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Thursday, October 14, 1999


VATICAN CITY, OCT 13, 1999 (VIS) - The fifteenth congregation of the Second Special Assembly for Europe of the Synod of Bishops was convened this evening at 5:05 p.m. for the presentation of the reports of the language groups. The president delegate on duty was Cardinal Joachim Meisner. Pope John Paul was present, as were 153 synod fathers. The meeting concluded at 8:15 p.m.

At the opening of the congregation, Cardinal Paul Poupard, one of the three presidents delegate, read a message of best wishes to the Holy Father for the 21st anniversary of his election to the papacy, which occurs this Saturday, October 16.

The message from the presidents delegate, on behalf of all synod participants, expressed their "thanks to God the Omnipotent for the extraordinary fertility of your Petrine ministry that has lasted for two decades, especially in a Europe that, a few days ago, you placed under the protection of three new co-patronesses: Saints Bridget of Sweden, Catherine of Siena and Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), and in whom the Church, under your powerful impulse, enlivened by your tireless Magisterium and by your apostolic pilgrimages, has begun to recuperate with full lungs a new spirit."

The nine working groups represent five languages. Following are excerpts from five of those reports:

ITALIAN A: ARCHBISHOP BENIGNO LUIGI PAPA OF TARANTO. "In the history of Europe, we must remember the three divisions that have occurred and of which we still bear the scars: that of 1054; ... the Reform Movement that lacerated the Western Church and the Enlightenment which separated reason from revelation and opposed science to faith. ... Europe, that was born and grew in the possession of a common faith, today suffers because of the division of Christians. We are called upon to overcome these divisions, without neglecting the search for friendly relations with Judaism and Islam. ... We are convinced that only an evangelized person can evangelize, that only a sanctified person can be the docile instrument of sanctification, that only a person formed by the charity of God can be the earthly reflection of His merciful love for men. ... Married Christians' first service of charity is the gift of life. The married couple that remains open to life and that practices responsible parenthood most certainly manifests hope. Through the association of families, we must insist that States support those family policies that allow parents to continue to collaborate with God; in creating life and in being Christian teachers of life. Another pastoral service of charity is the pastoral ministry of salvation that must be promoted in all local Churches. ... A healthy laity ... means recognizing that society needs the contribution of religious confessions in order to ensure its own ethical-cultural foundations. It also means guaranteeing both free expression for all confessions and forms of correct collaboration."

FRENCH A: BISHOP BELLINO GHIRARD OF RODEZ. "Eight groups of questions were accepted and discussed by this group. ... 1. The Risen Christ, the only Savior. The revival of ecclesial communities is necessary in order that the Church be a source of Hope for Europe. ... Their members should proclaim with full conviction, ... that 'Jesus Christ is the Lord of history, the content and vital center of the message of salvation, the Way, the Truth and the Life.' ... 2. The exchange of gifts between the Eastern and Western Churches must be more developed. The Group ... also heeded the call of the Eastern Catholic Churches who entreat (greater) concern for their diaspora in the West and request a more active role in the dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. 3. Ecumenism. ... 4. The Church in Europe and Judaism. Following 'Nostra Aetate', we condemn the serious injustices against the Jews in the history of the Christian East and West. The shoah has induced the Church to make an examination of conscience, of which the fundamental stage was Vatican II. This examination has been extended by the decisive action of Pope John Paul II, of which the most recent sign has been the proclamation St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, as Co-Patroness of Europe. ... 5. Islam in Europe. ... Considering the reality of Islam in Europe, the Church does not always have possibilities other that that of proposing sincere dialogue. She must make every effort to start and continue dialogue, without naivete but also without prejudice. She must demand respect for the freedom of the Christian communities living in countries with a Muslim majority. 6. Women in society and the Church, in the European context. In various ecclesial communities, great steps have been taken to entrust women with new and greater responsibilities. ... This effort deserves constant attention, at the same time being careful not to regard men and women as being interchangeable in everything. ... It is indispensable that the Church take account of the rapid social change that girls and women have caused or been subjected to over the past thirty years. 7. The Church's social doctrine. This should take new forms of poverty into consideration. The Church must awaken public opinion to the importance of these fields of action and thereby contribute to the spreading and evaluation of her social doctrine. 8. Priestly vocations in Europe. Despite the resistance encountered in various European countries, a matter that has been analyzed many times, we persevere in upholding our intention of calling attention to the ministry of the diocesan priest. We might ask ourselves whether we have courage enough to make the appeal for ... vocations, the essence of any pastoral mission."

