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Tuesday, March 30, 2004


VATICAN CITY, MAR 30, 2004 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Archbishop Luigi Bonazzi, apostolic nuncio in Haiti, as apostolic nuncio in Cuba.
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VATICAN CITY, MAR 30, 2004 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Six prelates from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on their "ad limina" visit:

    - Archbishop John Clement Favalora of Miami, accompanied by Auxiliary Bishop Felipe de Jesus Estevez.

    - Bishop John Kevin Boland of Savannah.

    - Bishop Norbert M. Dorsey, C.P., of Orlando, accompanied by Coadjutor Bishop Thomas Gerard Wenski.

    - Bishop Gerald Michael Barbarito of Palm Beach.

- Bishop-elect Alberto Ricardo da Silva of Dili, East Timor.
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VATICAN CITY, MAR 30, 2004 (VIS) - On Friday, April 2 at 11:30 a.m. in the Holy See Press Office, there will be a presentation of the book "Spiritus et Sponsa," Acts of the Commemorative Day of the 40th Anniversary of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy "Sacrosanctum concilium" (Rome, December 4, 2003).

  Those who will speak at the presentation include Cardinal Francis Arinze and Archbishop Domenico Sorrentino, respectively prefect and secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, Fr. Juan Javier Flores Arcas, director of the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of St. Anselm (Rome), and Msgr. Giuseppe Liberto, choir master of the Pontifical Musical Chorus.


VATICAN CITY, MAR 30, 2004 (VIS) - On March 24 Archbishop Silvano Tomasi,  Holy See permanent observer to the United Nations offices in Geneva, Switzerland, addressed the 60th session of the Human Rights Commission on Item 7: The Right to Development.  The session began March 15 and ends April 23.

  He began by stating that the Holy See views the current discussion "as an especially important and timely dialogue within the United Nations at this time when the gap between incomes in the richest and poorest countries seems widening. Globalization has allowed the emergence of a true planetary conscience more sensitive to injustice, to poverty, to discrimination, to degradation of the environment."
  "The Declaration on the Right to Development adopted by the General Assembly in 1986 is unique among other international human rights standards in that it identifies the individual person as the focus and beneficiary of the right, with the State as the primary duty bearer. At the same time, it makes an explicit connection between this right and the obligation for international cooperation to assist individual States in their duties as the primary promoter and protector of the individual's right to development."

   Globalization "imposes greater responsability on the international community" in allocating resources to help those people who, as Pope John Paul notes, are "perhaps the majority today, (and who) do not have the means which would enable them to take their place in an effective and humanly dignified way within a productive system in which work is truly essential."

   The nuncio underscored that "the interdependence of rights and responsibilities among individuals, families, the State and international community is a frequent theme in the social teaching of the Holy See. ... However, we believe that States have the primary responsibility to promote, protect and implement the Right to Development."


VATICAN CITY, MAR 30, 2004 (VIS) - Following is the schedule of Holy Week activities to be presided over by John Paul II:

SUNDAY, April 4: Palm Sunday and Our Lord's Passion. 19th World Youth Day on the theme: "We want to see Jesus." At 10:00 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, the Holy Father will bless palms and olive branches and, at the end of the procession, will celebrate the Mass of the Lord's Passion.

THURSDAY, April 8: Holy Thursday. In St. Peter's Basilica at 9:30 a.m., the Holy Father will preside at the concelebration of the Chrism Mass with cardinals, bishops, diocesan and religious priests present in Rome, as a sign of the close union between the pastor of the universal Church and his brothers in the priestly ministry. The Easter Triduum of the Lord's Passion and Resurrection begins in the Vatican Basilica at 5:30 p.m. with the Mass of Our Lord's Last Supper. The Holy Father will preside at the concelebration of the Mass. After the homily, the rite of the washing of the feet of 12 priests will take place. During this rite, those present will be invited to give alms for sick children in Rwanda and Burundi. The sum collected will be given to the Holy Father at the presentation of the gifts. At the end of the celebration the Blessed Sacrament will be transferred to the chapel of reposition.

FRIDAY, April 9: Good Friday. The Holy Father will preside at the celebration of the Passion of Our Lord in the Vatican Basilica at 5 p.m. He will lead the Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum at 9:15 p.m. and, in conclusion, will speak to the faithful and will impart his apostolic blessing.  This year, the meditations have been entrusted to Fr. Andre Louf of Belgian, a Cistercian monk of strict observance who was responsible for the publication of the writings of the Flemish mystics. After 35 years as abbot of the monastery of Notre Dame de Mont-des-Cats, France, he retired to a hermitage in the south of France where he currently resides, dedicating prayer and study to the Fathers of the Church.

SATURDAY, April 10: The Easter Vigil will begin at 7:00 p.m. in St. Peter's Basilica, when the Pope will bless the new fire in the atrium of the church. After the entrance procession with the Easter candle and the singing of the "Exultet," he will preside at the Liturgy of the Word and the baptismal and eucharistic liturgies, which he will concelebrate with the cardinals.

SUNDAY, April 11. At 10:30 a.m., John Paul II will celebrate Mass in St. Peter's Square, after which he will impart the "Urbi et Orbi" ("to the city and the world") blessing. 

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