VATICAN CITY, OCT 4, 2003 (VIS) - Made public today were two Letters from Pope John Paul appointing papal envoys to anniversary celebrations in both Italy and in Stockholm, Sweden.
The first letter, written in Latin and dated September 18, is addressed to Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of state, whom the Pope named on August 9 as papal legate to the solemn celebrations for the 700th anniversary of the death of Pope Boniface VIII. These events will take place in the cathedral of Anagni, Italy, on Sunday, October 12, 2003. The cardinal will be accompanied by Msgrs. Angelo Pilozzi, vicar general of the diocese of Anagni-Alatri, and Piero Pioppo, nunciature counsellor in the Secretariat of State.
The Holy Father's second letter, written in Latin and dated September 15, was addressed to Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, archbishop of Westminster, whom he named on August 9th as his legate to the celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the diocese of Stockholm. This celebration will also take place on October 12. Joining the cardinal as members of the pontifical mission are: Msgr. Gabor Pinter, secretary of the apostolic nunciature in Sweden; Stjepan Biletic, vicar general of the diocese of Stockholm; Lars Johan Benedikt Cavallin, episcopal vicar for the southern zone of this ecclesial circumscription.
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The Vatican Information Service is a news service, founded in the Holy See Press Office, that provides information about the Magisterium and the pastoral activities of the Holy Father and the Roman Curia...[+]
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Monday, October 6, 2003
VATICAN CITY, OCT 4, 2003 (VIS) - Pope John Paul this morning welcomed to the Vatican His Grace Rowan Williams, archbishop of Canterbury, noting that his visit continues a tradition which began just before Vatican Council II. Reverend Williams is the fourth archbishop of Canterbury whom the Holy Father has met during his pontificate, including during his 1982 visit to Canterbury.
The Pope stated that "the four centuries following the sad division between us, during which time there was little or no contact between our predecessors, have given away to a pattern of grace-filled meetings between the bishop of Rome, the Successor of Peter, and the archbishop of Canterbury." He pointed out that ties between the two "had their origin in the sending by Pope Gregory the Great of St. Augustine, the first archbishop of Canterbury, to the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in the late sixth century."
"As we give thanks for the progress that has already been made," John Paul II continued, "we must also recognize the new and serious difficulties that have arisen on the path to unity. These difficulties are not all of a merely disciplinary nature; some extend to essential matters of faith and morals. ... Faced with the increasing secularism of today's world, the Church must ensure that the deposit of faith is proclaimed in its integrity and preserved from erroneous and misguided interpretations."
The Holy Father remarked that the dialogue started by their predecessors, Paul VI and Archbishop Michael Ramsey, "was to be 'founded on the Gospels and on the ancient common traditions'; it was to be coupled with the fostering of collaboration which would 'lead to a greater understanding and a deeper charity', and the hope was expressed that with progress towards unity there might be 'a strengthening of peace in the world, the peace that only He can grant Who gives 'the peace that passeth all understanding'."
John Paul II said that they must persevere in building upon the work accomplished by the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) and by the Commission for Unity and Mission (IARCCUM). "The world needs the witness of our unity, rooted in our common love for and obedience to Christ and His Gospel."
"I take to heart," concluded the Pope, "that you have wished to pay a visit to me so early in your ministry as archbishop of Canterbury. We share a desire to deepen our communion. I pray for a renewed outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon you and your family, those who travelled here with you and upon all members of the Anglican Communion."
The Pope stated that "the four centuries following the sad division between us, during which time there was little or no contact between our predecessors, have given away to a pattern of grace-filled meetings between the bishop of Rome, the Successor of Peter, and the archbishop of Canterbury." He pointed out that ties between the two "had their origin in the sending by Pope Gregory the Great of St. Augustine, the first archbishop of Canterbury, to the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in the late sixth century."
"As we give thanks for the progress that has already been made," John Paul II continued, "we must also recognize the new and serious difficulties that have arisen on the path to unity. These difficulties are not all of a merely disciplinary nature; some extend to essential matters of faith and morals. ... Faced with the increasing secularism of today's world, the Church must ensure that the deposit of faith is proclaimed in its integrity and preserved from erroneous and misguided interpretations."
The Holy Father remarked that the dialogue started by their predecessors, Paul VI and Archbishop Michael Ramsey, "was to be 'founded on the Gospels and on the ancient common traditions'; it was to be coupled with the fostering of collaboration which would 'lead to a greater understanding and a deeper charity', and the hope was expressed that with progress towards unity there might be 'a strengthening of peace in the world, the peace that only He can grant Who gives 'the peace that passeth all understanding'."
John Paul II said that they must persevere in building upon the work accomplished by the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) and by the Commission for Unity and Mission (IARCCUM). "The world needs the witness of our unity, rooted in our common love for and obedience to Christ and His Gospel."
"I take to heart," concluded the Pope, "that you have wished to pay a visit to me so early in your ministry as archbishop of Canterbury. We share a desire to deepen our communion. I pray for a renewed outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon you and your family, those who travelled here with you and upon all members of the Anglican Communion."
VATICAN CITY, OCT 4, 2003 (VIS) - The first congress of Eastern European Lay Catholics is scheduled to take place from October 8 to 12 in Kiev, Ukraine. Three-hundred people will participate in the congress in addition to observers from other churches and ecclesiastical communities who have been invited.
