and I would like them to know that I continue to count on them."
ANG;PONTIFICATE; YOUNG PEOPLE;...;...;VIS;20031013;Word: 320;
VATICAN CITY, OCT 13, 2003 (VIS) - This morning in the Holy See Press Office, there was a presentation of the book "Metafisica della persona. Tutte le opere filosofiche e saggi integrativi di Karol Wotyla (Metaphysics of the person. All the philosophical and integrative essays of Karol Wojtyla), published by Bompiani. Professors Giovanni Reale and Tadeusz Styczen, who contributed to the edition, and philosopher Rocco Buttiglione participated in the presentation.
In this 1,600-page volume, all of Karol Wojtyla's philosophical essays, written between 1948 (when he got his licentiate in theology at the Angelicum in Rome) and 1978 (the year of his election to the pontificate), have been collected for the first time ever. The most important writings were published during the years in which he taught at the Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. "The doctrine of the faith in St. John of the Cross (1948); "Evaluations on the possibility of building up the Christian ethic on the foundations of the system of Max Scheler (1954); "Love and Responsibility" (1960); "Person and act" (1969), and "Man and responsibility" (1978). In addition, ten integrative essays written between 1974 and 1978 are included in this work.
OP;PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS POPE;...;...;VIS;20031013;Word: 200;
In this 1,600-page volume, all of Karol Wojtyla's philosophical essays, written between 1948 (when he got his licentiate in theology at the Angelicum in Rome) and 1978 (the year of his election to the pontificate), have been collected for the first time ever. The most important writings were published during the years in which he taught at the Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. "The doctrine of the faith in St. John of the Cross (1948); "Evaluations on the possibility of building up the Christian ethic on the foundations of the system of Max Scheler (1954); "Love and Responsibility" (1960); "Person and act" (1969), and "Man and responsibility" (1978). In addition, ten integrative essays written between 1974 and 1978 are included in this work.
OP;PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS POPE;...;...;VIS;20031013;Word: 200;
VATICAN CITY, OCT 13, 2003 (VIS) - Made public today was a message from John Paul II to the participants in the First Congress for Eastern European Lay Catholics which took place from October 8 to 12 in Kiev, Ukraine. The meeting was organized by the Pontifical Council for the Laity.
In the message, dated October 4, the Pope writes that "the harsh legacy of atheistic totalitarian regimes, which have left emptiness and deep scars on consciences, requires that the countries of Eastern Europe take up today the hard work of proceeding with religious, moral and civil reconstruction; of strengthening refound sovereignty, freedom and democracy; of mending the economy."
"For the laity, this is a time of hope and courage! The Church needs you and knows that she can entrust great responsibilities to you." After asking them not to get discouraged in the face of the "challenges of our day," the Holy Father says: "Make your families true domestic Churches and your parishes true schools of prayer and Christian life. You have regained freedom at the price of great suffering; do not ever let it turn into the pursuit of false ideals suggested by the utilarianism, individualistic hedonism or unrestrained consumerism that characterize so much of modern culture. Preserve your rich Christian traditions, resisting the insidious temptation to exclude God from your lives or to reduce faith to gestures and sporadic, superficial occurrences."
The Pope concludes by indicating that "the lay faithful, with a proper formation and always in respect of freedom, in brotherly love, in dialogue and in cooperation, can open new paths to Christian unity, which is a 'walking together towards Christ' ... You too are called to bear witness to Christ together with all our Christian brothers and sisters. ... Pray unceasingly so that what seems impossible by the standards of human logic will be made possible by God, Who offers His powerful assistance. Bring to fulfillment the commandment of His Son: 'Ut unum sint'."
MESS;LAITY EASTERN EUROPE;...;...;VIS;20031013;Word: 340;
In the message, dated October 4, the Pope writes that "the harsh legacy of atheistic totalitarian regimes, which have left emptiness and deep scars on consciences, requires that the countries of Eastern Europe take up today the hard work of proceeding with religious, moral and civil reconstruction; of strengthening refound sovereignty, freedom and democracy; of mending the economy."
