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Tuesday, February 15, 2000


VATICAN CITY, FEB 15, 2000 (VIS) - The following statement by Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls was released this morning pursuant to the signing of a Basic Agreement between the Holy See and the Palestinian Liberation Organization, as the representative of the Palestinian National Authority:

"This morning, the Holy Father received in audience Yasser Arafat, president of the Palestinian Authority, and a Palestinian delegation.

"In the course of the discussions, the president of the Palestinian Authority informed the Holy Father about the latest developments in the peace process, not failing to express concern over the present situation and to extend to him - from the present moment - a welcome to Bethlehem.

"For his part, the Holy Father renewed his expression of the Holy See's solidarity with the Palestinian people, who are still waiting to see their legitimate aspirations met.

"The audience was preceded by the signing of the 'Basic Agreement'. Signed by Msgr. Celestino Migliore, under-secretary for Relations with States and Dr. Emile Jarjoui, member of the PLO executive committee, the agreement deals with certain juridical questions regarding the presence and activity of the Catholic Church in the territory dependent on the Palestinian Authority.

"After the audience with the Pope, President Arafat met with Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, secretary for Relations with States. In the course of their conversation, reference was made to the bilateral agreement signed this morning, to the Middle East peace process, and to the Holy Father's upcoming visit to Palestinian territory."



VATICAN CITY, FEB 15, 2000 (VIS) - Made public yesterday afternoon was a statement from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the "Clandestine Church" in the Czech Republic. It is dated February 11, 2000 and signed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, respectively prefect and secretary of the congregation.

The statement is divided into five parts: Attitude of the Holy See; The solution of individual cases; Remaining problems; Clarifications and Conclusion. Following are excerpts:

"For a long time, the situation of the Church in the Czech Republic has been occupying the attention of the Holy See. The most troubling problem has been the question of clandestinely ordained bishops and priests. Notable progress has been made in the attempt to find a lasting solution, nonetheless difficulties remain and some clarification is required. Hence the need to precisely describe the relative events and documents, clear up misunderstandings and specify what Catholic doctrine has to say on the subject.

"Attitude of the Holy See. The Congregation has constantly adopted the attitude of respect and expectation. It did not wish in any way to wound the feelings of those who, for personal reasons, had no intention of accepting the criteria that the dicastery had adopted to solve an extremely delicate problem of conscience; a problem which, furthermore, involved people who had long suffered under the dark years of communism."

"The solution of individual cases. A large number of the clandestinely ordained celibate priests - about fifty in all - accepted the Pope's decision regarding 'conditional' ordination and have been admitted into pastoral ministry by their respective diocesan bishops.

"On September 16, 1997, Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, prefect of the Congregation for Oriental Churches, informed the apostolic nunciature (Folio N. 115/90) that the Holy Father had regularized the juridical position of 22 married Latin priests who had also been clandestinely ordained, authorizing them to pass to the Byzantine-Slavic rite as full members of the exarchate for the faithful of that rite resident in the Czech Republic."

"Remaining problems. Some of the clandestinely ordained bishops and priests have not accepted the norms approved by the Holy Father.

"The main reason for the refusal of these priests was the 'conditional' ordination which they felt represented a lack of faith on the part of the Holy See, as they were firmly convinced that they had been legitimately ordained. Apart from this, there were also psychological motivations which must be respected, even though they cannot be shared.

"As was explained to them by their bishops, ... the 'sub condicione' ordination signified neither lack of faith nor an obstacle to their being accepted as priests.

"In reality, investigations into each individual case did not show that priestly ordination had always been carried out in a valid way."

"Being ordained 'sub condicione' meant only that, if their previous ordination was valid, the second ('conditional') ordination would have had no effect, given that they were already priests. If, on the other hand, the clandestine ordination had not been valid, then being ordained again they would be certain in conscience that they truly were priests."

"As regards married bishops, ... it is well known that the canonical law of the Catholic Church of both Latin and Oriental rite, as well as the ancient tradition of Oriental Churches not in communion with the Catholic Church, absolutely prohibits the compatibility of the married state with the office of bishop."

"Clarifications: The 'Clandestine Church'. Neither this name, nor the other of 'Church of the Catacombs' are justifiable. As a matter of fact, the individuals and groups who give themselves this title do not live in hiding, they are fully inserted into civil society. ... They are not persecuted like the Christians of the catacombs. ... If we must speak of clandestinity, it is unfortunately only in the sense that they celebrate the Eucharist or administer the sacraments for small groups of their followers, in private homes or places known to them alone.
"Illegality. These Masses, the administration of the sacraments and the other liturgical celebrations are forbidden. In fact, all celebrations by those who remove themselves from the authority of the Pope and the bishops are illegal."

"Conclusion. It is to be hoped that the situation will improve in the Czech Republic, where the Church has suffered so greatly under pressure from hostile authorities and where Christians are called to give consistent witness at all levels of public and ecclesial life."

