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Thursday, May 20, 1999


VATICAN CITY, MAY 20, 1999 (VIS) - The members of the Kenya Episcopal Conference, in Rome for their quinquennial "ad limina" visit, were welcomed by the Pope this morning who, in his talk to them, expressed "gratitude to the Lord of the harvest" for "the vigor and vitality of the Church in Kenya as she continues to increase."

He noted that, since their last such visit, "two new dioceses have been erected and an apostolic vicariate established." Kenya's 6.6 million Catholics comprise 20 percent of the total population.

The Holy Father highlighted the bishops' "praiseworthy concern for the spiritual and religious welfare of your people in the context of the overall political, social and economic situation of your country." He said "this has immediate repercussions in the lives of the faithful, indeed of all Kenyans."

He then spoke of the diocesan- and parish-level initiatives "which provide effective forums for presenting the Church's social teaching. In fact, the healthy social order to which the citizens of Kenya aspire calls for a renewed moral and political culture of responsibility. ... Without a solid moral foundation no citizenry would be capable of properly exercising its political functions. Only in prudence, justice, temperance and courage can the choices be made ... which are truly conducive to the well-being of the nation."

John Paul II pointed to today's changing societies which "present Catholics with challenges for the living out of their Christian commitment, especially in the area of family life." He urged the prelates to "place a high priority on the pastoral care of families," encouraging the faithful "to be steadfast in embracing the ideals of Christian marriage and family life."

Turning to "the Church as God's family," and quoting the final document from the African synod, the Pope stated: "The new evangelization ... will aim at 'building up the Church as Family, avoiding all ethnocentrism and excessive particularism, trying instead to encourage reconciliation between different ethnic groups, favoring solidarity and the sharing of personnel and resources among the particular Churches, without undue ethnic consideration."

He said "this concept must be an integral part of all formation within the Church," that of the laity, especially youth and catechists, of seminarians and those committed to the consecrated life, and the continuing formation of priests. When the laity understand that "they belong to the Church and the Church belongs to them," and are committed to this," it "will help Catholics to avoid being lured away from the practice of their faith by other religious traditions and by the sects which are becoming ever more numerous in Kenya."

John Paul II spoke of the formation of seminarians, saying: "Care must be taken to avoid imparting models of the priesthood which are too clerical or authoritarian in nature, with the result that future priests find it difficult to work closely with lay people and to acknowledge their role and talents. ... The parish priest remains the leader, but he cannot - and should not - do everything himself."

The Holy Father exhorted the bishops to be close to their priests, particularly those "who may be faltering in fidelity to their vocation, and you must never tire of insisting that ministerial priesthood is not a profession or a means of social advancement. Rather, it is a sacred ministry. The Gospel demands that bishops should deal promptly, frankly and resolutely with any situation which scandalizes the flock or weakens the credibility of the Church's witness."

He dedicated closing remarks to praising both the work of members of institutes of religious and apostolic life, and the generosity of missionaries and catechists.

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VATICAN CITY, MAY 20, 1999 (VIS) - This morning the Pope held a meeting in the synod hall with members of the Italian Episcopal Conference, who are participating in their 46th general assembly and who have just completed their "ad limina" visits that began some months ago.

John Paul II began by referring to the dangers of modern society, dangers also present in Italy, such as the "tendency to reject God" or to put Him "so to say, between parentheses," or moral subjectivism which "leaves the way open to egotism and consumerist fashions. ... However, precisely in the face of these difficulties, the Church in Italy is becoming ever more clearly aware of the mission and the new evangelization to which it is called."

The Holy Father recalled that the theme of vocations to the priesthood and to the consecrated life is being dealt with in the general assembly. He said: "Truly Christian families and enthusiastic parish and youth communities are still today the natural environment in which genuine vocations may be born and develop. ... Also ever more necessary is an organic, diocesan pastoral ministry for vocations."

After mentioning "the tragic state of war and ethnic cleansing which the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has been experiencing over the last few years," he said: "I wish to express my great appreciation for the numerous testimonies and initiatives of concrete solidarity that are being practiced by religious institutions, Caritas and voluntary organizations, especially in refugee reception areas as well as in so many other parts of Italy. With you, I renew the call I made in Bucharest together with the Orthodox Patriarch Teoctist ... to definitively lay down arms."

Thereafter the Pope spoke of "the great themes of the family and of life" to which "the Italian Church is committed with prophetic courage, above all in promoting a family pastoral ministry. ... You rightly encourage the shouldering of social responsibility, both by the families themselves and by family associations, with the aim that in legislation, in social policy and in administrative norms and decisions the rights of the family are protected; a family based on matrimony, in harmony with constitutional dictates, without confusing it with other forms of cohabitation."
He praised the commitment of those who "fight for legislation that protects the legitimate family and the human embryo. Everyone knows that decisions are involved here that could gravely compromise the humanistic character of our civilization."

John Paul II concluded by referring to the Italian school (system) and, specifically, to difficulties in "finding the way to effective equality for all schools." On this subject, he indicated that "the great national assembly on Catholic schools, which is being organized and will take place in Rome at the end of October, is more than ever relevant. I am happy to be able to confirm, from this moment, my participation."



VATICAN CITY, MAY 20, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father this morning received eight new ambassadors accredited to the Holy See, including the first ever envoy from the Republic of Yemen, in a ceremony for the collective presentation of their Letters of Credence.

The new ambassadors are: Nina Kovalska, Ukraine; Robert George Halverson, Australia; Mohy Al-Dhabbi, Yemen; James Farrugia, Malta; Peter Patrick Kenneth Simmons, Barbados; Jean-Claude Michel, Monaco; Hjalmar W. Hannesson, Iceland, and Ronarong Nopakun, Thailand.

In his speech to them in French, the Pope said that he wished to "appeal once again, through you, to all nations so that, on all continents, the civil authorities and all people of good will might pursue and intensify their efforts in favor of peace, cooperation, solidarity and understanding among peoples. You know the Holy See's commitment in these areas, in order to silence arms and to make room for negotiations so that each country, in respect for the law, might be assisted in setting up their institutions and aided in the integration of the diverse cultures and ethnic groups which compose them.

"In fact, one cannot think of a State as a reality which refuses a part of its population, according to criteria which lead to segregation. The leaders of society are called to be attentive to the conditions of 'a good coexistence' so that fraternity prevails over hatred and violence.

"It is up to us," said John Paul II in concluding remarks, "to prepare a livable earth for future generations, giving young people reasons to hope and to commit themselves to running cities, in basing their action on the basic principles of justice, probity and respect for persons. Likewise, it would be suitable to proclaim to the men and women of our time, especially the youth, the moral and spiritual values which allow them to see the meaning of both their own existence and of history, and what the driving forces are of interior and social life."

Following his talk, the Pope met individually with the new ambassadors, consigning to each one a written speech in which he accentuated the particular situation in their country and also assured them that the Holy See would be at their complete disposal to assist them in their work.

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VATICAN CITY, MAY 20, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Bishop Miguel Mykycej, F.D.P., apostolic administrator "sede vacante et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis" of the eparchy of Santa Maria del Patrocinio en Buenos Aires of the Ukrainians, as bishop of the same eparchy (Catholics 125,000, priests 17, religious 105), in Argentina.

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VATICAN CITY, MAY 20, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Bishop Karl Lehmann of Mainz, Federal Republic of Germany.
- Professor Mario Luzi.

At 1 p.m. he had lunch with Italian bishops emeritus.

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