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Monday, September 17, 2001


VATICAN CITY, SEP 16, 2001 (VIS) - Following Mass this morning in Frosinone, a city southeast of Rome, the Holy Father prayed the Angelus with the 40,000 faithful present, asking the Virgin Mary to help the victims and families of last Tuesday's terrorist attacks in the United States. He then participated in a brief celebration with the young people of Frosinone who also commemorated the victims of the attacks.

"May the Blessed Virgin," said John Paul II, "bring comfort and hope to all who are suffering because of the tragic terrorist attack that profoundly wounded the beloved American people in recent days. To all the sons and daughters of that great nation I now address my heartfelt thoughts and participation. May Mary receive the dead, console the survivors, sustain the families which have been especially tried and help everyone not to give in to the temptation to hatred and violence, but to commit themselves to serving justice and peace.

"May Mary Most Holy nourish, especially in the young, high human and spiritual ideals and the constancy necessary to realize them. May she remind them of the primacy of eternal values so that, especially in these difficult moments, commitments and daily activities may continue to be always oriented towards God and His Kingdom of solidarity and peace."

After the angelus, and a celebration with young people, the Pope told them: "The Lord is counting on each of you; He wants you to be protagonists of the civilization of life and love. Help each other to be witnesses of the Gospel and apostles of your peers.

"I greet each of you, one by one, and make a date with you, at least in spirit, for the great meeting of the world's Christian youth which will take place next July in Toronto for the World Youth Day."

PV-ITALY;ANGELUS;...;FROSINONE;VIS;20010917;Word: 320;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 16, 2001 (VIS) - At 9:30 this morning, John Paul II travelled by helicopter from Castelgandolfo to the diocese of Frosinone, southeast of Rome, for his 140th pastoral visit within Italy. Before an estimated 40,000 people, he presided over Mass at 10:30, followed by the recitation of the Angelus.

"The joy of forgiveness: behold the 'good news' which today the liturgy makes resound with vigor among us," John Paul said at the beginning of his homily. "Forgiveness is the joy of God, even before it is the joy of man. ... The commitment, initiative, and work of each and every community must become a Gospel witness, rooted in the joyful experience of the love and forgiveness of God."

The Holy Father emphasized that "it is urgent, in these times, to proclaim Christ, Redeemer of man, in order that His love be known by all and spread in every direction." To the diocese of Frosinone-Veroli-Ferentino he renewed Christ's invitation to Peter: "'Duc in altum' - Put out into the deep" in order that "it be a guide to you in a courageous spiritual renewal, translated into concrete pastoral planning. Build your present and your future keeping your gaze fixed on Jesus. He is everything: everything for the Church, everything for the salvation of man."

"May strong moments of study and reflection on the Word of God be multiplied in the parish communities. ... May the Eucharist be the heart and guide of your spiritual and apostolic itinerary."

The Pope concluded his homily recalling that Sunday, October 21, he will beatify a Roman married couple: Luigi and Maria Beltrame Quattrocchi. The beatification will be celebrated in the milieux of the National Meeting of Families, organized by the Italian Episcopal Conference, which will take place in Rome. "It will be an occasion to reflect on the vocation to sanctity of Christian families and, at the same time, to gain a greater awareness of the social role of the family and to ask institutions to defend and promote it with suitable norms and laws."

PV-ITALY;MASS;...;FROSINONE;VIS;20010917;Word: 350;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 15, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received the Letters of Credence from Armenia's new ambassador to the Holy See, Edward Nalbandian, noting that shortly he would be visiting that nation to help it celebrate "the festivities of the 17th centenary of Christianity." He added that this apostolic trip would allow him "to pursue and affirm the path of dialogue and the march towards unity undertaken with the Armenian Apostolic Church."

Speaking in French as he welcomed the ambassador at Castelgandolfo, the Holy Father recalled Armenia's "long history and a long Christian history" which began with St. Gregory the Illuminator (who) obtained Armenia's adherence to Christianity at the start of the fourth century. ... This work of evangelization has since then stimulated the birth of a strong and original culture, forged in the Christian faith, which showed itself to be throughout the centuries the authentic way for Armenians to preserve their identity."

