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Monday, July 5, 1999


VATICAN CITY, JUL 3, 1999 (VIS) - Archbishop Renato Martino, head of the Holy See delegation to the 21st Special Session of the U.N. General Assembly for the overall review and appraisal of the implementation of the Program of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), addressed the session yesterday.

The Holy See, he recalled, had participated in all preliminary meetings in New York and in the Cairo conference itself in September 1994, and "was able to join the consensus on parts of the Cairo document." However, he stated, "the (current) negotiations ... have taken a step backward, placing unbalanced emphasis on population issues at the expense of development."

Archbishop Martino underscored the Holy See's commitment to "not renegotiate the ICPD Program of Action." Thus, he said, it was "particularly disconcerting that some delegations, mainly Western States, have sought in these negotiations to undo the careful balancing needed between adolescents' need for privacy and confidentiality with parental rights, duties and responsibilities - parents' prior rights as affirmed in the Declaration on Human Rights."

"The Holy See finds it particularly disturbing that some Western States would take away the parental rights, duties and responsibilities with one hand and require that they exercise those responsibilities on the other hand.

"The Holy See has also not failed to express its grave concern regarding the introduction of so-called 'emergency contraception' which can serve as an abortifacient by preventing the implantation of a fertilized egg.

"The Holy See further notes with profound regret that in calling for expanded health services, including so-called 'safe abortion', the text presented has failed to affirm protection for the right of conscience of health providers, a fundamental right affirmed by, inter alia, Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights."

The nuncio to the United Nations affirmed that "the Holy See will continue to call upon the family of nations to protect the dignity and human rights of each and every person, especially the most vulnerable, and to promote the common good. ... (It has in no) way changed its moral position concerning abortion or contraception ... (and) reaffirms its belief that life begins at conception and every human life needs to be protected from the earliest moment to the end of the life cycle."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 4, 1999 (VIS) - This morning John Paul II celebrated Mass at Rome's Shrine of the Virgin of Divine Love, where he dedicated the new church and prayed the angelus.
"In the dedication of this new shrine," the Pope remarked in his homily, "a vow made by the Romans to the Virgin of Divine Love, under the guidance of Pope Pius XII, is partially accomplished. This vow was made in 1944 when the Allies were about to launch their decisive attack on German-occupied Rome. On June 4 of that year, before the image of the Madonna of Divine Love, which had been transported to the church of St. Ignatius, the Romans invoked the salvation of their city, promising Mary to rectify their moral conduct, to construct a new Shrine of Divine Love and to carry out a charitable work at Castel di Leva. That same day, a little more than an hour after taking the vow, the German army abandoned Rome without offering resistance, while allied troops entered by Porta San Giovanni and Porta Maggiore, and were jubilantly greeted by the citizens of Rome."

The Pope indicated that "today the shrine is a reality and the charitable work, an old peoples' home not far from here, is about to be completed. However the vow of the Romans to Mary Most Holy included a promise that does not come to an end and that is far more difficult to accomplish: the rectification of their moral conduct, that is, the constant commitment to renew life and make it ever more similar to Christ's. ... This is the task to which we are called by the holy edifice that today is dedicated to God."

He concluded: "To You, Mother of Divine Love, we entrust the diocesan community, the continuation of the Citizens' Mission, concluded only a few weeks ago, and also this beloved city of Rome with its problems and its resources, its worries and its hopes."

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 5, 1999 (VIS) - The Consolata Missionary Sisters, currently celebrating their General Chapter, were welcomed by the Holy Father this morning, who underscored the theme of their meeting, "Urgent charismatic choices today for the vitality of our inculturated mission 'ad gentes', at a time of decrease."

"The missionary impulse," the Pope remarked, "belongs to the very nature of Christian life." He added that consecrated persons dedicated to missionary life are "more than ever necessary" because "the numbers of those still awaiting to know Christ are immense. ... On the threshold of the Third Millennium the mandate to proclaim Christ, the one Savior of the world, takes on renewed urgency."

"Be authentic missionaries," John Paul II urged them, "through a convincing witness of consecrated life, both individually and as a community, through a humble and respectful presence at the side of the poorest people and socially marginalized groups, with special attention to families, women and young people."

"Following your specific charism," stated he Pope, "be a consoling presence, filled with hope and peace. In this perspective I would like to congratulate you for the courageous choice of solidarity with populations who have been tried in various ways, next to whom you remain, often facing situations of insecurity and risk. The presence of the Consolata Missionary Sisters in zones struck by civil war or shaken by intolerant integralism, where you have become 'a voice for those without a voice', constitutes a clear witness of a life totally given to the service of God and your brothers."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 5, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience the participants in the general chapter of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ.

In his talk to them, the Holy Father said that "on the threshold of the third millennium the need to reflect, ever more vividly, on divine charity of which the Blood of Christ is the sign, expression, measure and pledge, calls you to render your communities living signs of the faithful love of God."

