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Wednesday, April 3, 2002


VATICAN CITY, MAR 29, 2002 (VIS) - As is customary on Good Friday, Pope John Paul heard confessions in St.Peter's Basilica, presided at the Lord's Passion in the basilica at 5 p.m. and shortly after 9 p.m. presided at the Way of the Cross at the Colosseum.

Towards noon, the Pope entered St. Peter's Basilica on a small mobile platform, heard the confession of nine people of diverse nationalities and afterwards greeted some of the faithful who were in the Vatican basilica at that hour.

At 5 p.m. he returned to St. Peter's and presided at the celebration of the Lord's Passion, during which Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, O.P., preacher of the Papal Household, delivered the homily. The liturgy continued with the Prayers of the Faithful, adoration of the Cross and Holy Communion.

Shortly after 9 p.m. the procession of the Way of the Cross began at the Colosseum. Pope John Paul was seated in an armchair on part of the Palatine Hill, overlooking the giant stadium and a crowd estimated at 30,000 faithful. The meditations for this year's Via Crucis were written by fourteen journalists from ten nations, all of whom cover the Vatican for the media they represent.

For the first 13 stations, the Cross was carried by Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar of Rome, and then faithful from Italy, Madagascar, Mongolia, Colombia and the Holy Land. At the end of the 13th station, the Franciscan friar from the Holy Land gave the Cross to Pope John Paul who, notwithstanding the pain from his arthritic knee, and visibly suffering, stood with the Cross for the readings and meditations of the fourteenth station.

In conclusion, instead of reading a prepared speech, the Holy Father addressed the noticeably moved crowd in an off-the-cuff address, a personal mediation on Christ's death on the Cross, interspersed with many phrases in Latin.

"On this day, Holy Friday, we walk near Golgotha, near the open tomb, the empty tomb, with great hope. Tomorrow, Holy Saturday, is the day of silence, of the mysterious attention to the manifestation of the Mystery of the Resurrection. ... He Who was crucified and buried will rise from the tomb. ... And we will wait for Him on Sunday morning as the One Who defeated death, as the Savior of the World."

JPII-HOLY WEEK;GOOD FRIDAY;...;...;VIS;20020403;Word: 390;


VATICAN CITY, MAR 28, 2002 (VIS) - At 9:30 this morning, Holy Thursday, John Paul II presided in the Vatican Basilica at the Chrism Mass, during which priestly vows were renewed and the oils used for catechumens, to anoint the sick, and for confirmation were blessed.

Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, prefect of the Congregation for Clergy, was the principal concelebrant at this morning's Mass. Pope John Paul delivered the homily.

Speaking of the ordained priesthood, the Pope affirmed that "if all those who are baptized participate in (the Redeemer's) royal and prophetic priesthood, ... priests are called to share His oblation in a special way. They are called to live it in service to the common priesthood of the faithful."

"While we give thanks for this mysterious gift," he stated, "we cannot but confess our infidelity. In the Letter that, as every year, I send to priests for (Holy Thursday) I recalled that 'all of us - aware of human weakness, but entrusting in the healing power of divine grace - are called to embrace the 'Mysterium Crucis' and to further commit ourselves to the search for holiness'."

Today, he concluded, "let us pray for all priests, in a special way for those working in difficult situations or who suffer persecution, and with a special thought for those who paid their fidelity to Christ with their blood. Let us pray for our brother priests who have failed in the commitments taken on with priestly ordination or who are going through a period of difficulties and crises. By choosing us for such a sublime mission, Christ will make sure we have the grace and joy to follow Him, up to Mount Tabor as well as on the Way of the Cross."

The Mass of the Lord's Supper was celebrated this year in St. Peter's Basilica, instead of the Pope's cathedral church of St. John Lateran. It began at 5:30 p.m and was presided over by Pope John Paul. Cardinal Angelo Sodano was the principal celebrant: concelebrants included Cardinals Roger Etchegaray and Alfonso Lopez Trujillo.

Cardinals Sodano and Etchegaray washed the feet of 12 priests during this evening's liturgy. At the presentation of the gifts, the Holy Father received an offering that will be sent to the poorest of the poor of native peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean.