"After the immense agony at the start of the last century," he stated, "your country has resumed its march before rediscovering, ten years ago, its independence. ... The Holy See encourages among all peoples the legitimate aspiration to well-being and freedom, reminding everyone of the duty to participate with patience and tenacity in building a nation in the perspective of the common good. It also tirelessly calls them to dialogue with their neighbors, to favor a just and lasting peace among everyone, and harmony among nations. The Holy See does not doubt the capacity of the Armenian people to realize these legitimate aspirations."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 15, 2001 (VIS) - John Paul II sent a Message late yesterday to the participants of the international meeting on "Work, the Key to the Social Question," promoted by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace in collaboration with other scientific and cultural institutions.

In the Message, the Pope asks that these days of reflection "be a propitious occasion to show the subjective dimension of work, in the face of the profound economic and social transformations that today's age is experiencing."

"The rapid and accelerated phase of change that the world is experiencing urges the overcoming of the current vision of the economic and social system, in which above all human needs receive a limited and inadequate consideration. Different from every other living being, man has infinite needs, because it is the reference to the transcendent which determines his being and vocation."

The Pope writes that in the face of unemployment, which especially concern youth, "the exploitation of the work of minors, the lack of recognition for the value of work, especially of women, within the family and without, ... new forms of solidarity must be conceived and built."

"The responsibility of governments is great, but no less important is that of the organizations which safeguard the collective interests of workers and of employers. ... To the solution of such vast and complex problems, which in some areas take on dramatic dimensions, you, scientists and men of culture, are also called to give a specific and decisive contribution. ... That means ... in particular, suggesting lines of action to guide change in the way which is most favorable to the development of the entire human family. ... It can indeed be said that your contribution, precisely because it is 'abstract', is essential for the concrete action of political economics." The Holy Father concludes the Message writing, "In the social doctrine of the Church you can find a constant reference and guide."

MESS;WORK;...;CON-IP;VIS;20010917;Word: 330;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 15, 2001 (VIS) - Seventy Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres, founded in 1696 by Fr. Louis Chauvet, were welcomed by Pope John Paul this morning at Castelgandolfo as they were in Rome to celebrate their 45th General Chapter and elect a new council general.

In his talk to them, he recalled that their charism is "being consecrated in a special way to the service of youth and the poorest. ... Still today, on five continents, your presence in the worlds of education and health and with the marginalized remains an eminent sign of the 'madness' of Christ's love for all men and a courageous appeal to work for the coming of the Kingdom of God."

The Holy Father noted that "youth today on all continents live in difficult situations, linked to materialism, to cultural changes, to family divisions, to violence in all its forms, to a lack of moral and spiritual guideposts. In your educating mission, with the laity who work at your sides, it is important that you offer a quality scientific, human, moral and religious formation, giving young people the chance to build and structure their personalities and to surmount the difficulties they meet, allowing them to envisage a more serene future.

AC;EDUCATION;...;SISTERS ST PAUL;VIS;20010917;Word: 210;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 15, 2001 (VIS) - This morning at Castelgondolfo, the Holy Father received the participants of a pilgrimage organized by the Congregation of the Oblates of the Sacred Heart, on the occasion of the first centenary of the birth of their founder, Servant of God Fr. Francesco Mottola.

John Paul II expressed his heartfelt hope that "the centenary celebrations constitute a strong stimulus for all of you to deepen and spread the treasure of spirituality and the apostolate that this beloved Servant of God has given to you."

The Pope exhorted the priests, "Spread with your personal testimony and your apostolate the great values given to you by your founder."

He then told the Oblates that by following the teachings of Don Mottola, "you express your total self-giving to God and to your brothers suffering not in the solitude of the cloister but in the often frenzied life of the world, harmonizing prayer and action, the search for God and the witness of love."

"You as well, dear Lay Oblates," he concluded, "know to be witnesses of that contemplation to which every Christian, young or adult, unmarried or married, is called according to the duties of his own state."

AC;...;...;OBLATES SACRED HEART;VIS;20010917;Word: 210;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 17, 2001 (VIS) - John Paul II this morning at Castelgandolfo welcomed the first ambassador from Kazakhstan to the Holy See, Nurlan Danenov. In his address, the Pope pointed how that he would be leaving in several days on an apostolic trip to that nation which this year celebrates 10 years of independence.

