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Friday, May 21, 2004


VATICAN CITY, MAY 21, 2004 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

 - Appointed Bishop Roberto Camilleri Azzopardi, O.F.M., auxiliary of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, bishop of Comayagua (area 7,527, population 671,321, Catholics 657,721, priests 58, religious 69), Honduras. He succeeds Bishop Geraldo Scarpone Caporale, whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese he accepted upon having reached the age limit.

- Appointed Msgr. Vicente Jiménez Zamora, vicar general of Osma-Soria, Spain as  bishop of the same diocese (area 10,328, population 90,717, Catholics 72,580, priests 178, permanent deacons 1, religious 364), Spain.  The bishop-elect was born in 1944 in Agreda, Spain and was ordained a priest in 1968.

 - Appointed Msgrs. Thomas A. Donato, spiritual director of the Major Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in South Orange, U.S.A., and John W. Flesey, director of permanent formation for the clergy of the archdiocese of Newark, U.S.A., as auxiliary bishops of the same archdiocese (area 1,328, population 2,809,267, Catholics 1,319,558, priests 929, permanent deacons 198, religious 1,667), U.S.A.  Bishop-elect Donato was born in 1940 in Jersey City, U.S.A., and was ordained a priest in 1965. Bishop-elect Flesey was born in 1942 Jersey City and was ordained in 1969. They succeed Bishops Charles J. McDonnell and David Arias, O.A.R. whose resignations from the office of auxiliary were accepted upon having reached the age limit.
NER:RE:NEA/.../...                           VIS 20040521 (220)


VATICAN CITY, MAY 21, 2004 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Cardinal Paul Poupard, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, accompanied by family members.

- Three prelates from the United States Catholic Bishops' Conference (Region X) on their "ad limina" visit:

    - Bishop Gregory Michael Aymond of Austin.

    - Bishop Curtis John Guiollory, S.V.D., of Beaumont.

    - Bishop Raymundo Joseph Peña of Brownsville.

- Helen Clark, prime minister of New Zealand, accompanied by her husband and an entourage.

- Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

  This afternoon, he is scheduled to receive six prelates from the United States Catholic Bishops' Conference (Region X) on their "ad limina" visit:

- Bishop Edmond Carmody of Corpus Christi.

- Bishop Charles Victor Grahmann of Dallas.

- Bishop Joseph Anthony Fiorenza of Galveston-Houston, accompanied by Coadjutor Bishop Daniel N. DiNardo and Auxiliary Bishops Vincent M. Rizzotto and Joseph Steve Vasquez.

  Yesterday, May 20, the Holy Father received in audience five prelates from the United States Catholic Bishops' Conference (Region X) on their "ad limina" visit:

- Archbishop Patrick F. Flores of San Antonio, accompanied by Auxiliary Bishops Thomas J. Flanagan, Patrick J. Zurek.

- Bishop Edward James Slattery of Tulsa.

- Bishop John Walter Yanta of Amarillo.
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CARDINAL RENATO MARTINO, PRESIDENT OF THE Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, is presiding today, May 21 at a study session on the social and economic development of Africa in the era of globalization in the Rome headquarters of this dicastery. Participants in this meeting include cardinals from Africa, ambassadors from African countries accredited to the Holy See, experts on the above-mentioned topics and leaders from international organizations, including the United Nations, Catholic Relief Services, the Sant'Egidio Community and the Earth Institute of Columbia University. The morning session was presided over by Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo, secretary for Relations with States, who spoke on Pope John Paul's solicitude for Africa. Other speakers addressed the problem of conflicts in Africa and reconciliation. The afternoon session is scheduled to focus on the chronic problems of the continent, including pandemic illnesses, poverty and foreign debt.