"The bishops of the Czech Republic, as well as the apostolic nuncio are ready to collaborate in support of such union, in that spirit of service to which the Lord calls His followers."



VATICAN CITY, FEB 15, 2000 (VIS) - This morning in the Paul VI Hall, the Pope received 3,000 pilgrims from Slovakia, among them various representatives and delegates of the Evangelical Church and other Christian confessions. Rudolf Schuster, president of the Slovak Republic, was also present, as was Cardinal Jan Chryzostom Korec, S.J., bishop of Nitra.

After referring to the "long years of harsh communist oppression" suffered by the Slovak people, the Holy Father stated that "even now, trials and difficulties are not lacking, but a continual return to the evangelical roots is a sure way to human and religious renewal. Be faithful to Christ! Be faithful to His Gospel of salvation which is capable of renewing man and society! For faith to be fully lived, coherent witness is required within the different surroundings in which human, personal and community life takes place."

John Paul II indicated that "it is in the Eucharist that Christ nourishes and strengthens believers. ... Eating the 'bread broken', the faithful learn to consider others as themselves, as brothers to be respected and accepted."

He concluded: "Only Christians united 'that they may all be one' can offer a fully credible witness before the world. Unity is, even today, the privileged path of evangelization."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 15, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Bishop Vicente Rodrigo Cisneros Duran of Ambato, Ecuador, as metropolitan archbishop of Cuenca (area 9,672, population 641,000, Catholics 638,000, priests 104, religious 461), Ecuador. The archbishop-elect was born in Pelileo, Ecuador, in 1934, ordained a priest in 1957 and consecrated a bishop in 1968. He succeeds Archbishop Luis Alberto Luna Tobar O.C.D., whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same archdiocese the Holy Father accepted, upon having reached the age limit.

- Appointed Bishop Cormac Murphy-O'Connor of Arundel and Brighton, England, as metropolitan archbishop of Westminster (area 22,000, population 4,420,000, Catholics 544,130, priests 783, permanent deacons 4, religious 2,096), England. The archbishop-elect was born in Reading, England, in 1932, ordained a priest in 1956 and consecrated a bishop in 1977.

- Appointed Bishop Vincent Gerard Nichols, auxiliary of Westminster, England as metropolitan archbishop of Birmingham (area 8,735, population 5,235,575, Catholics 293,779, priests 579, permanent deacons 38, religious 1,224), England. The archbishop-elect was born in Crosby, England, in 1945, ordained a priest in 1969 and consecrated a bishop in 1992.

- Appointed Bishop Guy-Paul Noujaim, auxiliary of Antioch of the Maronites, Lebanon, as a member of the Pontifical Council for Culture.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 15, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Yasser Arafat, president of the Palestinian Authority, accompanied by his entourage. - Rudolf Schuster, president of the Slovak Republic, accompanied by his wife.
- Archbishop Sergio Sebastiani, president of the Prefecture for Economic Affairs of the Holy See, accompanied by Bishop Franco Croci and Ivan Ruggiero, respectively secretary and accountant general of the same body.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 15, 2000 (VIS) - The Basic Agreement between the Holy See and the Palestinian Liberation Organization, signed this morning in the Vatican by representatives of each side, consists of a Preamble and 12 Articles. Article 11 states: "Done in two original copies in the English and Arabic languages, both texts are equally authentic. In case of divergence, the English text shall prevail."

The Preamble states that both sides: are "deeply aware of the special significance of the Holy Land"; have "reviewed the history and development of the relations between the Holy See and the Palestinian People"; re-affirm "the need to achieve a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East"; and call "for a peaceful solution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which would realize the inalienable national legitimate rights and aspirations of the Palestinian People."

It also affirms: "Declaring that an equitable solution for the issue of Jerusalem, based on international resolutions, is fundamental for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East, and that unilateral decisions and actions altering the specific character and status of Jerusalem are morally and legally unacceptable."

In conclusion the Preamble says: "Calling, therefore, for a special statute for Jerusalem, internationally guaranteed, which should safeguard the following:
a. Freedom of religion and conscience for all.
b. The equality before the law of the three monotheistic religions and their institutions and followers in the City.
c. The proper identity and sacred character of the City... .
d. The Holy Places, the freedom of access to them and of worship in them.
e. The Regime of 'status quo' in those Holy Places where it applies."

The two parties then list the 12 Articles upon which they agree. Article 1 includes the PLO's "permanent commitment to uphold and observe the human right to freedom of religion and conscience," the Holy See's affirmation of "the commitment of the Catholic Church to support this right" and a reiteration of the Church's respect "for the followers of other religions."

Articles 5 and 6 affirm that the PLO recognizes both "the freedom of the Catholic Church to exercise her rights to carry out ... her functions and traditions," and "the rights of the Catholic Church in economic, legal and fiscal matters." Article 7 says: "Full effect will be given in Palestinian Law to the legal personality of the Catholic Church and of the canonical legal persons."

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