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Monday, December 9, 2002


VATICAN CITY, DEC 7, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in audience a group of faithful from the archdiocese of Krakow, with whom he recalled his pilgrimage to his native Poland this past August.

After reminiscing about his three-day stay in Krakow, the Pope said that his experiences "were re-awakened in a particular spiritual and theological context. They were continually inscribed in the immense mystery of Divine Mercy which we tried to study in depth, letting ourselves be carried with faith by the exceptional 'genius loci'."

John Paul II said that when he dedicated the Shrine of Divine Mercy, he was "aware that this place had a particular eloquence for the modern world. I did not hesitate in defining it as the world center of devotion to Divine Mercy, although I know that in different places around the world many shrines exist where Saint Faustina's message is spread, and where the faithful obtain so much grace."

"I cannot fail to mention Kalwaria Zebrzydowska," he added, "the shrine and its paths, which has also been a sign of Divine Mercy for four hundred years, thanks to Mary who was the first to participate in the fruits of the death and resurrection of her Son. I pray that in this shrine the faithful, looking toward Mary, learn to live the hope which we will find fulfilled in the house of the Father."

The Pope concluded by asking those present to convey his greetings to the inhabitants of Krakow, of the region of Malopolska and to all his compatriots: "Convey my gratitude for the spirit of prayer and the unforgettable atmosphere of faith that we lived during those days of the pilgrimage."

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 7, 2002 (VIS) - Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, secretary for Relations with States and head of the Holy See delegation to the 10th Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, spoke yesterday afternoon in Oporto, Portugal, during the first day of the two-day OSCE meeting. His discourse focussed on respect for religious freedom, which he called a "test for observing fundamental human rights."

In opening remarks, the archbishop noted that "by being actively involved in reflections on current themes such as terrorism, trafficking in human persons, tolerance and discrimination, the OSCE has shown yet again its vocation to form a space of freedom, justice and stability in the perspective of a global understanding of security, specific to our organization."

"Over the past months," he added, "our delegations have often observed that no State, no democracy can work without a certain consensus on the basic values of human existence, among which (are) religious convictions." He stated that he wished to express some concerns of the Holy See on this subject.

"In the year that has just ended," remarked Archbishop Tauran, "there has been an alarming deterioration of the conditions of exercising the right to freedom of religion, in violation of the commitments undertaken by this Organization. In certain countries which are represented here, laws restricting religious freedom have been adopted or are being adopted. Leaders of communities of believers, including a Catholic bishop, have been expelled from the country where they exercise their apostolate or are forbidden from rejoining their faithful."

"Such attitudes," he underscored, "often adopted in an arbitrary manner, show a mistrust with regard to religious facts, a poor knowledge of the role of religion in civil societies, a contempt of international commitments freely signed and a discrimination towards believers." The international commitments, he said, include the documents of the Helsinki process, in particular the final Vienna document of 1989.

"In addition," affirmed Archbishop Tauran, "when, for historical reasons, one religious denomination is the majority denomination and certain rights and privileges are given to it, that could only be to the detriment of the basic freedoms of other denominations present on the national territory."

In his closing remarks, the archbishop quoted from Pope John Paul's speech to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See in January 1989: "'The right to freedom of religion is so closely linked to other basic rights that one could justly say that respect for religious freedom is like a 'test' for the observance of other basic rights'."



VATICAN CITY, DEC 7, 2002 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls made the following declaration at noon today:

"This morning, the Holy Father received in audience Alejandro Toledo Manrique, president of the Republic of Peru.

"Afterward, the president met with Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, substitute for General Affairs, and Msgr. Pietro Parolin, under-secretary for Relations with States.

"These meetings allowed for discussion on relations between the Church and state in Peru and some international questions of particular relevance in this moment."



VATICAN CITY, DEC 8, 2002 (VIS) - After praying the Angelus today, solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, the Pope greeted the pilgrims assembled in St. Peter's Square. In his remarks, he referred in particular to an upcoming meeting on new member countries of the European Union as well as to the damage done to along Spain's Galicia coast by a recent oil spill.

The Holy Father invited the faithful "to accompany with prayer the political leaders who will meet in Copenhagen, Denmark on December 12 and 13 to conclude important negotiations relative to the new countries that will join the European Union. This continent can thus be enriched by the contribution of the cultural and religious traditions of the Nations that, across the centuries, have left us a precious common legacy of civilization."

The Pope then greeted the Spanish-speaking people present and said he wished to express his "closeness to the dear Galician people who are living moments of uncertainty in the face of the serious catastrophe that has struck their coastline and poses a danger to the self-sacrificing work of fishermen and the progress of that community. While I encourage everyone to commit themselves with tenacity to this difficult problem, I also ask God that they might soon find pertinent solutions and that Galicia will live its future in renewed hope."

Noting that on Tuesday, December 10, he will preside over the Mass for students of Rome's universities in St. Peter's Basilica, John Paul II invited all faculty, administrators and students to participate, especially "the representatives of Europe's oldest universities who have come for the Forum that began yesterday at La Sapienza University in Rome."

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 8, 2002 (VIS) - Pope John Paul prayed the Angelus today, the second Sunday of Advent and the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, with thousands of faithful who gathered in St. Peter's Square below his study window.

In remarks made before the prayer, the Pope recalled that "with the recitation of the Angelus three times each day, we repeat 'et verbum caro factum est' - 'and the Word was made flesh'. During Advent these words of the Gospel assume an even more intense meaning as the liturgy makes us relive the climate of expectation of the Incarnation of the Word.

