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Tuesday, July 6, 1999


VATICAN CITY, JUL 6, 1999 (VIS) - The two official Vatican guidebooks to the Jubilee, "Pilgrims in Prayer for the Jubilee of the Holy Year 2000" and "Pilgrims in Rome for the Jubilee of the Holy Year 2000" were presented this morning in the Holy See Press Office during a press conference.

Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, president of the Central Committee of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, said that "the two books presented today propose anchoring Roman celebrations in clear and calm waters: those of the faith of the apostles. Thanks to these pages, so well illustrated, ... the pilgrim will be able to feel at one and the same time, like a contemporary of Christ's and a citizen of today's world."

Archbishop Crescenzio Sepe, secretary general of the committee, spoke principally on the artistic-historical aspects of the two volumes. Though presented today in Italian only, the books, which must be bought together, will be published in the principal languages.

Well-illustrated and offering maps of the sites that pilgrims will visit, "Pilgrims in Rome" describes the principal basilicas and other historical churches in Rome, the catacombs, the homes of many saints and the Vatican Museums. The back inside cover contains a map of Rome's transportation system.

Archbishop Sepe said that in the second volume, "'Pilgrims in Prayer,' outlines of meditations and reflections are proposed which offer, in a synthetic way, paths for reading about the great themes of the Jubilee, and facilitate the understanding of the central message of every holy place."

This book, which also contains ample artwork, offers the official Jubilee prayer written by Pope John Paul II and the hymn of the Great Jubilee on the inside front and back covers. It also provides reflections on the meaning of the Jubilee, the "stations" used for prayer (the basilicas and catacombs) and celebrations, prayers and songs, such as the Pilgrim's Blessing, Rite of the Mass, penitential act, special Masses, Matins. Lauds and Vespers, and the rosary.

Archbishop Francesco Gioia, secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples, spoke on the preparation of the book, a five-phase period which began on December 20, 1996. This included choosing authors, experts on various subjects, artists and editors, accepting suggestions from members of the Central Committee, putting together a rough draft and re-editing that draft. The books are published by the Italian house Mondadori.

The archbishop said that "the title of the two volumes, 'Pilgrims,' is extremely important. One, the guidebook, specifies the 'where': Rome. The other book shows 'how' one should live a pilgrimage: in prayer. The 'way', the path, travelling, are symbols of human existence."

Archbishop Gioia also highlighted the artwork and biblical reflections found in the two volumes, explained how they were selected, and how they underscore the spirituality of a pilgrimage. He remarked that the artwork contained in them "makes the two books instruments of culture."

Gian Arturo Ferrari, from Mondadori Publishers, explained that, according to an agreement with the Holy See, the two volumes will be published in two versions: a more upscale version whose price will be œ45,000 ($25) and an economical one, priced at œ10,000 ($6). Volumes are identical in content and may not be sold separately. A slightly lower price will be given to religious institutes and orders, parishes, lay movements, etc.



VATICAN CITY, JUL 6, 1999 (VIS) - At midday today the Pope received the participants in the general chapter of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, of the Byzantine-Ukrainian rite.

"Each institute," the Holy Father said, "is invited to devise a formative project, one inspired by the original charism and that presents in a clear and dynamic fashion the path that must be followed in order to fully assimilate its own spirituality. This project must take into account the fact that the formative process has a very intense initial phase ... which must be united to the permanent phase."

John Paul II recalled that this congregation "is the first in active life of the Byzantine-Ukrainian rite and has as its original task that of educating people's hearts, going to those places where the need is greatest."

"May your concern be that of remaining faithful to that oriental identity which is your own," the Holy Father added, "updating your Constitutions in the light of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, which I promulgated in 1990."

The Pope requested the religious, in living in daily intimacy with Mary Most Holy, to know how to "find in the mystery of her Immaculate Conception an inexhaustable source of conversion, of maturity, of sanctification. A source that, while it wells forth within you, pushes you with the urgency of love to announce and give testimony of Christ to everyone, wherever Providence may call you."

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 6, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:

- Fr. Robert C. Morlino, of the clergy of the diocese of Kalamazoo, as bishop of Helena (area 134,426, population 483,435 Catholics 66,500, priests 87, permanent deacons 27, religious 76), U.S.A. The bishop-elect was born in Scranton, U.S.A. in 1946, ordained a priest in 1974 and since 1991 has been pastor of the cathedral of Kalamazoo.

- Fr. Martin de Elizalde O.S.B., apostolic administrator of Nueve de Julio (area 56,743, population 418,000, Catholics 377,000, priests 49, permanent deacons 5, religious 110), Argentina, as bishop of the same diocese. The bishop-elect was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1940, ordained a priest in 1971 and since 1993 has been abbot of the monastery of San Benito at Lujan.

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 6, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Andrea Mariano Magrassi O.S.B., emeritus of Bari, Italy.
- Archbishop Alois Wagner, permanent observer at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, accompanied by his entourage.
- Mario Antonio Velasquez Fernandez, ambassador of Panama, accompanied by his wife, on a farewell visit.

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