In his homily, John Paul II observed that "this evening we begin Christ's Passover, constituting the tragic and concluding moment, long prepared and awaited, of the earthly existence of the Word of God. Jesus came among us not to be served but to serve, and He took upon Himself the vicissitudes and hopes of the people of all time. Mystically anticipating the sacrifice of the Cross in the Upper Room it was His wish to stay with us under the appearances of bread and wine, and he entrusted to the Apostles and their successors the mission and power to perpetuate the loving and efficacious memory of that event in the Eucharist."

JPII-HOLY WEEK;HOLY THURSDAY;...;...;VIS;20020403;Word: 500;


VATICAN CITY, MAR 31, 2002 (VIS) - At 10:30 a.m. today, Easter Sunday of the Lord's Resurrection, John Paul II presided at the solemn celebration of Mass in St. Peter's Square which was decorated with thousands of flowers.

Following the mass, the Pope delivered his traditional Easter message before approximately 100,000 faithful from all over the world and imparted his twice-yearly "Urbi et Orbi" (to the city and the world) blessing.

He said at the beginning of the message: "Christ's blessing resounds today, on this most solemn day: Peace be with you! Peace to all the men and women of the world! Christ is truly risen and brings peace to all!"

"Peace 'in the manner of the world' - the experience of every age shows it - is often a precarious balance of powers, that sooner or later turn against one another once more. The peace which is the gift of the Risen Christ is deep and complete, and can reconcile man with God, with himself and with creation. Many religions proclaim that peace is a gift from God. We saw this again at the recent meeting at Assisi. May all the world's believers join their efforts to build a more just and fraternal humanity; may they work tirelessly to ensure that religious convictions may never be the cause of division and hatred, but only and always a source of brotherhood, harmony, love."

Addressing Christian communities on every continent, the Holy Father asked "with trepidation and hope", that they work "so that (Our Lord's) peace may bring an end to the tragic sequence of atrocities and killings that bloody the Holy Land, plunged again in these very days into horror and despair. It seems that war has been declared on peace! But nothing is resolved by war, it only brings greater suffering and death, nothing is resolved through reprisal and retaliation. This is truly a great tragedy; no one can remain silent and inactive, no political or religious leader! Denunciation must be followed by practical acts of solidarity that will help everyone to rediscover mutual respect and return to frank negotiation."

John Paul II then remembered all those "who are subject to misery and violence," saying: "In how many corners of the world do we hear the cry of those who implore help, because they are suffering and dying: from Afghanistan, terribly afflicted in recent months and now stricken by a disastrous earthquake, to so many other countries of the world where social imbalances and rival ambitions still torment countless numbers of our brothers and sisters." He exclaimed: "Men and Women of the third millennium! Let me repeat to you: open your hearts to Christ, crucified and risen, who comes with the offer of peace! Wherever the Risen Christ enters, he brings with him true peace! May that peace enter, first of all, every human heart, the unsoundable depth, not easy to heal. May it permeate relations between all the sectors of society, between different peoples, tongues and mentalities, bringing everywhere the leaven of solidarity and love."

At the end of his message, the Pope wished the faithful a Happy Easter in 62 languages and imparted the "Urbi et Orbi" blessing to those present in St. Peter's Square and to those who were following by radio or television.

JPII-HOLY WEEK;EASTER; URBI ET ORBI;...;...;VIS;20020403;Word: 560;


VATICAN CITY, MAR 30, 2002 (VIS) - At 8 p.m. today, the Pope presided in St. Peter's Basilica at the solemn Easter Vigil during which he administered Baptism and Confirmation to nine catechumens - seven adults and two children - from Albania, Italy, Japan, Poland, Democratic Republic of Congo and China.

The vigil began in the atrium of the basilica where the Holy Father blessed the new fire and lit the Easter candle. After the entrance procession with the candle and the singing of the 'Exsultet' - which Pope John Paul II followed on a mobile stand - the Pope presided at the Liturgy of the Word, the Baptismal Liturgy and the Eucharistic Liturgy from a lower altar placed in front of the basilica's main altar. Cardinals Angelo Sodano, secretary of state, and Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, were seated to the right and left of the Pope.

