VATICAN CITY, MAR 29, 2004 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:
- Six prelates from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop John Francis Donoghue of Atlanta.
- Bishop Robert Joseph Baker of Charleston, accompanied by Bishop emeritus David Bernard Thompson.
- Bishop Peter Joseph Jugis of Charlotte, accompanied by Bishop emeritus William George Curlin.
- Bishop Francis Joseph Gossman of Raleigh.
- Msgr. Ambrose Madtha, nunciature counselor, charge d'affaires "ad interim."
On Saturday, March 27, the Holy Father received in separate audiences:
- Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, major archbishop of Lviv of the Ukrainians, Ukraine.
- Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, archivist and librarian of Holy Roman Church.
- Archbishop Arturo Antonio Szymanski Ramirez, emeritus of San Luis Potosi, Mexico
- Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.
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- Six prelates from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop John Francis Donoghue of Atlanta.
- Bishop Robert Joseph Baker of Charleston, accompanied by Bishop emeritus David Bernard Thompson.
- Bishop Peter Joseph Jugis of Charlotte, accompanied by Bishop emeritus William George Curlin.
- Bishop Francis Joseph Gossman of Raleigh.
- Msgr. Ambrose Madtha, nunciature counselor, charge d'affaires "ad interim."
On Saturday, March 27, the Holy Father received in separate audiences:
- Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, major archbishop of Lviv of the Ukrainians, Ukraine.
- Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, archivist and librarian of Holy Roman Church.
- Archbishop Arturo Antonio Szymanski Ramirez, emeritus of San Luis Potosi, Mexico
- Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.
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