"Only a contemplative attitude, energized by meditation on the Word of God and by constant prayer will enable you to thus draw close to the surrounding human environment and bring you to welcome personal and cultural differences as opportunities for enriching the original charism, for an ever more incisive apostolic action in today's world."

John Paul II highlighted that, in the "present historical context, marked by worrying divisions and inequalities, it is of vital importance that your community become a promoter of conciliatory action and solidarity, taking the side of the defense of life wherever this is threatened and endangered, giving hope where the wounds are deepest, where the rights of the individual are trodden underfoot, where the silent cry of the needy rises."

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 4, 1999 (VIS) - At noon, Pope John Paul recited the angelus with the faithful who had gathered for the Mass and dedication of the new Shrine of Divine Love. He said that "on this day I turn my thoughts to the many Marian places which I have visited on pilgrimage during these 21 years of pontificate. What a joy it would be for me if I could go next year to Nazareth, where 'the word became flesh and dwelt amongst us'."

"I recall with emotion my first visit as bishop of Rome to the Shrine of Divine Love in 1979," he remarked. "On that occasion a golden olive branch was given to me to bring to Our Lady of Czestochowa, at whose feet I remained in prayer, just a few days ago, at the conclusion of my trip to Poland. That golden branch seems to evoke a spiritual link between this Shrine of Divine Love, with such close ties to Rome, and Czestochowa, symbol of my native land."

The Holy Father then pointed out that, "from September 15 to 24, 2000 the Shrine of Divine Love will host the 20th Mariological-Marian Congress on the theme 'The Mystery of the Trinity and Mary'. I am delighted at the fact that reflections on the singular role of Mary in the mystery of Christ and the Church is constantly being studied more deeply."

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 5, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Erected the ecclesiastical province of Nassau (area 13,872, population 303,833, Catholics 68,237, priests 30) Bahamas, elevating the diocese of the same name to the status of metropolitan church, assigning to it as suffragan the diocese of Hamilton-in-Bermuda and aggregating to it the "sub iuris" mission of the Turks and Caicos Islands. He appointed Bishop Lawrence A. Burke S.J. as first metropolitan archbishop of Nassau.

- Appointed Bishop Mario Oliveri of Albenga-Imperia, Italy as member of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of Sacraments.

- Appointed Fr. Petr Esterka, coordinator of Catholic Missions for Czechs in U.S.A., Canada and Australia, as auxiliary of Brno (area 10,597, population 1,400,000, Catholics 750,000, priests 377, permanent deacons 28, religious 611), Czech Republic. The bishop-elect was born in Dolni Bojanovice in 1935 and was ordained a priest in 1963.

- Appointed Archbishop Carlo Curis, apostolic nuncio, as consultor to the Congregation for the Oriental Churches.

On Saturday, July 3, it was made public that the Holy Father:
- Appointed Archbishop Francesco Cacucci of Otranto, Italy, as archbishop of Bari-Bitonto (area 1,264, population 680,000, Catholics 650,000, priests 427, permanent deacons 38, religious 1,148), Italy. He succeeds Archbishop Andrea Mariano Magrassi O.S.B., whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same archdiocese the Holy Father accepted in conformity with Code 401, para. 2 of the Code of Canon Law.

- Appointed Bishop Tarcisio Pillolla, auxiliary of Cagliari, Italy, as bishop of Iglesias (area 1,678, population 145,000, Catholics 144,000, priests 89, permanent deacons 1, religious 110), Italy.

- Appointed Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, president of the Committee for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, as his special envoy to the commemorative celebrations for the second centenary of the death of Pope Pio VI, planned to take place in Valence, France, August 29, 1999.

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 5, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Santos Abril y Castello, apostolic nuncio in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
- Bishop Luigi De Magistris, regent of the Apostolic Penitentiary.

On Saturday, July 3, he received in separate audiences:

- Cardinal James Aloysius Hickey, archbishop of Washington, U.S.A.
- Archbishop Julian Herranz, president of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts.
- Archbishop Sergio Sebastiani, president of the Prefecture of the Economic Affairs of the Holy See.
- Archbishop Justo Mullor Garcia, apostolic nuncio in Mexico.
- Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves O.P., prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 5, 1999 (VIS) - The following prelates died in recent weeks:

- Cardinal George Basil Hume O.S.B., archbishop of Westminster, on June 17 at the age of 76.
- Archbishop Laszlo Danko of Kalocsa-Kecskemet, on June 25 at the age of 60.
- Bishop Hans Leo Drewes, former auxiliary of Paderborn, Germany, on June 30 at the age of 77.
- Bishop Jean-Baptiste Gahamanyi, emeritus of Butare, on June 19 at the age of 79.

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