This congress, organized by the Pontifical Council for the Laity, is part of a cycle of regional and continental congresses of lay people organized by the same dicastery in Asia, Oceania, Central America, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. According to a communique made public today, "The main objective is to stimulate (lay people) to rediscover their own identity by encouraging them to embark on this process, under the guidance of their pastors, through study and the organic assimilation of the magisterium of the Church and especially through the teachings of Vatican Council II on the lay 'christifideles'. In this context, particular emphasis will be placed on the indispensable participation of the lay faithful in the life of the parish community, the importance for the Church's mission of lay organizations, and criteria for the appropriate role of lay people in the life of the Church and the world."
The congress will start on the afternoon of October 8 with greetings by Cardinal James Francis Stafford, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity. In addition, Cardinals Lubomyr Husar and Marian Jaworski, respectively major archbishop of Lviv of the Ukrainians and archbishop of Lviv of the Latins, Ukraine will address those in attendance. Delegations will be present from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Debates, testimony and conferences are scheduled for the various sessions. One of the central talks will be that of Cardinal Miloslav Vlk, archbishop of Prague, who will speak on "The mission of the Church at the dawn of the third millennium." Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, metropolitan of the archdiocese of the Mother of God in Moscow, Russia, will speak on "The participation of lay people in the life of parish communities: liturgy and sacraments, proclaiming the Gospel, witness to charity." In the round table discussions, the following topics will be debated: "Persecutions of freedom: being Christian today," and "Lay Apostolate: priorities and commitments."
The communique concludes by indicating that "an especially significant moment will be the liturgical memorial in honor of martyrs" which will be celebrated on Saturday October 11 in the evening. On Sunday, Cardinal Stafford will preside at the solemn closing Eucharistic celebration. At the end of the Mass, all the delegates will receive a copy of the Apostolic Exhortation "Christifideles laici," a vital guide for all lay Catholics.
This congress, organized by the Pontifical Council for the Laity, is part of a cycle of regional and continental congresses of lay people organized by the same dicastery in Asia, Oceania, Central America, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. According to a communique made public today, "The main objective is to stimulate (lay people) to rediscover their own identity by encouraging them to embark on this process, under the guidance of their pastors, through study and the organic assimilation of the magisterium of the Church and especially through the teachings of Vatican Council II on the lay 'christifideles'. In this context, particular emphasis will be placed on the indispensable participation of the lay faithful in the life of the parish community, the importance for the Church's mission of lay organizations, and criteria for the appropriate role of lay people in the life of the Church and the world."
The congress will start on the afternoon of October 8 with greetings by Cardinal James Francis Stafford, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity. In addition, Cardinals Lubomyr Husar and Marian Jaworski, respectively major archbishop of Lviv of the Ukrainians and archbishop of Lviv of the Latins, Ukraine will address those in attendance. Delegations will be present from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Debates, testimony and conferences are scheduled for the various sessions. One of the central talks will be that of Cardinal Miloslav Vlk, archbishop of Prague, who will speak on "The mission of the Church at the dawn of the third millennium." Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, metropolitan of the archdiocese of the Mother of God in Moscow, Russia, will speak on "The participation of lay people in the life of parish communities: liturgy and sacraments, proclaiming the Gospel, witness to charity." In the round table discussions, the following topics will be debated: "Persecutions of freedom: being Christian today," and "Lay Apostolate: priorities and commitments."
The communique concludes by indicating that "an especially significant moment will be the liturgical memorial in honor of martyrs" which will be celebrated on Saturday October 11 in the evening. On Sunday, Cardinal Stafford will preside at the solemn closing Eucharistic celebration. At the end of the Mass, all the delegates will receive a copy of the Apostolic Exhortation "Christifideles laici," a vital guide for all lay Catholics.
VATICAN CITY, OCT 4, 2003 (VIS) - Made public today was a speech by Msgr. Francesco Follo, the permanent observer of the Holy See to UNESCO (United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization), which he delivered on October 3 during the 32nd session of the General Conference of the same organization. The conference is taking place in Paris, France from September 29 to October 17.
In his talk in French, Msgr. Follo spoke about respect for all human beings, education and peace. Regarding the first theme, he said that "it is a central element in building up a society." He recalled that the "Holy See wishes to emphasize that all considerations must put human beings at the center, as well as the inalienable dignity of their biological and spiritual being, the sacred character of their life, and the value of the conjugal and familial bond."
Referring to education, Msgr. Follo said that "we must put cultural and professional formation in the larger context of the complete education of the person, for the full development of the entire human being and all human beings, for their personal life and the role that they occupy as citizens."
The Holy See delegate concluded by highlighting that the international community "must be even more committed to building peace. ... It must do everything possible so that all peoples have land and autonomy of existence and so that they may be able to make decisions in internal matters, and so that inhabitants of a nation may be the first to benefit from their country's riches."
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In his talk in French, Msgr. Follo spoke about respect for all human beings, education and peace. Regarding the first theme, he said that "it is a central element in building up a society." He recalled that the "Holy See wishes to emphasize that all considerations must put human beings at the center, as well as the inalienable dignity of their biological and spiritual being, the sacred character of their life, and the value of the conjugal and familial bond."
Referring to education, Msgr. Follo said that "we must put cultural and professional formation in the larger context of the complete education of the person, for the full development of the entire human being and all human beings, for their personal life and the role that they occupy as citizens."
The Holy See delegate concluded by highlighting that the international community "must be even more committed to building peace. ... It must do everything possible so that all peoples have land and autonomy of existence and so that they may be able to make decisions in internal matters, and so that inhabitants of a nation may be the first to benefit from their country's riches."
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VATICAN CITY, OCT 6, 2003 (VIS) - Today at midday in the Paul VI Hall, the Holy Father received the pilgrims who participated yesterday in the canonization of Blesseds Daniele Comboni, Arnold Janssen and Josef Freinademetz, "three champions of evangelization."
