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Thursday, December 28, 2000


VATICAN CITY, DEC 23, 2000 (VIS) - This morning in the Paul VI Hall, the Holy Father received various groups of pilgrims, reminding them that Christmas "calls us to measure our faith against the central message of Christianity. In other words, it invites us to welcome, with a humble and grateful heart, Jesus, Who comes to meet man in poverty and silence."

"The Jubilee," affirmed the Pope, "is coming to an end and it is important that all believers, in this final stage of the jubilee journey, make a more intense commitment to purify and strengthen their faith in the face of the dangers and traps that threaten it in our time. Is not one of these traps the deviant forms of religious sentiment that exploit the most profound aspirations of the human soul, offering illusory and false prospects of satisfaction? Unfortunately, many families are touched by this sad problem through the involvement of one of their number, especially the children who are often more fragile and exposed to such risks."

The Pope indicated that, "for believers, the spread of 'sects' must be a stimulus to deepen their convictions of faith. The only valid response to this challenge is a stronger witness of Christian values and a firm renewal of pastoral commitment. Only profound faith, lived with coherence, can be the effective antidote to these dangerous deviations in religious sentiment and practice."

John Paul II then thanked the employees of the Rome Agency for Jubilee Preparations for their work over these months. He expressed the hope that the service they have given has helped them and continues to help them "to assimilate the great spiritual and cultural values of the Jubilee."

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 23, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was the text of a speech given by Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes, president of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum", at the Fourth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. The meeting was held in Bonn, Germany, from December 11 to 22 and the Holy See delegation was led by Archbishop Cordes, who was accompanied by Msgr. Frank Dewane, an official of "Cor Unum."

Archbishop Cordes highlighted the importance of the phenomenon of desertification which affects all regions of the world, especially the African continent. He also recalled that "populations living in areas experiencing desertification are often the most marginalized communities of a region and live on the edge of hunger, struggling to maintain an existence in the harshest conditions."
The archbishop went on; "In 1984, Pope John Paul II established the 'Foundation of the Sahel'... on behalf of what he termed 'the thirsty lands'." On that occasion, said archbishop Cordes, the Holy Father said; "After consulting my brothers in the episcopate of the region of the Sahel, it seemed opportune to give a more organic, permanent and effective form to the Church's aid intended for Sahel in a spirit of charity, authentic human promotion and collaboration with all the organizations committed to aid programs." The aim of the foundation is to promote the training of personnel, mostly women, to combat desertification by self-help initiatives that help the humiliated to discover their capacity and dignity.



VATICAN CITY, DEC 23, 2000 (VIS) - Yesterday evening, Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls made the following declaration following the full acquittal of Cardinal Michele Giordano, archbishop of Naples, on charges of usury and criminal association:

"The news of the sentence handed down today by the Court of Lagonegro - of full acquittal on all charges brought by the local public prosecutor's office against the archbishop of Naples, His Excellency Cardinal Michele Giordano - has been welcomed with great pleasure by the Holy See.

"Ever since the start of the process, it was quite clear that Cardinal Giordano had no connection whatever with the events in question (which took place in Sant'Arcangelo di Lucania where he was born and where his relatives live). Nonetheless it was decided to continue full investigations, even though the outcome of such investigations left no room for any doubt regarding the Cardinal's innocence, which could have been proclaimed immediately.

"The archbishop of Naples opted for a "shortened trial" at the end of which the presiding judge recognized everything the Cardinal had stated in his own defence on all occasions as being true.

"Now that the trial is over, it cannot but be deplored that a person now recognized as innocent should have to have suffered such grave and prolonged harm for two and a half years, a harm that also reflected indirectly on the meritorious institutions of the Church.

"Finally, it is difficult to overlook the violation of the Concordat in the lack of notification at the time to the competent ecclesial authorities of the emission of a notice of impending investigation against Cardinal Giordano (Article 2 b of the Additional Protocol of the Agreement between the Holy See and the Italian Republic of February 18, 1984). Furthermore, it is well known that the methods used in searches and in intercepting telephone calls gave rise to great astonishment and, apart from disturbing the free exercise of his episcopal ministry (as guaranteed by current agreed norms), were not consonant with the position the Italian State recognizes for Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church."



VATICAN CITY, DEC 24, 2000 (VIS) - "The fourth Sunday of Advent, which this year falls precisely on Christmas Eve," said the Pope prior praying the angelus from the window of his private study, "calls us to meditation and prayer, that we may be prepared for the now imminent coming of the Lord."

He continued, saying that "external preparations, though necessary, must not distract attention from the central extraordinary event we are commemorating, the birth of Jesus, priceless gift of the Father to humanity."

John Paul II indicated that the nativity scene "in its simplicity, constitutes a silent invitation to understand the true value of the mystery of Christmas, a mystery of humility and of love, of joy and of concern for the poor." He concluded by requesting that during this period there be "a gesture of solidarity towards those who, alas, will live these days in solitude and suffering."

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 23, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Cardinal Achille Silvestrini.
- Archbishop Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 25, 2000 (VIS) - In his traditional message, "urbi et orbi" (to the city and the world), John Paul II addressed thousands of faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square, condemning the "alarming signs of the 'culture of death,' which pose a serious threat for the future."

He continued: "Yet however dense the darkness may appear, our hope for the triumph of the Light which appeared on this Holy Night at Bethlehem is stronger still. So much good is being done, silently, by men and women who daily live their faith, their work, their dedication to their families and to the good of society."

The Holy Father affirmed that "in the Newborn Child, laid in the manger, we greet the 'new Adam' Who became for us 'a life-giving spirit.' ... From the manger, our gaze today takes in all humanity, called to receive the grace of the 'second Adam,' yet still heir to the sin of the 'first Adam'."