"For this reason," he continued, "Advent offers the ideal context for the solemnity of Mary Immaculate. The humble girl from Nazareth, who with her 'yes' to the angel changed the course of history, was preserved from every stain of sin right from her conception. The first beneficiary of the salvation wrought by Christ, she was chosen from all time to be His mother."

The Holy Father said that "for this reason, today our eyes are fixed on the mystery of her Immaculate Conception while the heart is opened to a chorus of thanksgiving. ... It is with joy that I will renew this afternoon the traditional homage to her in Piazza di Spagna, becoming the interpreter of the devotion of the diocese of Rome and of the entire Church."

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 7, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:
- Appointed Bishop Gabriel V. Reyes of Kalibo, the Philippines, as bishop of the diocese of Antipolo (area 1,859, population 3,035,046, Catholics 2,579,789, priests 124, religious 676), the Philippines. He succeeds Bishop Crisostomo A. Yalung whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese was accepted by the Pope in accordance with Canon 401, para. 2 of the Code of Canon Law.

- Erected the diocese of Novaliches (area 137.74, population 1,658,872, Catholics 142,984, priests 121), the Philippines, with territory taken from the archdiocese of Manila, making it a suffragan of the same Metropolitan Church.

- Appointed Bishop Teodoro C. Bacani, auxiliary of Manila, the Philippines, as first bishop of the diocese of Novaliches, the Philippines.

- Erected the diocese of Paranaque (area 126.50, population 1,381,000, Catholics 1,269,122, priests 133), the Philippines, with territory taken from the archdiocese of Manila, making it a suffragan of the same Metropolitan Church.

- Appointed Bishop Jesse E. Mercado, auxiliary of Manila, as first bishop of the diocese of Paranaque, the Philippines.

- Appointed Bishop Peter Erdo, auxiliary of Szekesfehervar, Hungary, as archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest (area 1,543, population 2,094,000, Catholics 1,258,000, priests 359, permanent deacons 15, religious 978), Hungary. He succeeds Cardinal Laszlo Paskai, O.F.M., whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same archdiocese was accepted by the Pope, upon having reached the age limit.

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 9, 2002 (VIS) - The community of the Pontifical Bede College, celebrating the 150th anniversary of its founding, was welcomed by the Holy Father today who said he joined them "in giving praise to God for the many graces that have come to the Church through the work of the College in the years since its foundation."

"It was a time of great turbulence," he observed, "when Blessed Pope Pius IX established what became the 'Collegio Pio'. Society was in turmoil, and the Church was not spared the troubles of the age. In England, a number of Anglicans had decided to seek ordination in the Catholic Church; and this prompted the Pope to establish the College. At the end of the 19th century, again in unsettled times, the College had a new surge of life and in 1897 became the Pontifical Bede College, in honor of the great English saint and scholar whom Pope Leo XIII was about to proclaim a Doctor of the Church at that time."

Pope John Paul also recalled that "in 1960 the College moved to its present site in the shadow of St. Paul's Basilica, ... and has opened its doors to students from many countries. This is a great service offered to the whole Church by the bishops of England and Wales, and I thank them for their generosity."

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 8, 2002 (VIS) - At 4 p.m. the Holy Father went in the popemobile to the Spanish Steps to pay homage to Mary Immaculate as is his custom on this feast day. Upon arriving, he blessed a basket of roses which was placed at the base of the column bearing the statue of Mary.

Addressing the Virgin, the Pope said; "Virgin Mother, 'Salus Populi Romani'! Watch over the beloved diocese of Rome. ... Especially watch over families: may love always reign among husbands and wives, sealed by the Sacrament, may children walk on the path of good and authentic freedom, may the elderly feel enveloped in attention and affection. Stir up in the hearts of so many young people, Mary, 'the call to mission', which is the theme the diocese is reflecting on during these years. Thanks to intense vocational pastoral care, may Rome be rich with new and vigorous young people who dedicate themselves with enthusiasm to proclaiming the Gospel in the city and the world!"

"'Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis'!" exclaimed John Paul II. "Pray for all of us, Mother. Pray for humanity that suffers misery and injustice, violence and hatred, terror and war. Help us to contemplate with the Holy Rosary the mysteries of the One Who 'is our peace', so that we all feel involved in a specific commitment to the service of peace. Watch over with special attention the land in which you gave birth to Jesus, a land which you loved together and that today continues to be afflicted. Pray for us, Mother of Hope! 'Grant us peaceful days, watch over our way. Make us see your Son, full of joy in heaven.' Amen."

After paying tribute to the Virgin, the Pope went to St. Mary Major Basilica to pray before the icon of the Mother of God "Salus Populi Romani," and then returned to the Vatican.

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 9, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- His Beatitude Mesrob II (Mutafyan), Armenian patriarch of Istanbul, and an entourage.

- Four prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (Northeast III) on their "ad limina" visit:

- Bishop Esmeraldo Barreto de Farias of Paulo Afonso.

- Bishop Tommaso Cascianelli, C.P., of Irece.

- Bishop Paulo Romeu Dantas Bastos of Alagoinhas.

- Bishop Jose Rodrigues de Souza, C.SS.R., of Juazeiro.

On Saturday December 7, the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Alejandro Toledo, president of the Republic of Peru, and an entourage.

- Three prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (Northeast III) on their "ad limina" visit:

- Bishop Jose Edson Santana de Oliveira of Eunapolis.

- Bishop Mario Rino Sivieri of Propria.

- Bishop Luiz Flavio Cappio, O.F.M.Cap., of Barra.

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 9, 2002 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls made the following declaration today at noon:

"I can confirm the presence of Cardinal Bernard Francis Law in Rome. The cardinal has come to inform the Holy See about the different aspects of the situation in Boston."

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