"For the laity, this is a time of hope and courage! The Church needs you and knows that she can entrust great responsibilities to you." After asking them not to get discouraged in the face of the "challenges of our day," the Holy Father says: "Make your families true domestic Churches and your parishes true schools of prayer and Christian life. You have regained freedom at the price of great suffering; do not ever let it turn into the pursuit of false ideals suggested by the utilarianism, individualistic hedonism or unrestrained consumerism that characterize so much of modern culture. Preserve your rich Christian traditions, resisting the insidious temptation to exclude God from your lives or to reduce faith to gestures and sporadic, superficial occurrences."
The Pope concludes by indicating that "the lay faithful, with a proper formation and always in respect of freedom, in brotherly love, in dialogue and in cooperation, can open new paths to Christian unity, which is a 'walking together towards Christ' ... You too are called to bear witness to Christ together with all our Christian brothers and sisters. ... Pray unceasingly so that what seems impossible by the standards of human logic will be made possible by God, Who offers His powerful assistance. Bring to fulfillment the commandment of His Son: 'Ut unum sint'."
MESS;LAITY EASTERN EUROPE;...;...;VIS;20031013;Word: 340;
VATICAN CITY, OCT 13, 2003 (VIS) - The Holy Father:
- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Grand Rapids, U.S.A., presented by Bishop Robert J. Rose, in accordance with Canon 401, para. 2 of the Code of Canon Law. Coadjutor Bishop Kevin M. Britt succeeds him.
- Appointed Fr. Peter Antony Moran, diocesan administrator of the diocese of Aberdeen, Scotland, as bishop of the same diocese (area 29,068, population 700,000, Catholics 15,760, priests 45, permanent deacons 11, religious 60). The bishop-elect was born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1935 and was ordained a priest in 1959.
- Accepted the resignation presented by Bishop Francesco Marchisano from the office of president of the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Patrimony of the Church and, at the same time, appointed Msgr. Mauro Piacenza, under-secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy, as president, elevating him to the dignity of bishop. The bishop-elect was born in Genoa, Italy in 1944 and was ordained a priest in 1969.
It was made public on Saturday October 11 that the Holy Father:
- Appointed Antonio Angelucci as consultor of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Ministry.
- Appointed Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of State, as pontifical legate for the solemn celebrations for the fifth centenary of the election of Pope Julius II. The ceremony will take place in Savona, Italy, birth place of the pontiff, on November 30, 2003.
RE; NER; NA;...;...;...;VIS;20031013;Word: 230;
- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Grand Rapids, U.S.A., presented by Bishop Robert J. Rose, in accordance with Canon 401, para. 2 of the Code of Canon Law. Coadjutor Bishop Kevin M. Britt succeeds him.
- Appointed Fr. Peter Antony Moran, diocesan administrator of the diocese of Aberdeen, Scotland, as bishop of the same diocese (area 29,068, population 700,000, Catholics 15,760, priests 45, permanent deacons 11, religious 60). The bishop-elect was born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1935 and was ordained a priest in 1959.
- Accepted the resignation presented by Bishop Francesco Marchisano from the office of president of the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Patrimony of the Church and, at the same time, appointed Msgr. Mauro Piacenza, under-secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy, as president, elevating him to the dignity of bishop. The bishop-elect was born in Genoa, Italy in 1944 and was ordained a priest in 1969.
It was made public on Saturday October 11 that the Holy Father:
- Appointed Antonio Angelucci as consultor of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Ministry.
- Appointed Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of State, as pontifical legate for the solemn celebrations for the fifth centenary of the election of Pope Julius II. The ceremony will take place in Savona, Italy, birth place of the pontiff, on November 30, 2003.
RE; NER; NA;...;...;...;VIS;20031013;Word: 230;
VATICAN CITY, OCT 13, 2003 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:
- Jorge Batlle Ibanez, president of the Republic of Uruguay, and an entourage.