SPANISH-PORTUGUESE: BISHOP JUAN MARIA URIARTE GOIRICELAYA OF ZAMORA. "The evangelization of the Church occurs in a new and powerful cultural situation that carries with it a great challenge for the faith and for Christian behavior. ... Some elements that characterize this field of European culture are: a concept of freedom tending towards the absolute, one that lacks the essential relationship with truth; a distortion of the concept of tolerance leading to moral relativity and religious agnosticism; an evaluation of the useful over the good, and an exacerbation of pleasure to the point that it overcomes that which produces true and authentic joy; a democracy that is fed by these values, daily reveals its own sickness. This context also includes some positive aspects through which Europeans can open themselves to the faith. ... In order to collaborate with the Holy Spirit in proclaiming the faith, there must exist persons and communities who truly believe. ... The Church has no other treasure than to proclaim Jesus Christ, who died and rose again. This is the 'kerygma' that is proclaimed today in the heart of Europe, by a Church convinced that the salvation of Jesus is still necessary in these times and in this culture. ... Starting with an attitude open to dialogue, evangelizers must insist more upon asking questions and less upon denouncing. ... The time has come for dioceses to recognize, take on and enrich various ecclesial initiatives and institutions, ... formulating processes and training evangelizers. ... The laity are called upon, by their condition, to be active and responsible members in the life of the Christian community. The reason for their active participation is not by any means the lack of priests. Formation is required to provide basic and specific training to the laity in order for them to undertake their ecclesial responsibilities. For their part, priests, must avoid a double risk: They must not retain responsibilities that can be undertaken by the laity, yet they must not abdicate their own responsibilities, using the justification of a democratic outlook and thus blurring the different functions that clergy and laity have in the Church. All the laity, by their vocation, are called upon to actively participate in public life. In order to respond correctly to this vocation, Christian formation is necessary. In this, the Church's social doctrine must have a special place. ... We bishops are called upon to adopt a positive attitude towards women and their world, their legitimate rights to employment, their social responsibilities and their efforts to gain these things. ... The services provided by women in the Church and their willingness to undertake them are undeniable and immense. The active and contemplative consecrated life, involving so many women in Europe, is in itself an inestimable ecclesial service. The responsibilities assumed by women are increasing, and include catechesis, collaboration with bodies of mutual responsibility in the Church, organization that serve the poor and the ecclesial sciences. ... The Christian family, due to its central position in society, its current delicate situation and its theological importance, must be given great attention by the Church. This attention must correspond to a theoretical and practical re-evaluation of family pastoral ministry as one of our main, central goals."

