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Tuesday, December 17, 2002


VATICAN CITY, DEC 17, 2002 (VIS) - This morning in the Holy See Press Office, Archbishop Renato R. Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, presented John Paul II's Message for the 36th World Day of Peace. Its theme is: "Pacem in terris": A Permanent Commitment.

Bishop Giampaolo Crepaldi and Msgr. Frank J. Dewane, respectively secretary and undersecretary of the dicastery, also participated in the press conference alongside Archbishop Martino.

Archbishop Martino affirmed that after the Pope stated in the message that "the world to which John XXIII wrote was then in a profound state of disorder", he recalls that only two years before in 1961 the Berlin Wall had been built and the world was dealing with the Cuban Missile Crisis. "In this historical context ... 'Pacem in terris' was a break through because it reaffirmed the fundamental value of peace as an aspiration of people all over the world to live in security, justice and hope." Blessed John XXIII identified the "essential conditions for peace: truth, justice, love and freedom."

"The connection that the Holy Father perceives between the awareness of spiritual values (the Pope also talks about 'spiritual sensitivity') and the public and political consequences that this awareness can have seems very relevant to me," he continued. "This relationship has historically demonstrated its relevance especially in the sphere of human rights."

The president of the council said that the Pope refers to "working out a concept of the common good, a classical principle of social doctrine, at a global level, proposing the concept of 'universal common good'."

Archbishop Martino added that John Paul II emphasized "overcoming the separation between moral and political exigencies at all national and international levels. ... The problem of peace, correctly understood, cannot ignore questions related to moral principles, especially those connected to the affirmation of dignity and human rights."

"If the new name for peace is development, disarmament for development should become more necessary every day. ... Hunger cannot be eliminated while so many thousands of millions of dollars are spent on military expenditures in the world."

The message of the Holy Father concludes "with an invitation to cultivate an adequate culture and spirituality of peace," said Archbishop Martino. "In the Christian outlook, peace not does only concern national and international institutes. ... Each of us in our own professional environment must feel the serious duty to increase peace with personal acts of peace."

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 17, 2002 (VIS) - On December 16 in the apostolic nunciature in Berlin, Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo, apostolic nuncio in Germany and Bernhard Vogel, president-minister of the Free State of Thuringia, exchanged the instruments of ratification of the agreement signed on November 19, 2002 between the Holy See and Thuringia in order to incorporate the faculty of Theology of Erfurt to the state university in the same city. The agreement went into effect that same day according to Article 9 of the document.

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 17, 2002 (VIS) - Today John Paul II's Message for the 36th World Day of Peace to be celebrated on January 1, 2003 was made public. The message is dated December 8, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. Following are excerpts from the document:

"1. Almost forty years ago, on Holy Thursday, 11 April 1963, Pope John XXIII published his epic Encyclical Letter 'Pacem in Terris'. Addressing himself to 'all men of good will', my venerable predecessor ... summed up his message of 'peace on earth' in the first sentence of the Encyclical: 'Peace on earth, which all men of every era have most eagerly yearned for, can be firmly established and sustained only if the order laid down by God be dutifully observed.'

"2. The world to which John XXIII wrote was then in a profound state of disorder. The twentieth century had begun with great expectations for progress. Yet within sixty years, that same century had produced two World Wars, devastating totalitarian systems, untold human suffering, and the greatest persecution of the Church in history. Only two years before 'Pacem in Terris', in 1961, the Berlin Wall had been erected in order to divide and set against each other not only two parts of that City but two ways of understanding and building the earthly city. ... Moreover, just six months before the Encyclical ... the world had come to the brink of a nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The road to a world of peace, justice and freedom seemed blocked. Humanity, many believed, was condemned to live indefinitely in that precarious condition of 'cold war'. ... Available atomic arsenals meant that such a war would have imperiled the very future of the human race.

"3. Pope John XXIII did not agree with those who claimed that peace was impossible. With his Encyclical, peace ' in all its demanding truth ' came knocking on both sides of the Wall and of all the other dividing walls. ... With the profound intuition that characterized him, John XXIII identified the essential conditions for peace in four precise requirements of the human spirit: truth, justice, love and freedom.

"4. The end of colonialism and the rise of newly independent States, the protection of workers' rights, the new and welcome presence of women in public life, all testified to the fact that the human race was indeed entering a new phase of its history, one characterized by 'the conviction that all men are equal by reason of their natural dignity.' ... Seeing the growth of awareness of human rights that was then emerging within nations and at the international level, Pope John XXIII caught the potential of this phenomenon and understood its singular power to change history. ... The road to peace, he taught in the Encyclical, lay in the defence and promotion of basic human rights. ... Inspired by the conviction that every human being is equal in dignity, and that society therefore had to adapt its form to that conviction, human rights movements ... were instrumental in replacing dictatorial forms of government with more democratic and participatory ones. They demonstrated in practice that peace and progress could only be achieved by respecting the universal moral law written on the human heart.