- Archbishop Giuseppe Bertello, apostolic nuncio in Mexico.
- Archbishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio in Uganda.
On Saturday October 11, the Holy Father received in separate audiences:
- Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, president of the Republic of East Timor, and an entourage.
- Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, apostolic nuncio in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;20031013;Word: 80;
- Jorge Batlle Ibanez, president of the Republic of Uruguay, and an entourage.
- Archbishop Giuseppe Bertello, apostolic nuncio in Mexico.
- Archbishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio in Uganda.
On Saturday October 11, the Holy Father received in separate audiences:
- Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, president of the Republic of East Timor, and an entourage.
- Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, apostolic nuncio in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;20031013;Word: 80;
VATICAN CITY, OCT 13, 2003 (VIS) - Following is a brief summary of the 102 foreign apostolic trips made by Pope John Paul II in the past 25 years of his papacy. These are in addition to the 143 trips within Italy, the latest of which was October 7, 2003, when he went to the shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary in Pompeii. With a total of 245 trips within and outside Italy, the Holy Father has travelled 1,163,865 kilometers (698,310 miles).
1. Dominican Republic I, Mexico I, Bahamas: January 1979 (7 days, 36 speeches, 23,710 kilometers).
2. Poland I: June 1979 (8 days, 36 speeches, 3,185 kilometers).
3. Ireland, United States I: September 1979 (9 days, 76 speeches, 18,093 kilometers).
4. Turkey: November 1979 (2 days, 12 speeches, 3,785 kilometers).
5. Zaire I, Congo, Kenya I, Ghana, Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso) I, Ivory Coast I: May 1980 (10 days, 72 speeches, 18,914 kilometers).
6. France I: May 1980 (3 days, 30 speeches, 2,509 kilometers).
7. Brazil I: June 1980 (12 days, 51 speeches, 27, 673 kilometers).
8. Germany I: November 1980 (4 days, 29 speeches, 2,880 kilometers).
9. Pakistan, the Philippines I, Guam (United States II), Japan, Anchorage (United States II): February 1981 (11 days, 60 speeches, 35,120 kilometers).
10. Nigeria, Benin, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea: February 1982 (7 days, 44 speeches, 14,734 kilometers).
11. Portugal I: May 1982 (3 days, 22 speeches, 4,433 kilometers).
12. Great Britain: May 1982 (5 days, 27 speeches, 4,880 kilometers).
13. Rio de Janeiro (Brazil II), Argentina I: June 1982 (2 days, 8 speeches, 26,904 kilometers).
14. Geneva (Switzerland I): June 1982 (15 hours, 10 speeches, 1,412 kilometers).
15. San Marino: August 1982 (5 hours, 3 speeches, 235 kilometers).
16. Spain I: October 1982 (9 days, 48 speeches, 7,269 kilometers).
17. Lisbon (Portugal II), Costa Rica, Nicaragua I, Panama, El Salvador I, Guatemala I, Honduras, Belize, Haiti: March 1983 (8 days, 44 speeches, 24,009 kilometers).
18. Poland II: June 1983 (7 days, 23 speeches, 3,597 kilometers).
19. Lourdes (France II): August 1983 (2 days, 14 speeches, 2,096 kilometers).
20. Austria I: September 1983 (3 days, 20 speeches, 1,735 kilometers).
21. Fairbanks (United States III), Republic of Korea I, Papua New Guinea I, Solomon Islands, Thailand: May 1984 (9 days, 46 speeches, 38,441 kilometers).
22. Switzerland II: June 1984 (5 days, 36 speeches, 2,218 kilometers).
23. Canada I: September 1984 (11 days, 50 speeches, 26,843 kilometers).
24. Zaragoza (Spain II), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic II), San Juan (Puerto Rico): October 1984 (4 days, 10 speeches, 16,827 kilometers).
