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Monday, April 7, 2003


VATICAN CITY, APR 4, 2003 (VIS) - On Friday April 4, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, Holy See Press Office director, made the following declaration:

"Today, Friday April 4, in the late afternoon, the Holy Father received Dominique de Villepin, the French foreign minister, who was then received by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of State, together with Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, secretary for Relations with States.

"During their talks, they spoke about the war in Iraq and the need to limit the suffering of the civilian population, with the hope that the international community help the Iraqis themselves to be the architects of reconstruction.

"Furthermore, the problem of Israel and Palestine was discussed, as well as a rapid solution which allows for the coexistence of two sovereign states as an indispensable condition for peace in the Middle East.

"Finally, they spoke about the work of the European Convention and the future constitutional Treaty of Europe in order to emphasize the importance that the role of the Church and the community of believers be recognized."



VATICAN CITY, APR 5, 2003 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls made the following statement to journalists this morning:

"A scientific meeting on the theme of pedophilia took place in the Vatican from April 2 to 5.

"Attending the symposium, promoted by the Pontifical Academy for Life, were the most qualified experts on this subject, who came from the United States, Canada and Germany. Other participants included specialists in recovery therapy (rehabilitation) of persons affected by this problem.

"There were also representatives of various dicasteries of the Roman Curia: the Congregations for the Doctrine of the Faith, for Clergy, for Religious, for Catholic Education and from the Secretariat of State.

"During the meeting the theme of pedophilia was considered from a purely scientific and clinical point of view. The reports given at the meeting, as well as the protocols regarding its development, will be published in several months.

"The experts participating in the meeting included: Doctors Jorg M. Fegert, medical director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Child and Youth Psychiatry/Psychotherapy at the University of Ulm,Germany; Karl Hanson, Department of the Solicitor General of Canada, Ottawa, Canada; Martin P. Kafka, Harvard Medical School, USA; Hans Krober, director of the Institute for Forensic Psychiatry, Free University of Berlin, Germany; Ron Langevin, University of Toronto, Canada; William Marshall, Queen's University, Ontario, Canada; Friedemann Pfafflin, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, head of the section for Forensic Psychotherapy at the University of Ulm, president of the International Society for Treatment of Sex Offenders, Germany; Christian Reimer, director of the Clinic for Psychosomatic Illness and Psychotherapy, University of Giessen, Germany."



VATICAN CITY, APR 5, 2003 (VIS) - Today John Paul II received bishops from the Scandinavian Episcopal Conference who just concluded their "ad limina" visit.

"By your personal witness to the living mystery of God, you make known the boundless love of the One Who has revealed Himself and His plan for humanity through Jesus Christ. In this way eloquent testimony is borne to God's extraordinary 'yes' to humanity."

"It is this message that needs to be heard today, clearly and unambiguously. In a world fraught with scepticism and confusion, it may seem to some that the light of Christ has been obscured. Indeed, modern societies and cultures are often marked by a secularism that easily leads to a loss of the sense of God, and without God the proper sense of man is soon lost as well."

"A central aspect of the 'new evangelization' to which I have called the entire Church is the evangelization of culture. ... The challenge facing you, dear Brothers, is to see that the voice of Christianity is heard in the public arena and that the values of the Gospel are brought to bear in your societies and cultures." Later, the Pope recalled the recent pastoral letter to bishops on marriage and family in which they encouraged "married couples to preserve and develop the value of marital indissolubility. ... Encouraging the faithful to promote the dignity of marriage ... is nothing less than helping them to share in the love of God, which is perfect, complete and always life-giving."

John Paul II went on to speak about the prelates' "deep sense of resonsibility in the face of ecological crises," their "generosity in providing humanitarian aid" and their "participation in peace-keeping missions. True humanism, however, always includes God. Otherwise it will eventually, even if unintentionally, deny human beings their proper place in creation and will fail to acknowledge fully the dignity which belongs to every person. Therefore, you must help your respective cultures to draw on their rich Christian heritage in shaping their understanding of the human person. In Christ all people are brothers and sisters, and our gestures of solidarity towards them become acts of love and fidelity to Christ. This is the foundation of the culture of life and civilization of love that we seek to build up, and it is also the perspective underlying your efforts to welcome the growing number of migrants in the Nordic lands."

"Your local ecumenical programs are likewise a source of encouragement, for the united witness of all Christians will do much to bring Gospel values to bear in society and advance the kingdom of God in our midst." The Holy Father emphasized that "ecumenism, correctly understood, forms part of the commitment of all Christians to bear witness to their faith. ... Although full communion in faith does not yet exist, this should not cause despair" and we must continue to pray and work with determination "for that unity which Christ wills for His Church."

