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Monday, April 19, 2004


VATICAN CITY, APR 19, 2004 (VIS) - In recent weeks, the following prelates died:

- Bishop Fernando Claudio Gamalero Gonzalez of Escuintla, Guatemala on March 19 at age 73.

- Bishop Zbigniew Jozef Kraszewski, former auxiliary of Warszawa-Praga, Poland on April 4 at age 82.

- Bishop Antonio Monteiro Ramos, O.F.M.Cap,  of Viseu, Portugal on April 4 at age

- Bishop Martin  Joseph Neylon, S.J., emeritus of the Caroline Islands, Federated States of Micronesia on April 13 at age 84.

- Archbishop Joseph Salame, emeritus of Alep of the Maronites, Syria on March 29 at age 89.

- Bishop Vincenzo Savio S.D.B., of Belluno-Feltre, Italy on March 31 at age 59.

- Bishop Jesus J. Sison, emeritus of Tarlac, Philippines, on March 27 at age 85.

- Bishop Guillaume Marie Van Zuylen, emeritus of Liege, Belgium on April 3 at age 94.
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VATICAN CITY, APR 19, 2004 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Msgr. Jose Roberto Ospina Leongomez, rector of the St. Joseph Major Seminary in Bogota, Colombia, as auxiliary of the same archdiocese (area 3,423, population 4,140,000, Catholics 3,546,186, priests 1,251, permanent deacons 42,  religious 4,862).  The bishop-elect was born in 1947 in San Miguel de Sema, Colombia and was ordained a priest in 1972.

  On Saturday, April 17, is was made public that the Holy Father appointed Suzanne Cory, professor of Medical Biology of the University of Melbourne, Australia and director of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Parkville, Victoria, Australia, as an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
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VATICAN CITY, APR 19, 2004 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in separate audiences:

- Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

- Archbishop Rino Passigato, apostolic nuncio in Peru.

- Archbishop Baltazar Enrique Porras Cardozo of Merida, Venezuela, president of the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference.

  On Saturday, April 19, the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Joaquim Alberto Chissano, president of the Republic of Mozambique.

- Cardinal Joachim Meisner, archbishop of Cologne, Germany.

- Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.
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VATICAN CITY, APR  19, 2004 (VIS) - On  Friday, April 23 at 11:30 in the Holy See Press Office there will be the presentation of the Instruction of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of Sacraments "'Redemptionis Sacramentum', on several things that must be observed and avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist."

  Presenting the document will be Cardinal Francis Arinze, and Archbishop Domenico Sorrentino, respectively prefect and secretary of the congregation, and Archbishop Angelo Amato, secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Also present will be Cardinal Julian Herranz, president of the Pontifical Council for Legislative texts.


VATICAN CITY, APR 19, 2004 (VIS) - This morning in the Clementine Hall in the presence of the Holy Father, members of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and the postulators of the respective causes, 15 new decrees were promulgated. Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation, read a discourse about the lives of the Blesseds and Servants of God.

  The decrees concern the following causes:


- Blessed Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga, Chilean, priest of the Society of Jesus (1901-1952).

- Blessed Felice Da Nicosia, Italian, ne Giacomo Amoroso, professed lay member of the Order of the Friars Minor Capuchin (1715-1787).

- Venerable Servant of God Pierre Vigne, French, priest and founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Most Holy Sacrament (1670-1740).

- Venerable Servant of God Jean du Sacre Coeur, French, ne Leon Gustave Dehon, founder of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (the Dehonians) (1843-1925).


- Servants of God Jose Tapies Sirvant, Spanish (born 1869), and six companions: Pascual Araguas Guardia (1899), Silvestre Arnau Pascuet (1911), Jose Boher Foix (1887), Francisco Castell Brenuy (1866), Pedro Martret Moles (1901) and Jose Juan Perot Juanmartí, French (1877), all priests of the diocese of Urgel, Spain, murdered due to hatred of the faith during the religious persecution in Spain in 1936.

- Servant of God Maria de los Angeles Ginard Marti, Spanish (1894), religious of the Congregation of Sisters, Zealous of Eucharistic Devotion, killed due to hatred of the faith during the religious persecution in Spain in 1936.


- Servant of God Francesco Maria Greco, Italian, priest and founder of the Congregation  the Little Sisters, Workers of the Sacred Hearts (1857-1931).

- Servant of God Jose Gabriel del Rosario Brochero, Argentine, priest (1840-1914).