25. Venezuela I, Ecuador, Peru I, Trinidad and Tobago: January 1985 (11 days, 50 speeches, 29,821 kilometers).
26. The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium I: May 1985 (10 days, 59 speeches, 4,721 kilometers).
27. Togo, Ivory Coast II, Cameroon I, Central African Republic, Zaire II, Kenya II, Morocco: August 1985 (11 days, 44 speeches, 25,431 kilometers).
28. Kloten (Switzerland III), Lichtenstein: September 1985 (15 hours, 8 speeches, 1,580 kilometers).
29. India I: January 1986 (10 days, 41 speeches, 20,252 kilometers).
30. Colombia, Saint Lucia: July 1986 (7 days, 35 speeches, 21,127 kilometers).
31. France III: October 1986 (3 days, 27 speeches, 2,031 kilometers).
32. Bangladesh, Singapore, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia I, the Seychelles: November 1986 (13 days, 57 speeches, 48,974 kilometers).
33. Uruguay I, Chile, Argentina II: March 1987 (13 days, 63 speeches, 36,613 kilometers).
34. Germany II: April 1987 (4 days, 22 speeches, 3,169 kilometers).
35. Poland III: June 1987 (6 days, 27 speeches, 4,559 kilometers).
36. United States IV, Fort Simpson (Canada II): September 1987 (11 days, 48 speeches, 30,465 kilometers).
37. Uruguay II, Bolivia, Lima (Peru II), Paraguay: May 1988 (12 days, 54 speeches, 34,420 kilometers).
38. Austria II: June 1988 (4 days, 20 speeches, 2,503 kilometers).
39. Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique: September 1988 (9 days, 43 speeches, 20,559 kilometers).
40. France IV: October 1988 (3 days, 2 speeches, 2,222 kilometers).
41. Madagascar, La Reunion, Zambia, Malawi: April 1989 (9 days, 36 speeches, 21,712 kilometers).
42. Norway, Iceland, Finland, Denmark, Sweden: June 1989 (9 days, 38 speeches, 11,986 kilometers).
43. Santiago de Compostela, Asturias (Spain III): August 1989 (2 days, 9 speeches, 3,908 kilometers)44. Seoul (Republic of Korea II), Indonesia, (East Timor), Mauritius: October 1989 (10 days, 28 speeches, 39,047 kilometers).
45. Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Burkina Faso II, Chad: January 1990 (7 days, 36 speeches, 14,384 kilometers).
46. Czechoslovakia I: April 1990 (1 day, 10 speeches, 2,133 kilometers).
47. Mexico II, Curacao: May 1990 (8 days, 26 speeches, 29,233 kilometers).
48. Malta I: May 1990 (2 days, 12 speeches, 1,537 kilometers).
49. Luqa (Malta II), Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Yamoussoukro (Ivory Coast III): September 1990 (9 days, 41 speeches, 18,737 kilometers).
50. Portugal III: May 1991 (3 days, 12 speeches, 8,957 kilometers)51. Poland IV: June 1991 (8 days, 39 speeches, 4,581 kilometers).
52. Czestochowa (Poland V), Hungary: August 1991 (7 days, 28 speeches, 4,487 kilometers).
53. Brazil III: October 1991 (9 days, 31 speeches, 20,599 kilometers).
54. Senegal, Gambia, Guinea: February 1992 (8 days, 26 speeches, 10,010 kilometers).
55. Angola, Sao Tome and Principe: June 1992 (6 days, 2 speeches, 16,780 kilometers).
56. Dominican Republic III: October 1992 (5 days, 16 speeches, 15,114 kilometers).
57. Benin II, Uganda, Khartoum (Sudan): February 1993 (7 days 28 speeches, 15,331 kilometers).
58. Albania: April 1993 (14 hours, 4 speeches, 1,402 kilometers).
59. Spain IV: June 1993 (5 days, 17 speeches, 3,438 kilometers).
60. Jamaica, Merida (Mexico III), Denver (United States V): August 1993 (7 days, 22 speeches, 20,722 kilometers).
61. Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia: September 1993 (6 days, 30 speeches, 5,359 kilometers).
