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Thursday, February 13, 2003


VATICAN CITY, FEB 13, 2003 (VIS) - The Holy Father this morning welcomed to the Vatican Chief Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni of Rome, receiving him in private audience and then with representatives of Rome's Jewish community who accompanied. The Pope had met his predecessor, Rabbi Elio Toaff, on several occasions and, on April 13, 1986 paid what he termed "a historic and unforgettable visit" to Rome's synagogue.

The Pope recalled the 1986 visit in his speech today and said he hoped that "the memory of that event continues to have a beneficial influence." He also noted that "the Jewish community of Rome is the oldest in Western Europe."

"We must recognize that in the past our two communities have lived side by side, sometimes writing 'a tormented history', not free in several instances of hostility and distrust. The Vatican Council II document 'Nostra Aetate', the gradual application of the conciliar dictate, the gestures of friendship that have been made by both sides, have however contributed in these years to orienting our relations towards an ever greater reciprocal understanding. I hope that this effort proceeds."

"In these days," the Pope affirmed, "dangerous outcries of war echo throughout the world. We, Jews and Catholics, feel the urgent mission to implore God the Creator and the Eternal One for peace and that we ourselves become workers of peace.

"Shalom! This beautiful expression, so dear to you, means salvation, happiness, harmony and underlines that peace is a gift from God, a fragile gift, placed in the hands of man and one to be safeguarded thanks also to the commitment of our communities. May God make us builders of peace, in the awareness that when man performs works of peace, he becomes capable of bettering the world."

"Shalom!" John Paul II concluded. "This is my cordial greeting to you and the entire Jewish community of Rome."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 13, 2003 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:

- Bishop Jose Maria Arancedo of Mar del Plata, Argentina, as metropolitan archbishop of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz (area 30,701, population 880,000, Catholics 795,000, priests 139, permanent deacons 18, religious 251 ), Argentina. The archbishop-elect was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1940 and was ordained a priest in 1967.

- Fr. Paul Tan Chee Ing, S.J., regional assistant for Eastern Asia for the Society of Jesus in Rome, as bishop of Melaka-Johor (area 20,364, population 3.198,071, Catholics 36,271, priests 38, religious 71), Malaysia. The bishop-elect was born in 1940 in Muar, Malaysia and was ordained a priest in 1971.

- Msgr. Damiano Marzotto Caotorta, study assistant of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, as bureau chief of the same dicastery.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 13, 2003 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Dr. Riccardo Di Segni, chief rabbi of Rome, and an entourage.

- Archbishop Joseph Henry Ganda of Freetown and Bo, Sierra Leone, on his "ad limina" visit.

- Bishop Patrick Daniel Koroma of Kenema, Sierra Leone, on his "ad limina" visit, accompanied by Emeritus Bishop John C. O'Riordan.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 13, 2003 (VIS) - Bishops, Friends of the Focolare Movement, were received by John Paul II this morning as they meet in Rome on the theme "The Spirituality of Communion: Ecclesial Unity and Universal Brotherhood." The Pope had special greetings for Cardinal Miloslav Vlk, archbishop of Prague who spoke on behalf of the bishops, and for Chiara Lubich, foundress of the Focolare Movement.

The Pope noted that their days of reflection were guided by "the invitation found in the Apostolic Letter 'Novo millennio ineunte' to promote a spirituality of communion" and "to make the Church the home and the school of communion."

"The spirituality of communion," he continued, "is expressed in diverse elements which have their very roots in the Gospel, and which are enriched by the contribution that the entire Christian community is offered by the Focolare Movement, committed to witnessing to 'the spirituality of unity'. Among other things, I am pleased to recall unity as the 'testament' left by Jesus to His disciples, the mystery of Christ crucified and abandoned as a way to reach it, the celebration of the Eucharist as a bond of communion, the action of the Holy Spirit that animates the life of the Mystical Body of Christ and unites its members."

He highlighted the communion that "comes from the bond that exists between the love of God and love for one's neighbor." He said "it is indispensable ... to learn the art of 'becoming holy together', on both a personal and communitarian path." There must also be, he added, "an ever more organic communion 'between the institutional dimension and the charismatic dimension of the Church."

The Holy Father, in closing, underscored that "the commitment for the 'spirituality of communion' imprints ecumenism with a renewed thrust" and it "offers as well great possibilities for interreligious dialogue."

He urged his guests to build this spirituality by "overcoming every eventual difficulty, misunderstanding and even lack of success. Proceed ceaselessly on the path already undertaken."

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