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Friday, September 15, 2000


VATICAN CITY, SEP 15, 2000 (VIS) - Apostolic nuncios and pontifical representatives, on the occasion of their Jubilee celebration, were welcomed this morning by Pope John Paul II in the Clementine Hall, following Mass presided over by Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano in St. Peter's Basilica.

"Peace to you!" the Pope greeted the representatives, saying that, in their special and often delicate tasks, they must be "'men in peace' and 'men of peace'."

"I have special words of affection," he said, "for those among you who are the oldest, either in age or in years of service, and who have generously faced the 'pondus diei e aestus' (the weight of the days and the years) in places that are often difficult for the socio-political situation or for the climate."

The Holy Father then recalled that the nuncios are "representatives of the Pope to national governments or to supranational institutions, but in the first place are witnesses of his ministry of unity to the local Churches." You are also, he added, "in service to full unity of all Christians."

In highlighting the "many illustrious" personalities who have been in the Holy See's diplomatic service, the Pope stressed the work done by and the personality of Blessed John XXIII, whose motto, he said, was "obedience and peace. Using this to inspire one's own interior disposition undoubtedly constitutes a valid antidote to despondency or sadness which can assail one when an initiative prepared at great length does not have the desired results, or when a step taken with the most noble of aims is misunderstood, or even when the least pleasing human elements emerge in life's situations or in the very organization of your work."

"Blessed John XXIII's spiritual secret," added John Paul II, "was in his capacity to transform, through the inner strength of prayer, every situation into good: his days, his worries, the joys and sorrows, the passing of years."

He added that he knew the difficulties of living and working together in small communities in a nunciature: "Collaborating can sometimes be difficult, because of differences in age, nationality, formation or mentality."

John Paul II underlined that those who are nuncios to the Church in the country in which they live perform" a service of communion .... but must also be an authentic pastoral presence. The nuncio - never forget it - is also a pastor."

He addressed "the sacrifices faced (by representatives) in different climates, languages, mentality, culture, conditions of life, During my apostolic trips I have been able to know you better, visiting you where you work." He recalled telling one of the nuncios, upon departing the country after an apostolic visit: 'Today is liberation day for you'. By that, I meant to let you know that I understand what the preparation and undertaking of a papal trip means for a nuncio."

Pope John Paul expressed his "great consideration" for their commitment "as well as for all the work of mediation which you undertake with respect to the political and social situations of the countries where you work or in the relationship with international organisms. ... In your work, you can count on the prestige of a centuries-old diplomacy."

Among those present this morning was Archbishop Justo Mullor Garcia, president of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy where future Holy See diplomats are trained.

Former academy president Archbishop Giorgio Zur, whom VIS yesterday reported as the president, is currently the Holy See representative to the Russian Federation.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 15, 2000 (VIS) - At 10 a.m. on Sunday, September 17, the Pope will preside at a Eucharistic celebration in St. Peter's Square for the occasion of the Jubilee of the Elderly.

Starting at 9 a.m., there will be a period of spiritual preparation involving meditation on John Paul II's Letter to the Elderly of October 1, 1999. An elderly couple will recount how it is possible to grow old together in love, a group of children will read the letters they have written to their grandparents and a Romanian woman will relate how older people were able to transmit the faith under difficult conditions.

Among the participants will be groups organized by various Italian dioceses as well as members of Italian Catholic Action (ACI), of the Community of St. Egidio and of other movements and communities.

At 3:30 p.m. in the Paul VI Hall, a meeting organized by ACI will take place in which there will be testimonies, reflection and songs on the theme: "Announce joy, novelty and hope."

On Saturday September 16, 500 people - delegates of episcopal conferences, ecclesial movements, associations of faithful and religious congregations - will, at the invitation of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, participate in a debate on the theme: "The gift of a long life: responsibility and hope." Following an introduction by Cardinal James Stafford, president of the pontifical council, Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, archbishop of Genoa, Italy, will speak on: "The Jubilee, theological and spiritual significance for the aged." During the course of the afternoon, a round-table discussion will consider the different ways in which it is possible to contribute to respecting the dignity of the elderly, helping them to carry out their mission in today's world.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 15, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father this morning met with 60 religious and lay members of the Congregation of Jesus-Mary, founded by Saint Claudine Thevenet, who are in Rome for a meeting and to celebrate the Jubilee Year 2000.

Addressing them in French, the Pope recalled the "the objective of your spiritual family is 'to better know Jesus Christ and to work in the Church to make God and His merciful goodness known'."

"I greatly encourage you," he said, "to renew with generosity the gift of yourselves to Christ in welcoming the gift that He gives you of Himself and in remaining in intimate union with Him. In your lives as disciples of Christ, as in your apostolic commitments, keep alive within you an active ecclesial conscience. ... Be ever more efficacious signs of the presence of Christ the Savior among His brothers, mankind, especially the least of these! May no one among them feel excluded from the love which the Father proposes to all His children!"

"Following Saint Claudine Thevenet," the Holy Father concluded, "be for everyone, and especially children and young people, ardent witnesses of pardon and mercy."

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 15, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience Archbishop Antonio Mennini, apostolic nuncio in Bulgaria, accompanied by members of his family.

Yesterday, September 14, he received Cardinal James Francis Stafford, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, with his collaborators in the council.

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