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Wednesday, September 22, 1999


VATICAN CITY, SEP 22, 1999 (VIS) - During the general audience, held today in St. Peter's Square, John Paul II spoke on "Reconciliation with God and with our brothers and sisters."

The Pope affirmed that "reconciliation is a gift from the Father," that God offers us through "the mystery of the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ," and His resurrection.

The Holy Father went on: "Even after pardon, the 'residue of sin' still remains, this must be rejected and combatted through a program of penitence that involves greater commitment to doing good. In the first place, this requires the reparation of the physical and moral wrong done to groups or to individuals. Conversion thus becomes a life-long path in which the mystery of reconciliation, fulfilled in the sacrament, becomes both point of arrival and of departure."

He highlighted that reconciliation in Christ "particularly comes about in celebrating the sacrament of Penance." He added that "it is necessary to overcome a certain individualism when considering reconciliation. The whole Church cooperates in the conversion of sinners through prayer, exhortation, fraternal correction and the support of charity."

The Pope concluded by recalling that "ancient penitential practice emphasized the communal and ecclesial aspect of reconciliation, especially at the moment of final absolution by the bishop, and the full re-admission of the penitents into the community. The teaching of the Church and the penitential discipline promulgated after Vatican Council II call for a rediscovery and a restoration of the communal and ecclesial dimension of Reconciliation, while still respecting the doctrine on the necessity of individual confession."

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 22, 1999 (VIS) - During this morning's general audience, the Pope conveyed a message to Paolo Scandaletti, president of the Catholic Union of the Italian Press, on the occasion of its 40th anniversary.

The Pope writes in his message: "The courageous witness of faith that each of (the Catholic professionals) offers in the field of the mass media, constitutes a precious service in guarding and promoting the true welfare of the individual and the community."
After referring to the danger of "distortion of the truth," John Paul II stresses that "it is urgent for Christians employed in the information sector to work with all people of good will towards a greater respect of the truth."

He concludes: "The means of communication often run the risk of substituting educational organizations, proposing models of culture and behavior that are not always positive, and against which the young, especially, are defenseless. Consequently, it is necessary that all the appropriate cultural tools be made available in order to dialogue with the mass media and so positively orient their informative choices towards respect for men and women and their consciences."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 22, 1999 (VIS) - Among his multi-lingual greetings to pilgrims present in St. Peter's Square for today's general audience, the Pope welcomed "with affection the group of faithful from the Syrian Orthodox church, led by their bishop Mar Gregoris Yohanna Ibrahim.

"Dear friends, may your stay confirm you in joy and in the strength of faith in Jesus Christ! May the Virgin Mary, Theotokos, protect you and watch over you on all of your paths. I would like to take advantage of this occasion to wish the Syrian Orthodox Church a happy celebration of the eighth centenary of the death of Patriarch Mar Michel the Great, and I ask you to convey my fraternal greetings to His Holiness Patriarch Mar Ignatius Zakka Iwas."

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 22, 1999 (VIS) - At the end of today's general audience, the Pope welcomed with "joy three young people from the Middle East, representing the Israeli and Palestinian peoples, and belonging to the three monotheistic religions of the region."

To the youth who presented him with a Calendar of Peace, bearing the signatures of men and women of note who are seeking to build peace in the world, John Paul II said: "To this representative group I will present a personal written message which, I hope, will encourage the efforts being made by young people in the Middle East to build a society where peace and harmony among all peoples and the followers of different religions will reign supreme. This is our prayer for the entire region, so dear to all the children of Abraham."

In his English-language Message for peace, made public this morning, the Pope addresses the young Israelis and Palestinians: "A few weeks ago, the voice of hope and satisfaction was heard around the world when your leaders signed an historic peace accord. Now people everywhere look to this agreement in trust and expectation, hoping that it will grow ever stronger and lead to an effective and lasting peace.

"You young people, and all those whom you represent," he continues, "must be the first to realize the hopes of your peoples and of the world at large. ... At the threshold of the third millennium, you must come to see more clearly that the future of peace, and therefore the future of all humanity, depends on the fundamental choices which your generation will make. ... It is a moral imperative that you help to construct a new society."

"Do not be afraid of the challenge which awaits you: your hope and your youthfulness will stand by you in this exacting task. But you will be able to accomplish it only if you can instill in your own hearts that peace which you plan to bring to your peoples and to the world - no longer a peace based solely on accords and agreements, however noble and necessary they may be, but a peace born from within each person."

The Message closes: "You know that, if God wills, I plan to go to the Holy Land on a pilgrimage tracing the stages of the history of salvation. God willing, therefore, we shall have the chance to meet again on your own soil."

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 22, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, prefect of the Congregation for Oriental Churches.

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