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Monday, April 9, 2001


VATICAN CITY, APR 7, 2001 (VIS) - This morning John Paul II received the prelates of the Paraguayan Episcopal Conference, at the conclusion of their "ad limina" visit.

The Holy Father encouraged the bishops to give particular attention to priests, saying: "It is important that they receive a solid spiritual, human, and intellectual formation, which also continues after the seminary in the priestly life, in order that they become faithful, constant, and generous announcers of the mysteries of God."

"The evident necessity of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life," the Pope continued, "must in no way allow us to require less or be content with a mediocre formation and spirituality."

The Holy Father emphasized that "in Paraguay there is a notable presence of consecrated people, and of men and women religious. ... In this regard, the role of the consecrated woman in many areas of Church life should be particularly mentioned, especially for her simplicity, spirit of sacrifice, and closeness to people."

It is hoped that consecrated people, the Holy Father added, "contribute in particular to the local Church, keeping alive the significance of the presence of God and inspiring in all the faithful 'a true longing for holiness, a deep desire for conversion and personal renewal in a context of ever more intense prayer'."

John Paul II emphasized that an "authentic pastoral priority is the spreading of the social doctrine of the Church, in order to adequately confront different situations with an upright conscience, enlightened by the faith, and to promote and direct the commitment of the laity in public life. In effect, declarations and theoretical statements of principle serve little, if these are not firmly internalized through a general and systematic formation."

"To such formation, which must accompany the growth of the faith of all Christians," the Holy Father concluded, "must be added an effort of evangelization towards those who have responsibility in different areas of public administration."

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VATICAN CITY, APR 7, 2001 (VIS) - This morning the Holy Father received the new ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil to the Holy See, Oto Agripino Maia, on the occasion of the presentation of his Letters of Credence. The Pope recalled in his discourse that the Jubilee Year coincided with the celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the discovery and evangelization of Brazil.

After affirming that Brazil "is assuming an ever more important role in the concert of Latin American nations," the Holy Father emphasized that "initiatives directed towards the promotion of peace definitively influence the consolidation of democracy in these regions."

"Efforts to overcome social inequalities, defense of the environment, the promotion and defense of the rights of children and women, the promotion - recently ever more urgent - of better conditions of life in prisons and, not least, respect for religious teaching in centers of instruction, are undoubtedly objectives ... which require constant dedication for the wellbeing of the country from the nation's representatives."

The Holy Father affirmed that evangelization is a competence of the Church, and that the Church is "grateful to the State for the collaboration given in such a difficult mission. In this regard I hope that the migratory process of missionaries both within and outside of the country's borders can be facilitated."

"The pastoral visits which I have made to your country," the Holy Father continued, "have touched me deeply and strengthen the hope that Brazil wishes to continue to be the guide of many Latin American countries."

After referring to the "presence of Brazil in the United Nations and International Organizations," the Holy Father affirmed: "I hope that the principles inspired by this participation in the society of nations, are directed according to criteria whose fundamental objective is the respect of human dignity, especially in the case of unborn human beings, today seriously threatened by reproductive technologies which attempt to attack human life. ... Furthermore, drug trafficking, corruption at all levels, inequality between social groups, and the irrational destruction of nature attest that: 'In the absence of moral points of reference, an unbridled greed for wealth and power takes over, obscuring any Gospel-based vision of social reality'."

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VATICAN CITY, APR 7, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in separate audiences:

- Six prelates from the Paraguayan Episcopal Conference on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Sebelio Peralta Alvarez of Villarrica del Espiritu Santo.
- Bishop Celso Yegros Estigarribia of Carapegua.
- Bishop Adalberto Martinez Flores of San Lorenzo.
- Bishop Ignacio Gogorza Izaguirre of Cuidad del Este.
- Bishop Candido Cardenas Villalba of Benjamin Aceval.
- Bishop Lucio Alfert, apostolic vicar of Pilcomayo.
- Cardinal Virgilio Noe, archpriest of the Vatican Basilica, vicar general of Vatican City and president of the Fabric of St. Peter's.
- Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

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VATICAN CITY, APR 7, 2001 (VIS) - This morning John Paul II received members and students of the John XXIII International Cultural Center, which houses youth from over fifty countries.

"Your House," the Pope said in his discourse, "is dedicated to my venerated predecessor, Blessed John XXIII. He was the Pope of dialogue and peace, of goodness and love towards all. During his brief but intense pontificate, he began an "updating" which imprinted a vast and significant renewal upon the Church. With the Second Vatican Council he then prepared the Church for the challenges of the third millennium."

The Holy Father went on to affirm that the Center, where youth of different cultures, races, and nations live together, has become a place of dialogue between various cultures. "Dialogue brings us, in effect," the Pope emphasized, "to recognize the richness of diversity and prepares souls for reciprocal acceptance, in the perspective of an authentic collaboration, responsive to the original vocation to unity of the entire human family."

"In a world where the dominant interests seem to be material," the Holy Father concluded, "I exhort you to seek 'first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness'. ... Furthermore, the experience of faith, in a multicultural context, will help you to not submit to easy approvals, to cultural models inspired by a secularized and practically atheist conception of life, such as forms of radical individualism. It will urge you rather to acquire a more mature relationship with the values of your culture, to enrich them in comparison with other traditions and verify them with the lived experience of encounter with Christ."