GERMAN: FR. HEINZ WILHELM STECKLING, O.M.I, SUPERIOR GENERAL OF THE OBLATE MISSIONARIES OF MARY IMMACULATE. "The German Working Group is made up of members from the East and from the West, present in almost equal parts. This enriched our debate, whose main theme was hope. ... Our debate can be summarized in four main points. 1. The question of God. ... We share, with all religions, the conviction that the problem of meaning can only be answered in a horizon that transcends the boundaries of this world. ... The Church has yet to find her full visible unity. The ecumenical movement is a sign of hope. We are glad for the recent signing, in Augsburg, of the joint declaration on the doctrine of justification. We hope that all Christians will themselves reflect on the ecumenical questions. 2. New evangelization. ... This has nothing to do with proselytism, rather, it is pastoral announcement. Often, the Churches are called upon to mutually enrich each other with their rich traditions. The many followers and martyrs (of these Churches) represent a help for living the faith. ... An important part of evangelization is the work of reconciliation. Reconciliation is needed to heal memories and at the same time indicates the way for the future. This presupposes that wrongs be recognized and admitted. One should not look away, as occurred in the tragic events in Bosnia-Herzegovina and in Kosovo. ... Today's conditions of life demand that, in announcing the faith, a language ever more adaptable to the means of social communication be used. 3. Pastoral vocation. ... In many European countries there is a serious crisis in vocations to the priesthood and the consecrated life. This is linked to a more general crisis in Christianity that has been observed in the same countries. A vocational pastoral ministry must be developed that begins at the right moment. Early in life, young people must learn about religious communities where there reigns an atmosphere that helps Christian faith to be lived. 4. European unity. ... Even today, the effects of the domination of totalitarian ideologies, the consequences of war and of civil strife - including the inadequacy of European institutions in the face of the horror of so-called ethnic cleansing - darken the hope of people in Europe. These events represent a pressing appeal for the Church to promote a new culture of encounter."

ENGLISH A: MSGR. NOEL TREANOR, SECRETARY GENERAL FOR THE COMMISSION OF THE EPISCOPATES OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY. "The 'Relatio Post Disceptationem' was positively received. At the outset of the discussion it was agreed that proclaiming the message of the Gospel and communicating the life and work of the Church by using all the means provided by the media is an organizational principle for the Church's mission in the world and in Europe. ... On the one hand it was considered that European society has undergone a profound secularization, where absolutist ideologies, and religion, are suspect and perceived as being divisive. An alternative view warned against taking this as a totally accurate reading of the present human condition and of European society: it is a complex reality requiring close discernment. ... A key element in responding to this situation is how - in the Church - freedom can be reconciled with direction in love. Two recommendations were made with a view to presenting the faith in our times: Firstly, the development of the catechumenate and the promotion of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Secondly, the formation and training of convinced young Catholics to assume a creative and proactive presentation of the faith and the Church to their contemporaries, and in society. ... The crisis and fragility of family life throughout Europe was recognized. Breakdown of family life in the societies of both eastern and western Europe has led to great suffering. Various responses to this situation were indicated. In particular, emphasis was placed on the importance of marriage preparation courses and on programs of family catechesis. ... Particular attention was paid to the problem of migration and illegal immigrants. Oftentimes the Church and its organizations are the only source of assistance and support. The distinction often made between economic migrants and refugees fleeing for their lives, was questioned. It was suggested that the bishops, conferences, COMECE, and other Church organizations working on migration issues should institute a critique of European policies in this sphere."

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VATICAN CITY, OCT 13, 1999 (VIS) - Made public this afternoon were the "in scriptis" (written, not spoken) reports of several of the synod fathers. Following are excerpts from three of those reports:

CARDINAL WILLIAM WAKEFIELD BAUM, MAJOR PENITENTIARY. "The need of the Sacrament of Penance in our lives as bishops: The Synod offers a welcome opportunity for a profound examination of our consciences, especially with regard to the exercise of our ministry. A few days ago, we read these words of St. Gregory the Great, addressed to his brother bishops: 'Pastors should be careful in deciding when to remain silent and be sure to say something useful when deciding to speak. Negligent pastors are often afraid to speak freely and say what needs to be said, for fear of losing favor with people. As Truth Himself says, they are certainly not guarding their flock with the care expected of a shepherd but are acting like hirelings, because hiding behind a wall of silence is like taking flight at the approach of the wolf. If a pastor is afraid to say what is right, what else can his silence mean but that he has taken flight?' ... Among the grave problems of today is widespread ignorance and confusion. Erroneous theology not only concerning the Church, the Sacraments and Moral doctrine but even on the fundamental mysteries of Faith: the Trinity, Incarnation, the Mediation of Christ Jesus are in varied ways called into question or relativized. ... Action on our part is demanded. We are, with the Successor of Peter, 'Magistri Fidei' and are called to proclaim courageously the truth about Christ and, when necessary, to correct errors even at the cost of pain to ourselves and to those whom we serve. It is often affirmed that there has been a loss of the sense of sin and a consequent decline in the reception of the Sacrament of Penance. At an earlier Synodal Assembly, this problem was confronted and propositions were submitted to the Holy Father. The post-synodal Apostolic exhortation 'Reconciliatio et Paenitentia' responded to these propositions."

