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Friday, September 21, 2001


VATICAN CITY, SEP 21, 2001 (VIS) - This morning in the apostolic palace of Castelgandolfo, John Paul II received the prelates of the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua who have just finished their "ad limina" visit.

The Pope told the bishops that their pastoral ministry "must have as its primary objective to see that the truth about Christ and the truth about man pervade ever more deeply all levels of Nicaraguan society and transform it."

In spite of the fact that signs of secularization exist in Nicaragua, the Holy Father affirmed that at its basis "there is a profoundly Christian soul." In this regard, he mentioned "the tireless work of those responsible for spreading the Word and of catechists who have kept alive the faith of the people. It is necessary to accompany them and offer them a permanent theological and pastoral formation."

"The new evangelization," he continued, "with its new methods and new expressions, has in the family a primary objective. ... Families are not alone in the face of the great challenges that they must face; the ecclesial community supports them, animates them and guards their perseverance in a Christian project of life which is frequently subject to many vicissitudes and dangers." He expressed the hope that Nicaragua's leaders "will fulfill in an ever more adequate manner their pressing obligations in favor of families."

The Pope underscored that one of the principal concerns of the bishops "was priestly vocations, given that the number of priests is insufficient for the needs of each diocese. ... I fervently pray the Lord of the harvest to give to your seminaries, which must be like the heart of the dioceses, many candidates to the priesthood." He added: "If young people see that priests, around their bishop, live a true spirituality of communion, giving witness to unity and community among themselves, to an evangelical generosity and to missionary availability, they will feel a greater attraction to the priestly vocation."

Referring to the evangelization of culture, the Holy Father said that this sphere is "one of the 'modern areopagus' in which the Gospel must be presented with all of its force, and for that to occur the means of social communications are indispensable!"

The Holy Father said it is "up to the laity to promote the human and Christian values which enlighten the political, economic and cultural reality of the country, with the aim of installing a more just and equitable social order, according to the Church's social doctrine. At the same time, coherent with ethical and moral norms, they must be examples of honesty and transparency with running public affairs, in the face of the underhandedness and widespread scars of corruption which at times strike the areas of political and economic power as well as other public and social milieux."
In conclusion, John Paul II asked that, in view of the upcoming elections, "the consultation with the people take place in reciprocal respect, with order and tranquillity, according to the ethical principles of healthy coexistence."

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 21, 2001 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls issued the following declaration yesterday afternoon:

"Today, Thursday, September 20, 2001, the Holy Father received in audience Josep Pique I Camps, foreign minister of Spain, who then met with Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of state.

"The meetings offered the occasion for an ample exchange of views on the current international situation, especially concerning interreligious dialogue and the battle against terrorism.

"Also amply discussed were the most important aspects regarding Church-State relations, in particular the collaboration necessary for the important themes of the family, school, and the teaching of the Catholic religion in the public schools, emphasizing the validity of cooperation ensured by the accords between the Holy See and the Spanish State of 1979."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 21, 2001 (VIS) - Pope John Paul leaves Rome's Fiumicino Airport tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m. for a six-day trip to Kazakhstan and Armenia, the 95th foreign apostolic trip of his pontificate. The papal plane will fly over Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan, covering 4,200 kilometers in 6 hours. He is scheduled to arrive in Astana, the Kazak capital, at 7:30 p.m., local time (2:30 p.m. Rome time).

Kazakhstan, a former Soviet republic and now part of the Commonwealth of Independent States, declared independence on December 16, 1991. It is the largest of the central-Asian republics, with a territory nine times the size of Italy and a population of only 15 million. Just over half of Kazaks are Sunni Muslims. An estimated 6 million Kazaks are Orthodox Christians. Protestants represent about 2 percent of the population and Catholics number 180,000. There are 4 ecclesiastical circumscriptions, 37 parishes, 4 bishops, 59 priests, 2 permanent deacons, 69 religious and 12 major seminarians. There are an average of 3,051 Catholics per priest.

Armenia is one-tenth the size of Kazakhstan and has a population of 3.8 million. Over 90 percent of the populace belongs to the Armenian Apostolic Church. Christianity was declared in Armenia in 301 and Pope John Paul's visit is to commemorate the 17th centenary of the arrival of Christianity in this nation. Armenia was, in fact, the first state to embrace Christianity as a state religion. Catholics number 150,000. There is one ecclesiastical circumscription. There are 2 bishops, 4 priests, 14 religious, 5 major seminarians and 18 parishes. There are an average of 37,500 Catholics per priest.



VATICAN CITY, SEP 21, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Bishop Manuel Camilo Vial Risopatron of San Felipe, as bishop of Temuco (area 18,000, population 520,000, Catholics 374,400, priests 64, permanent deacons 48, religious 169), Chile. He succeeds Bishop Sergio Contreras Navia, whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese the Holy Father accepted in accordance with the age limit.

- Accepted the resignation of Auxiliary Bishop Jorge Hourton Poisson from the pastoral care of the diocese of Temuco, Chile, in accordance with the age limit.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 21, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father received in audience today Archbishop Giuseppe De Andrea, apostolic nuncio in Kuwait, Bahrain, and Yemen; apostolic delegate in the Arab Peninsula; accompanied by family members.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 21, 2001 (VIS) - Msgr. Piero Monni, Holy See permanent observer to the World Trade Organization, will attend the WTO's biennial General Assembly which will be held in Seoul, Korea from September 23 to 27 and in Osaka, Japan from September 28 to October 1.

Msgr. Monni will address the assembly in each of those cities, according to a communique from his office. The biennial meeting is an occasion for evaluating the WTO's work and programs. During the 2001 two-part meeting, the prospectives for development linked to tourism activity in the world will be analyzed. The note says that "Special attention will be dedicated to the necessary and urgent preparation of a plan to carry out the World Code of Ethics for Tourism. This study will be accompanied by an analysis of the efforts made to obtain recognition for this Code by the United Nations, set for the autumn session."

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