In his homily, the Pope spoke about the "first night, the night of creation," in which "the Paschal Mystery is rooted, following the tragedy of sin, (the night) which represents the restoration and the crowning of that first beginning. ... Another night constitutes the fundamental event of the history of Israel: the wondrous Exodus from Egypt ... the night of the Exodus. ... As the new Moses, Christ has made us pass from the slavery of sin to the freedom of the children of God. Having died with Jesus, with him we rise to new life, thanks to the power of his Spirit. His Baptism has become our baptism."

The Holy Father went on to address the catechumens, two of whom were mothers from Japan and China with their children: "'On this most holy night', when Christ rose from the dead, you too will experience a spiritual 'exodus': leave behind your former life and enter the 'land of the living'. This is the third night, the night of the Resurrection."

The Holy Father concluded by saying: "After the tragic night of Good Friday ... after the great silence of Holy Saturday, behold at last the night which precedes the 'third day, on which, in accordance with the Scriptures, the Messiah would rise, as He Himself had often foretold to His disciples."

JPII-HOLY WEEK;HOLY SATURDAY;...;...;VIS;20020403;Word: 380;


VATICAN CITY, APR 3, 2002 (VIS) - Pope John Paul held this week's general audience in St. Peter's Square in the presence of 15,000 faithful. The catechesis focussed on Psalm 96 which, the Pope said, "celebrates God's Kingship and the manifestation of His divine glory upon the earth."

Psalm 96 opens, stated the Holy Father, with the solemn proclamation: "'The Lord reigns; let the earth rejoice; let the many coastlands be glad'. ... The psalmist describes the coming onto the world scene of the Great King who appears surrounded by a series of ministers or cosmic attendants: clouds, darkness, fire, lightning. Next to them, another series of ministers personifies His historic action: justice, law, glory. Their entrance makes all of creation tremble. The earth rejoices in all places, including islands, considered to be the most remote areas."

"The heavens," said the Pope, "are crossed by angelic hymns that exalt justice, that is, the work of salvation fulfilled by the Lord for the just." He added that the Psalm describes two types of reactions in the fact of the Great King and His entrance into history. On the one hand, idolaters and idols drop to earth confused and defeated; on the other hand, the faithful ... raise a joyful hymn of praise."

John Paul II concluded: "The advent of God's Kingdom is a source of liberation to the oppressed and joy to the upright of heart. During this Easter season, let us celebrate with renewed hope the glorious power of God revealed in the Resurrection, His definitive judgement upon sin and death and the advent of His Kingdom of holiness, justice and peace."

AG;PSALM 96;...;...;VIS;20020403;Word: 270;


VATICAN CITY, APRIL 1, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II appeared at the window of his private study overlooking St. Peter's Square at midday to pray the Regina Coeli - the prayer that substitutes the Angelus during Easter time - with the faithful gathered there.

The Pope emphasized that today, "Monday of the Angel, we are reminded of the encounter of the celestial messenger with the women who go to the tomb. ... From the empty tomb this angelic announcement is spread around the world and reaches all the corners of the world; it is a message of hope for all."

He exclaimed: "How I would like the Easter announcement to strengthen the faith of all those who are baptized! How much I desire that peace, the gift of Christ Resurrected, reach all human hearts and once again give hope to those who are oppressed and who are suffering!"

The Holy Father concluded by asking the Virgin Mary, "silent witness of the death and resurrection of her son Jesus, help us to believe deeply in this mystery of salvation, which, when accepted with profound faith, can change our lives. May she help us to convey this mystery to those we meet with joy, as coherent and brave disciples of the Risen Lord."

After the Regina Coeli, John Paul II invited everyone to pray especially for the residents of Bethlehem, "the city where Jesus was born, which in these moments is going through difficult times and which finds itself in grave danger. We receive sad and worrisome news that has disturbed the atmosphere of Easter Sunday, which should be a holiday of peace, joy and life. The Pope, with great apprehension and sorrow, is close to those brothers and sisters of ours, as is the entire Church, which is praying and working in order to put at end to this painful Calvary as soon as possible."

