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Wednesday, February 3, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 3, 1999 (VIS) - Cardinal Eduardo Martinez Somalo, prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, yesterday afternoon on behalf of the Holy Father, presided at Mass on the occasion of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple.

Members of institutes of consecrated life and societies of apostolic life were present at the celebration.

Following the proclamation of the Gospel, the cardinal read the homily prepared by the Holy Father.

John Paul II wrote that today's second reading from the Letter to the Hebrews, highlights the "deep link which unites the mystery of the Incarnation and the mystery of Redemption" and emphasizes "Christ's redemptive mission, in which all people of the new covenant partake. You dear consecrated people, take part in this mission in a special way. ... This feast of the Presentation is your feast especially. We are celebrating in fact the third Day of Consecrated Life."

"At this time," he continued, "my thoughts go with special affection to all consecrated people throughout the world. ... I think of hospitals, schools, oratories; ... of the thousands of monasteries; ... of consecrated lay people. ... How could we not remember here all the religious who, even in recent times, shed their blood while carrying out apostolic work in often difficult and uncomfortable circumstances? ... The prayer of the Church is offered today for all consecrated people, but especially for them."

The Pope, in conclusion, affirmed that "consecrated people decisively contribute to the work of evangelization, giving to it the prophetic strength which comes from their radical choice for the Gospel."



VATICAN CITY, FEB 3, 1998 (VIS) - At 10:30 this morning Pope John Paul appeared at his study window overlooking St. Peter's Square, and told the faithful gathered below that "a seasonal illness has forced me to suspend all activity these days. Today, however, I can't miss the occasion to address you who have come for the weekly Wednesday audience."

Continuing his brief address, he said: "Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with affection. May the Lord, whom we contemplated as the Light which illuminates the path of salvation of every man, shine in the life of each of you and fill it with his joy and peace. I send a special greeting to the deacons of the archdiocese of Milan and all the priests and religious present.

"I would also like to send cordial greetings to those who are greatly suffering from the cold, above all the homeless, the earthquake victims, the ill, elderly and children. May the necessary aid be there for each of you.

"I hope that, as the well known proverb says, 'With yesterday's feast of light, winter is on its way out', the beautiful and warm days of sun will soon return. May the Lord bless you in a special way."

After these words the Holy Father briefly greeted pilgrims in French, English, Spanish and Polish.

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