"5. Because the world was becoming increasingly interdependent and global, the common good of humanity had to be worked out on the international plane. ... One of the consequences of this evolution was the obvious need for a public authority, on the international level, with effective capacity to advance the universal common good; an authority which could not, the Pope immediately continued, be established by coercion but only by the consent of nations. ... Not surprisingly therefore John XXIII looked with hope and expectation to the United Nations Organization, which had come into being on June 26, 1945. He saw that Organization as a credible instrument for maintaining and strengthening world peace. ... Not only is it clear that Pope John XXIII's vision of an effective international public authority at the service of human rights, freedom and peace has not yet been entirely achieved, but there is still in fact much hesitation in the international community about the obligation to respect and implement human rights. This duty touches all fundamental rights, excluding that arbitrary picking and choosing which can lead to rationalizing forms of discrimination and injustice. Likewise, we are witnessing the emergence of an alarming gap between a series of new 'rights' being promoted in advanced societies ' the result of new prosperity and new technologies ' and other more basic human rights still not being met, especially in situations of underdevelopment. I am thinking here for example about the right to food and drinkable water, to housing and security, to self-determination and independence ' which are still far from being guaranteed and realized. Peace demands that this tension be speedily reduced and in time eliminated. ... A greater awareness of universal human duties would greatly benefit the cause of peace, setting it on the moral basis of a shared recognition of an order in things which is not dependent on the will of any individual or group.

"6. Nevertheless it remains true that, despite many difficulties and setbacks, significant progress has been made over the past forty years towards the implementation of Pope John's noble vision. ... it is surely significant that, in the forty years since 'Pacem in Terris', much of the world has become more free, structures of dialogue and cooperation between nations have been strengthened, and the threat of a global nuclear war, which weighed so heavily on Pope John XXIII, has been effectively contained. ... That there is serious disorder in world affairs is obvious. Thus the question to be faced remains: What kind of order can replace this disorder, so that men and women can live in freedom, justice, and security? ... the problem of order in world affairs, which is the problem of peace rightly understood, cannot be separated from issues of moral principle. This is another way of saying that the question of peace cannot be separated from the question of human dignity and human rights. That is one of the enduring truths taught by Pacem in Terris, which we would do well to remember and reflect upon on this fortieth anniversary. Is this not the time for all to work together for a new constitutional organization of the human family, truly capable of ensuring peace and harmony between peoples, as well as their integral development?
"7. Precisely because human beings are created with the capacity for moral choice, no human activity takes place outside the sphere of moral judgment. Politics is a human activity; therefore, it too is subject to a distinctive form of moral scrutiny. This is also true of international politics. ... Perhaps nowhere today is there a more obvious need for the correct use of political authority than in the dramatic situation of the Middle East and the Holy Land. Day after day, year after year, the cumulative effect of bitter mutual rejection and an unending chain of violence and retaliation have shattered every effort so far to engage in serious dialogue on the real issues involved. The volatility of the situation is compounded by the clash of interests among the members of the international community. Until those in positions of responsibility undergo a veritable revolution in the way they use their power and go about securing their peoples' welfare, it is difficult to imagine how progress towards peace can be made.

"8. There is an unbreakable bond between the work of peace and respect for truth. Honesty in the supply of information, equity in legal systems, openness in democratic procedures give citizens a sense of security, a readiness to settle controversies by peaceful means, and a desire for genuine and constructive dialogue, all of which constitute the true premises of a lasting peace. ... The negative repercussions on peace resulting from commitments made and then not honored must be carefully assessed by State and government leaders. ... If at all times commitments ought to be kept, promises made to the poor should be considered particularly binding. ... The suffering caused by poverty is compounded by the loss of trust. The end result is hopelessness. The existence of trust in international relations is a social capital of fundamental value.

"9. In the end, peace is not essentially about structures but about people. ... Gestures of peace spring from the lives of people who foster peace first of all in their own hearts. ... Gestures of peace are possible when people appreciate fully the community dimension of their lives. ... Gestures of peace create a tradition and a culture of peace. ... Religion has a vital role in fostering gestures of peace and in consolidating conditions for peace. It exercises this role all the more effectively if it concentrates on what is proper to it: attention to God, the fostering of universal brotherhood and the spreading of a culture of human solidarity.

"10. Blessed Pope John XXIII was a man unafraid of the future. ... he did not hesitate to summon the leaders of his time to a new vision of the world. This is the legacy that he left us. On this World Day of Peace 2003, let us all resolve to have his same outlook: trust in the merciful and compassionate God who calls us to brotherhood, and confidence in the men and women of our time because, like those of every other time, they bear the image of God in their souls. It is on this basis that we can hope to build a world of peace on earth.
At the beginning of a new year in our human history, this is the hope that rises spontaneously from the depths of my heart: that in the spirit of every individual there may be a renewed dedication to the noble mission which Pacem in Terris proposed forty years ago to all men and women of good will. ... The fortieth anniversary of Pacem in Terris is an apt occasion to return to Pope John XXIII's prophetic teaching. Catholic communities will know how to celebrate this anniversary during the year with initiatives which, I hope, will have an ecumenical and interreligious character.

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 17, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Fr. Michael Apochi as bishop of Otukpo (area 9,600, population 1,520,000, Catholics 454,000, priests 48, religious 30), Nigeria. The bishop-elect was born in 1960 in Ichama District, Nigeria and was ordained a priest in 1986.

- Appointed Msgr. Gabriele Giordano Caccia, nunciature councillor of the Secretariat of State, as councillor for General Affairs.

- Appointed Fr. Francesco Borgia Tran Van Kha, study assistant of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of Sacrament, as bureau chief of the same congregation.

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 17, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience Archbishop Jean-Pierre Ricard of Bordeaux, France, president of the French Episcopal Conference, accompanied by Bishop Georges Pontier of La Rochelle and Msgr. Stanislas Lalanne, respectively vice-president and secretary general of the same conference.

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