BISHOP JOZSEF TEMPFLI OF ORADEA MARE OF THE LATIN RITE, VICE PRESIDENT (LATIN RITE) OF THE EPISCOPAL CONFERENCE OF ROMANIA. "I request that the Synod of Bishops for Europe give its approval to the following propositions: 1. The opinion of individuals, which is always open to argument, must never lead to the certain death of a human being. Even abortion recommended by doctors constitutes homicide and therefore cannot be justified. 2. Even the end of one's life is in the hands of God. Therefore, in the same way, even euthanasia must be considered homicide and as such rejected. 3. Emigration should be discouraged, as it leads to the break up of many families and the abandoning of children and elderly persons. 4. Church property confiscated by communist regimes must be returned in all nations, including Romania. Where this is not possible, the State must offer the Church some form of reparation. 5. The teaching of religion and ecclesial education must be guaranteed by the law from kindergarten to university and considered on the same level as state education. 6. The Church will collaborate with the State in a constructive way, but refuses any form of injustice imposed by the State. The relationship between State and Church must be characterized by mutual assistance, the equality of rights and duties."

ARCHBISHOP GIUSEPPE GERMANO BERNARDINI, O.F.M. CAP. OF IZMIR, TURKEY. "I have been living in Turkey for the past 42 years, a country where 99.9 percent of the population is Muslim, and I have been archbishop of Izmir, Asia Minor, for the past 16 years. The theme of my intervention is therefore obvious: the problem of Islam in Europe today and in the future. ... Above all, the aim of my speech is to make a humble request to the Holy Father. To be brief and clear, first I will mention three cases that, due to their provenance, I believe to be true. 1. During an official meeting on Islamic-Christian dialogue, an authoritative Muslim person, speaking to the Christians participating, at one point said very calmly and assuredly: 'Thanks to your democratic laws we will invade you; thanks to our religious laws we will dominate you'. This is to be believed because the 'domination' has already begun with the 'petrol-dollars', used not to create work in the poor North African or Middle Eastern countries, but to build mosques and cultural centers in Christian countries with Islamic immigration, including Rome, the center of Christianity. How can we ignore in all of this a clear program of expansion and re-conquest?"

Archbishop Bernardini recounted two similar episodes and then continued: "It would be naive to underestimate or, worse yet, smile on the three cases I have referred to; I feel that their dramatic teaching must be reflected upon. ... And now I would like to make a serious proposal to the Holy Father: to organize as soon as possible, if not a synod, at least a symposium for bishops and those who operate in the field of pastoral ministry to immigrants, especially Muslim immigrants, widening the scope to the Reformed and Orthodox Churches. ... I end my address with an exhortation, suggested to me by experience: do not ever allow Muslims to use a Catholic Church for their cult, because this would be, in their eyes, the certain proof of our apostasy."

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VATICAN CITY, OCT 14, 1999 (VIS) - This morning, the Pope received the Letters of Credence from the new ambassador of the Republic of Ecuador, Jose Ayala Lasso.

In his speech, John Paul II referred to the peace accord signed some months ago between Ecuador and Peru "in the negotiations for which, you," he said, addressing the diplomat, "played an important role. ... The ability to find a solution to a long- standing problem should cause Ecuadorians to mature in their attachment to the peaceful tradition of the region. At the same time, they must feel themselves directly committed to the struggle against drug trafficking and corruption, scourges that especially implicate the young and endanger social peace and stability. It is to be hoped that Ecuador finds in the international community all the support and financial aid necessary to face up to these problems."

The Holy Father said he was aware that the Ecuadorian government was facing up to "the grave economic situation the country was going through, due to heavy external and internal debt."