- Servant of God Silvio Gallotti,  Italian, priest (1887-1927).

- Servant of God Felice Prinetti, Italian, priest of the Congregation of the Oblates of Our Lady and founder of the Congregation of the Daughters of St. Joseph (1842-1916).

- Servant of God Candelaria de San Jose, Venezuelan, nee Susana Paz Castillo Ramirez, religious and foundress of the Congregation of the Carmelite Sisters of the Third Order, now known as the Carmelite Sisters of Mother Candelaria (1863-1940).

- Servant of God Teresa del Corazon Inmaculado de Maria, Spanish, nee Teresa Guasch y Toda, religious, co-foundress of the Congregation of the Teresian Carmelite Sisters of St. Joseph (1848-1917).

- Servant of God Maria della Passione di Nostro Signore Gesu Cristo, Italian, nee Maria Grazia Tarallo,  religious of the Institute of the Sisters, Crucified Adorers of the Eucharist (1866-1912).

- Servant of God Mary Anne Barbara Cope, known as "Mother Marianne of Molokai," German, religious of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis of Syracuse, New York (1838-1918).

- Servant of God Maria del Pilar Cimadevilla y Lopez-Doriga, Spanish child (1951-1962).
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VATICAN CITY, APR 19, 2004 (VIS) - "The Philippines is truly a 'light' for the evangelization of the Asian continent," said John Paul II this morning during a meeting with the new ambassador of the Philippines, Leonida L. Vera, who presented her Letters of Credence to him.

  The Pope recalled that the Philippines "has kept the Christian faith strong" despite obstacles, and that the experience of World Youth Day, celebrated in Manila in 1995, "was an example of your Nation's desire to exercise this responsibility"of preserving the values of its heritage and extending the ideals of Christian culture in the world.

  Referring to the serious problem of poverty in the Philippines, and in Asia in general, the Pope said that in order "to deal with poverty effectively every sector of society must work together in search of solutions."

  The Holy Father went on to speak about capital punishment since it is currently a topic of national debate in the country. "I would reiterate that the ends of justice in today's world seem better served by not resorting to the death penalty. ... While civil societies have a duty to be just, they also have an obligation to be merciful."

  In light of the spread of violence in the Philippines, the Pope made an appeal to all parties "to end the terrorism which continues to cause so much suffering to the civilian population, and to embrace the path of dialogue which alone will enable the people of the region to create a society that guarantees justice, peace and harmony for all."

  "Building a society based on human dignity can only be achieved when those in authority espouse the principles of right governance and honesty in their personal and public lives and offer unconditional service to their fellow citizens for the common good.  Public servants, therefore, have an especially grave obligation to ensure that they are role models of moral behavior and do their best to help others form a correct conscience which at all times shuns any type of graft or corruption. These qualities of genuine leadership are of special concern as your country prepares for the coming elections. ... I am confident that the good will of those involved in the elections will lead to a stronger nation, truly based on equity and justice for all."


VATICAN CITY, APR 18, 2004 (VIS) - After praying the Regina Coeli today, John Paul II told the pilgrims in St. Peter's Square that he is "following with great sadness the tragic news that is coming from the Holy Land and Iraq. May the bloodshed of our brothers cease! Such inhuman acts are contrary to the will of God.

  "I am especially close in thought and prayer to the families of those living in trepidation for the fate of their dear ones, especially of all those who have been taken hostage.

 "I invite the kidnappers to show sentiments of humanity. I beg them to return to their families the persons who are in their hands while I pray to the all-merciful God  for the peoples of the Holy Land and Iraq and for all in those regions who are working for reconciliation and peace."
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VATICAN CITY, APR 18, 2004 (VIS) - During reflections this morning with the large crowd of faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square to pray the Regina Coeli with him, Pope John Paul reflected on Christ's legacy to us from the Cross of pardon and divine mercy, pointing out that today, the Second Sunday of Easter is also known as Divine Mercy Sunday.

 "From high on the Cross on Good Friday Jesus bequeathed us pardon as His testament: 'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do'. Tormented and derided, he invoked mercy on his killers. His open arms and his pierced heart thus became the universal sacrament of the paternal tenderness of God Who offers everyone pardon and reconciliation. The day of His Resurrection, the Lord, appearing to His disciples, greeted them: 'Peace unto you', and He showed them His hands and His side which bore the signs of His passion."

