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Thursday, February 22, 2001


VATICAN CITY, FEB 22, 2001 (VIS) - Following is the text of the telegram sent by Pope John Paul II to Cardinal Ignacio Antonio Velasco Garcia, archbishop of Caracas, Venezuela, upon hearing of the death late yesterday of Cardinal Jose Ali Lebrun Moratinos, former archbishop of Caracas, at the age of 81:

"Having learned the sad news of the death of Cardinal Jose Ali Lebrun Moratinos, archbishop emeritus of Caracas, I offer fervent prayers, together with the faithful of this diocesan community where he exercised his episcopal ministry with care, and I ask God to grant eternal repose unto him, the leader and pastor of the diocese for so many years.

"While I recall his pastoral action full of abnegation, applying the doctrine of Vatican Council II and promoting the renewal of the Church in fidelity to Christ and to the Successor of Peter, I express my heartfelt condolences to you, to the auxiliary bishops, the clergy, the religious communities and the faithful of this beloved archdiocese. I ask you to send my condolences to the relatives of the deceased cardinal, as I impart to them and to those participating in the funeral Mass, the comfort of an Apostolic Blessing, as a sign of faith and Christian hope in the Risen Lord."

TGR;DEATH LEBRUN;...;VELASCO;VIS;20010222;Word: 220;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 22, 2001 (VIS) - At 10:30 this morning, Feast of the Chair of Peter, John Paul II presided in St. Peter's Square over a Eucharistic concelebration with the 44 new cardinals created in yesterday's consistory, bestowing on them the cardinalate ring.

"Today's feast," the Pope said in his homily, "highlights the role of Peter and his successors in guiding the ship of the Church upon this 'ocean'. ... Together we wish to give thanks to God for having founded His Church upon the rock of Peter."

The Pope went on to affirm that he considers it "providential" to celebrate the Feast of the Chair of Peter with the new cardinals and the entire College of Cardinals, "because this constitutes a unique and eloquent sign of unity, with which we begin together the post-Jubilee period. A sign which is, at the same time, an invitation to deepen reflection on the Petrine ministry, to which your function as Cardinals is particularly related."

Quoting from his Encyclical "Ut Unum Sint," the Pope recalled that "the full and visible communion of all Communities ... is the ardent desire of Christ." He emphasized that for "this principle aim the Cardinals, both as a College and as individuals, can and must offer their valuable contribution. They, in fact, are the primary collaborators in the ministry of unity of the Roman Pontiff."

John Paul II invited the cardinals to pray in order that full communion be restored in the new millennium. "May the Holy Spirit give all believers the light and the strength needed to realize the fervent yearning of the Lord. I ask you to assist me and to collaborate in every way in this demanding mission."

Following this the Pope pointed out that the rings which would shortly be given to the new members of the College of Cardinals, "place in evidence the special link which unites you to the Apostolic See."

"Today, Christ repeats to each one of you, dear Brother Cardinals: 'I have prayed for you', in order that your faith may not fail you in situations in which your fidelity to Christ, the Church, and the Pope, may be greatly tried. May this prayer, which unceasingly rises from the heart of the Good Shepherd, always be your strength! Do not doubt that, as it was for Christ and Peter, so it will also be for you: your most effective witness will always be that marked by the Cross. The Cross is the chair of God in the world."

HML;CHAIR PETER;...;...;VIS;20010222;Word: 420;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 22, 2001 (VIS) - The Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff announced today that the following cardinals will take possession of their Titular and Diaconate churches in coming days:

- Cardinal Edward Michael Egan, metropolitan archbishop of New York, U.S.A., Title of Sts. John and Paul, Piazza Santi Giovanni e Paolo, 13, on Friday, February 23, at 4:30 p.m.

- Cardinal Avery Dulles, S.J., Deaconate of the Most Holy Names of Jesus and Mary in Via Lata, Via del Corso, 45, on Friday, February 23, at 5:30 p.m.
- Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne, metropolitan archbishop of Lima, Peru, Title of St. Camillus de Lellis, Via Sallustiana, 24, on Saturday, February 24, at 10:30 a.m.

- Cardinal Jorge Maria Mejia, archivist and librarian of the Holy Roman Church, Deaconate of St. Jerome of Charity, Via Monserrato, 62, on Saturday, February 24, at 6:00 p.m.

- Cardinal Pedro Rubiano Saenz, metropolitan archbishop of Bogota, Colombia, Title of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Piazza della Trasfigurazione, 2, on Sunday, February 25, at 11:00 a.m.

...;POSSESSION TITLES; DEACONATES;...;...;VIS;20010222;Word: 180;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 22, 2001 (VIS) - Msgr. Piero Monni, Holy See permanent observer to the World Tourism Organization, spoke today in Barcelona, Spain, at the World Conference on Sport and Tourism, organized by the WTO. In his speech he highlighted the role that ethics must play in both sport and tourism, and the roles that these sectors play in the formation of an individual.

Msgr. Monni remarked that "today, sports, along with tourism, are social and cultural phenomenon anchored to ancient values and are essential for human beings. These values must be protected from deleterious influences such as intolerance, doping, excessive commercialization, the present-day utilitarian tendencies, and evident private interests which aim at reducing sports to a mere show."

In sports, he said, "fair competition, the sacrifices connected to working out, and healthy competitiveness are the components of a formative path in life. This formation can offer the community strong, well-balanced, well-prepared personalities who can reach other positive goals." This is true, he said, for the adults who educate young people and for the young people who will be the leaders of tomorrow.



VATICAN CITY, FEB 22, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Accepted the resignation of Bishop Gerardo Humberto Flores Reyes from the pastoral care of Vera Paz, Coban (area 11,810, population 1,040,600, Catholics 908,600, priests 67, permanent deacons 1, religious 206) Guatemala, in conformity with the age limit. He is succeeded by Coadjutor Bishop Rodolfo Valenzuela Nunez.

- Appointed Fr. Donal McKeown, president of St. Malachy's College, Belfast, as auxiliary to the bishop of Down and Connor (area 2,419, population 1,000,000, Catholics 307,394, priests 275, religious 453), Ireland. The bishop-elect was born in Randalstown, Ireland, in 1950, and ordained to the priesthood in 1977.

- Adopted the following provisions relative to the new Fundamental Law of Vatican City State which went into effect today:
- Confirmed Cardinal Edmund Casimir Szoka as president of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State, at the same time appointing him president of the Governorate.
- Confirmed Cardinals Andrzej Maria Deskur, Carlo Furno, and Lorenzo Antonetti, as members of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State, and appointed Cardinals Angelo Sodano, Giovanni Battista Re, and Agostino Cacciavillan as members of the same Pontifical Commission.
- Confirmed Bishop Gianni Danzi as Secretary General of the Governorate of Vatican City State and Msgr. Giorgio Corbellini as its Vice Secretary General.
- Appointed Giulio Sacchetti as Counsellor General of Vatican City State, and appointed Bishop Francesco Saverio Salerno, Alessandro Torlonia, Gian Carlo Perone, Alberto Quadrio Curzio, Francesco Rebecchini, Francesco Silvano, Angelo Caloia, and Virgil Dechant, as Counsellors of State.

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