In greeting the Combonian Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus and the Combonian Missionary Sisters Pious Mothers of Nigrizia he noted that they "continue the apostolic activity of St. Daniele Comboni," and expressed the desire that "the project of founding a Catholic university in Sudan, beloved land of Comboni, may continue and be brought to completion."
John Paul II emphasized that St. Arnold Janssen, founder of the Society of the Divine Word and the Congregation of Missionary Sisters, Servants of the Spirit and the Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration, "was an ardent animator of the ecclesiastical mission in Central Europe. He gave proof of his courage while opening a missionary house in Steyl, Netherlands, when the Church went through a difficult time due to the so-called 'Kulturkampf'."
He concluded by saying, "through the Society of the Divine Word, providence sent St. Josef Freinademetz to China where he remained until his death. 'All your life for your beloved Chinese': this is the pledge that he made to himself the day of his perpetual profession. He stayed faithful to this motto throughout his life with the help of God. He became Chinese with the Chinese, assuming the mentality, uses and customs. ... May he continue to watch over that nation and the entire Asian continent from heaven."
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In greeting the Combonian Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus and the Combonian Missionary Sisters Pious Mothers of Nigrizia he noted that they "continue the apostolic activity of St. Daniele Comboni," and expressed the desire that "the project of founding a Catholic university in Sudan, beloved land of Comboni, may continue and be brought to completion."
John Paul II emphasized that St. Arnold Janssen, founder of the Society of the Divine Word and the Congregation of Missionary Sisters, Servants of the Spirit and the Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration, "was an ardent animator of the ecclesiastical mission in Central Europe. He gave proof of his courage while opening a missionary house in Steyl, Netherlands, when the Church went through a difficult time due to the so-called 'Kulturkampf'."
He concluded by saying, "through the Society of the Divine Word, providence sent St. Josef Freinademetz to China where he remained until his death. 'All your life for your beloved Chinese': this is the pledge that he made to himself the day of his perpetual profession. He stayed faithful to this motto throughout his life with the help of God. He became Chinese with the Chinese, assuming the mentality, uses and customs. ... May he continue to watch over that nation and the entire Asian continent from heaven."
AC;CANONIZATION;...;...;VIS;20031006;Word: 260;
VATICAN CITY, OCT 5, 2003 (VIS) - At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, John Paul II celebrated the Eucharist and canonized Blesseds Daniele Comboni (1831--1881), bishop, founder of the Congregation of the Combonian Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus and the Combonian Missionary Sisters Pious Mothers of Nigrizia; Arnold Janssen (1873-1909), priest, founder of the Society of the Divine Word, the Congregation of Missionary Sisters, Servants of the Spirit and the Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration and Josef Freinademetz (1852-1908), priest, of the Society of the Divine Word.
In his homily, the Pope said, "as these new saints teach us, evangelization, in addition to human promotion, which is sometimes risky as the experience of so many missionaries attests to, always entails an explicit proclamation of Christ. This is the example and the precious heritage that these three saints, today elevated to the altars, leave to their religious families in a special way. The first task of the missionary institutes is the mission 'ad gentes' which should not be put off in preference of any other social or humanitarian commitment, no matter how necessary."
"There is a need for evangelizers who have the enthusiasm and apostolic passion of Bishop Daniele Comboni, apostle of Christ among Africans," he continued. "He used the resources of a rich personality and a solid spirituality in order to make Christ known and welcome in Africa, the continent that he deeply loved. How can we not turn our gaze today with affection and concern to those beloved peoples? A land rich with human and spiritual resources, Africa continues to be plagued by so many difficulties and problems. May the international community actively help them to build a future of hope. I entrust this intention of mine to St. Daniele Comboni, remarkable evangelizer and protector of the Black Continent."
Referring to St. Arnold Janssen, the Pope said that "his priestly activity was full of zeal in spreading the Word of God, even using new means of mass communication, especially the press. He never was discouraged by obstacles. He used to like to repeat: 'Announcing the Good News is the first and main expression of love for one's neighbor'."
Speaking about Josef Freinademetz, the Holy Father emphasized that "with the tenacity typical of mountain people, this generous 'witness of love' dedicated himself wholly to the Chinese people of Southern Shandong. Through love and with love, he embraced their conditions of life, in line with the advice that he himself used to give to his missionaries: 'Missionary work is in vain if we do not love and are not loved.' He was an exemplary model of evangelical inculturation."
At the end of the ceremony, before reciting the Angelus, John Paul II greeted the many pilgrims in German, English, Italian saying: "Spiritually united to the new saints, let us invoke Mary with the title of Our Lady of the Rosary, turned to the Shrine at Pompei, where, God willing, I will go on a pilgrimage this Tuesday."
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In his homily, the Pope said, "as these new saints teach us, evangelization, in addition to human promotion, which is sometimes risky as the experience of so many missionaries attests to, always entails an explicit proclamation of Christ. This is the example and the precious heritage that these three saints, today elevated to the altars, leave to their religious families in a special way. The first task of the missionary institutes is the mission 'ad gentes' which should not be put off in preference of any other social or humanitarian commitment, no matter how necessary."
"There is a need for evangelizers who have the enthusiasm and apostolic passion of Bishop Daniele Comboni, apostle of Christ among Africans," he continued. "He used the resources of a rich personality and a solid spirituality in order to make Christ known and welcome in Africa, the continent that he deeply loved. How can we not turn our gaze today with affection and concern to those beloved peoples? A land rich with human and spiritual resources, Africa continues to be plagued by so many difficulties and problems. May the international community actively help them to build a future of hope. I entrust this intention of mine to St. Daniele Comboni, remarkable evangelizer and protector of the Black Continent."