62. Zagreb, Croatia: September 1994 (2 days, 5 speeches, 1,314 kilometers).
63. Manila (the Philippines II), Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea II), Sydney (Australia II), Colombo (Sri Lanka): January 1995 (10 days, 30 speeches, 33,415 kilometers).
64. Prague, Olomouc (Czech Republic I), Skoczow, Bielsko Biala, Zywiec (Poland VI), Ostrava (Czech Republic I): May 1995 (2 days, 11 speeches, 2,315 kilometers).
65. Belgium II: June 1995 (2 days, 7 speeches, 2,362 kilometers).
66. Slovak Republic I: June 1995 (3 days, 11 speeches, 2,642 kilometers).
67. Yaounde (Cameroon II), Johannesburg-Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), Nairobi (Kenya III): September 1995 (6 days 13 speeches, 16,782 kilometers).
68. Newark, New York, United Nations, Yonkers, Baltimore (United States VI): October 1995 (4 days, 15 speeches, 14,488 kilometers).
69. Guatemala II, Nicaragua II, El Salvador II, Venezuela II: February 1996 (6 days, 22 speeches, 24,061 kilometers).
70. Tunisia: April 1996 (12 hours, 6 speeches, 1,282 kilometers).
71. Slovenia: May 1996 (2 days, 8 speeches, 1,714 kilometers).
72. Germany III: June 1996 (2 days, 9 speeches, 2,573 kilometers).
73. Hungary II: September 1996 (2 days, 7 speeches, 1,891 kilometers).
74. France V: September 1996 (3 days, 12 speeches, 3,712 kilometers).
75. Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina): April 1997 (2 days, 11 speeches, 1,062 kilometers).
76. Czech Republic II: April 1997 (2 days, 8 speeches, 2,093 kilometers).
77. Beirut (Lebanon): May 1997 (2 days, 5 speeches, 4,489 kilometers).
78. Poland VII: May 1997 (10 days, 26 speeches, 3,878 kilometers).
79. Paris II (France VI): August 1997 (3 days, 11 speeches, 2,449 kilometers).
80. Rio de Janiero (Brazil IV): October 1997 (4 days, 8 speeches, 18,394 kilometers).
81. Cuba: January 1998 (5 days, 12 speeches, 18,576 kilometers).
82. Nigeria II: March 1998 (2 days, 7 speeches, 8,772 kilometers).
83. Austria III: June 1998 (2 days, 10 speeches, 2,052 kilometers).
84. Croatia II: October 1998 (2 days, 9 speeches, 1,330 kilometers).
85. Mexico City (Mexico), St. Louis (United States VII): January 1999 (6 days, 13 speeches, 21,502 kilometers).
86. Romania: May 1999 (3 days, 9 speeches, 2,640 kilometers).
87. Poland VIII: June 1999 (12 days, 30 speeches, 5,484 kilometers).
88. Slovenia II: September 1999 (1 day, 3 speeches, 1,500 kilometers).
89. New Delhi (India II), Georgia: November 1999 (5 days, 10 speeches, 12,621 kilometers).
90. Jubilee Pilgrimage to Mount Sinai: February 2000 (3 days, 4 speeches, 4,912 kilometers).
91. Jubilee Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: March 2000 (7 days, 14 speeches, 5,626 kilometers).
92. Fatima (Portugal IV): May 2000 (2 days, 1 speech, 4,174 kilometers).
93. Greece, Syria, Malta III: May 2001 (5 days, 19 speeches, 5,223 kilometers).
94. Ukraine: June 2001 (5 days, 11 speeches, 4,022 kilometers).
95. Kazakhstan, Armenia: September 2001 (6 days, 13 speeches, 9,772 kilometers).
96. Azerbaijan, Bulgaria: May 2002 (5 days, 11 speeches, 6,511 kilometers).
97. Toronto (Canada III), Guatemala City (Guatemala III), Mexico City (Mexico V): July - August 2002 (8 days, 11 speeches, 22,226 kilometers).
