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Monday, April 18, 2005


VATICAN CITY, APR 18, 2005 (VIS) - Following is the list of 115 cardinals entering into conclave in their respective order of precedence (order of bishops, order of priests, order of deacons):


Ratzinger Card. Joseph
Sodano Card. Angelo
López Trujillo Card. Alfonso
Re Card. Giovanni Battista

Cardinal Patriarch of Oriental Rite
Daoud Card. Ignace Moussa I


Baum Card. William Wakefield
Ce Card. Marco
Macharski Card. Franciszek
Kitbunchu Card. Michael Michai
Danneels Card. Godfried
Williams Card. Thomas Stafford
Martini Card. Carlo Maria, S.J.
Lustiger Card. Jean-Marie
Glemp Card. Jozef
Meisner Card. Joachim
Arinze Card. Francis
Obando Bravo Card. Miguel, S.D.B.
Vidal Card. Ricardo J.
Poupard Card. Paul
Wetter Card. Friedrich
Simonis Card. Adrianus Johannes
Law Card. Bernard Francis
Biffi Card. Giacomo
Martinez Somalo Card. Eduardo
Falcao Freire Card. Jose
Giordano Card. Michele
Szoka Card. Edmund Casimir
Paskai Card. Laszlo, O.F.M.
Tumi Card. Christian Wiyghan
Etsou-Nzabi-Bamungwabi Card. Frederic, C.I.C.M.
Lopez Rodriguez Card. Nicolas De Jesus
Mahony Card. Roger Michael
Ruini Card. Camillo
Schwery Card. Henri
Sterzinsky Card. Georg Maximilian
Vlk Card. Miloslav
Shirayanagi Card. Peter Seiichi
Darmaatmadja Card. Julius Riyadi, S.J.
Ortega Y Alamino Card. Jaime Lucas
Wamala Card. Emmanuel
Keeler Card. William Henry
Turcotte Card. Jean-Claude
Carles Gordo Card. Ricardo Maria
Maida Card. Adam Joseph
Puljic Card. Vinko
Razafindratandra Card. Armand Gaetan
Sandoval Íniguez Card. Juan
De Giorgi Card. Salvatore
Rouco Varela Card. Antonio María
Ambrozic Card. Aloysius Matthew
Tettamanzi Card. Dionigi
Pengo Card. Polycarp
Schoenborn Card. Christoph, O.P.
Rivera Carrera Card. Norberto
George Card. Francis Eugene, O.M.I.
Jaworski Card. Marian
Pujats Card. Janis
Dias Card. Ivan
Agnelo Card. Geraldo Majella
Rubiano Saenz Card. Pedro
McCarrick Card. Theodore Edgar
Connell Card. Desmond
Backis Card. Audrys Juozas
Errazuriz Ossa Card. Francisco Javier
Terrazas Sandoval Card. Julio, C.Ss.R.
Napier Card. Wilfrid Fox, O.F.M.
Rodriguez Maradiaga Card. Oscar Andres, S.D.B.
Agre Card. Bernard
Cipriani Thorne Card. Juan Luis
Alvarez Martínez Card. Francisco
Hummes Card. Claudio, O.F.M.
Vithayathil Card. Varkey, C.Ss.R.
Bergoglio Card. Jorge Maria, S.J.
Da Cruz Policarpo Card. Jose
Poletto Card. Severino
Murphy-O'Connor Card. Cormac
Egan Card. Edward Michael
Husar Card. Lubomyr
Lehmann Card. Karl
Scola Card. Angelo
Okogie Card. Anthony Olubunmi
Panafieu Card. Bernard
Zubeir Wako Card. Gabriel
Amigo Vallejo Card. Carlos, O.F.M.
Rigali Card. Justin Francis
O'Brien Card. Keith Michael Patrick
Scheid Card. Eusébio Oscar, S.C.I.
Antonelli Card. Ennio
Bertone Card. Tarcisio, S.D.B.
Turkson Card. Peter Kodwo Appiah
Toppo Card. Telesphore Placidus
Pell Card. George
Bozanic Card. Josip
Pham Minh Man Card. Jean-Baptiste
Quezada Toruno Card. Rodolfo
Barbarin Card. Philippe
Erdo Card. Peter
Ouellet Card. Marc, P.S.S.


Medina Estevez Card. Jorge Arturo
Castrillon Hoyos Card. Darío
Stafford Card. James Francis
Cacciavillan Card. Agostino
Sebastiani Card. Sergio
Grocholewski Card. Zenon
Saraiva Martins Card. Jose, C.M.F.
Sepe Card. Crescenzio
Pompedda Card. Mario Francesco
Kasper Card. Walter
Tauran Card. Jean-Louis
Martino Card. Renato Raffaele
Marchisano Card. Francesco
Herranz Card. Julián
Lozano Barragan Card. Javier
Hamao Card. Stephen Fumio
Nicora Card. Attilio
CC/CONCLAVE/...                            VIS 20050418 (500)


VATICAN CITY, APR 18, 2005 (VIS) - The 115 cardinal electors from 52 countries of 5 continents entered into conclave in the Sistine Chapel this afternoon.

  At 4:30 p.m. the cardinals gathered in the Hall of Blessings, which is located above the atrium of St. Peter's Basilica, and overlooks the square. It is from the central loggia or balcony of this hall that the new pontiff appears for the first time to the faithful.

 Preceded by the Cross and followed by the Book of Gospels, the cardinals processed to the nearby Sistine Chapel as the Litany of Saints was sung. Once in the chapel, after the singing of "Veni Creator," they pronounced their oath as established by the "Ordo Rituum Conclavis."