Referring to St. Arnold Janssen, the Pope said that "his priestly activity was full of zeal in spreading the Word of God, even using new means of mass communication, especially the press. He never was discouraged by obstacles. He used to like to repeat: 'Announcing the Good News is the first and main expression of love for one's neighbor'."
Speaking about Josef Freinademetz, the Holy Father emphasized that "with the tenacity typical of mountain people, this generous 'witness of love' dedicated himself wholly to the Chinese people of Southern Shandong. Through love and with love, he embraced their conditions of life, in line with the advice that he himself used to give to his missionaries: 'Missionary work is in vain if we do not love and are not loved.' He was an exemplary model of evangelical inculturation."
At the end of the ceremony, before reciting the Angelus, John Paul II greeted the many pilgrims in German, English, Italian saying: "Spiritually united to the new saints, let us invoke Mary with the title of Our Lady of the Rosary, turned to the Shrine at Pompei, where, God willing, I will go on a pilgrimage this Tuesday."
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VATICAN CITY, OCT, 6, 2003 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Archbishop Cesare Nosiglia, vice gerent of Rome, as bishop of Vicenza (area 2,200, population 768,391, Catholics 753,045, priests 828, permanent deacons 26, religious 2,524), Italy. He accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese presented by Bishop Pietro Giacomo Nonis upon having reached the age limit.
It was made public on Saturday October 4 that the Holy Father:
- Accepted the resignation from the office of auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Guayaquil, Ecuador, presented by Bishop Victor Maldonado Barreno upon having reached the age limit.
- Appointed Cardinal James Francis Stafford, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, as major penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary.
- Appointed Bishop Stanislaw Rylko, secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, as president of the same council, elevating him at the same time to the dignity of archbishop.
- Accepted the resignation presented by Bishop Cipriano Calderon Polo as vice-president of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America upon having reached the age limit. He appointed as his successor Archbishop Luis Robles Dias, apostolic nuncio in Cuba.
RE; NA; NER;...;...;...;VIS;20031006;Word: 180;
It was made public on Saturday October 4 that the Holy Father:
- Accepted the resignation from the office of auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Guayaquil, Ecuador, presented by Bishop Victor Maldonado Barreno upon having reached the age limit.
- Appointed Cardinal James Francis Stafford, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, as major penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary.
- Appointed Bishop Stanislaw Rylko, secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, as president of the same council, elevating him at the same time to the dignity of archbishop.
- Accepted the resignation presented by Bishop Cipriano Calderon Polo as vice-president of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America upon having reached the age limit. He appointed as his successor Archbishop Luis Robles Dias, apostolic nuncio in Cuba.
RE; NA; NER;...;...;...;VIS;20031006;Word: 180;
VATICAN CITY, OCT 6, 2003 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:
- Bishop Reinhard Lettman of Muenster, Germany.
- Three prelates from the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Leonardo Y. Medroso of Borongan.
- Bishop Romulo de la Cruz of San Jose de Antique.
- Bishop Joel Z. Baylon of Masbate.
On Saturday October 4 the Holy Father received in separate audiences:
- His Grace Rowan Douglas Williams, archbishop of Canterbury and primate of the Anglican Communion, and an entourage.
- Archbishop Antonio Franco, apostolic nuncio in the Philippines.
- Four prelates from the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop Angel N. Lagdameo of Jaro.
- Bishop Christian Vicente F. Noel of Talibon.
- Bishop Vicente M. Navarra of Bacolod.
- Bishop Precioso D. Cantillas of Maasin.
- Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
AP; AL;...;...;...;VIS;20031006;Word: 150;
- Bishop Reinhard Lettman of Muenster, Germany.
- Three prelates from the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Leonardo Y. Medroso of Borongan.
- Bishop Romulo de la Cruz of San Jose de Antique.
- Bishop Joel Z. Baylon of Masbate.
On Saturday October 4 the Holy Father received in separate audiences:
- His Grace Rowan Douglas Williams, archbishop of Canterbury and primate of the Anglican Communion, and an entourage.
- Archbishop Antonio Franco, apostolic nuncio in the Philippines.
- Four prelates from the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop Angel N. Lagdameo of Jaro.
- Bishop Christian Vicente F. Noel of Talibon.
- Bishop Vicente M. Navarra of Bacolod.
- Bishop Precioso D. Cantillas of Maasin.
- Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
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VATICAN CITY, OCT 6, 2003 (VIS) - John Paul II was elected Pope on October 16, 1978, and his pontificate was solemnly inaugurated on October 22. What follows is a year-by-year overview of his papacy, listing its major events.
Annual Messages (Lent, to Youth, for World Mission Day, etc.) and events, such as the Holy Father's January address to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See and his Christmas and Easter liturgical celebrations, are not listed.
Today we present the years 1978 through 1983. The overviews will appear in coming days as follows: October 7 (1984-1988); October 8 (1989-1993); October 9 (1994-1998) and October 10 (1999 through October 15, 2003).
Oct. 16 Cardinal Karol Wojtyla is elected successor to Pope John Paul I, becoming the 264th Pope of the Catholic Church. He is the first non-Italian Pope since Adrian VI (1522-23), the first Polish Pope, and the youngest Pope since Pius IX (1846-78). He takes the name John Paul II.
Oct. 17 First "Urbi et Orbi" radio message of John Paul II.