98. Poland IX: August 2002 (4 days, 6 speeches, 2,653 kilometers).
99. Spain V: May 2003 (2 days, 3 speeches, 2,724 kilometers).
100. Croatia III: June 2003 (5 days, 6 speeches, 2,392 kilometers).
101. Bosnia-Herzegovina II: June 2003 (1 day, 3 speeches, 996 kilometers).
102. Slovak Republic II: September 2003 (4 days, 7 speeches, 2,756 kilometers).
JPII-ANNIVERSARY;FOREIGN TRAVELS;...;... ;VIS;20031013;Word: 1570;
1. Dominican Republic I, Mexico I, Bahamas: January 1979 (7 days, 36 speeches, 23,710 kilometers).
2. Poland I: June 1979 (8 days, 36 speeches, 3,185 kilometers).
3. Ireland, United States I: September 1979 (9 days, 76 speeches, 18,093 kilometers).
4. Turkey: November 1979 (2 days, 12 speeches, 3,785 kilometers).
5. Zaire I, Congo, Kenya I, Ghana, Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso) I, Ivory Coast I: May 1980 (10 days, 72 speeches, 18,914 kilometers).
6. France I: May 1980 (3 days, 30 speeches, 2,509 kilometers).
7. Brazil I: June 1980 (12 days, 51 speeches, 27, 673 kilometers).
8. Germany I: November 1980 (4 days, 29 speeches, 2,880 kilometers).
9. Pakistan, the Philippines I, Guam (United States II), Japan, Anchorage (United States II): February 1981 (11 days, 60 speeches, 35,120 kilometers).
10. Nigeria, Benin, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea: February 1982 (7 days, 44 speeches, 14,734 kilometers).
11. Portugal I: May 1982 (3 days, 22 speeches, 4,433 kilometers).
12. Great Britain: May 1982 (5 days, 27 speeches, 4,880 kilometers).
13. Rio de Janeiro (Brazil II), Argentina I: June 1982 (2 days, 8 speeches, 26,904 kilometers).
14. Geneva (Switzerland I): June 1982 (15 hours, 10 speeches, 1,412 kilometers).
15. San Marino: August 1982 (5 hours, 3 speeches, 235 kilometers).
16. Spain I: October 1982 (9 days, 48 speeches, 7,269 kilometers).
17. Lisbon (Portugal II), Costa Rica, Nicaragua I, Panama, El Salvador I, Guatemala I, Honduras, Belize, Haiti: March 1983 (8 days, 44 speeches, 24,009 kilometers).
18. Poland II: June 1983 (7 days, 23 speeches, 3,597 kilometers).
19. Lourdes (France II): August 1983 (2 days, 14 speeches, 2,096 kilometers).
20. Austria I: September 1983 (3 days, 20 speeches, 1,735 kilometers).
21. Fairbanks (United States III), Republic of Korea I, Papua New Guinea I, Solomon Islands, Thailand: May 1984 (9 days, 46 speeches, 38,441 kilometers).
22. Switzerland II: June 1984 (5 days, 36 speeches, 2,218 kilometers).
23. Canada I: September 1984 (11 days, 50 speeches, 26,843 kilometers).
24. Zaragoza (Spain II), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic II), San Juan (Puerto Rico): October 1984 (4 days, 10 speeches, 16,827 kilometers).
25. Venezuela I, Ecuador, Peru I, Trinidad and Tobago: January 1985 (11 days, 50 speeches, 29,821 kilometers).
26. The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium I: May 1985 (10 days, 59 speeches, 4,721 kilometers).
27. Togo, Ivory Coast II, Cameroon I, Central African Republic, Zaire II, Kenya II, Morocco: August 1985 (11 days, 44 speeches, 25,431 kilometers).