After underlining that "the new millennium demands a 'new impetus in Christian living'," the Pope indicated that the "formation of programs for children, youth and adults" is indispensable. "Such pastoral initiatives, adapted to the particular circumstances of your people, will produce great fruits of holiness."

"Fundamental to your mission," he concluded, "is the continuing formation of diocesan clergy and religious as well as the adequate training of seminarians. Moreover, promotion of vocations to the priesthood and religious life must also be seen as a priority as you face the challenges of evangelization in the third Christian millennium."

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VATICAN CITY, APR 5, 1993 (VIS) - Archbishop Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, spoke this afternoon at 4:30 in the basilica of the Most Holy Apostles on "Economy, Ethics and Sustainable Development," as part of a celebration promoted by the Father Luigi Di Liegro Foundation, named for the late former director of Caritas in Rome.

The archbishop noted that "if development does not reach all peoples, it is not efficacious because it does not include the real contribution of many people and because the areas of underdevelopment, in the long run, cause imbalances, thus upsetting the positive dynamics of development itself."

Archbishop Martino, the former Holy See permanent observer to the United Nations, was head of the Holy See delegation to the 1992 conference on Development in Rio de Janeiro, as well as to a more recent world summit in Johannesburg, South Africa. In 1992, the delegation succeeded in inserting into the conference Declaration an important ethical principle, which has guided all Holy See representatives to international conferences, namely that the human person must be at the center of all human activity, and of all that governments do and decide. The Rio Declaration affirmed: "Human beings must be at the center of concerns for sustainable development. They have the right to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature."

In today's speech, the archbishop said that for development "to be sustainable, it must find the just equilibrium between economic, social and environmental objectives, with the aim of assuring today's comforts without compromising those of future generations."



VATICAN CITY, APR 6, 2003 (VIS) - Before praying the Angelus today with the faithful who had assembled in St. Peter's Square, the Holy Father recalled that forty years ago, on April 11, 1963, Blessed John XXIII published "the Encyclical 'Pacem in terris' (Peace on earth) in which he traced the outline for an efficacious promotion of peace in the world. This Encyclical is still very current today."

John Paul II added that "building peace is a 'permanent commitment'. The reality of these days shows this in a dramatic way. My thoughts now go in a special way to Iraq and all those involved in the war that continues. I am thinking especially of the defenseless civilian populations who in various cities are undergoing harsh trials. May it be God's will that this conflict will soon end and give way to a new era of pardon, love and peace."

"To obtain this goal," he went on, "we must start with the same spirit that animated my venerated predecessor: a spirit of faith, above all, together with realistic and farsighted wisdom. In the Encyclical, he included among 'the signs of the times', the spreading of the 'persuasion that eventual controversies among peoples must not be resolved by recourse to arms, but rather through negotiation'. Unfortunately, this positive goal of civilization has not yet been reached."

The Holy Father then invited young people to join him on Thursday, April 10 in St. Peter's Square for an afternoon of prayer and celebration that traditionally precedes the Palm Sunday observance of World Youth Day. Entrusting youth with "the commitment to peace," he added that "it is indispensable to educate the new generations to peace which must become ever more a style of life, founded, as Pope John taught, on the 'four pillars' of truth, justice, love and liberty."

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VATICAN CITY, APR 7, 2003 (VIS) - Pope John Paul today welcomed an ecumenical delegation of Catholics, Greek Orthodox and Anglicans from the San Francisco area, who were accompanied by Archbishop William Levada of San Francisco.

The Pope noted that their pilgrimage, which coincides with the 150th anniversary of the founding of the archdiocese of San Francisco, is a testimony to your commitment to the growth of Christian unity through sincere dialogue, common prayer and fraternal cooperation in the service of the Gospel."

"At a time of conflict and grave unrest in our world," he concluded, "I pray that your witness to the Gospel message of reconciliation, solidarity and love will be a sign of hope and promise of the unity of a humanity reborn and renewed in the grace of Christ."



VATICAN CITY, APR 7, 2003 (VIS) - This morning the Pope received Eduardo Alberto Duhalde, president of the Republic of Argentina, who completes his presidential term at the end of May. "With your presence here today," said the Holy Father, "without a doubt, you want to express your compatriots' sincere gratitude for the Holy See's contribution to the service of progress, peace, justice and the dignity of the human person."