Is it not human sin, he asked, that continues "to mar the face of humanity? Children subjected to violence, humiliated and abandoned, women raped and exploited, young people, adults and the elderly marginalized, endless streams of exiles and refugees, violence and conflict in so many parts of the world.

"I am thinking with great concern of the Holy Land where violence continues to stain with blood the difficult path to peace. And what are we to say about countries - I am thinking particularly now of Indonesia - where our brothers and sisters in faith are undergoing a difficult time of trial and suffering? We cannot but recall today that shadows of death threaten people's lives at every stage of life, and are especially menacing at its earliest beginning and its natural end. The temptation is becoming ever stronger to take possession of death by anticipating its arrival, as though we were masters of our own lives or the lives of others."

He concluded by saying: "Of humanity as it approaches the new millennium, You, Lord Jesus, born for us at Bethlehem ask respect for every person, especially the small and the weak; You ask for an end to all forms of violence! To wars, oppression, and all attacks on life! O Christ, Whom we look on today in the arms of Mary, You are the reason for our hope!"
Following the message, the Pope gave Christmas greetings to the world in 59 languages.

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 25, 2000 (VIS) - This night, John Paul II celebrated midnight Mass for the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord. For the first time ever the event was held in St. Peter's Square, in order to accommodate the great numbers of faithful who followed the proceedings despite persistent rain.

In his homily, the Pope recalled that this was the Christmas of the Great Jubilee, "a living remembrance of Christ's 2000 years, of His wondrous birth, which marked the new beginning of history."

"With deep emotion," he continued, "I think back to the days of my Jubilee pilgrimage in the Holy Land. My thoughts return to the stable, where I was given the grace to pause in prayer. In spirit, I embrace that blessed land that saw the blossoming of imperishable joy for the world."

He added: "I think with concern of the Holy Places, and especially of the town of Bethlehem where sadly, because of the troubled political situation, the evocative rites of Christmas cannot be celebrated with their usual solemnity. ... We are close to you, dear brothers and sisters, in a particularly intense prayer. We share your anxiety for the destiny of the entire region of the Middle East. May the Lord hear our plea!"

The Holy Father highlighted the fact that it was not "a palace which sees the birth of the Redeemer, destined to establish the eternal and universal Kingdom. He is born in a stable and, coming among us, He kindles in the world the fire of God's love. This fire will not be quenched ever again. May this fire burn in our hearts as a flame of charity in action, showing itself in openness to and support of our many brothers and sisters sorely tried by want and suffering!"

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 27, 2000 (VIS) - At midday today, the Holy Father made an unscheduled appearance at the window of his study to greet the many pilgrims who had gathered in St. Peter's Square. After praying the angelus, the Pope imparted a "special blessing" to those present and wished them a happy Christmas.

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 26, 2000 (VIS) - In today's angelus, the Holy Father affirmed that St. Stephen, whose feast day this is, "honors with his martyrdom the coming into the world of the King of kings, giving Him his own life as a gift. Thus, he shows us how to live the mystery of Christmas."

"In order to welcome Jesus as He deserves and to prolong the joy of the Holy Night," said the Holy Father to the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square, "we must make gospel teaching our own, even at the cost of our lives. And if not everyone is called, as St. Stephen was, to spill their blood for Christ, all Christians are nonetheless asked to be coherent with their own faith in all the circumstances of life."

After recalling the angels' announcement to the shepherds, "on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased," John Paul II said: "The peace we so crave and hope for, the only peace capable of placating the minds and hearts of all, is guaranteed to those who, through the trials of life, know how to welcome God's word and commit themselves to observe it with perseverance to the end."

After praying the angelus, the Pope indicated that this morning too, on looking from his window, he had seen in the square "the multitude of people who, taking advantage of the last days of the Jubilee, wait patiently to enter the Basilica through the Holy Door. This is a sight that moves me and evokes in my mind the vision of the People of God marching towards the Promised Land. Christ is the true door that introduce us, His people, into the 'promised land' of heaven."

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 28, 2000 (VIS) - At midday today, as yesterday, the Holy Father made an unscheduled appearance at his study window. After praying the angelus, he greeted the pilgrims present in St. Peter's Square.

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 27, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:

- Fr. Augustinho Petry, of the clergy of the archdiocese of Florianopolis, Brazil, navy chaplain and official of the curia of the military ordinariate, as auxiliary to the military ordinary for Brazil. The bishop-elect was born in Sao Jose, Brazil, in 1938.
- Fr. Francisco Ramirez Navarro, episcopal vicar of Tlalnepantla (area 682, population 3,312,163, Catholics 3,082,003, priests 283, permanent deacons 7, religious 401), Mexico, as auxiliary of the same archdiocese. The bishop-elect was born in Tepatitlan, Mexico, in 1939 and ordained a priest in 1969.

- Archbishop Giuseppe Bertello, Holy See permanent observer to the Office of the United Nations and Specialized Institutions in Geneva, Switzerland, and to the World Trade Organization (WTO), as apostolic nuncio in Mexico.

On Saturday, December 23, it was made public that he appointed:

- Msgr. Salvatore Di Cristina, vicar general of Palermo (area 1,366, population 990,000, Catholics 960,000, priests 570, permanent deacons 24, religious 1,871), Italy, as auxiliary of the same archdiocese. The bishop-elect was born in Palermo in 1937 and ordained a priest in 1960.

- Bishop Lubomyr Husar M.S.U., as apostolic administrator "sede vacante et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis" of the major archbishopric of the Ukrainians.

- Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, apostolic nuncio in Ethiopia and Eritrea, as apostolic nuncio in Djibouti.

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