28. Kloten (Switzerland III), Lichtenstein: September 1985 (15 hours, 8 speeches, 1,580 kilometers).
29. India I: January 1986 (10 days, 41 speeches, 20,252 kilometers).
30. Colombia, Saint Lucia: July 1986 (7 days, 35 speeches, 21,127 kilometers).
31. France III: October 1986 (3 days, 27 speeches, 2,031 kilometers).
32. Bangladesh, Singapore, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia I, the Seychelles: November 1986 (13 days, 57 speeches, 48,974 kilometers).
33. Uruguay I, Chile, Argentina II: March 1987 (13 days, 63 speeches, 36,613 kilometers).
34. Germany II: April 1987 (4 days, 22 speeches, 3,169 kilometers).
35. Poland III: June 1987 (6 days, 27 speeches, 4,559 kilometers).
36. United States IV, Fort Simpson (Canada II): September 1987 (11 days, 48 speeches, 30,465 kilometers).
37. Uruguay II, Bolivia, Lima (Peru II), Paraguay: May 1988 (12 days, 54 speeches, 34,420 kilometers).
38. Austria II: June 1988 (4 days, 20 speeches, 2,503 kilometers).
39. Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique: September 1988 (9 days, 43 speeches, 20,559 kilometers).
40. France IV: October 1988 (3 days, 2 speeches, 2,222 kilometers).
41. Madagascar, La Reunion, Zambia, Malawi: April 1989 (9 days, 36 speeches, 21,712 kilometers).
42. Norway, Iceland, Finland, Denmark, Sweden: June 1989 (9 days, 38 speeches, 11,986 kilometers).
43. Santiago de Compostela, Asturias (Spain III): August 1989 (2 days, 9 speeches, 3,908 kilometers)44. Seoul (Republic of Korea II), Indonesia, (East Timor), Mauritius: October 1989 (10 days, 28 speeches, 39,047 kilometers).
45. Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Burkina Faso II, Chad: January 1990 (7 days, 36 speeches, 14,384 kilometers).
46. Czechoslovakia I: April 1990 (1 day, 10 speeches, 2,133 kilometers).
47. Mexico II, Curacao: May 1990 (8 days, 26 speeches, 29,233 kilometers).
48. Malta I: May 1990 (2 days, 12 speeches, 1,537 kilometers).
49. Luqa (Malta II), Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Yamoussoukro (Ivory Coast III): September 1990 (9 days, 41 speeches, 18,737 kilometers).
50. Portugal III: May 1991 (3 days, 12 speeches, 8,957 kilometers)51. Poland IV: June 1991 (8 days, 39 speeches, 4,581 kilometers).
52. Czestochowa (Poland V), Hungary: August 1991 (7 days, 28 speeches, 4,487 kilometers).
53. Brazil III: October 1991 (9 days, 31 speeches, 20,599 kilometers).
54. Senegal, Gambia, Guinea: February 1992 (8 days, 26 speeches, 10,010 kilometers).
55. Angola, Sao Tome and Principe: June 1992 (6 days, 2 speeches, 16,780 kilometers).
56. Dominican Republic III: October 1992 (5 days, 16 speeches, 15,114 kilometers).
57. Benin II, Uganda, Khartoum (Sudan): February 1993 (7 days 28 speeches, 15,331 kilometers).
58. Albania: April 1993 (14 hours, 4 speeches, 1,402 kilometers).
59. Spain IV: June 1993 (5 days, 17 speeches, 3,438 kilometers).
60. Jamaica, Merida (Mexico III), Denver (United States V): August 1993 (7 days, 22 speeches, 20,722 kilometers).
61. Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia: September 1993 (6 days, 30 speeches, 5,359 kilometers).
62. Zagreb, Croatia: September 1994 (2 days, 5 speeches, 1,314 kilometers).
63. Manila (the Philippines II), Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea II), Sydney (Australia II), Colombo (Sri Lanka): January 1995 (10 days, 30 speeches, 33,415 kilometers).
64. Prague, Olomouc (Czech Republic I), Skoczow, Bielsko Biala, Zywiec (Poland VI), Ostrava (Czech Republic I): May 1995 (2 days, 11 speeches, 2,315 kilometers).