  "Jesus," underscored the Holy Father, "is our peace because He is the perfect sign of Divine Mercy. He infuses in the human heart, which is an abyss always exposed to the temptation of evil, the merciful love of God."

   "Today is Divine Mercy Sunday," said the Pope. "The Lord invites us to bring His peace to everyone, based on His pardon and the remission of sins. This is an extraordinary gift, that He wished to link to the Sacrament of penance and reconciliation. How much mankind needs to feel the efficacy of God's mercy in these times marked by growing uncertainty and violent conflicts!"
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VATICAN CITY, APR 17, 2004 (VIS) - The Holy See Press Office today released the talk given on April 8 by Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, Holy See permanent observer to the United Nations at Geneva, at the 60th session of the Commission on Human Rights. The meeting began on March 15 and will run to April 23.

  "The vast and growing phenomenon of human mobility reaches into the tens of millions today: every country, of origin, transit and arrival, is directly affected by it. These masses on the move are actors of globalization and development through the contribution of their culture, their work and the remittances they send home" but problems arise when "their presence in a new environment is the result of forced expulsions and violent conflicts, ... (as) in the case of trafficked and smuggled persons."

  "Among the  violations of migrants' rights, traffic in humans is the worst," stated the archbishop. "It involves up to one million persons transported annually across national borders. It  is carried out for various types of exploitation of children, women and men, subjecting them to slave-like conditions in work, sexual abuse and begging, thus stripping people of their God given dignity and fuelling instead corruption and organized crime. Trafficking has turned into a multi-billion dollar industry."

  Archbishop Tomasi noted the presence of international organisms to combat such violations, adding that there was need also "for regional mechanisms and national legislation to eradicate this scourge." He also said that "clear legal protection for victims must be assured," suggesting that "temporary residence permits be issued to the victim as an encouragement to cooperate with the judicial system but also as a possible opening for social integration in the host society."


VATICAN CITY, APR 17, 2004 (VIS) - Made public today was the Holy Father's Letter to Msgr. Walter Brandmueller, president of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its founding by Pope Pius XII on April 7, 1954.

  In the Message, dated April 16, the Pope highlighted the importance of cultivating
"serious historical knowledge in the different fields in which the life of the individual and of the community is carried out. ... Ignorance of our past always leads to crisis and to a loss of identity of individuals and communities."

  "Historical research, free of prejudices and linked uniquely to scientific documentation has an irreplaceable role in breaking down barriers among peoples.  Often, great barriers have been built up throughout the centuries due to partiality of historiography and of reciprocal resentment. The consequence has been that even today misunderstandings persist which are an obstacle to peace and fraternity among men and peoples."

  John Paul II affirms that the Church "is extremely interested in an ever-deeper knowledge of history. With this purpose, today more than ever accurate teaching of Church history is necessary for candidates to the priesthood, as the Vatican Council II Decree 'Optatam totius' recommended. In order to study Church tradition properly, however, a solid knowledge of Latin and Greek is indispensable. Without these languages, it is impossible to access the sources of ecclesiastical tradition. Only with their help, is it possible to rediscover even today the richness of the experience of life and faith that the Church, especially under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, has accumulated in the past 2000 years."


VATICAN CITY, APR 17, 2004 (VIS) - The Pope this morning received participants in the international congress of the Christian Union of Associations Among and For Italian Migrants, saying that, through them, he wished to greet all Italian migrants spread throughout the world.

  "You work," the Holy Father noted, "in numerous Christian emigrant associations, well inserted into parish communities, in a spirit of generous and fraternal collaboration. For this I rejoice, and I encourage you to always cultivate the religious dimension of your associations, to keep alive the values inherited from your ancestors and to transmit them to the new generations. In this way you offer an important contribution to evangelization. This, in fact - as has been true in the past, and is in our time - is closely linked to the phenomenon of migration. Make sure that your faith is always accompanied by a witness of fraternal love and active attention to those in difficulty."
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VATICAN CITY, APR 17, 2004 (VIS) - Pope John Paul this morning welcomed to the Vatican Joaquim Alberto Chissano, president of Mozambique and also president of the African Union and, addressing him in Portuguese, pointed to the "serious challenges and great hopes of this continent, whose peoples are always in my heart and whom I greet at this Easter time of the Resurrection."

  He wished the president well in his undertakings and asked "the heavenly Spirit to watch over the great human family and to arouse in the hearts of  all people peace and the gift of life. May God bless your family and the entire people of Mozambique. May He bless Africa and all those who help it!"

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