ANG;RESURRECTION;...;...;VIS;20020403;Word: 320;


VATICAN CITY, APR 3, 2002 (VIS) - Two statements by Joaquin Navarro-Valls, director of the Holy See Press Office, were made yesterday morning and released today in regard to Pope John Paul's knee problem and to the situation in the Middle East.

Relative to news stories that appeared concerning the Pope's possible admission to a hospital for his knee problem, he said: "I can confirm that the eventuality of an operation on the Holy Father's right knee has never been taken into consideration. There is no basis to any information regarding the presumed admittance of the Pope to a Rome clinic in order to undergo a magnetic resonance imaging. Nor is it true that any of the specialists whose names appeared in these articles have examined the Holy Father or been consulted."

Concerning the dramatic development of events in the Middle East, Navarro-Valls stated: "The Holy Father is constantly following the developments of the dramatic situation in the Middle East. In addition to his recent interventions, he has given indications to the apostolic nuncio in Israel and the apostolic delegate in Jerusalem to take opportune diplomatic initiatives. Also, through the Secretariat of State, diplomatic contacts have been made with different chancellery offices, including the United States, the State of Israel, the Arab League, the Palestinian Authority and European community institutions."



VATICAN CITY, APRIL 3, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Relieved Archbishop Alphonse U Than Aung from the pastoral care of Mandalay, Myanmar, transferring him to the titular see of Cusira, Myanmar, with dignity of archbishop.

- Appointed Bishop Charles Maung Bo S.D.B., of Pathein, Myanmar, as apostolic administrator "sede vacante et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis" of Mandalay, Myanmar.

On Tuesday April 2, it was made public that the Holy Father accepted the resignation of Archbishop Henry Sebastian D'Souza, from the pastoral care of the archdiocese of Calcutta, India, upon having reached the age limit. Coadjutor Archbishop Lucas Sirkar S.D.B. succeeds him as archbishop of the same archdiocese.

On Thursday March 28, it was made public that the Holy Father:

- Appointed Bishop Francisco Gil Hellin, secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family, as metropolitan archbishop of Burgos (area 13,849, population 343,722, Catholics 336,000, priests 601, permanent deacons 1, religious 1645), Spain. The archbishop-elect was born in Murcia, Spain in 1940 and was ordained a priest in 1964. The Holy Father also accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the same archdiocese presented by Archbishop Santiago Martinez Acebes, upon having reached the age limit.

- Appointed Bishop Stanislaw Gadecki, auxiliary of the archdiocese of Gniezno, Poland as archbishop of Poznan (area 9,700, population 1,617,000, Catholics 1,554,000, priests 798, religious 2109), Poland. The archbishop-elect was born in Strzelno, Poland in 1949 and was ordained a priest in 1973. The Holy Father also accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese presented by Archbishop Juliusz Paetz.

- Appointed Msgr. Zbigniew Kiernikowski, rector of the Pontifical Polish Institute in Rome, as bishop of Siedlce (area 11,440, population 756,562, Catholics 742,809, priests 623, religious 463), Poland. The bishop-elect was born in Szamarzewo, Poland in 1946 and was ordained a priest in 1971.

- Appointed Msgr. Zygmunt Zimowski, official before the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, as bishop of Radom (area 8,000, population 953,000, Catholics 950,000, priests 727, religious 528), Poland. The bishop-elect was born in Kupienin, Poland in 1949 and was ordained a priest in 1973.

NER; RE;...;...;...;VIS;20020403;Word: 330;


VATICAN CITY, APRIL 3, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father's general prayer intention for April is: "That in the many rapid changes taking place in today's world the importance of the family may be recognized in its fundamental vocation as cradle of life and school of faith and right values."

His missionary intention is : "That, sustained by the heroic testimony of martyrs of our time, the ecclesial Communities may announce Jesus Christ the redeemer of humankind with renewed courage."

JPII-PRAYER INTENTIONS;APRIL;...;...;VIS;20020403;Word: 90;
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