Oct. 22 Solemn inauguration of his ministry as Universal Pastor of the Church.
Oct. 23 John Paul II's historic embrace of Cardinal Wyszynski.
Oct. 25 First trip by new pontiff to Castelgandolfo: visit to the parish church and papal villa.
Oct. 29 First pilgrimage outside Rome to the Shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Mentorella.
Nov. 5 Visit of John Paul II to Assisi to venerate the tomb of St. Francis, patron of Italy, and to the basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva to venerate the tomb of St. Catherine, patroness of Italy.
Nov. 12 As bishop of Rome, John Paul II takes possession of St. John Lateran Basilica.
Dec. 5 John Paul II begins his pastoral visits to the parishes in the diocese of Rome: St. Francis Xavier at Garbatella.
Jan. 24 John Paul II accepts the request for mediation in the border conflict between Argentina and Chile.
Jan. 24 Audience granted to the Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko.
Jan. 25 First pastoral visit of John Paul II outside Italy: the Dominican Republic, Mexico (for the Third General Conference of the Latin American Bishops, Puebla) and the Bahamas.
Mar. 4 First papal Encyclical "Redemptor Hominis" (On the redemption and dignity of the human race), published March 15.
Mar. 13 John Paul II presides over funeral of Secretary of State Cardinal Jean Villot, who died on March 9.
Apr. 30 Archbishop Agostino Casaroli is appointed pro-secretary of state and pro-prefect of the Council for the Public Affairs of the Church.
June 2 Second pastoral visit of John Paul II outside Italy: Poland (June 2-10).
June 2 Historic homily of John Paul II at Victory Square in Warsaw: "It is not possible to understand the history of the Polish nation without Christ."
June 30 Celebration of the first consistory in his pontificate for the creation of 14 cardinals, among whom were Agostino Casaroli, secretary of state. (One additional Cardinal was reserved "in pectore," Chinese Ignatius Gong Pin-mei, whose appointment was published only in the consistory of June 28, 1991).
Sep. 29 Third pastoral visit of John Paul II outside Italy: Ireland, the United Nations and the United States of America (September 29 - October 8).
Oct. 2 John Paul II addresses the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
Oct. 16 Post-Synodal Pastoral Exhortation "Catechesi Tradendae," published October 25.
Nov. 5 First Plenary Assembly of the College of Cardinals on the themes: the structure of the Roman Curia; the Church and culture; the financial situation of the Holy See (November 5-9).
Nov. 28 Fourth pastoral visit of John Paul II outside Italy: Turkey (November 28-30).
Jan. 14 Opening of the Special Assembly for the Netherlands of the Synod of the Bishops on: "The pastoral action of the Church in Holland in the present situation" (January 14-31).
Apr. 4 Good Friday: John Paul II hears confessions of the faithful for the first time in St. Peter's Basilica.
May 2 Fifth pastoral visit of John Paul II outside Italy: Zaire, Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Ghana, Upper Volta, Ivory Coast (May 2-12).
May 30 Sixth pastoral visit of John Paul II outside Italy: France (May 30-June 2).
June 2 John Paul II's address to UNESCO in Paris.
June 21 Visit of President Jimmy Carter of the United States.
June 30 Seventh foreign pastoral visit: Brazil (June 30-July 12).
Aug. 8 For the first time John Paul II alludes to the events happening in Poland regarding Solidarnosc.
Sep. 26 Fifth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the theme: "The Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World."
Sep. 28 Pastoral visit to Subiaco and meeting with the European bishops.
Oct. 17 Official visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and of H.R.H. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
Nov. 15 Eighth pastoral visit outside Italy: West Germany (November 15-19).
Nov. 25 Pastoral visit to Capodichino (Naples), Potenza, Balvano, Avellino, after the earthquake.
Nov. 30 Second papal Encyclical "Dives in misericordia" (On the mercy of God), published December 2.
Dec. 19 Official visit of President Cviyetin Mijatovic of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Dec. 30 Apostolic Letter proclaiming Sts. Cyril and Methodius, together with St. Benedict, co-patrons of Europe.
Feb. 2 John Paul II meets with Rome's Chief Rabbi Elio Toaff, during his pastoral visit to the parish of Sts. Carlo and Biagio in Catinari.
Feb. 16 Ninth foreign pastoral visit: Pakistan, the Philippines, Guam (U.S.A.), Japan, and Anchorage (U.S.A.) (February 16-27).
May 13 At 5:19 p.m. Turkish terrorist Mehmet Ali Agca makes an attempt on the Pope's life while he was circling St. Peter's Square in a jeep before his Wednesday general audience. The Pope is brought to Gemelli Hospital where he undergoes a six-hour operation.
May 17 The Holy Father recites the angelus at Gemelli hospital: "Pray for the brother who shot me, whom I have sincerely forgiven."
May 31 John Paul II creates the Council of Cardinals for the Study of Organizational and Economic Problems of the Holy See, following a meeting of the Sacred College, November 5-9, 1980.
June 3 The Pope returns to the Vatican after 22 days of recovery at Gemelli Hospital.
June 20 John Paul II is newly hospitalized for a cytomegalovirus infection. On August 5 he undergoes a second operation; leaves hospital definitively on August 14, returns to the Vatican, then goes to Castelgandolfo on August 16. Spends a total of 78 days in the hospital between May 13 and August 14.
July 13 First meeting of the Council of Cardinals for the Study of Organizational and Economic Problems of the Holy See.
Sep. 14 Third papal Encyclical "Laborem exercens" (On human work).