"At the present time," he added, "I am closely following news regarding the activity of the Pichincha volcano, in the hope that it provokes no more damage."

The Pope made clear his delight with the fact that "the constitution (of Ecuador) makes allowance for the importance of education and ratifies the recognition of parents' rights in the education of their children. This represents an important step forward in the face of an excessively state-dominated regime typical of earlier times." He concluded by expressing his desire that "legislation regarding universities be marked by the principle of religious liberty."



VATICAN CITY, OCT 14, 1999 (VIS) - The seventh session of the working groups of the synod for Europe met this morning in the Synod Hall from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to start work on the formulation of the propositions. These will be presented to the Holy Father for his consideration when he writes the post-synodal apostolic exhortation.

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VATICAN CITY, OCT 14, 1999 (VIS) - The following declaration was made this afternoon by Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls:
"The decision to authorize the construction of a mosque several meters away from the historical basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth worries both the Secretariat of State as well as the Catholic Church in the Holy Land, as was authoritatively underlined by the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, His Beatitude Michel Sabbah, and by all the leaders of Christian Churches. Pope John Paul II sympathizes with everyone and is especially close to the Christians of Nazareth.

"It is hoped that the Israeli government authorities, considering the value that the city of Nazareth has for all of Christianity, will known how to assure respect for the Christian shrine and its free and peaceful access to pilgrims.

"It would not be superfluous to mention that such a situation does not help in preparing for an eventual pilgrimage by the Holy Father to that illustrious shrine, where he should be able to find a city which is the symbol of the traditional and centuries-long peaceful coexistence between Christians and Muslims, and a stimulus for peace which the Holy Land needs so much."

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VATICAN CITY, OCT 14, 1999 (VIS) - On the occasion of their fourth general chapter, the Benedictine Sisters of Reparation of the Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ were welcomed this morning by the Holy Father who commented "on the "abundant flowering of vocations" in their congregation because of their "generous dedication."

"Your religious family," he observed, "is marked by devotion to the Holy Face of Christ, in the spirit of 'reparation'. You adore the face of the Lord in the celebration of the Eucharist and in the tabernacle; you contemplate it, ... meditating on the mysteries of salvation in the prayerful silence of your hearts; you honor it in the most needy of our brothers and sisters, the ill and the poor, to whom you turn in your apostolate."

"May the face of Christ," the Pope concluded, "which you commit yourselves to make known, and to make seen in all who suffer in body and spirit, be the constant reference point of your spiritual life and your apostolate."

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VATICAN CITY, OCT 14, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Agostino Marchetto, Holy See permanent observer at the UN organizations and organisms for food and agriculture (FAO, IFAD, PAM, CMA).
- Archbishop Mario Zenari, apostolic nuncio in Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso and Niger.
- Hermes Herrera Hernandez, Cuban ambassador, accompanied by his wife, on a farewell visit.

The following participants in the Synod for Europe were invited to lunch by the Holy Father:

- Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger, archbishop of Paris, France.
- Archbishop Lucien Daloz of Besancon, France.
- Archbishop Boutros Gemayel of Cyprus of the Maronites, Cyprus.
- Archbishop Emile Marcus P.S.S., of Toulouse, France.
- Bishop Jean Huard of Tournai, Belgium.
- Bishop Michel Hrynchyshyn C.S.S.R., apostolic exarch for the Ukranian faithful of Byzantine rite in France, Ukraine.
- Bishop Bellino Ghirard of Rodez, France.
- Bishop Andre Fort of Perpignan-Elne, France.
- Bishop Luc Alfons de Hovre S.J., auxiliary of Mechelen-Brussel, Belgium.
- Msgr. Roland Minnerath, professor at the faculty of Catholic theology of the University of Strasbourg and member of the International Theological Commission, France.
- Fr. Marijan Sef S.J., former provincial superior of the Society of Jesus and director of the Jesuit Refugee Service, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
- Fr. Jacques Scholte F.M.S., president of the Union of European Conferences of Superiors Major, Netherlands.
- Alain Besancon, member of the "Institut de France, Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques," France.

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