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Thursday, December 29, 2005


VATICAN CITY, DEC 29, 2005 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Bishop Octavio Villegas Aguilar of Tula (Mexico), Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Morelia (area 17, 710, population 2,378,720, Catholics 2,259,784, priests 513, religious 1,254, permanent deacons 8) in Mexico.
  Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, Archbishop Major of Kyiv-Halyc, with the consent of the Synod of the Greek-Catholic Ukrainian Church and after having informed the Apostolic See, transferred Bishop Ihor Vozniak, C.SS.R., from Auxiliary Bishop of the Archeparchy of Lviv of the Ukrainians to residential Archbishop of the same see.
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VATICAN CITY, DEC 29, 2005 (VIS) - From the beginning of Benedict XVI Papacy, this past April 24th, 2,855,500 persons participated in public meetings with the Holy Father, according to a communication by the Prefecture of the Pontifical House.

  Benedict XVI held his first general audience on April 27th, and with yesterday's, the last one for this year, he has celebrated a total of 32, in which 810,000 faithful participated. The months with the highest number of persons participating were, respectively: October, with 190,000 persons; June, with 130,000 and September, with 126,000.
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VATICAN CITY, DEC 29, 2005 (VIS) - Following are highlights of the activities of Pope Benedict XVI and the Holy See for the months of August through December 2005.


 - 18 - 21: Apostolic trip to Cologne, Germany, for the celebration of 20th World Youth Day on the theme: "We have come to adore Him."


 - 2: Benedict XVI entrusts Vatican Radio with the exercise and protection of the copyright and intellectual property rights of all audio recordings of his voice dating back to the period prior to his elevation to the Chair of Peter, with the exception of those rights already legitimately acquired by third parties.

 - 16: The Holy Father receives in audience participants in an international congress on the theme: "Holy Scripture in the Life of the Church." The congress, held in Rome from September 14 - 18, was jointly organized by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and by the Catholic Biblical Federation (FBC), for the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the promulgation of Vatican Council II's Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation "Dei Verbum."

 - 23: Benedict XVI receives the Letters of Credence of Luis Felipe Bravo Mena, the new ambassador of Mexico to the Holy See.

 - 24: The Holy Father Benedict XVI meets with Professor Hans Kung of Tubingen, Germany

 - 29: Boris Tadic, president of the Republic of Serbia, invites the Holy Father to visit his country.


 - 2: Opening of the Eleventh Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, on the theme: "The Eucharist: Source and Summit of the Life and Mission of the Church."

 - 9: Beatification of Servant of God Clemens August Von Galen (1878 - 1946), bishop of Munster, Germany.

 - 11: Presentation of the book "La Rivoluzione di Dio" (The Revolution of God), a collection of the twelve discourses pronounced by Benedict XVI in August 2005 during World Youth Day in Cologne, Germany, the Pope's first apostolic trip outside Italy,

 - 15: One hundred thousand children from Italy and other parts of the world who took First Communion this year, gather in St. Peter's Square for a meeting of prayer and catechesis with the Holy Father. The theme of the event was: "The bread of heaven."

 - 17: Telegram of condolence from the Holy Father for the death of Cardinal Giuseppe Caprio, who passed away on October 15.

 - 22: Publication in various languages of the final message of the Eleventh Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, entitled: "The Eucharist: Living Bread for the Peace of the World."

 - 23: The presidents delegate and the secretary general of the Synod of Bishops send a letter to the four Chinese prelates absent from the synodal assembly: Bishops Antonio Li Duan, Xi'an; Luca Li Jingfeng, Fengxiang; Aloysius Jin Luxian S.J., Shanghai; and Giuseppe Wei Jingyi, Qiqihar.

 - 23: Mass in St. Peter's Square, concelebrated by the Synod Fathers and presided by Benedict XVI for the closing of the Year of the Eucharist and of the Eleventh Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. Canonization of Blesseds: Archbishop Jozef Bilczewski of Lviv of the Latins, died in 1923; Gaetano Catanoso, priest, founder of the Congregation of the Veronica Sisters of the Holy Countenance, died in 1963; Zygmunt Gorazdowski, priest, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph, died in 1920; Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga, Jesuit priest, died in 1952; and Felice da Nicosia, of the Friars Minor Capuchin, died in 1787.