Nov. 13 In an address to the 21st conference of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization John Paul II urges the elimination of "absolute poverty, ... a condition in which life is so limited ... as to be beneath any rational definition of human decency."
Nov. 22 Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation "Familiaris Consortio" (On the Family), published on December 15.
Nov. 25 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger appointed prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Dec. 12 John Paul II sends delegates from the Pontifical Academy of Sciences to the presidents of the U.S.A., USSR, Great Britain, France, and to the United Nations, to explain their document on the eventual consequences of the use of nuclear arms in Europe and the world.
Dec. 13 John Paul II requests prayers for the Polish nation, calling the situation a state of emergency.
Jan. 6 Apostolic Letter "Caritatis Christi," for the Church in China.
Feb. 12 10th foreign pastoral visit: Nigeria, Benin, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea (February 12-19).
Mar. 21 Mass in St. Peter's Basilica for the Church in China.
Apr. 1 John Paul II receives credentials of the first British ambassador to the Vatican since the reign of Henry VIII.
May 12 11th pastoral visit outside Italy: Portugal, one year after the assassination attempt in St. Peter's Square (May 12-15).
May 22 Mass in St. Peter's Basilica for justice and peace, and for peace between Argentina and Great Britain (over the Falkland Islands/Malvinas).
May 28 12th pastoral visit outside Italy: Great Britain (May 28-June 2).
May 29 Joint statement of John Paul II and the archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Robert Runcie, at the end of the ecumenical celebration in the Anglican Canterbury Cathedral. New Catholic-Anglican theological commission is announced.
June 7 John Paul II meets U.S. President Ronald Reagan for the first time; they pledge to work for world peace and justice.
June 10 13th pastoral visit outside Italy: Argentina, in relation to the war between Argentina and Great Britain (June 10-13).
June 15 14th pastoral visit outside Italy: one-day trip to Geneva, Switzerland. John Paul II addresses the 68th session of the International Labor Conference.
Aug. 2 The Holy See announces diplomatic relations with Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Aug. 29 15th pastoral visit outside Italy, and 28th within Italy: one-day trip to the Republic of San Marino and to Rimini, Italy.
Sep. 15 Private meeting with Yasser Arafat on the prospects for peace in the Middle East. Renewed appeal for peace in Lebanon, after the murder of president-elect Bechir Gemayel.
Oct. 10 Canonization of Fr. Maximilian Kolbe. Present at the canonization ceremony is Mr. Franciszek Gajownizek, the man for whom Fr. Maximilian offered his life in the concentration camp at Auschwitz.
Oct. 19 Meeting with Italian President Sandro Pertini, at Castelporziano.
Oct. 28 Official visit of President Karl Carstens of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Oct. 31 16th pastoral visit outside Italy: Spain, for the closure of the 4th Centenary of the death of St. Teresa of Avila (October 31-November 9).
Nov. 9 Message to the peoples of Europe from the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.
Nov. 23 Second plenary session of the College of Cardinals: principle topic is the reform of the Roman Curia (November 23-26).
Nov. 26 John Paul II announces the Holy Year of Redemption: from Lent 1983 to Easter 1984.
Jan. 6 Papal Bull "Aperite Portas Redemptori," announcing the Jubilee for the 1950th anniversary of the Redemption.
Jan. 25 John Paul II's Pastoral Constitution "Sacrae Disciplinae Leges," for the promulgation of the new Code of Canon Law.
Jan. 25 Promulgation of the new Code of Canon Law by John Paul II.
Feb. 2 Second consistory of John Paul II for the creation of 18 cardinals.
Mar. 2 17th pastoral visit outside Italy: Lisbon, Portugal, and Central America - Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize and Haiti (March 2-10).
Mar. 24 John Paul II accepts credentials of the ambassador from Sweden, re-establishing diplomatic relations after 456 years.
Mar. 25 Opening of the Holy Year of the Redemption (March 25, 1983-April 22, 1984).
Mar. 25 The Shroud of Turin is bequeathed to the Pope by the deposed King Umberto of Savoy, whose family owned it since the Middle Ages.
June 16 18th pastoral visit outside Italy: Poland (June 16-23).
Aug. 14 19th pastoral visit outside Italy: Lourdes, France (August 14-15).
Sep. 10 20th foreign pastoral visit: Austria (September 10-13).
Sep. 29 Sixth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on: "Penance and Reconciliation in the Mission of the Church" (September 29 - October 29). At the final session Pope discloses his message to the heads of government of the U.S.A. and USSR calling for negotiations aimed at ending the arms race.
Oct. 16 Act of entrustment and consecration of the world to Our Lady of Fatima by John Paul II, together with the cardinals and bishops participating in the Synod of Bishops.
Nov. 5 Letter for the 500th anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther.
Nov. 24 Publication of the "Charter of the Rights of the Family."
Dec. 11 First papal visit to a Lutheran congregation, participating in a prayer service at the evangelical Lutheran Church of Rome.
Dec. 27 Visit to Rebibbia prison and meeting with Ali Agca, the Turk who made an attempt on his life on May 13, 1981.
JPII-ANNIVERSARY;OVERVIEW 1978-1983;...;... ;VIS;20031006;Word: 2090;
Annual Messages (Lent, to Youth, for World Mission Day, etc.) and events, such as the Holy Father's January address to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See and his Christmas and Easter liturgical celebrations, are not listed.
Today we present the years 1978 through 1983. The overviews will appear in coming days as follows: October 7 (1984-1988); October 8 (1989-1993); October 9 (1994-1998) and October 10 (1999 through October 15, 2003).