  When the master of pontifical liturgical ceremonies declared "extra omnes," all those not involved in the conclave left the chapel except the cardinal electors and Cardinal Tomas Spidlik, 85 who, when he finished delivering the second meditation, also left the chapel.

  Black smoke, indicating that the cardinals voted but that no Pope was elected, rose from the Sistine Chapel chimney at 8:04 p.m.
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VATICAN CITY, APR 18, 2005 (VIS) - This afternoon, 115 cardinals from all over the world will come together in the Sistine Chapel to begin the process of electing a new pope.

  The interior of the Sistine Chapel has been prepared with 12 tables, six on each side; the lectern with the Gospels upon which the cardinals will take their oath; the table holding the urns in which the ballots will be collected, and the stove used to burn them with the chimney from which the smoke signals will appear.

  The stove in which the ballots will be burned and from which the white or black smoke signals will appear, was first used in the conclave of 1939, when Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli was elected as Pope Pius XII. Made of iron, it is one meter high and has a diameter of 45 centimeters. It has two doors, a lower one behind which the fire is lit, and an upper one to introduce the documents to be burnt.

  The dates (year and month) of the conclaves at which the stove has been used are stamped into the top cover: 1939/III election of Pius XII, 1958/X election of John XXIII, 1963/VI election of Paul VI, 1978/VIII election of John Paul I, 1978/X election of John Paul II.

  The black smoke signals, meaning that no Pope has yet been elected, are obtained simply by burning the ballots; the white smoke, meaning a Pope has been elected, results from burning the ballots and damp straw. For the first time, an electronically-controlled auxiliary stove will be used to create extra smoke and increase the visibility of the signals.
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VATICAN CITY, APR 18, 2005 (VIS) - In the Vatican Basilica this morning, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger presided at the Mass "pro eligendo Summo Pontifice," concelebrated by all 115 cardinal electors.

  Cardinal non-electors, bishops, priests, male and female religious, and lay people present in Rome participated in the Eucharistic celebration.

  In his homily, Cardinal Ratzinger commented on the first reading from the Book of  the prophet Isaiah, in which the Messiah, speaking of Himself, said He was sent to "proclaim the year of the Lord's favor, and the day of vengeance of our God." The cardinal affirmed that "we are called to promulgate - not only with words but with life and with the effective signs of the Sacraments - the year of the Lord's favor." With reference to "the day of vengeance of our God," the cardinal affirmed that "the Lord offered an authentic commentary on these words with His death on the Cross."

  "The mercy of Christ," he went on, "is not cut-rate grace, it does not presuppose that evil is something banal. Jesus bears all the weight of evil, all its destructive force, in His body and upon His soul. ... The day of vengeance and the year of the Lord's favor come together in the Paschal mystery, in Christ Who died and rose again. This is the vengeance of God: He Himself, in the person of His Son, suffers for us."

  In the second reading, taken from the Letter to the Ephesians, St. Paul mentions "the measure of the fullness of Christ" to which "we are called in order to truly become adults in the faith. We must not remain children in the faith, without coming of age. What does it mean to be children in faith? St. Paul says that it means being 'tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine.' A very pertinent description!"

   "How many winds of doctrine have we known over the last few decades! How many ideological currents! How many schools of thought! The little ship bearing the thoughts of many Christians has frequently been shaken by these waves, thrown from one extreme to the other: from Marxism to liberalism, even to libertarianism; from collectivism to radical individualism; from atheism to a vague religious mysticism; from agnosticism to syncretism, and so on. Every day new sects arise, and St. Paul's words concerning the deception of men and the cunning that leads into error come true. Having a clear faith, according to the Creed of the Church, is often labeled as fundamentalism. While relativism, in other words allowing oneself to be 'tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine,' appears as the only attitude appropriate to modern times, a dictatorship of relativism is being formed, one that recognizes nothing as definitive and that has as its measure only the self and its desires.

  "We, nonetheless, do have another measure: the Son of God, true man. He is the measure of true humanism. An 'adult' faith does not follow the waves of fashion and the latest novelties; an adult and mature faith is profoundly rooted in friendship with Christ. ... We must bring this adult faith to maturity, to this faith we must lead Christ's flock. And it is this faith - faith alone - that creates unity and is realized in charity. ... In the measure in which we approach Christ, so truth and charity come together in our lives too."

  The dean of the College of Cardinals then commented on the Gospel of St John, in which the Lord says: "No longer do I call you servants, ... but I have called you friends." Christ "grants us His trust" and "entrusts His body, the Church, to us. He entrusts His truth to our weak minds and our weak hands. ... He has made us His friends. How do we respond?"

  After recalling the gospel passage where Jesus says "I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide," Cardinal Ratzinger said: "We must feel animated by holy restlessness; restlessness to bring everyone the gift of faith, of friendship with Christ. ... We received the faith in order to give it to others. We are priests to serve others, and we must bear a fruit that abides."

  "The only thing that remains forever is the human soul, man created by God for eternity. The fruit that remains is, then, what we have sown in human souls, love and knowledge; the gesture capable of touching the heart; the word that opens the soul to the joy of the Lord. Let us go then and pray to the Lord that He help us bear fruit, a fruit that abides."

  Cardinal Ratzinger concluded: "Let us now, above all, insistently pray to the Lord that, after the great gift of Pope John Paul II, He again gives us a pastor according to the dictates of His heart, a pastor to lead us to knowledge of Christ, to His love, to true joy."
.../MASS ELECTION POPE/RATZINGER                    VIS 20050418 (860)

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