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Thursday, September 16, 1999


VATICAN CITY, SEP 16, 1999 (VIS) - On September 19, John Paul II will make his second pastoral visit to Slovenia, his 88th outside Italy. The visit is motivated by the beatification of the first bishop of Maribor, Servant of God Anton Martin Slomsek.

Statistics on the Church in Slovenia have been published recently. They are taken from the latest Statistical Yearbook of the Church, dated December 31, 1997.

Slovenia has a population of 1.9 million people of whom 1.6 million - 81.9 percent - are Catholic. There are three ecclesiastical circumscriptions, 801 parishes and 53 pastoral centers of other types. There are 9 bishops (as of August 1, 1999), 1,137 priests, 850 religious, 17 lay members of secular institutes and 301 catechists. Minor seminarians number 61 and major seminarians 177.

A total of 1,898 pupils attend the 10 schools and one university that either pertain to the Church or are directed by clergy or religious. There are also 8 homes for the elderly or sick and 2 orphanages or nurseries, in addition to 8 family consulting centers and other centers for the protection of life, that are either the property of the Church or run by priests or religious.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 16, 1999 (VIS) - Made public this afternoon was the following communique on yesterday's meeting at Castelgandolfo between the Holy Father and several German bishops on matters relative to Catholic family consulting centers in Germany which provide counselling services and certificates to pregnant women in difficulty:

"In the late morning of September 15, 1999, a meeting took place with the Holy Father John Paul II to deal with the well known question of the correct insertion of Catholic consulting centers in the consultation service provided by German State regulations. Taking part in the meeting, on the part of the Holy See, were Cardinals Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and Angelo Sodano, secretary of State. Also, Archbishops Tarcisio Bertone, secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith, and Paolo Sardi, apostolic nuncio with special charges. The German episcopate was represented by Cardinals Joachim Meisner, archbishop of Cologne; Friedrich Wetter, archbishop of Munich and Freising and Georg Sterzinsky, archbishop of Berlin. Also present was Bishop Karl Lehmann of Magonza, president of the German Episcopal Conference.

"On this question, the Pope has already sent three letters to the German bishops. Following the latest pontifical letter of June 3, the bishops decided, in conformity with the provisions of the Pope, to add the following phrase to the certificate: 'This certificate cannot be used for carrying out decriminalized abortion.' Due to this decision a debate arose that has damaged the unity of the Church in Germany and caused questions to be asked of the Holy See. In the end it was pointed out that the above phrase would not, in fact, alter the value of the certificate issued by Catholic consulting centers, and that it (the certificate) would consequently serve as an access to abortion.

"On the basis of instructions given by the Holy Father to Cardinals Ratzinger and Sodano, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Secretariat of State have formulated a project in response to the above-mentioned questions. This project was the subject of the meeting between the Holy See representatives and the four German prelates. The definitive text of the response, in accordance with the Pope's wishes, will be transmitted to the president of the German Episcopal Conference, Bishop Karl Lehmann, and made public in that body's forthcoming plenary assembly.

"The meeting took place in an objective and friendly atmosphere. The aim of the Holy Father's instructions is to serve the internal unity of the Church, as well as to guarantee the correct formation of consciences and the clear witness and full credibility of the Church, as well as to better help women in difficulties."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 16, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received is separate audiences:

- Guido de Marco, president of the Republic of Malta, accompanied by his entourage.
- Nine prelates from the Lithuanian Episcopal Conference, on their "ad limina" visit.
- Archbishop Audrys Juozas Backis of Vilnius, accompanied by his auxiliaries, Bishops Juozas Tunaitis and Jonas Boruta S.J.
- Archbishop Sigitas Tamkevicius S.J., of Kaunas, accompanied by his auxiliary, Bishop Rimantas Norvila and auxiliary emeritus, Bishop Vladas Michelevicius. - Bishop Antanas Vaicius of Telsiai.
- Bishop Juozas Preiksas of Panevezys.
- Bishop Juozapas Matulaitis of Kaisiadorys.
- Archbishop Karl-Josef Rauber, apostolic nuncio in Hungary.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 16, 1999 (VIS) - Tomorrow, Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, will deliver a lecture on the "Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification" at a conference at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas, according to a communique from the council.

The conference is being held in connection with the publication of a new translation of the Book of Concord. The Cardinal's speech will deal with the preparation, contents, significance and limitations of the important ecumenical consensus document on the Doctrine of Justification between the Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation.

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