Oct. 16 Cardinal Karol Wojtyla is elected successor to Pope John Paul I, becoming the 264th Pope of the Catholic Church. He is the first non-Italian Pope since Adrian VI (1522-23), the first Polish Pope, and the youngest Pope since Pius IX (1846-78). He takes the name John Paul II.
Oct. 17 First "Urbi et Orbi" radio message of John Paul II.
Oct. 22 Solemn inauguration of his ministry as Universal Pastor of the Church.
Oct. 23 John Paul II's historic embrace of Cardinal Wyszynski.
Oct. 25 First trip by new pontiff to Castelgandolfo: visit to the parish church and papal villa.
Oct. 29 First pilgrimage outside Rome to the Shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Mentorella.
Nov. 5 Visit of John Paul II to Assisi to venerate the tomb of St. Francis, patron of Italy, and to the basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva to venerate the tomb of St. Catherine, patroness of Italy.
Nov. 12 As bishop of Rome, John Paul II takes possession of St. John Lateran Basilica.
Dec. 5 John Paul II begins his pastoral visits to the parishes in the diocese of Rome: St. Francis Xavier at Garbatella.
Jan. 24 John Paul II accepts the request for mediation in the border conflict between Argentina and Chile.
Jan. 24 Audience granted to the Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko.
Jan. 25 First pastoral visit of John Paul II outside Italy: the Dominican Republic, Mexico (for the Third General Conference of the Latin American Bishops, Puebla) and the Bahamas.
Mar. 4 First papal Encyclical "Redemptor Hominis" (On the redemption and dignity of the human race), published March 15.
Mar. 13 John Paul II presides over funeral of Secretary of State Cardinal Jean Villot, who died on March 9.
Apr. 30 Archbishop Agostino Casaroli is appointed pro-secretary of state and pro-prefect of the Council for the Public Affairs of the Church.
June 2 Second pastoral visit of John Paul II outside Italy: Poland (June 2-10).
June 2 Historic homily of John Paul II at Victory Square in Warsaw: "It is not possible to understand the history of the Polish nation without Christ."
June 30 Celebration of the first consistory in his pontificate for the creation of 14 cardinals, among whom were Agostino Casaroli, secretary of state. (One additional Cardinal was reserved "in pectore," Chinese Ignatius Gong Pin-mei, whose appointment was published only in the consistory of June 28, 1991).
Sep. 29 Third pastoral visit of John Paul II outside Italy: Ireland, the United Nations and the United States of America (September 29 - October 8).
Oct. 2 John Paul II addresses the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
Oct. 16 Post-Synodal Pastoral Exhortation "Catechesi Tradendae," published October 25.
Nov. 5 First Plenary Assembly of the College of Cardinals on the themes: the structure of the Roman Curia; the Church and culture; the financial situation of the Holy See (November 5-9).
Nov. 28 Fourth pastoral visit of John Paul II outside Italy: Turkey (November 28-30).
Jan. 14 Opening of the Special Assembly for the Netherlands of the Synod of the Bishops on: "The pastoral action of the Church in Holland in the present situation" (January 14-31).
Apr. 4 Good Friday: John Paul II hears confessions of the faithful for the first time in St. Peter's Basilica.
May 2 Fifth pastoral visit of John Paul II outside Italy: Zaire, Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Ghana, Upper Volta, Ivory Coast (May 2-12).
May 30 Sixth pastoral visit of John Paul II outside Italy: France (May 30-June 2).
June 2 John Paul II's address to UNESCO in Paris.
June 21 Visit of President Jimmy Carter of the United States.
June 30 Seventh foreign pastoral visit: Brazil (June 30-July 12).
Aug. 8 For the first time John Paul II alludes to the events happening in Poland regarding Solidarnosc.
Sep. 26 Fifth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the theme: "The Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World."
Sep. 28 Pastoral visit to Subiaco and meeting with the European bishops.
Oct. 17 Official visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and of H.R.H. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
Nov. 15 Eighth pastoral visit outside Italy: West Germany (November 15-19).
Nov. 25 Pastoral visit to Capodichino (Naples), Potenza, Balvano, Avellino, after the earthquake.
Nov. 30 Second papal Encyclical "Dives in misericordia" (On the mercy of God), published December 2.
Dec. 19 Official visit of President Cviyetin Mijatovic of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Dec. 30 Apostolic Letter proclaiming Sts. Cyril and Methodius, together with St. Benedict, co-patrons of Europe.
Feb. 2 John Paul II meets with Rome's Chief Rabbi Elio Toaff, during his pastoral visit to the parish of Sts. Carlo and Biagio in Catinari.
Feb. 16 Ninth foreign pastoral visit: Pakistan, the Philippines, Guam (U.S.A.), Japan, and Anchorage (U.S.A.) (February 16-27).
May 13 At 5:19 p.m. Turkish terrorist Mehmet Ali Agca makes an attempt on the Pope's life while he was circling St. Peter's Square in a jeep before his Wednesday general audience. The Pope is brought to Gemelli Hospital where he undergoes a six-hour operation.
May 17 The Holy Father recites the angelus at Gemelli hospital: "Pray for the brother who shot me, whom I have sincerely forgiven."
May 31 John Paul II creates the Council of Cardinals for the Study of Organizational and Economic Problems of the Holy See, following a meeting of the Sacred College, November 5-9, 1980.
June 3 The Pope returns to the Vatican after 22 days of recovery at Gemelli Hospital.