The Pope noted that the ambassador, in his remarks, had "underlined how different ethnic groups live on Kazakhstan soil, with different cultures, languages and religions. This pluralistic situation is both a challenge and an opportunity. It is a challenge because, as I said in my Message for the World Day of Peace on January 1, 2001, 'In the past, cultural differences have often been a source of misunderstanding between peoples and the cause of conflicts and wars'. It would be opportune therefore for each particular group to favor attentive respect for the others, in making an effort to better know them, to overcome eventual tensions."

He went on to say that "forming together a national community, enriched by each one's differences, is also an opportunity. That presupposes learning to live in union with each other."

"The cultural diversity of your country," the Holy Father remarked, "is accompanied by a great religious and denominational diversity and you have stressed, Mr. Ambassador, the importance your government grants to this religious pluralism, to dialogue among religions and to the spiritual dimension of the life of the man that they express. I rejoice in this regard at the good relations which exist between the Holy See and your country, and the agreements which guarantee the rights and duties of the Catholic community living in Kazakhstan as well as the State's obligations towards it. Indeed, in a state of law, religious freedom is a precious good, an expression of the basic dignity of the human person who freely chooses, according to his conscience, the religion he will practice."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 17, 2001 (VIS) - This morning at his summer residence of Castelgandolfo, the Pope received the participants of the general chapters of the four institutes of the Marist Family, exhorting them to "humbly follow the Lord, in a modest way, as Mary did."

"Keep the missionary tradition of your family alive!" he said. "With Mary it will lead you to be particularly attentive to the distress of our contemporaries, of those who, in our modern society, are deprived of dignity, recognition, and love."

John Paul II assured the religious that the Church especially needs them "in a milieux fundamental for the Marist Family: the education of children and youth. ... The world of education is difficult and demanding, requiring that educators continually adapt themselves to the youth and their new expectations. Do not let yourselves be discouraged by the difficulties of the moment. ... Form, likewise, the laity who work with you in order that they live the charism which animates you."

The Holy Father concluded with the hope that the general chapters help them to "find new signs of communion among the four institutes, to strengthen a collaboration which bears fruit for the faithful accomplishment of your mission!"

AC;...;...;MARIST FAMILY;VIS;20010917;Word: 200;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 17, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in separate audiences:

- Four prelates of the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua, on the occasion of their "ad limina" visit:
- Cardinal Miguel Obando Bravo, archbishop of Managua, with Auxiliary Bishop Jorge Solorzano Perez.
- Bishop Leovigildo Lopez Fitoria of Granada.
- Bishop Cesar Bosco Vivas Robelo of Leon en Nicaragua.
- Ronarong Nopakun, ambassador of Thailand, on a farewell visit.
- Cardinal Ignace Moussa I Daoud, prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches.

On Saturday, September 15, he received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Antonio Mennini, apostolic nuncio in Bulgaria.
- Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, prefect of the Congregation for Clergy.

AP; AL;...;...;...;VIS;20010917;Word: 110;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 17, 2001 (VIS) - Made public today was the following Notification by the Congregations for the Doctrine of the Faith, for Divine Worship and the Discipline of Sacraments and for Clergy, signed by the respective prefects, Cardinals Joseph Ratzinger, Jorge Arturo Medina Estevez and Dario Castrillon Hoyos. The Notification was approved by the Pope on September 14.

"1. Our offices have received from several countries signs of courses that are being planned or underway, directly or indirectly aimed at the diaconal ordination of women. Thus are born hopes which are lacking a solid doctrinal foundation and which can generate pastoral disorientation.

"2. Since ecclesial ordination does not foresee such an ordination, it is not licit to enact initiatives which, in some way, aim to prepare candidates for diaconal ordination.

"3. The authentic promotion of women in the Church, in conformity with the constant ecclesial Magisterium, with special reference to (the Magisterium) of His Holiness John Paul II, opens other ample prospectives of service and collaboration.

"4. The undersigned Congregations - within the sphere of their proper authority - thus turn to the individual ordinaries, asking them to explain (this) to their own faithful and to diligently apply the above-mentioned directives."

...;NOTIFICATION DIACONATE WOMEN;...;...;VIS;20010917;Word: 200;
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