"Looking at Argentina," he affirmed, "I hope that the patrimony of the social doctrine of the Church may continue to be a valuable instrument of guidance in order to overcome the problems that hinder the creation of a more just, fraternal and unified order."
John Paul II then commented on situations of injustice, saying that "behind them lies a grave moral disorder that will not improve by applying only technical methods, more or less correct, but above all by promoting resolutely a set of reforms that favors the rights and obligations of the family as the natural and irreplaceable foundation of society. In addition, there must be a stimulus for projects for the defense and development of life which take into account the ethical dimension of the person, from conception till natural death, must be fostered."

The Pope encouraged all Argentineans to seek harmony, respecting and defending fundamental human rights, and to work toward building a society "that provides equal opportunities and dispels any shadow of discrimination among its members, without succumbing to the materialistic principles that blind consciences and hearts.

"I pray to God," he continued, "that the nation of Argentina, advancing on the path of unity and effective solidarity, may achieve in the near future the prosperity that its sons and daughters yearn for, after going through such a grave crisis." The Holy Father also asked leaders of the country to make an effort to implement necessary reforms "so that no one lacks the necessary goods in order to develop as a person and citizen."

"May they pay special attention to the weakest sectors of society, the poor in general and the unemployed, the retired and young people, without forgetting those who for obvious reasons have to cross their borders emigrating to other country in search of a better future," he concluded. "Argentineans, placing their trust in God and counting on the help of the international community, must be the main protagonists and architects of a promising and serene history for everyone."

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VATICAN CITY, APR 7, 2003 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Eduardo Alberto Duhalde, president of the Republic of Argentina, accompanied by his wife and an entourage.

- Archbishop Donato Squicciarini, apostolic nuncio.

- Ecumenical Delegation of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, U.S.A.

On Saturday April 5, the Holy Father received in audience Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

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VATICAN CITY, APR 7, 2003 (VIS) - Joaquin Navarro-Valls, director of the Holy See Press Office, made the following statement this afternoon:

"Today Monday April 7, the Holy Father received Eduardo Duhalde, president of the Republic of Argentina, who then met with Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of State, who was accompanied by Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, substitute for General Affairs, and Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, secretary for Relations with States.

"The meetings allowed for a useful dialogue on the relations between the Holy See and Argentina and an exchange of opinions on certain situations in Latin America.

"The vitality of the Church in that part of the world was particularly noted, as well as its contribution to the building of a society that is ever-more united and respectful of human rights."



VATICAN CITY, APR 7, 2003 (VIS) - Following is the telegram sent by Pope John Paul to Cardinal Aloysius M. Ambrozic, archbishop of Toronto, Canada, for the death yesterday at the age of 91 of Cardinal Gerald Emmett Carter, former archbishop of Toronto:

"Deeply saddened upon learning of the death of Cardinal Gerald Emmett Carter, archbishop emeritus of Toronto, I send condolences to you and the faithful of the archdiocese. With grateful recognition of Cardinal Carter's many years of selfless service, both as an archbishop of the Church in Toronto and as a member of the College of Cardinals, I offer fervent prayers that God, the Father of mercies, will grant eternal rest to him and every spiritual consolation to those who mourn his passing. To the clergy, religious and laity of the archdiocese of Toronto, I cordially impart my apostolic blessing as a pledge of strength and peace in our Risen Saviour Jesus Christ."



VATICAN CITY, APR 7, 2003 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Fr. Vitaliy Skomarovskyi, vice-rector of the Major Seminary of the diocese of Kyiv-Zhytomyr, Ukraine, as auxiliary bishop of the same diocese (area 222,300, population 17,407,500, Catholics 300,000, priests 108, religious 245). The bishop-elect was born in Berdychiv, Ukraine in 1963 and was ordained a priest in 1990.

It was made public on Saturday April 5 that the Holy Father appointed:

- Bishop Raymond John Lahey of Saint George's, Canada as bishop of Antigonish (area 18,800, population 247,900, Catholic 106,818, priests 17, permanent deacons 1, religious 347), Canada.

- Hilario Da Cruz Massinga, O.F.M., guardian of the "Santa Clara" Guard of Mozambique, as bishop of Lichinga (area 129,362, population 802,212, Catholics 197,557, priests 23, religious 97), Mozambique. The bishop-elect was born in Banze, Mozambique in 1958 and was ordained a priest in 1994.

- Cardinal Jan Pieter Schotte, C.I.C.M., secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, as his special envoy to the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the reestablishment of the Catholic hierarchy in the Netherlands. This celebration will take place in Utrecht on June 7, 2003.

- Professor Vittorio Possenti, ordinary of political philosophy at the University of Venice, Italy, as an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

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