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Monday, March 10, 2003


VATICAN CITY, MAR 8, 2003 (VIS) - Pope John Paul welcomed two groups this morning in the Paul VI Hall, the first comprised of Italians working in civil service and civil protection and the second a group from the Sangro Teatina Cooperative Credit Bank as it celebrates its first centenary.

Addressing those involved in civil service, the Pope noted that "a number among you, for deep personal convictions, have chosen to undertake this activity in place of military service. Others, boys and girls, benefitting from the new norms concerning national civil service, have decided to dedicate several years of their youth to the noble cause of the common good, to build a society centered on human and spiritual values, spreading the culture of welcome and solidarity."

He remarked that their "activities range from the formation of minors to assistance in homes and hospitals, to inserting the handicapped in the work force, to cultural promotion, to preserving historical patrimony and to civil and environmental protection."

"One could say," added the Holy Father, "that civil service constitutes, at the current historical moment, a 'sign of the times'. The Church too intends to make room for this precious reserve of energy, collaborating with civil institutions in redefining the juridical framework in which to create new civil service."

"Today, a day dedicated to women," he concluded, "I would like to recall the contribution that so many women, through national civil service, have made and continue to offer to the consolidation of civil and ecclesial communities."

The Pope then greeted the Sangro Teatina banking family, recalling that their "Institute was born on May 3, 1903, thanks to the providential initiative of four priests, in the wake of the teachings proposed in the Encyclical 'Rerum Novarum', written by my venerated predecessor, Pope Leo XIII. First called the St. Francis of Assisi Rural Catholic Bank of Savings and Loans, it intended to use cooperation in the field of savings and credit as a profitable instrument in helping the rural populations, who too often were victims of the widespread and mortifying custom of usury."

He said that, even though there have been notable changes in the past 100 years, the Institute "has maintained intact its style of solidarity and its ethical-social inspiration marked by the Gospel. He thanked them for their "numerous and diverse actions of philanthropy and solidarity among the populations of Abruzzo and Molise, where the bank is present" and urged them "to keep the original spirit and to be open with farsightedness to the emerging needs of the present historical moment."

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VATICAN CITY, MAR 9, 2003 (VIS) - Today, the first Sunday of Lent, marks the start of the annual retreat for the Roman Curia in the Vatican's Redemptoris Mater Chapel in the presence of the Holy Father. Archbishop Angelo Comastri, prelate of Loreto, is the retreat master and he will speak on the theme "God is Love! Let us start from this beautiful news."

At 6 this evening there was Eucharistic exposition, the celebration of vespers, an introductory meditation, Eucharistic adoration and benediction.

In coming days there will be the celebration of Lauds and meditation at 9 a.m.; celebration of Terce and meditation at 10:15 a.m., vespers and meditation at 5 p.m.; meditation, the Rosary, Eucharistic adoration and benediction at 6:15 p.m.

Saturday morning, March 15, the spiritual exercises of the Roman Curia conclude with the celebration of Lauds and a closing meditation.

During this retreat all audiences have been cancelled, including the weekly general audience on Wednesday, March 12.

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VATICAN CITY, MAR 9, 2003 (VIS) - In reflections before praying the Angelus today, Pope John Paul asked the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square to pray for him and his closest collaborators in the Roman Curia as they begin their annual retreat in the Vatican this evening. "During this week of silence and prayer," he stated, "I will bear in mind the needs of the Church and the concerns of all mankind, above all for peace in Iraq and the Holy Land."

He also noted that last Wednesday marked the start of Lent, "a penitential itinerary of preparation for Easter." He pointed to today's Gospel, saying "during the forty days of Lent believers are called to follow Christ in the 'desert', to face and to conquer with Him the spirit of evil. This is an inner struggle, on which depend the concrete foundations of life. It is in fact from man's heart that his intentions and actions come; it is therefore only in purifying one's conscience that one prepares a path of justice and peace, both on a personal level and in the social sphere."

The Holy Father said that "purifying one's conscience and converting one's heart to true peace are more than ever necessary in the context of the current world situation." Referring to the icon of Christ Who unmasks and vanquishes Satan, the Pope said that "within every man echoes both the voice of God and the insidious one of evil. The latter seeks to deceive man, seducing him with the prospect of false goods, to take him away from the true good, which consists of doing the divine will. But humble and trusting prayer, strengthened by fasting, allow us to overcome even the harshest trials and fill us with the courage to fight evil with good. Lent is a time of fruitful training for the Spirit."

After praying the Angelus, John Paul II pointed out that "on Saturday, March 15, at 6 p.m. in the Paul VI Hall, there will be Marian prayer vigil on the occasion of the First European Day of University Students on the theme 'Intellectual Charity, the Soul of the New Europe'." He said that many young people are expected, adding that "together we will pray to Mary, 'seat of wisdom' and to her we will entrust the hopes and path of the European continent."

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VATICAN CITY, MAR 8, 2003 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Ivo Scapolo, apostolic nuncio in Bolivia.

- Msgr. Paul Richard Gallagher, permanent observer to the European Council.

- Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general of His Holiness for the diocese of Rome; Msgr. Marco Frisina, director of the Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Vicariate of Rome; Msgr. Lorenzo Leuzzi, director of the Office for the Pastoral Care of University Students of the Vicariate of Rome; Msgr. Mauro Parmeggiani, director of the Diocesan Service for the Youth Ministry of the Vicariate of Rome; Fr. Gian Giacomo Rotelli, S.J., chaplain of La Sapienza University of Rome; Fr. Natale Loda, chaplain of Tor Vergata University of Rome; Fr. Enrico Dal Covolo, S.D.B., chaplain of the Pontifical Salesian University.

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VATICAN CITY, MAR 10, 2003 (VIS) - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, dean of the College of Cardinals, and prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, will take possession of the Title of the Suburbicarian Church of Ostia on Sunday, March 16 at 10 a.m. in the church of Santa Aurea ad Ostia Antica, Piazza della Rocca, 13.

The seven dioceses closest to Rome are known as suburbicarian dioceses. Those who have the title to each of these churches are designated cardinal-bishops and traditionally they work in the Roman Curia, usually as head of an office. The suburbicarian church of Ostia is always the titular church of the Dean of the College of Cardinals.



VATICAN CITY, MAR 10, 2003 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Fr. Jean-Luc Bouilleret, spiritual director and professor at the University Seminary of Lyon, France, as bishop of Amiens (area 6,277, population 556,100, Catholics 489,000, priests 130, religious 280), France. The bishop-elect was born in Arbois, France in 1953 and was ordained a priest in 1981. The Holy Father accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese presented by Bishop Jacques Noyer upon having reached the age limit.

On Saturday March 8, it was made public that the Holy Father appointed:

- Archbishop Domenico Umberto D'Ambrosio of Foggia-Bovina, Italy as archbishop of Manfredonia-Vieste-San Giovanni Rotondo (area 1,665, population 156,450, Catholics 153,300, priests 122, religious 264), Italy and delegate of the Holy See for the Works of St. Pio of Pietreclina.

- Fr. Alfred Maria Oburu Asue, C.M.F., regional superior of the Claretians and pastor in Franceville, Gabon, as bishop of Ebebiyin (area 12,000, population 180,125, Catholics 170,040, priests 24, religious 74), Equatorial Guinea. The bishop-elect was born in Evinayong, Equatorial Guinea in 1947 and was ordained a priest in 1981.

- Archbishop Francesco Marchisano as president of the Permanent Commission for the Preservation of Historic and Artistic Monuments of the Holy See.

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