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VATICAN CITY, APR 9, 2001 (VIS) - This morning Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano presented the 2001 edition of the "Annuario Pontificio" (Pontifical Yearbook) to the Holy Father, in the presence of Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, substitute for General Affairs, and those who collaborated in the editing and publication of the volume.

A note about the presentation described various changes to the updated Yearbook, including an expanded format. In the year 2000 the Holy See established diplomatic relations with the State of Bahrain and the Republic of Djibouti, bringing the number of States with which normal diplomatic relations are held to 174. Furthermore, an apostolic delegation was erected in Botswana, 22 new episcopal sees, an apostolic esarchate, a military ordinariate, 2 apostolic vicariates, 2 prefectures, one apostolic administration, and 2 "sui iuris" missions, were created, and 7 metropolitan sees were elevated. Finally, 44 new cardinals were created.

From 1998 to 1999 the number of Catholics in the world increased from 1,022,000 to 1,038,000. In the communique it is noted that in the last year 222 new bishops have been appointed, raising the total number of bishops to 4,482. There were 405,009 priests (of which 265,012 were diocesan), 26,629 permanent deacons, 55,428 men religious not ordained priests, 809,351 professed women religious, 31,049 members of Secular Institutes, 80,662 lay missionaries, and 2,449,659 catechists.



VATICAN CITY, APR 8, 2001 (VIS) - Today, Palm Sunday and the celebration of the 16th World Youth Day, the Pope presided in St. Peter's Square over a liturgical celebration in the presence of thousands of youth from all over the world.

Before the celebration of the Mass, at the central obelisk of St. Peter's Square, the Holy Father blessed palms and olive branches. This was followed by the Procession of Palms and the celebration of the Lord's Passion.

In his homily, John Paul II commented upon today's liturgy, with which Holy Week begins. "The Church, however," the Pope affirmed, "is not limited in reading the story of the Passion to consider only the sufferings of Jesus; one approaches this mystery both trembling and confident, knowing that the Lord is risen. The light of Easter reveals the great teaching contained in the Passion: life is affirmed through the sincere gift of self even to the point of death for others, for the Other.
"Jesus," the Pope continued, "did not intend his existence on earth as a search for power, as a way to success and career, as the desire to dominate over others. On the contrary, He renounced the privileges of his equality with God, assumed the condition of a servant becoming like men, and obeyed the Father's plan even to death on the cross."

The Pope went on to recall that Palm Sunday "has also become, for years now, World Youth Day, your Day, dearest youth." He added: "While we enter with faith into the new century and the new millennium, dear youth, the Pope repeats to you the words of the apostle Paul: 'If we have died with Him, we shall also live with Him; if we endure, we shall also reign with Him.' Because Jesus alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life."

At the conclusion of the Eucharistic celebration and before the Angelus, a delegation of Italian youth, representing the host country of the last World Youth Day, passed the World Youth Day Cross to their Canadian peers, who in July of 2002 will participate in the next World Youth Day in Toronto, Canada.

Speaking in English to the Canadian youth, who were accompanied by Cardinal Matthew Ambrozic, archbishop of Toronto, the Holy Father said: "Fidelity to Christ, this is my invitation to all the English-speaking pilgrims. Until we meet in Toronto!".



VATICAN CITY, APR 9, 2001 (VIS) - This morning John Paul II received 4,000 students from the University Conference (UNIV) meeting in Rome, as is their yearly tradition, to celebrate Holy Week and discuss the theme: "A Human Face for a Global World."

"This subject," the Pope said, "allows you to compare experiences and proposals regarding globalization, a phenomenon destined to characterize society ever more in the future. ... It cannot be the economy which dictates the models and rhythms of development and, while right to provide for material necessities, the values of the spirit must, however, never be suffocated. The true must prevail over the useful, the good over comfort, freedom over fashions, the person over structure."

"On the other hand," the Holy Father continued, "it is not enough to criticize; we need to go further: it is necessary to be builders. The Christian, in fact, cannot limit himself to analyzing the historical processes in course, maintaining a passive attitude. ... It is a part of Christian realism to understand that great social changes are the fruit of small and courageous daily choices. ... Blessed Josemaria, whose spirituality inspires you, wrote: 'Among those around you - apostolic soul - you are the stone fallen into the lake. With your word and your example you produce a first circle ... and it another ... and another, and another ... Wider each time. Now do you understand the greatness of your mission?'.

"In today's society," the Pope concluded, "which pursues the optimization of production, a process of uniformity is cautioned against, which places in peril personal freedoms and national cultures themselves. How should we react? The social doctrine of the Church contains the principles of a response which respects the role of individuals and groups. But to promote a global culture of these moral absolutes which are the rights of the person, it is necessary that each Christian begins from himself, striving to reflect the image of Christ in all of his thoughts and acts."

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VATICAN CITY, APR 9, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Bishop Orlando Antonio Corrales Garcia, auxiliary of Medellin, Colombia, as bishop of Palmira (area 3,000, population 976,000, Catholics 920,000, priests 59, religious 227), Colombia.
- Appointed Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe as prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. He succeeds Cardinal Jozef Tomko, whose resignation as prefect of the same Congregation the Holy Father accepted, in conformity with canon 354 of the Code of Canon Law.

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