June 20 John Paul II is newly hospitalized for a cytomegalovirus infection. On August 5 he undergoes a second operation; leaves hospital definitively on August 14, returns to the Vatican, then goes to Castelgandolfo on August 16. Spends a total of 78 days in the hospital between May 13 and August 14.
July 13 First meeting of the Council of Cardinals for the Study of Organizational and Economic Problems of the Holy See.
Sep. 14 Third papal Encyclical "Laborem exercens" (On human work).
Nov. 13 In an address to the 21st conference of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization John Paul II urges the elimination of "absolute poverty, ... a condition in which life is so limited ... as to be beneath any rational definition of human decency."
Nov. 22 Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation "Familiaris Consortio" (On the Family), published on December 15.
Nov. 25 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger appointed prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Dec. 12 John Paul II sends delegates from the Pontifical Academy of Sciences to the presidents of the U.S.A., USSR, Great Britain, France, and to the United Nations, to explain their document on the eventual consequences of the use of nuclear arms in Europe and the world.
Dec. 13 John Paul II requests prayers for the Polish nation, calling the situation a state of emergency.
Jan. 6 Apostolic Letter "Caritatis Christi," for the Church in China.
Feb. 12 10th foreign pastoral visit: Nigeria, Benin, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea (February 12-19).
Mar. 21 Mass in St. Peter's Basilica for the Church in China.
Apr. 1 John Paul II receives credentials of the first British ambassador to the Vatican since the reign of Henry VIII.
May 12 11th pastoral visit outside Italy: Portugal, one year after the assassination attempt in St. Peter's Square (May 12-15).
May 22 Mass in St. Peter's Basilica for justice and peace, and for peace between Argentina and Great Britain (over the Falkland Islands/Malvinas).
May 28 12th pastoral visit outside Italy: Great Britain (May 28-June 2).
May 29 Joint statement of John Paul II and the archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Robert Runcie, at the end of the ecumenical celebration in the Anglican Canterbury Cathedral. New Catholic-Anglican theological commission is announced.
June 7 John Paul II meets U.S. President Ronald Reagan for the first time; they pledge to work for world peace and justice.
June 10 13th pastoral visit outside Italy: Argentina, in relation to the war between Argentina and Great Britain (June 10-13).
June 15 14th pastoral visit outside Italy: one-day trip to Geneva, Switzerland. John Paul II addresses the 68th session of the International Labor Conference.
Aug. 2 The Holy See announces diplomatic relations with Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Aug. 29 15th pastoral visit outside Italy, and 28th within Italy: one-day trip to the Republic of San Marino and to Rimini, Italy.
Sep. 15 Private meeting with Yasser Arafat on the prospects for peace in the Middle East. Renewed appeal for peace in Lebanon, after the murder of president-elect Bechir Gemayel.
Oct. 10 Canonization of Fr. Maximilian Kolbe. Present at the canonization ceremony is Mr. Franciszek Gajownizek, the man for whom Fr. Maximilian offered his life in the concentration camp at Auschwitz.
Oct. 19 Meeting with Italian President Sandro Pertini, at Castelporziano.
Oct. 28 Official visit of President Karl Carstens of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Oct. 31 16th pastoral visit outside Italy: Spain, for the closure of the 4th Centenary of the death of St. Teresa of Avila (October 31-November 9).
Nov. 9 Message to the peoples of Europe from the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.
Nov. 23 Second plenary session of the College of Cardinals: principle topic is the reform of the Roman Curia (November 23-26).
Nov. 26 John Paul II announces the Holy Year of Redemption: from Lent 1983 to Easter 1984.
Jan. 6 Papal Bull "Aperite Portas Redemptori," announcing the Jubilee for the 1950th anniversary of the Redemption.
Jan. 25 John Paul II's Pastoral Constitution "Sacrae Disciplinae Leges," for the promulgation of the new Code of Canon Law.
Jan. 25 Promulgation of the new Code of Canon Law by John Paul II.
Feb. 2 Second consistory of John Paul II for the creation of 18 cardinals.
Mar. 2 17th pastoral visit outside Italy: Lisbon, Portugal, and Central America - Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize and Haiti (March 2-10).
Mar. 24 John Paul II accepts credentials of the ambassador from Sweden, re-establishing diplomatic relations after 456 years.
Mar. 25 Opening of the Holy Year of the Redemption (March 25, 1983-April 22, 1984).
Mar. 25 The Shroud of Turin is bequeathed to the Pope by the deposed King Umberto of Savoy, whose family owned it since the Middle Ages.
June 16 18th pastoral visit outside Italy: Poland (June 16-23).
Aug. 14 19th pastoral visit outside Italy: Lourdes, France (August 14-15).
Sep. 10 20th foreign pastoral visit: Austria (September 10-13).
Sep. 29 Sixth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on: "Penance and Reconciliation in the Mission of the Church" (September 29 - October 29). At the final session Pope discloses his message to the heads of government of the U.S.A. and USSR calling for negotiations aimed at ending the arms race.
Oct. 16 Act of entrustment and consecration of the world to Our Lady of Fatima by John Paul II, together with the cardinals and bishops participating in the Synod of Bishops.
Nov. 5 Letter for the 500th anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther.
Nov. 24 Publication of the "Charter of the Rights of the Family."
Dec. 11 First papal visit to a Lutheran congregation, participating in a prayer service at the evangelical Lutheran Church of Rome.
Dec. 27 Visit to Rebibbia prison and meeting with Ali Agca, the Turk who made an attempt on his life on May 13, 1981.
JPII-ANNIVERSARY;OVERVIEW 1978-1983;...;... ;VIS;20031006;Word: 2090;
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