MSGR. PIERO MONNI, HOLY SEE PERMANENT OBSERVER to the World Tourism Organization, spoke yesterday in Rimini, Italy at the 42nd meeting of the WTO's Regional Commission for Europe at a seminar entitled "The Future of Traditional Destinations: Will Their Experience be useful to Emerging Countries of Europe?" He highlighted the problems linked to competition between traditional tourism destinations and those of  emerging countries in Eastern Europe. Europe offers a variety of tourist destinations, and "there are great hopes that these sites will reveal values that for years have been marginalized, that is, cultural, moral and spiritual values. ... Competition within the 'global village' has problems similar to those of the European dimension, whose Christian roots we cannot ignore, roots which are perceptible even in many emerging sites. It is always respect for these values which can help develop sustainable tourism and a greater attention to and sensitivity for culture and local traditions."
.../IN BRIEF/...                        VIS 20040521 (300)


VATICAN CITY, MAY 21, 2004 (VIS) - Prime Minister Helen Clark of New Zealand was received by John Paul II this morning who, in brief remarks in English, told her that "New Zealanders have always cherished the fundamental value of freedom, justice and peace. Indeed, in the face of aggression or threat, they have generously sought to defend and promote such rights in the Pacific and beyond."

  "Today," he added, "in our world so troubled by the scourge of racial divisions and conflict, I encourage you and your fellow citizens to foster dialogue. In acknowledging the fundamental God-given dignity of every person, dialogue leads to a recognition of diversity while opening the mind to the mutual acceptance and genuine collaboration demanded by the human family's basic vocation to unity."
AC/MINISTER NEW ZEALAND:CLARK                VIS 20040521 (140)


VATICAN CITY, MAY 20, 2004 (VIS) - The following telegram was sent by Pope John Paul to Archbishop Theodore-Adrien Sarr of Dakar, Senegal, upon the death of  Cardinal Hyacinthe Thiandoum, archbishop emeritus of Dakar on May 18 at the age of 83:

  "Having learned with sadness of the death of Cardinal Hyacinthe Thiandoum, archbishop emeritus of Dakar, I would like to express to you, the family of the deceased, the faithful of your diocese and to all Catholics in Senegal my profound spiritual communion and the assurance of my fervent prayer for the repose of the soul of the cardinal who served as the pastor of the archdiocese for so many years. I would like to pay homage to the noble son of the Senegalese nation who generously gave himself to his brothers and sisters in the service of Christ in His Church, also providing for the successor of Peter a clear voice for Africa.  While entrusting the illustrious late cardinal  to the Lord's mercy, I unite myself in thought and prayer to those who are gathered in hope to accompany Cardinal Thiandoum with their prayer and I bestow upon them a special apostolic blessing as a sign of consolation." 
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VATICAN CITY, MAY 20, 2004 (VIS) - This morning the Holy Father received the participants in the 53rd General Assembly of the Italian Episcopal Conference which has been reflecting these past few days on the renewal of parishes, social communications and priestly and religious vocations.

  The Pope encouraged bishops who share his concerns for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, and he invited young people in Italy "to carefully consider and  to embrace, with joy not fear, the Lord's call which is an extraordinary gift." Addressing the families of those who receive a vocation who are "so often worried about the future of their children," he recalled that "no one is more generous than the Lord and every one of his calls is a great blessing for the family of those who are called."

  Referring to the media, John Paul II said, "We know well the penetrating influence that the media have on modern thought and personal and collective behavior, promoting a vision of life that unfortunately often corrodes fundamental ethical values, especially with regard to the family." The media, he added, must contribute to "the affirmation of positive models of life and to spreading the Gospel."

  "Terrorism, war and violations of human rights, which make the international situation so difficult and dangerous, weigh greatly on our hearts, dear brother bishops. I continue to join in your prayer, especially for those who are held hostage in Iraq, for those who risk their life and for those who die in the line of duty."

  "The Pope expressed his appreciation for the conference's initiative to promote pilgrimages of peace to the Holy Land. "This is also," he said, "a strong sign of unity and solidarity with Christian communities that live there who greatly need our help."

  Referring to Italy, the Holy Father indicated that despite differences "a sincere search for the common good must prevail so that Italy's path to progress becomes quicker and so that a new phase of development begins with the creation of jobs which are so necessary especially in the South."

  "A decisive field, in which efforts must be multiplied, is the family, based on marriage, the protection and acceptance of life and the primary responsibility of parents in education.  I repeat in unison with you the words of this year's theme for the World Day of Life: 'There is no future without children!' A common effort in social politics, the pastoral care of the Church and all those who can influence thought is necessary and urgent for Italy's future so that young couples may discover the joy of having and educating children and thus participating in the work of the Creator."
AC/.../ITALIAN EPISCOPAL CONFERENCE                   VIS 20040521 (450)

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