65. Belgium II: June 1995 (2 days, 7 speeches, 2,362 kilometers).
66. Slovak Republic I: June 1995 (3 days, 11 speeches, 2,642 kilometers).
67. Yaounde (Cameroon II), Johannesburg-Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), Nairobi (Kenya III): September 1995 (6 days 13 speeches, 16,782 kilometers).
68. Newark, New York, United Nations, Yonkers, Baltimore (United States VI): October 1995 (4 days, 15 speeches, 14,488 kilometers).
69. Guatemala II, Nicaragua II, El Salvador II, Venezuela II: February 1996 (6 days, 22 speeches, 24,061 kilometers).
70. Tunisia: April 1996 (12 hours, 6 speeches, 1,282 kilometers).
71. Slovenia: May 1996 (2 days, 8 speeches, 1,714 kilometers).
72. Germany III: June 1996 (2 days, 9 speeches, 2,573 kilometers).
73. Hungary II: September 1996 (2 days, 7 speeches, 1,891 kilometers).
74. France V: September 1996 (3 days, 12 speeches, 3,712 kilometers).
75. Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina): April 1997 (2 days, 11 speeches, 1,062 kilometers).
76. Czech Republic II: April 1997 (2 days, 8 speeches, 2,093 kilometers).
77. Beirut (Lebanon): May 1997 (2 days, 5 speeches, 4,489 kilometers).
78. Poland VII: May 1997 (10 days, 26 speeches, 3,878 kilometers).
79. Paris II (France VI): August 1997 (3 days, 11 speeches, 2,449 kilometers).
80. Rio de Janiero (Brazil IV): October 1997 (4 days, 8 speeches, 18,394 kilometers).
81. Cuba: January 1998 (5 days, 12 speeches, 18,576 kilometers).
82. Nigeria II: March 1998 (2 days, 7 speeches, 8,772 kilometers).
83. Austria III: June 1998 (2 days, 10 speeches, 2,052 kilometers).
84. Croatia II: October 1998 (2 days, 9 speeches, 1,330 kilometers).
85. Mexico City (Mexico), St. Louis (United States VII): January 1999 (6 days, 13 speeches, 21,502 kilometers).
86. Romania: May 1999 (3 days, 9 speeches, 2,640 kilometers).
87. Poland VIII: June 1999 (12 days, 30 speeches, 5,484 kilometers).
88. Slovenia II: September 1999 (1 day, 3 speeches, 1,500 kilometers).
89. New Delhi (India II), Georgia: November 1999 (5 days, 10 speeches, 12,621 kilometers).
90. Jubilee Pilgrimage to Mount Sinai: February 2000 (3 days, 4 speeches, 4,912 kilometers).
91. Jubilee Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: March 2000 (7 days, 14 speeches, 5,626 kilometers).
92. Fatima (Portugal IV): May 2000 (2 days, 1 speech, 4,174 kilometers).
93. Greece, Syria, Malta III: May 2001 (5 days, 19 speeches, 5,223 kilometers).
94. Ukraine: June 2001 (5 days, 11 speeches, 4,022 kilometers).
95. Kazakhstan, Armenia: September 2001 (6 days, 13 speeches, 9,772 kilometers).
96. Azerbaijan, Bulgaria: May 2002 (5 days, 11 speeches, 6,511 kilometers).
97. Toronto (Canada III), Guatemala City (Guatemala III), Mexico City (Mexico V): July - August 2002 (8 days, 11 speeches, 22,226 kilometers).
98. Poland IX: August 2002 (4 days, 6 speeches, 2,653 kilometers).
99. Spain V: May 2003 (2 days, 3 speeches, 2,724 kilometers).
100. Croatia III: June 2003 (5 days, 6 speeches, 2,392 kilometers).
101. Bosnia-Herzegovina II: June 2003 (1 day, 3 speeches, 996 kilometers).
102. Slovak Republic II: September 2003 (4 days, 7 speeches, 2,756 kilometers).
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