 - 27: Day of commemoration for the promulgation of the Vatican Council II Declaration "Nostra aetate" on the relation of the Church to non-Christian religions.

 - 28: Presentation of the Holy Father's Message for the 92nd World Day of Migrants and Refugees, which is due to be celebrated on January 15, 2006, and which has the theme: "Migrations, sign of the times."

 - 29: Beatification of Servants of God: Josep Tapies Sirvant and six companions, priests, martyrs died in 1936; and Maria de los Angeles Ginard Marti, professed religious of the Sisters Guardians of the Eucharistic Cult, virgin and martyr, died in 1936.


 - 6: Beatification of Eurosia Fabris (1866 - 1932), of the Third Order of St. Francis, known as "Mother Rosa."

 - 12: Benedict XVI receives the Letters of Credence of Francis Rooney, the new ambassador of the United States to the Holy See.

 - 13: Beatification of Servants of God: Charles de Foucauld, priest (1858-1916); Maria Pia Mastena, virgin and foundress of the Institute of Sisters of the Holy Countenance (1881-1951); and Maria Crocifissa Curcio, virgin and founder of the Carmelite Missionary Sisters of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus (1877-1957).

 - 17: Visit to the Holy Father Benedict XVI by Moshe Katsav, president of the State of Israel.

 - 19: "Motu proprio" entitled "De Basilicis Sancti Francisci et Sanctae Mariae Angelorum," establishing new norms concerning the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi, Italy, which is run by the Order of Friars Minor Conventual, and the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels in the same city, which is in the hands of the Order of Friars Minor.

 - 20: Beatification in the Jalisco Stadium of Guadalajara, Mexico, of thirteen martyrs who were killed during religious persecutions in Mexico last century: Anacleto Gonzalez Flores and seven companions, Jose Trinidad Rangel, Andres Sola Molist, Leonardo Perez, Dario Acosta Zurita, and the fourteen-year-old boy Jose Sanchez del Rio.

 - 22: Presentation of the calendar of events to commemorate the fifth centenary of the foundation of the Pontifical Swiss Guard (1506 - 2006).

 - 25: Visit by the Holy Father Benedict XVI to Rome's Sacred Heart Catholic University for the inauguration of the academic year.

 - 28: Publication of a Message from the Holy Father to the young Dutch participants in the first National Day of Catholic Youth, celebrated in Nieuwegein, Netherlands.

 - 29: The Holy Father Benedict XVI grants the faithful a Plenary Indulgence for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, 2005, the fortieth anniversary of the closure of Vatican Council II.

 - 29: Publication of the document: "Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders."


 - 1: Benedict XVI receives the Letters of Credence of eleven new ambassadors to the Holy See: Ali Abeid A. Karume of Tanzania; Madan Kumar Bhattarai of Nepal; Pekka Ojanen of Finland; Gilbert Ramirez Chagoury of Santa Lucia; Francisco A. Soler of El Salvador; Sten Erik Malmborg Lilholt of Denmark; Konji Sebati of South Africa; Idriss Jazairy of Algeria; Petros Tseggai Asghedom of Eritrea; Feliz Kodjo Sagbo of Togo; and Antoni Morell Mora of Andorra.

 - 3: At the end of the "ad limina" visit of a group of prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Poland, Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwisz of Krakow invites the Holy Father to visit Poland.

 - 3: Holy Father receives in audience Mahmud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority.

 - 8: Benedict XVI presides at a Eucharistic concelebration in the Vatican Basilica to mark today's Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and the fortieth anniversary of the closure of Vatican Council II.

 - 13: Presentation of Holy Father's Message for the World Day of Peace 2006 on the theme: "In truth, peace."

 - 15: Benedict XVI receives members of the joint coordinating committee of the International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches.

 - 16: Publication of the Pope's Message for the 14th World Day of the Sick, which is celebrated every year on February 11, Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.

- 18: First pastoral visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the parishes in the Diocese of Rome and celebration of the Holy Mass in the Parish of Santa Maria Consolatrice in Casalbertone. The then Cardinal Ratzinger became titular of this parish in 1977.

- 19: Presentation to the Holy Father of the Letters of Credence of Mr. Bernard Kessedjian, the new French ambassador to the Holy See.

- 23: Presentation of the Letters of Credence for the new ambassador of Great Britain to the Holy See, Mr. Francis Martin-Xavier Campbell.
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