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Friday, April 6, 2001


VATICAN CITY, APR 6, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in separate audiences:

- Adrian Nastase, prime minister of Romania, accompanied by an entourage.
- Archbishop Rrok K. Mirdita of Durres-Tirana, Albania, on the occasion of his "ad limina" visit.
- Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, prefect of the Congregation for Clergy.

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VATICAN CITY, APR 6, 2001 (VIS) - Today at 11:30 in the Paul VI Hall, Pope John Paul received the grand chancellor, rector, faculty and students of Rome's Jesuit-run Pontifical Gregorian University on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of its institution by St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus or Jesuits. A number of cardinals and bishops also were present this morning, as was Fr. Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, superior general of the Jesuits.

The university, founded as the Collegio Romano or Roman College, today has over 3,400 students who come from 130 countries.

In his talk, the Holy Father pointed out that St. Ignatius entrusted the Roman College "with the task of promoting reasoned and systematic reflection on the faith to favor the correct preaching of the Gospel and the cause of Catholic unity in a social context marked by serious divisions and worrisome seeds of separation."

St. Ignatius' intuition was "providential," he added. "With changing times and situations, the service performed by the Gregorian ... has become ever more incisive and relevant. ... In the face of the challenges of today's society, this is the moment for a courageous relaunching of your institution, ... so that the memory of the past ... becomes commitment to the present and prophecy for the future."

John Paul II observed that "the specific identity of your academic center and its structural link with the Society of Jesus call you to confirm several basic orientations which have always guided your activity." In particular the Pope noted the threefold fidelity that marks the Jesuits and the University in its "reasoned and systematic reflection on faith": fidelity to the Pope, to the Holy See and to the Magisterium.

He stated that "full fidelity to the Magisterium is a condition which, as your centuries-old experience shows, does not mortify but rather favors to an even greater degree the ecclesial service of theological research and teaching. The changed scenarios of culture in our day call for the teachers and students of your university to be equipped with a solid inner equilibrium, a clear firmness of mind and spirit and a deep humility of heart."

In all that you do, the Pope urged, "may docility to the Spirit be the criteria which orients your research and your daily work. ... Continue to refer to the luminous figure of the great missionary (in China), Fr. Matteo Ricci, ... who, in speaking of the Gospel, knew how in every circumstance to find the appropriate cultural approach to his listeners."



VATICAN CITY, APR 6, 2001 (VIS) - Yesterday afternoon in St. Peter's Square, 30,000 youth participated in an encounter with the Holy Father in preparation for the 16th World Youth Day, which this year will be held in all dioceses on April 8th, Palm Sunday. Among those present was a delegation of youth from Toronto, Canada, host of World Youth Day in 2002.

After a lively celebration with singers and athletes, several youth thanked the Holy Father for the experience at Tor Vergata last August, during the 15th World Youth Day. They also presented the Pope with reflections in response to his invitation to a greater commitment to the evangelization of their peers.

In the second part of the encounter, John Paul II gave a discourse and imparted his Apostolic Blessing.

The Pope affirmed that the theme of today's encounter, "Let Us Put Out Into the Deep," is a response "to the invitation which I made to the entire Church, at the end of the Jubilee to 'Put Out Into the Deep'."

"Put out into the deep to go where?" he asked. "The answer is clear: to go out to meet man" and "to go out towards all of mankind." The Pope then added: "In my ministry I have never tired of meeting people. ... God willing, I do not intend to stop, because I am certain that in personal contact with our brothers one can more easily announce Christ."

John Paul II emphasized that "to announce and bear witness to the Gospel involves many difficulties," yet "we must not fear, because Christ can change man's heart and is able to work a 'miraculous catch' when we least imagine."

Addressing himself particularly to adolescents, the Holy Father affirmed that "the limited experience you have had puts you at risk of being preyed upon by those who speculate on emotions," who tend to present "immoral choices as values." It is important, he told them, that "you have close to you sincere, loyal, and faithful friends; mature and responsible people, who take care of you."

The Holy Father went on to call all educational institutions, and in particular Christian families, to "be authentic communities, 'workshops' in which a training in the faith and in faithfulness to love is given; believing families ready to help those in difficulty."

He continued: "A Pope speaks to you who is now over 80 years old, but still has a young heart, because he has always wanted and intends to continue to walk with you, young people, who are the hope of the Church and of society. ... I repeat: pay attention to what is presented to you. When words and lifestyles which deny Gospel values are put before you, have the strength to say 'no'."
The Pope then exhorted the youth to organize, "with the help of the adults and priests of your communities, formative encounters about your most important current questions."

"At the basis of everything," the Holy Father concluded, "must be a daily and sincere relationship with the Divine Teacher. May there be prayer, listening to the Word of God and meditation, the Eucharistic celebration, Eucharistic adoration and the sacrament of Confession."

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VATICAN CITY, APR 6, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Msgr. Joseph A. Pepe, of the clergy of Philadelphia, U.S.A., chancellor, moderator of the Curia and vicar for the clergy of the archdiocese of Santa Fe, U.S.A., as bishop of Las Vegas (area 103,189, population 1,261,570, Catholics 390,000, priests 75, permanent deacons 8, religious 65), U.S.A. The bishop-elect was born in Philadelphia, in 1942, and ordained to the priesthood in 1970.

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